Presenting a problem that needs to be solved

you will write an essay in which you present a problem that needs to be solved. You must clearly state this problem to the reader and make them see that it needs to be solved. Then, you must be able to give a solution or solutions to solve this problem. Use different ways to define the solution such as explaining it right away, building up to the solution by describing alternatives that are flawed, or raise objections to your solution and then be able to answer those objections. Also, you must use third person to write this essay. For example, use the following in your essay: He, She, It, One, His, Her, Its, Himself, Herself, itself, Them, Their, Themselves, or They.
For this essay you need to find a feasible solution to a problem and make a persuasive case in support of your stance. Flex your persuasive skills here and sway your reader over to your way of thinking instead!
In order to help you make the best possible case, you must use at least two and no more than three sources. These sources might include books, government documents, or newspaper or magazine articles. You may also use websites as sources for your essay, but you must be able to illustrate that any material you use has been written by an informed and trusted expert on your subject (e.g., a scholar who has studied the subject for many years). As such, you cannot cite Wikipedia as a source for your paper.
In evaluating your essay, I will consider the following key questions:
• Is the writer’s solution clear and persuasively presented? Are sufficient details provided to help the reader understand the writer’s solution? Does the writer’s presentation help persuade readers that this is an important and/or urgent issue?
• Does the writer present a well-supported case for the solution? Are reasons given logical and well-explained? Is the evidence offered convincing and clear?
• Is the research well-chosen and well-utilized? Does the writer use research that comes from authoritative sources? Does the writer introduce borrowed material effectively and clearly? Are sources used cited correctly in the essay and listed in a Works Cited page at the end of the paper?
• Is the essay organized and clear? Is the writing style clear and easy to understand?
• Is the essay relatively free of grammar errors? Has it been proofread carefully? Has it been spell-checked?
• Does the essay meet the word count requirements? Is the essay at least two (2) full pages in length and no more than three (3) pages?
• Does the essay use MLA formatting correctly?

Marketing Concepts and Internal Relations

Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation. The submission is in the form of a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes. 5 minutes will be allocated for questions. In this task you have applied for a position as a marketing executive for your selected organisation and been shortlisted for an interview. At this interview you have been asked to prepare a short presentation on:
1. The concept of marketing, including current and future trends, an overview of the marketing processes.
2. An explanation of the role and responsibilities of a marketing manager in the context of the organisation.
3. An explanation of how marketing influences and interrelates with other functional departments of the organisation.
4. The value and importance of the marketing role in the context of the organisation.
5. The significance of having effective interrelationships between different functional departments.

The suggested industry sectors and organisations to pick from you will find from the file below.

Professional Development

For this assessment, using your windshield survey. prepare an 8 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Identify the topics you will cover in your educational plan.
Provide a list of resources your audience can use to further their understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM).
Explain why it is important for nurses and members of other health care teams to develop an understanding of CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
Examine any ethical, legal, and economic principles related to CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
Describe how these forms of health care can affect a plan of action for individuals and populations.
Your presentation should include a slide with the title of your educational session, a slide with the topics that will be covered (your agenda), and a reference slide at the end. Use the notes section of each slide to provide additional information on each topic, along with supporting references. References and in-text citations must adhere to APA guidelines.

How Is a Controlled Experiment Formed/ Try Conducting your Own

Link to Experiment Below: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Journal Questions ( click on tab that shows a clip board to see the questions on the link, )

1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
2. Form a Hypothesis: What is the prediction you want to test?
3. How will you use the computer model to test your Hypothesis?
4. What data will you record ?( conduct your experiment and record results)
5. Analyze the results of your experiment ( document any patterns that you observe).
6. Draw a conclusion ( did the results support your hypothesis, why or why not?).
7. Does the material of the jacket affect heat absorption?
8. Describe the strength and weakness of the computer model that you used for the experiment, what other parameters could you use in such an experiment to determine the effects of color on heat absorption

Find a popular news article from within the past 10 years that reports on the results of a psychological study. This can be an article or a blog entry published from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc.

STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the past 10 years that reports on the results of a psychological study. This can be an article or a blog entry published from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc. A great place to look is the APA’s Psychology news portal: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Read through the article and ensure that it is descriptive and sufficiently long enough in order to draw conclusions from the original research mentioned.

STEP 2: Go find the psychological study or studies that are mentioned in the news report. If you cannot find the exact study they referenced, find one that examines the same topic. Instructions for how to access articles can be found in the “Final Paper: Research in Psychology” Module.. You can find these articles within reputable journals, such as the American Journal of Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Cognitive Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Emotion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Applied Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Counseling Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Educational Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and Memory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The study should have been performed within the past 10 years.

What are some of the potential benefits of a more formalized approach to forecasting?

