Brendas got a baby

Required Text: Wilmshurst, L. (2013). Clinical and educational child psychology: An ecological- transactional approach to understanding child problems and interventions.Wiley-Blackwell: MA.

Students are to apply 2 Theoretical Models explored in Chapter 2 and the PVEST Model of Development to the Tupac’s song “Brenda Got a Baby.”
Students will format their papers as such:
First provide a summary of the 2 Theoretical Models chosen from Chapter 2 and the PVEST model. Your summaries of these chapters and the PVEST Model must be exhaustive. This means you should not just use the book and lectures to summaries these theories but explore other sources (i.e. articles and books). Each Theoretical Model and the PVEST Model should include 3 sources in addition to the text and lectures. This should be 3 pages long;

Second provide a summary of Brenda’s presenting problems as you understand them (include risk factors, developmental issues/concerns, socio-cultural issues). This section should a clear rationale based on the lyrics, your clinical conjecture, and what you have learned about development along all dimensions. This should be 3 pages long;

Third discuss how each of the 2 Theoretical Models & the PVEST Model assists in conceptualizing Brenda (how do these theories/models help explain Brenda’s presenting problems; experiences; development; decision-making, etc.). This is different from Section 1 in that here you are going to integrate the theories and Brenda’s life and help me make sense of why her life has ended in the way it has. This should not be opinions. It should be based on the language and rationale of said theories. This should be 2 pages long.

Writing Assignment for Unit One • Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number with your writing assignment. • Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).

Writing Assignment for Unit One
• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number with your writing assignment.
• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages. Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.

***Please answer ONE of the following and only use references from, ” Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction 7th Edition Frank Schmalleger Pearson 2015 ” ***:
1. How do the different roles of criminologists, criminalistics, and criminal justice vary in the eld? How do these roles contribute to the eld of criminology? Who contributes to social policy?
2. What are some of the values and ethics that criminologists must consider when conducting research? How are they addressed?
3. What were some of the early forms of law? How did these develop during the Age of Enlightenment?

For this week’s assignment, you will assume the role of CEO to describe a change you want to implement in your company (either the one you work for now or a fictional firm in an industry you are interested in).

For this week’s assignment, you will assume the role of CEO to describe a change you want to implement in your company (either the one you work for now or a fictional firm in an industry you are interested in).
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to address your senior staff, directors, managers, and supervisors. Include the following:
Provide a brief overview of the change that you want to implement and the reason for the change. In order for your organization to consider designing a change strategy, your change should be one that you believe will face significant resistance from people within an organization, often because it threatens the existing organizational culture. An example of an appropriate change is a major change in an organization’s structure, a significant technological change introduced into the work process, or a significant change in compensation systems. Generally, the more detail you offer about the change, the easier the rest of the assignment is to complete effectively.
Examine Kotter’s and Lewin’s recommended change models. Document how they may help implement the change within a diverse working environment.
Identify two other change models, and then explain the processes of each.
Choose one (or more) of the four models to best help implement your change, and then defend the model(s) choice.
Discuss in some detail your change strategy planning process for using the model(s). This is an excellent place to use elements you found in this week’s assigned readings.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide.
Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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identify, discuss in concrete factual detail (including approx dates) and give historical significance

Read following quote and answer these questions: Who is the writer? Who is speaking? Who is “they”? What is the issue?

Only reference from Penguin Classics Book: “Thucydides – History of the Peloponnesian War”

Quote: let none of you think we will be going to war over a trifle if we refuse to revoke this decree. It is a point they make much of, saying that war need not take place if we revoke this decree. But if we go to war, let there be no kind of suspicion in your hearts that the war was over a small matter. For if you give in on this, you will immediately be confronted with some greater demand, since they will think that you gave way on this because of fear. But if take a firm stand, you will make it clear to them that they must treat your properly– as their equals.”

Only use above book and no internet sources.

