“The Importance of Colour on Ancient Marble Sculpture”

For this assignment, you will be reading a work of published art historical research which explores
the original painted state of Classical Greek & Roman sculpture.
The aims of this assignment are:
1. To introduce you to a work of art historical literature published in a peer-reviewed academic
journal (Art History).
2. Explore more the concept that most, if not all, classical sculpture and architecture was
originally painted, unlike it appears to us today.
3. To provide you with the opportunity to develop your analytical skills and to practice reading
with a critical mindset rather than just passively for content.
4. To prepare you better to write your own analysis papers later in the semester (more on this
to come). By giving you an example of persuasive writing to evaluate, you can determine
what argumentative styles are effective and which ones are not as much.
1. Find the selected article on Blackboard à Course Contentà Course Readerà “The
Importance of Colour on Ancient Marble Sculpture”
2. Read the article THE FIRST TIME through for content & keep in mind how it relates to
material covered in Chapter 5.
3. Next, read the article AGAIN from a critical point of view answering the following questions:
a. What is the author’s argument/thesis?
b. Are there any sub-arguments?
c. Is he convincing of his point of view?
d. What evidence does he use to support her findings?
e. Are there holes in his argument or questions left unanswered?
i. If so, what are they and how do they retract from the overall impact of the
f. What could have the author done better?
g. Did you think that this was a well-written article? Why or why not?
i. Did you like it?
ii. Was the writing style smooth & clear?
4. Please record your reactions to the article in full sentence & paragraph form in a 1-2 page
o Put the title of the article in quotation marks, (“…”) whenever you mention it in your paper.
o Write in full sentence, full paragraph form with proper grammar.
o Paper length must be AT LEAST one (1) full page
o Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
o Double-spaced
o 1” margins all around

Discrete and Continuous Probability

The batting average of a baseball player is the number of “hits” divided by the number of “at-bats.” Recently, a certain major league player’s at-bats and corresponding hits were recorded for 200 consecutive games. The consecutive games span more than one season. Since each game is different, the number of at-bats and hits both vary. For this particular player, there were from zero to five at-bats. Thus, one can sort the 200 games into six categories:

0 at-bats
1 at-bat
2 at-bats
3 at-bats
4 at-bats
5 at-bats

Consider the games where the player had exactly four at-bats. A similar analysis can be done for each of the other at-bats category. Download the file titled Bats. It contains a scatter plot of the four at-bats number of hits versus frequency. To compare the results to the Binomial Distribution, complete the following:

  1. Explain why the four at-bats is a binomial experiment.
  2. Using the Bats scatter plot, construct a frequency distribution for the number of hits.
  3. Compute the mean number of hits. The formula for the mean is .
    Here, xirepresent no. of hits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and fi is the corresponding frequency. Explain what the numerical result means.
  4. From the frequency distribution, construct the corresponding probability distribution. Explain why it is a probability distribution. Then, use Excel to make a scatter plot of the probability distribution:
    Select the two columns of the probability distribution. Click on INSERT, and then go to the Charts area and select Scatter. Then choose the first Scatter chart (the one without lines connecting).
  5. Using the frequency distribution, what is the player’s batting average for four at-bats? In part 3, note that the numerator in the formula for the mean is the total number of hits. The total number of at-bats is the denominator of the formula for the mean multiplied by 4.
  6. The Binomial Distribution is uniquely determined by n, the number of trials, and p, the probability of “success” on each trial. Using Excel, construct the Binomial Probability Distribution for four trials, n, and probability of success, p, as the batting average in part 5. Here is an explanation of the DIST functionin Excel.
    For example, In Excel
    =BINOM.DIST(7,15,0.7, FALSE)
    represents the probability of 7 successes out of 15 (n) trials. The 0.7 is the probability of success, p.
  7. Using the formula for the mean of the binomial distribution, what is the mean number of successes in part 6 up above?
  8. In Excel, make a scatter plot for the binomial distribution. The instructions for making one are in part 4 up above.
  9. Use the results up above to compare the probability distribution of four at bats and the Binomial Distribution. Compare the means in parts 4 and 6, too. If the probability distribution of 4 at bats and the Binomial Distribution differ, explain why that is so.

Write a report that adheres to the Written Assignment Requirements under the heading “Expectations for CSU-Global Written Assignments” found in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.  As with all written assignments at CSU-Global, you should have in-text citations and a reference page. An example paper is provided in the MTH410 Guide to Writing with Statistics.

Submit your Excel file in addition to your report.