M&L Manufacturing makes various components for printers and copiers. In addition to
supplying these items to a major manufacturer, the company distributes these and similar
items to office supply stores and computer stores as replacement parts for printers and
desktop copiers. In all, the company makes about 20 different items. The two markets (the
major manufacturer and the replacement market) require somewhat different handling. For
example, replacement products must be packaged individually whereas products are
shipped in bulk to the major manufacturer.
The company does not use forecasts for production planning. Instead, the operations
manager decides which items to produce and the batch size, based on orders and the
amounts in inventory. The products that have the fewest amounts in inventory get the
highest priority. Demand is uneven, and the company has experienced being overstocked on
some items and out of others. Being understocked has occasionally created tensions with
the managers of retail outlets. Another problem is that prices of raw materials have been
creeping up, although the operations manager thinks that this might be a temporary
Because of competitive pressures and falling profits, the manager has decided to undertake
a number of changes. One change is to introduce more formal forecasting procedures in
order to improve production planning and inventory management.
With that in mind, the manager wants to begin forecasting for two products. These products
are important for several reasons. First, they account for a disproportionately large share of
the company’s profits. Second, the manager believes that one of these products will become
increasingly important to future growth plans; and third, the other product has experienced
periodic out-of-stock instances.
The manager has compiled data on product demand for the two products from order records
for the previous 14 weeks. These are shown in the following table.
What are some of the potential benefits of a more formalized approach to
Prepare a weekly forecast for the next four weeks for each product. Briefly explain
why you chose the methods you used. (Hint: For product 2, a simple approach,
possibly some sort of naive/intuitive approach, would be preferable to a technical
approach in view of the manager’s disdain of more technical methods.)

Iceland Myth’s and Norse Gods

Guidelines for Choosing a Topic

The chosen figure/place/event/item should be known before 1600 CE and be primarily legendary or mythological, not historical. The presentation needs to include a combination of information and analysis, so make sure to choose a figure, etc. that lends itself to analysis.

All projects should have:

a title page
MLA style citations/works cited page.
The project’s text should be 800-1200 words long or so.
As long as the project has all of these items, you can let your imaginations roam a bit to come up with something really creative.


Required sources:

at least 5 secondary/critical sources; 2 must be peer-reviewed
at least 1 primary source (literary text, artwork) written/created before 1600
DO NOT rely on Wikipedia or as major resources for the project. These can be useful as effective ways to get started, but only use them as a springboard to other stronger resources. The bibliography and further reading sections of Wikipedia pages can be particularly helpful in finding additional sources.

Comparative Public Policy: comparing organ donor policies between Spain and Germany

Compare organ donor policies in Spain and Germany. Describe the policies in the two countries you have
selected, and define key similarities and differences. Make use of secondary literature
but also primary sources you can find online or in the library to make this policy
description. The similarities and/or differences that are defined in this stage, will provide
the basis for the comparative analysis in subsequent stages.
o Description of policy processes in your two cases
o Identification of the key differences

I would like a comparison of organ donor policies between Spain and Germany. One of the key differences between the two countries is that Spain has an opt-out policy. I would like something in that direction. Additional differences are also welcome. Add some figures as well.

Revise your company’s STATED mission and vision so that they better suit your company’s ACTUAL mission and vision. Provide a logical explanation as to why you did this.

1. Revise your company’s STATED mission and vision so that they better suit your company’s ACTUAL mission and vision. Provide a logical explanation as to why you did this.

2. Perform a basic SWOT analysis, which should result in a list of at LEAST 2 or 3 of each of the 4 types of strategic choices (SO, ST, WO, and WT), with at least a full sentence or two of explanation for each of them so that one can understand the basic action that you are describing that the company can take. (NOTE: These are the SWOT output functions. That is, these are the actions that your company CAN take in response to combinations of input factors).

3. Prepare a table of strategic actions a company can take in a format similar to the following:

# Factors Description
SO1 Ex. S1, S4, O3, O9 Ex. Take XYZ action in ABC market

4. Plainly restate your firm’s current major business strategies and strategic objectives (hint. This is normally given in the annual report documents and you should have listed these in your first Writing Assignment submission). Based on your SWOT analysis, along with the revised mission and vision statements you just gave, recommend one specific action that the company could undertake. Describe the change in detail and explain clearly why you chose this one in particular. (NOTE: This should be at least a page or so.)

Organizational Structure and Goals

Suppose leadership in the organization where you currently work (or have worked) is considering changes to organizational structure—in particular, to the functional areas it currently has. Before making any changes, the leaders have asked several managers, including you, to develop a report that outlines the manager’s recommendations for three functional areas that he or she believes to be essential to the success of the company. Based on the recommendations of each manager, as well as the strength of each manager’s arguments and supporting references, leadership will make final decisions.

Use the library and the Internet to research functional areas of organizations and the purpose of these functional areas with regard to organizational goals. Use 3–7 scholarly or professional resources to support your writing in this assessment.

Although this is a report for executive leadership, format this assessment following APA guidelines.


Select the three functional areas that you believe to be essential to the success of your organization. For each functional area, describe the primary purpose of the area and then explain how that purpose works to promote and support the organizational goals.

You may choose to organize your report in the following manner:

Title page.
Introduction. Explain the type of organization the assessment is based on and its primary goals. Be sure you clearly identify the three functional areas you believe are essential to the organizational structure.
First functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Second functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Third functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Describe the type of organizational structure best suited for the functional areas you have selected.
Conclusion. Explain how your selections will promote continued success of organizational goals.
Reference page.