Present a current critical strategic analysis of ONE Business Unit within General Electric

Present a current critical strategic analysis of ONE Business Unit
within General Electric
You are required to cover the following topics covered in the module:
 Resource Audit
 Value Systems
 Product/Service portfolio (BCG Matrix)
 Potential future strategic growth
o Identification of options
o Evaluation of options
You may want to focus the analysis on a specific product. This is fine but you will need to
make the focus of the analysis clear to the reader.
News & Web Links
The links below provide some starting points but students MUST add their own detailed
research to develop the analysis:
The following structure is required for the submitted report:
1 Introduction to the report
2 Brief strategic position of the company
3 A critical evaluation of the resources and value systems of the company
4 A critical evaluation of the product/portfolio mix within the SBU
5 A critical analysis and evaluation of KEY future directions for strategic growth
6 Recommendations
The coursework is an individual piece of work. It will be 3,000 words, inclusive of
appendices (+/- 10%). Please note that text in diagrams or tables will count towards the
word count.
Hand in date: tbc
University of South Wales (USW)
It is important that attention be focused on a strategic appraisal of the company as opposed
to providing lots of interesting facts over what interests you or what you find on the
internet. Assessment will focus on students’ abilities in applying strategic models and
frameworks in a coherent manner that enables them to develop a clear strategic view of the
strategic position being studied. You do not need to reference many academic sources in
this element of the assessment, but you must reference sources of company or market
information. Furthermore, you must reference sources for any theoretical background
that you decide to include.

In an 8 to 10 page paper, describe three rate based measurements of quality. Select three rate based measurements of quality that you will use as the primary basis for this paper.

In an 8 to 10 page paper, describe three rate based measurements of quality.
Select three rate based measurements of quality that you will use as the primary basis for this paper.
These measurements must relate to some aspect of clinical or service quality that directly relates to patient care or the patient’s experience of care. For the purposes of this assignment, an analysis of staffing levels is not permitted. You can find useful information on quality indicators that are of interest to you on these websites and resources. You may choose only one of the three measures to be some form of patient satisfaction measure.
Deconstruct each measure to include descriptions of the following:
• The definition of the measure
• The numerical description of how the measurement is constructed (the numerator/denominator measure counts, the formula used to construct the rate, etc.)
• Explain how the data for this measure are collected
• Describe how the measurement is compared externally to other like settings; differentiate between the actual rate and a percentile ranking.
• Explain whether the measure is risk adjusted or not. If so, explain briefly how this is accomplished.
• Describe how goals might be set for each measure in an aggressive organization, which is seeking to excel in the marketplace.
Describe the importance of each measure to a chosen clinical organization and setting.
Using these websites and resources you can choose a hospital, a nursing home, a home health agency, a dialysis center, a health plan, an outpatient clinic or private office; a total population of patient types is also acceptable, but please be specific as to the setting. That is, if you are interested in patients with chronic illness across the continuum of care, you might hone in a particular healthplan, a multispecialty practice setting or a healthcare organization with both inpatient and outpatient/clinic settings. Faculty appointments and academic settings are not permitted for this exercise. For all other settings, consult the instructor for guidance. You do not need actual data from a given organization to complete this assignment.
Relate each measure to patient safety, to the cost of poor quality, and to the overall cost of healthcare.

Using Barney’s characteristics (VRIO), select a Middle Eastern company with which you are familiar and identify which resources are most important for their competitive advantage.

sustain competitive advantage, a firm must acquire and control valuable, rare, inimitableresources and capabilities, and the organization must be able to exploit those resources and capabilities effectively. This is often captured in the acronym (VRIO).

Using Barney’s characteristics (VRIO), select a Middle Eastern company with which you are familiar and identify which resources are most important for their competitive advantage.
Based on your analysis of the company’s resources, make recommendations to the firm’s management as to which of the resources you have identified should be invested in (or divested) and/or which resources should be acquired.

please use the book or ppt to support your arguments.
its chapter 3 in the book ( slide 125 onward )

Whose responsibility is it to address loneliness and isolation among older adults? Why do you think so? How should this effort be funded? • What key people/stakeholders should involve in tackling the health issue of loneliness?

Please answer the following questions:
• Whose responsibility is it to address loneliness and isolation among older adults? Why do you think so? How should this effort be funded?
• What key people/stakeholders should involve in tackling the health issue of loneliness?
• Do you think that other countries can use this model profiled in From, UK? If yes, what countries/regions and why? If no, why not?
Response Expectations
1. Post a minimum 250-word reflection on this prompt question in your assigned group. Using outside resources, book material, other readings, etc to support your post is strongly encouraged.

