Framework for renewable and sustainable energy projects: Case United Arab Emirates

The research topic, aims, question and Objectives will be uploaded in the files.

The research paper should include :

Structure of the report:

-Title page
-List of contents
-Introduction (background, problem, aim, objectives, scope, research -questions)
-Literature review
-Methodology (Quantitative)
-Discussion of findings
-Conclusions and recommendations

In Literature review Chapter:

-Demonstrates understanding.
-Is informed by the academic literature and debates in the subject matter (the literature will inform your interpretation of the concept, your perception, your description, the explanations, as well as the broader context.).
-Has a clear interpretation of the key concepts used.
-Gives an accurate description of the issue.
-Investigates the underlying assumptions and the historical development of the issue.
-Explains the issue by tracing the reciprocal relationship between the issue and its broader context.
– An integration of classical and contemporary literature.

In Methodology Chapter:

-Quantitative-description of how you went about to collect your primary data.
-Research problem identification, ethics, formulation of your data collection tool, piloting, sampling, data collection, analysis, validation and verification.

In Discussion Chapter:

-The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of your study of the problem.
-The discussion will always connect to the introduction by way of the research questions you posed and the literature you reviewed, but the discussion does not simply repeat or rearrange the first parts of your paper.
-The discussion clearly explain how your study advanced the reader’s understanding of the research problem from where you left them at the end of your review of prior research.

intellectual property

8. Critically discuss in general, or with reference to the interpretation of the statutory list of excluded subject matter in patent law:
‘Despite its unpromisingly technical and bureaucratic tone, patent law is politically and socially significant because it constitutes a nexus in which some deep-running anxieties about the relation between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ are negotiated.’ A. Pottage (1998) ‘The inscription of life in law: genes, patents, and bio-politics’, The Modern Law Review, 61(5), pp. 740-765. [p. 743]
[You may restrict your analysis to a particular type of excluded subject matter; or to a particular requirement of protection.]ESSAY QUESTION
8. Critically discuss in general, or with reference to the interpretation of the statutory list of excluded subject matter in patent law:
‘Despite its unpromisingly technical and bureaucratic tone, patent law is politically and socially significant because it constitutes a nexus in which some deep-running anxieties about the relation between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ are negotiated.’ A. Pottage (1998) ‘The inscription of life in law: genes, patents, and bio-politics’, The Modern Law Review, 61(5), pp. 740-765. [p. 743]
[You may restrict your analysis to a particular type of excluded subject matter; or to a particular requirement of protection.]

A Raisin in the Sun

Assignment #1: READ the assigned reading on your Coursework Outline for this Journal.

1. It’s crucial that you read any PPT’s and take notes first. Then, always read and annotate actively. What literary devices stand out? Why?
Assignment #1: READ the assigned reading on your Coursework Outline for this Journal.

1. It’s crucial that you read any PPT’s and take notes first. Then, always read and annotate actively. What literary devices stand out? Why?

Assignment #2: WRITE JOURNAL AND POST – Instructions are different than usual! You’ll have 3 prompt answers to write.

• Revisit Postings and Responses hand-outs, as well as rubrics.
• *Respond to THREE (3) of THE PROMPTS BELOW FOR this Journal.
• Create a one-page-ish single-spaced Journal with three separate paragraphs; each paragraph should be indented and each mustbe 250 words minimum. Shorter or underdeveloped responses or ones needing supporting evidence to back up points will not be given any credit.
• Always include a question in your journals to elicit more discussion.
• *The important parts of the Journal are analytical and personal. Please do not include a summary unless it supports analysis first.
• Post your journal as a Reply and paste your text directly into the thread area.
– – –

• Begin your journal by taking the topic you will discuss and embedding it in your topic sentence (the first sentence of your journal), so immediately everyone knows who or what you’ll be discussing.
• Also, include supporting examples from the text that support your findings. If there are page numbers, include them (MLA Style) as well.
• BE SURE to include a minimum of two direct quotations for each journal prompt posting.
• If you’re not sure how to cite MLA page numbers, you need to look it up. By now, there shouldn’t be any errors, okay?
• **FOR THIS JOURNAL, you must include two direct quotations and MLA styled page numbers along with your supporting evidence for EACH initial posting. Credit will not be awarded for postings missing these direct quotes.
• As well, each direct quote must be profound quotations that support a point you are making. Credit will not be awarded for any direct quotation that is used as part of a summary. If you’re unsure about this point, please make the time to see me during office hours; I’m happy to help.


*Respond to THREE (3) of THE PROMPTS :Prompt Choices – Please do not access any sources in relation to these readings or the author. You may address the entire play here. Thank you.

1. Analyze and discuss Hansberry’s stage directions that occur before each scene and how each one contributes to or detracts to the effectiveness of the play. (Why were the stage directions needed for the audience to understand the plot?).
2. Analyze and discuss Hansberry’s depiction of the main character females in the play and how they contribute to the effectiveness of the story line.
3. Analyze and discuss how the play would be affected without Hansberry including Travis in the story line. How would the plot and other characters’ behavior be affected?
4. Considering the context of the times in relation to Walter’senvironment analyze and discuss whether he essentially is a good or bad guy.

Program effectiveness critical summary

Follow the document uploaded that will explain instructions. In the first part, just select from one of the suggestions to write about. I will also have the attachments for both of rhe first ones. There are also links inside to choose from.