  1. Paper must be written in third person.
  2. Your paper should be four to five pages in length (counting the title page and references page) and cite and integrate at least one credible outside source. The CSU-Global Libraryis a great place to find resources.
  3. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and a reference page.
  4. The introduction should describe or summarize the topic or problem. It might discuss the importance of the topic or how it affects you or society as a whole, or it might discuss or describe the unique terminology associated with the topic.
  5. The body of your paper should answer the questions posed in the problem. Explain how you approached and answered the question or solved the problem, and, for each question, show all steps involved. Be sure this is in paragraph format, not numbered answers like a homework assignment.
  6. The conclusion should summarize your thoughts about what you have determined from the data and your analysis, often with a broader personal or societal perspective in mind. Nothing new should be introduced in the conclusion that was not previously discussed in the body paragraphs.
  7. Include any tables of data or calculations, calculated values, and/or graphs associated with this problem in the body of your assignment.
  8. Document formatting, citations, and style should conform to the CSU-Global Virtual Library CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA: Introduction. A short summary containing much that you need to know about paper formatting, citations, and references is contained in the New Sample APA Paper. In addition, information in the CSU-Global Virtual Library under the Writing Center/APA Resources tabhas many helpful areas (Writing Center, Writing Tips, Template & Examples/Papers & Essays, and others).


A psychiatric case study

A Case Study About Julio
About a year ago, Julio, a 22-year old Hispanic male was referred to a Community Mental Health Center from his primary physician after his parents mentioned to the physician that Julio had been acting “weird”. Julio kept on accusing his mother that she was putting something in his beverages that would make him want to reveal personal secrets to her. Julio stated that his mother could not deal with the fact that he had a private life. He went on to say that his mother was installing cameras and microphones in his bedroom. Julio said that he also hears voices telling him to “clear the place of bugs and other spying equipment” before he going to bed. Julio was admitted to the psychiatric unit once in the past year for severe symptoms. At that time, he was prescribed risperidone 4mg by mouth at bedtime. Julio lives with his mother and father in a 3-bedroom apartment. Since his hospital discharge, Julio has continued to experience psychotic symptoms. He does not take the risperidone as prescribed because he hates not having any erections. He spends most of the day watching television, playing video games, and smoking cigarettes. He does not engage in any social activity with friends. He thinks that anyone who wants to give him medications is conspiring to enter his room to install listening devices.
Based on the information you have, please discuss the following questions.
1. How does risperidone control psychotic symptoms relating to receptor binding and dopamine?
2. How does risperidone cause erectile dysfunction?
3. How would you manage Julio’s side effects?
4. Would or could you consider a medication change? What would you suggest and why?
5. How would you intervene with his smoking? What significance impact would smoking cessation have on medication treatment?

The essay requires to choose a company and describe the reason(s) why I chose it in order to provide recommendations to its top management. For example the company may be not as profitable as its peers; the company may be stuck in old ways of doing things in a changing environment; the company may be profitable but not highly regarded by its stakeholders, which may jeopardise its long-term performance. In your write-up, you should explain why you want to study the company of your choice.

The essay requires to choose a company and describe the reason(s) why I chose it in order to provide recommendations to its top management. For example the company may be not as profitable as its peers; the company may be stuck in old ways of doing things in a changing environment; the
company may be profitable but not highly regarded by its stakeholders, which may
jeopardise its long-term performance. In your write-up, you should explain why you want to study the company of your choice.

Answering the question, you can also refer to topics and material covered in class (ppt documents attached).

One example could be Blackberry, another could be Harley Davidson. These are just ideas, if you have any other proposal with stronger evidence please go ahead. Choose one company and explain the reason.

Choose two separate cultures or subcultures to compare and contrast. Examples could be India and the United States or Gothics and Emos. Once you decide which cultures/subcultures you will research, use relevant keywords in your library search.

For this assignment you will learn what makes each culture and subculture unique. Sociologists use the “components of culture” in order to identify cultures and subcultures. The components of culture are language, material objects, behaviors, and symbols. For this assignment, you will use existing resources to compare and contrast two different cultures or subcultures. Information about the components of culture and different cultures/subcultures can be found using the textbook, online materials, and the South University Online Library.

Below you will find a step-by-step guide for completing this paper:
Choose two separate cultures or subcultures to compare and contrast. Examples could be India and the United States or Gothics and Emos. Once you decide which cultures/subcultures you will research, use relevant keywords in your library search.
Compare and contrast these two cultures/subcultures, specifically analyzing the components of culture (language, material objects, behaviors, and symbols.)
Be sure to include an introduction with a thesis, conclusion that reviews all main points you present, and integration of your personal views on the topic.
Remember to use APA format for the essay style as well as in-text citations and when listing the references.

Legal issues in the workplace-Hiring and firing paper

Research the hiring and firing process. You will need to do additional research to address the criteria in this assessment.

Complete a search on the Internet, use magazines, textbook, newspapers, etc.

Write a paper or create a presentation summarizing your learning following the scoring rubric.

Your paper or presentation needs to include:

Employment Laws involved in the termination and hiring process are listed and explained. (Names of actual employment laws must be cited.)

You describe reasons why documentation is important for job performance issues.

Issues to be considered before taking disciplinary action are listed

Reasons to seek legal advice are listed. (as employer)

Union issues to discharging and/or disciplining an employee are listed and explained.

Articles used for references are summarized and included as part of your paper and relevant to above criteria.

Whether you agree/disagree with articles/references is summarized and articles/references are included as part of your paper.

Cite a minimum of three types of resources.