Module name : Business and Social Approaches to SOCIAL MEDIA Opportunities and Issues

The topic of the essay is “What are the issues and opportunities encountered in the ‘Sharing Economy’? Discuss the implications with a case example.”
YOU MUST INCLUDE A CASE STUDY (of your choice and relevance) IN THE ESSAY
I will also attach guidelines and lecture on this topic and sources that I would like you to use , but you are not limited to them and should use more sources. ALSO, I will attach examples of the previous years essays, for you to have an idea.
I am third year student , so please try to make it as complex as possible.
Many thanks.

Understanding sociological theory

Select one of the following sociologists: Ibn Khaldūn, Auguste Comte, Harriet Martineau, Alex de Tocqueville, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Georg Simmel, Émile Durkheim, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Max Weber, George Herbert Mead, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, Alfred Schutz, Talcott Parsons.

Choose any but if you need additional information

Write an essay which addresses the following:
1. Describe the emergence of sociology and its relationship to the industrialization of European society, and comment on the importance and influence of the dominant early theorists.
2. Provide an outline of your chosen theorist, and briefly discuss their background and influences. Assess the importance of their sociological theory and its ability to appraise society.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• apply these theories to analyse both themselves and their teaching environments.
• understand the development of the modern industrial/post-industrial society and its impact on them as teachers.
• understand the nature of individualism and difference and their construction by social institutions.

“A key aspect of the sociological imagination according to Wright Mills is the interconnectedness between individual problems and public issues.” (Boronski & Hassan, 2015, p. 3).
Study in this subject should enable you to see the relationship between the individual and society – the interconnectedness, according to Mills. This assignment encourages you to review early sociological theory and the societal factors that shaped these theories. The theorists were products of their time and their influences, much the same as you are the product of your time and experiences to date. Reviewing early sociological theory allows you to see the development of the discipline prior to contemporary theory, and comparison of your life experiences with that of the chosen theorist allows you to consider how life has shaped your social lens. How do you intuitively assess society? How does your ‘lens’ differ, or compare, with one of the major theories, and do you find different answers if you apply a different lens? In working through this process, you will have the understanding that how we view issues shapes what we see, and if we routinely view issues from multiple perspectives (use different lens), we can gain greater insight into these issues. Such analysis better prepares us to understand the society we live in, and professionally it allows us to appreciate the complexities of the sector we work within, and its role in Australian society – an issue we will discuss in greater depth in the second assignment.
Boronski, T., & Hassan, N. (2015). Sociology of education. London, Sage Publications Ltd.

It is meant to be a standard essay format. It’s acceptable to use subheadings for major sections.

emergence of sociology – paragraph 1, para 2, para 3
theorist – para 3, para 4

Within each section, and particularly the development of sociology, you obviously won’t have room for a really comprehensive answer, but should aim to touch on at least a couple of key milestones/topics.

Pharmacological Treatments

Once you have selected a disease or health condition, create a PowerPoint presentation you could use in your lunch and learn session, including the following:
Identify the disease or health condition you have chosen, along with the areas where nurses are likely to see it. (Do this in the agenda slide or next slide after the agenda.)
Identify the three drugs used most often in the treatment of the disease or health condition.
Explain the types of actions, side effects, indications, and contraindications that could be expected from the pharmacological treatment.
Describe the treatment regime most often prescribed for the disease or health condition. This should include pharmacology but not be limited to pharmacology.
Explain how the treatment regime (including pharmacology) may impact a client’s lifestyle. Consider things such as finances, ease or complexity of administration, instructions (frequency, duration), et cetera.
Describe how a nurse should monitor a client being treated for the disease or health condition in order to obtain a quality patient outcome.
Explain any controversies associated with the drugs used in the treatment. For example, is there a black box warning with any of the drugs?
Use the notes section of each slide to expand your points or draft your mock oral presentation (or both) and reference your resources. Use at least 3 peer-reviewed or professional resources to support your work in this assessment. Be sure your PowerPoint includes a title slide, a slide with your agenda or list of topics to be covered, and a reference slide. Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines for your citations and references.
Additional Requirements
Number of slides: 10–12, not including the title and reference slides.
Be creative. Consider your intended audience.