Feel free to use how many sources you need, but if you can, try to use this text: Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice
Book by Irene Huse, James C. McDavid,Follow the document uploaded that will explain instructions. In the first part, just select from one of the suggestions to write about. I will also have the attachments for both of rhe first ones. There are also links inside to choose from.

Feel free to use how many sources you need, but if you can, try to use this text: Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice
Book by Irene Huse, James C. McDavid,

Self-concept and Self processes of diversity officers in K-12 education This project for the class requires you to propose or conduct a pilot study of a research question or developmental analysis about some topic in self and identity development.

Self-concept and Self processes of diversity officers in K-12 education
This project for the class requires you to propose or conduct a pilot study of a research question or developmental analysis about some topic in self and identity development.
i). Research Proposal: You will identify a specific research question or an educational problem requiring intervention, create a research method or intervention program for exploring that question, and identify how you would research or evaluate this question.
ii). Developmental analysis-An analysis of developmental changes in cognitions and behaviors related to self through in-depth interviews. Ask a volunteer to discuss their life experiences with you. Your questions should provide you with an understanding of their beliefs about themselves, ways in which their contexts of development, their cultural norms and values, their prior life experiences have influenced and shaped their beliefs, including identity beliefs, evaluation, motivations, and emotions about themselves. Write a summary paper incorporating an analysis of the interview within the framework of the readings and class-discussions.
You will report your results in 2 formats: an in-class presentation and a summary following the format of proposals for the American Educational Research Association annual conference. Provide a summary of 2,500 words or fewer (excluding references and title page) that deals explicitly with as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order:
1. Objectives or purposes
2. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework (A brief review of literature that describes a theoretical foundation for your study and leads to the question you’ve chosen.)
3. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry
4. Data sources or evidence
5. Results and/or conclusions/point of view (if possible)
6. Educational or scientific importance of the study
7. A 150-word abstract is required at the beginning of the paper

Fall of Rome in 410

12pt times new Roman
Bibliography page
Chicago style
Work cited plus in-text citation
10 sources
Use primary resources

Background leading up to, and the siege of Rome in 410

12pt times new Roman
Bibliography page
Chicago style
Work cited plus in-text citation
10 sources
Use primary resources

12pt times new Roman
Bibliography page
Chicago style
Work cited plus in-text citation
10 sources
Use primary resources

Background leading up to, and the siege of Rome in 410
Background leading up to, and the siege of Rome in 410

12pt times new Roman
Bibliography page
Chicago style
Work cited plus in-text citation
10 sources
Use primary resources

Background leading up to, and the siege of Rome in 410

The Advantages of online participation

Use APA formatting style for references. Create a title page and a reference list with 10 references from the last 5 years. Include the permalink for each reference. Include the following types of references:

Journal articles
Dissertation/thesis from a database
Streaming video
Book chapter
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

MGMT 411 Logistics Management for Aviation/Aerospace Coursework 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

APA 6th edition separate assignments same module
3.2 – Discuss It! Applied Logistics Technology- 250 words
3.3- Personalize It! Quality Methods in Logistics- 300-500 words
3.4 – Study It! Airline Fuel Hedging Programs- 700-900 words
3.5- Discuss It! Your Term Paper Topic: Aviation Logistics and – 250 words
All details are listed in the word document for each assignment, and all references.APA 6th edition separate assignments same module
3.2 – Discuss It! Applied Logistics Technology- 250 words
3.3- Personalize It! Quality Methods in Logistics- 300-500 words
3.4 – Study It! Airline Fuel Hedging Programs- 700-900 words
3.5- Discuss It! Your Term Paper Topic: Aviation Logistics and – 250 words
All details are listed in the word document for each assignment, and all references.

Understand a brand’s influence on consumer loyalty behavior.

A manager needs to understand the concepts of brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships and what it takes to achieve these goals. The cost to find and secure a new customer is typically much more expensive than the cost of keeping an existing customer.

Research at least two organizations that use strategies to motivate brand loyalty beyond simply ensuring quality product or service. Examples could include humanitarian work, ethical behaviors, and environmental awareness, such as Panera Bread’s “Operation Dough-Nation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” or John Deere’s Environmental Stewardship (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Write a 2 page paper explaining long-term loyalty relationships utilizing examples. Ensure the following points are addressed.

Describe each organization’s particular loyalty strategy around community impact (global or local).
Analyze how each of these organizations are using strategies that motivate their target audience’s interest.
Discuss how you see this as being a way to create customer loyalty.
Address the following elements as important features to create long-term loyalty relationships in context of the organization you’re discussing.

Cultural Factors
Social Factors
Personal Factors
Personality and Self-concept
Lifestyle and Values
Key Psychological Factors

Conflict Resolution

The Assignment in the module requires prior planning, please review as soon as possible.

In your textbook, please review and complete the Assignment 5A: Process Analysis of A Real Conflict (p. 170-171). The focus of the assignment is not the analysis of the pros and cons of each position, but rather the approach, skills, and strategies used by the “facilitator” in relation to the process and challenges raised during the interaction.

When completing this assignment, please specifically address the sub-questions for each of the main sections below, see detailed textbook instructions on page 171.

Introduction (30 points)
Conflicts (20 points)
Challenges (10 points)
Alternatives (30 points)
Summary/conclusions (10 points)

These FIVE pages should EXCLUDE the cover page and reference page. So no cover page and no reference page.