Assessing and Argument

When you’ve chosen the article that you want to assess, turn again to the section called “Assessing Whole Arguments” on pages 28-29 in your textbook. This first assignment uses the steps described there. So, when you get any piece of writing in this class, the first task is to pick out exactly what the argument is that the author is making. Then you should go on to assess the quality of the argument by making and supporting a claim that the argument presented is good or bad (meaning valid, invalid or sound). I ask you to do the tasks in this order since you obviously can’t say whether the argument is good or bad until you are clear about what the argument is. Therefore, this assignment has two parts. Start by re-reading the editorial you have chosen, and then do the following:

Part 1, Argument Structure: Tell me which specific sentence you think is the main conclusion of the editorial (don’t use the headline; be sure the sentence is from within the article because the authors don’t actually write the headlines) Then tell me what reasons (premises) the author gives to support that conclusion. This summary of the structure of the argument should only be about a paragraph long, and I want you to quote directly from the article when you list the statements that you think are serving as the conclusion and the premises of the argument. So, you should write something like the following: I think that the main conclusion of this piece is ” . . . “. The author supports this with ” . . . “, “. . . ” and ” . . . “. (This is just an example; you may find more or fewer premises). Again, what you are looking for here is the author’s view or claim about the subject; why did the author write this editorial, and what reasons does he or she give to support his or her opinion about the subject?

Part 2, Assessment of the Quality of the Argument: For this section, I want you to write a paragraph telling me whether you think the argument you outlined in part one is a good one or not and why you think that it is or is not good. You should address the following questions: is the argument valid (does the conclusion follow from the premises?). If it is valid, are the premises true (thus it would be a sound argument)? If it is invalid, why doesn’t the conclusion follow from the premises? If it is valid, but not sound, which premise might be false? Does it fit any of the special argument forms that you studied in Handout #1 or in the assigned reading from pages 19-29 of chapter 1 (it might not, and that’s okay) – if it does, explain HOW it fits that form (how is it a modus ponens, a modus tollens, a slippery slope argument, an argument by analogy or an argument from authority?).
The total assignment should only be about two good paragraphs long. It is worth 10 points and will be graded as follows: Argument Structure – 5 points, Argument Assessment – 5 points

Article #1: “Reversing Roe v. Wade Will be Just the Beginning” by Ronald Klain, The Washington Post, August 17, 2018

Article #2: “Life is Short. That’s the Point” by Allison Arieff, The New York Times, August 18, 2018.

Article #3: “Fentanyl overdoses are killing Americans. The country must not accept business as usual” by The Editorial Board, The Washington Post, August 18, 2018.

Narrative/Descriptive essay

Essay 2 combines the modes of description and narration. The essay must contain effective descriptive techniques as well as effective narration. Carefully, follow the “Directions for all ENGL 1301 Essays” steps, the grading rubric, and the following writing prompt. Then, submit through the Home link on Canvas.
Essay Prompt: Compose a 300-400 word essay describing the person who has had the greatest influence on your life. Include a narrative example of a specific event, involving your chosen person, which impacted your life.
• You may use first person point-of-view but be careful to avoid meta-discourse, like “I think” or “In this essay, I will tell about…”
• Essay should include vivid description. Describe but also show! Use sensory details and though provoking language.
• Narration should be a riveting recounting of a specific incidence. Use vivid verbs and action driven plot.
• Essay should be typed in MLA style, with appropriate MLA heading, title, and spacing.
• All college essays should include an interesting introduction/lead in, a potent thesis, a body that supports the thesis and a conclusion.
• See the Comp. 1 packet, the grading rubric, and “Directions for all ENGL 1301 Essays” for details.
• All essays must include a TUTOR review. See “Directions.”
• No secondary sources required.

Problems with US Healthcare

A causal analysis asks you to examine either the causes of a problem, why the problem has happened, or what factors have led to a particular problem. To write an effective causal analysis essay the thesis and body paragraphs should focus on 2–4 specific causes (i.e., actions, events, thoughts, attitudes, conditions, or decisions) that have led to the problem you have identified. Writing about causes is an important skill in academic, professional, and real-world contexts, and the ability to identify the causes of a problem is essential in persuasive writing.


Identify a social, environmental, or political problem that is of local, national, or global concern.

A. Write a causal analysis essay (suggested length of 3–7 pages). In your essay, do the following:
1. Address an appropriate topic.
2. Provide an effective introduction.
3. Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four causes.
4. Explain the causes of the problem.
5. Provide evidence to support your claim.
6. Provide an effective conclusion.

B. Include at least two academically credible sources in the body of your essay.
1. For your sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Unions may become concerned about job redesign/’re-engineering’ initiatives. What motivated the union to cooperate with the Quaker Oats redesign idea in the mid-1990s?

Analysis Questions: Quaker Oats Case

1. Unions may become concerned about job redesign/’re-engineering’ initiatives. What motivated the union to cooperate with the Quaker Oats redesign idea in the mid-1990s?

2. How was supervision different under the redesign from what it had been earlier?

3. What were the ‘triads’ and how did they support the self-managed teams?

4. How were employees compensated under the new team structure?

5. The new Quaker plant design included support for ‘skill-up’ initiatives. How did this work?

6. How was the LMLT structured?

7. What role did training & development play in the plant redesign?

8. What were the most important outcomes of the redesign?