What characteristics would be considered when describing a good citizen in a totalitarian regime ? What characteristics would be considered when describing a good citizen in a democratic society?

Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Minimum of 1 scholarly source, which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Identify, discuss in concrete factual detail (including approx dates) and give historical significance

The Peloponnesian League and the Delian League: Where? When? Purposes? Impact in terms of the nature of Greek interstate politics in the fifth century. Only reference is the Book: “Thucydides- History of the Peloponnesian War” by Penguin Classics publishing. No internet sources.

The Peloponnesian League and the Delian League: Where? When? Purposes? Impact in terms of the nature of Greek interstate politics in the fifth century. Only reference is the Book: “Thucydides- History of the Peloponnesian War” by Penguin Classics publishing. No internet sources.

The Peloponnesian League and the Delian League: Where? When? Purposes? Impact in terms of the nature of Greek interstate politics in the fifth century. Only reference is the Book: “Thucydides- History of the Peloponnesian War” by Penguin Classics publishing. No internet sources.

Reliability in Action

This Paper is for a Organizational Behavior Research Methods Course

The focus of this week is on Chapter 12, which goes over multiple concepts. In particular, you’ll learn about the four types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
For example, a nominal scale is one that is categorical; think of labeling someone as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. An ordinal scale is a scale that ranks something – you can use it to indicate your preference. An interval scale is a bit more powerful than the nominal and ordinal scale, because it provides you information about the magnitude of the differences on the scale. An example of an interval scale is a 5 point Likert scale, where you’re saying a 5 is strongly agree whereas a 4 is agree, 3 is neither agree nor disagree, 2 is disagree, and 1 is strongly disagree. On the other hand, the ratio scale is the most powerful of the four scales, because it not only indicates the magnitude, but the proportion of the differences. Whereas an interval scale only indicates that the distance between any two points on the scale is the same, and any identical additions or subtractions will maintain the differences, the ratio scale, because of its true zero origin, also indicates the proportion of the differences. A person with IQ 150 is expected to be two times as intelligent as the one who has scored 75 on the IQ test.
In addition to the four types of scales, you’ll gain a basic understanding of the concepts of reliability and validity. Reliability and validity will provide us information on whether any scale we use is either accurately measuring the concept (reliability) and whether we are measuring what we are supposed to be measuring (validity). For example, if you use a scale to measure happiness, is the scale going to produce consistent results? If so, then the scale is reliable. Is the scale really measuring the concept of happiness? If so, then there is validity.

Now that you have practiced identifying and analyzing reliability threats, have a better grasp of reliability, apply these skills to a resource that you can use for your literature review.

1. Find a peer-reviewed article utilizing the NYU Bobst Library’s database (refer to the announcement with library resources).

2. Then, review the procedures used in the study, and discuss the following:
a. What are the threats to reliability within the study of the article you chose?
b. How did the authors address these threats?
c. How might you address these issues in subsequent studies on this same topic?

3. Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages long. Please write using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-formatted citations for all sources used.

4. You should include a reference page with your article written out in APA style and format.

5. short video, which describes reliability and validity, because of the examples the
person gives!

6. Also, for this week’s short paper, please discuss the challenges that could prevent / damage / pose as barriers to establishing reliability. Could it be that the measurement used doesn’t truly measure the variable of interest? Could it be that the sample size is too small? Could it be that the participants weren’t paying attention?

Chapter 12 of the Book is attached. (Please read this to cite properly. I can add the page numbers)
The parts of the chapter where I placed start is critical to begin the reading
The article for the paper to be written about is attached

I can alot 12 additonal hour after the 48 point. I need this paper by 4 PM on Sunday, April 7, 2019

Inlcude the source from my article (attached), the book chapter (attached) and any additional two sources you use.