Video to work for the assignment:

Technical Analysis of the A Garland of Flowers Surrounding a Mocking of Christ by Simon de Vos and Daniel Seghers

Technical Analysis of the A Garland of Flowers Surrounding a Mocking of Christ by Simon de Vos and Daniel Seghers
(Please look for it online or look at this link:ël_Seghers_and_Simon_de_Vos_-_A_Garland_of_Flowers_Surrounding_a_Mocking_of_Christ.jpg

Provide a full and detailed description of the object – including composition, scale, materials, technique, subject matter, style, condition, and any other salient details. Provide a brief bibliography for your object that also includes sources on its broader artistic, social, and historical contexts. For example, if you have chosen a Greek black-figure vase, what bibliographic sources would you use to place the object within the historical and social moment in which it was made? What sources would you use to find similar objects for comparison? If you have selected a contemporary painting or sculpture, the same instructions apply.

Please discuss how the trompe l’oeil technique was used as well as the effect that the flowers create. Also discuss how the size of the painting participate in the general effect of the painting and how light is used.

Aromatherapy for pain managment

Evidence-based practice in nursing begins with the identification of a clinical problem or issue that requires review, definition, judgment on interventions, or application of evidence. Your project is to identify that clinical problem or issue using the PICO format. The problem or issue must be able to be referenced with a minimum of four research articles. These four articles will be utilized in the upcoming Literature Review project.

This project has four parts which you are required to complete. Your paper should be 2-4 pages in length (a maximum of 4 pages excluding title page and references), typed and double-spaced using APA format.

Utilize the APA Style CENTRAL Writing Center. Choose Write a New Paper and choose the Basic Paper template. (A course document with directions will be provided at a later date.)

Title Page
A title page using correct APA format (including header and running head) should be the first page of this assignment.

Part 1: Introduction
The first part of the paper is the Introduction section. In this section, you should identify and explain the nature of the problem and provide information on the background of the problem and its significance to nursing. Also included should be information on the scope of the problem citing prevalence and incidence statistics.

Part 2: PICO Components
Use PICO format to identify your clinical problem or issue. This question will guide the written literature review you will be doing. Provide a discussion of each of the PICO points with rationale.

P= Patient population of interest: The patient population needs to be very specific in regards to demographics (age, gender, ethnicity), diagnoses (certain disorders), and perceived needs.
I= Intervention of interest: The intervention also needs to be narrow and based on treatment option, diagnosis, and patient perception of events. Examples of intervention or range of interventions of interest are exposure to diseases, prognostic factor A, or risk behavior. Think of this as the independent variable.
C= Comparison Group: The comparison group or the intervention group is similar to a control. An intervention can be the current standard of care or a new nursing care issue proposed in the nursing literature. You might want to compare against no disease, placebo or no intervention/therapy, or absence of risk factor.
O=Outcome of interest: The outcomes are the final data or assessment of the population in the comparison group. Think of this as the dependent variable. Examples of outcomes of interest are risk of disease, accuracy of diagnosis, rate or occurrence of adverse outcomes.

Part 3: PICO Question
This section contains your clinical issue or question stated in one sentence using the correct question template for asking PICO questions. Please refer to the attached sample question templates from the Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt text (see reference below).

Reference List
This section should include any references used to complete the PICO assignment. Remember to use correct APA format for the reference page as well as reference citations within the text of the paper.

Individual Contribution
Each student working with a peer(s) will complete a peer evaluation for each member of the project team. This information will be utilized in determining the final “individual contribution” score at the end of the course.

References you might find useful in this project are:

Melnyk, B.& Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Chapters 1 and 2. (On reserve in the library)

Stone, P. W. (2002). Popping the PICO question in research and evidence-based practice. Applied Nursing Research, 16(2), 197-198.

Evaluation of the Project
The PICO Question Assignment comprises 10% of the total course grade. The project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Criteria Available
Part 1: Introduction and Title Page 15
Part 2: The PICO Question Components 10
Part 3: PICO Question Using Template 10
APA Format, Spelling, Grammar, and Sentence Structure 10
Reference Page 5
Total 50

Application: Adoption of New Technology Systems

As a nurse, you can have a great impact on the success or failure of the adoption of EHRs. It is important for nurses to understand their role as change agents and the ways they can influence others when addressing the challenges of changing to a drastically different way of doing things.
Everett Rogers, a pioneer in the field of the diffusion of innovations, identified five qualities that determine individual attitudes towards adopting new technology (2003). He theorized that individuals are concerned with:
Relative advantage: The individual adopting the new innovation must see how it will be an improvement over the old way of doing things.
Compatibility with existing values and practices: The adopter must understand how the new innovation aligns with current practices.
Simplicity: The adopter must believe he or she can easily master the new technology; the more difficult learning the new system appears, the greater the resistance that will occur.
Trialability: The adopter should have the opportunity to “play around’ with the new technology and explore its capabilities.
Observable results: The adopter must have evidence that the proposed innovation has been successful in other situations.
Note: You are not required to purchase Rogers’ book or pursue further information regarding his list of five qualities. The information provided here is sufficient to complete this Assignment. The full reference for Rogers’ work is provided below the due date on this page.
For this Assignment, you assume the role of a nurse facilitator in a small hospital in upstate New York. You have been part of a team preparing for the implementation of a new electronic health records system. Decisions as to the program that will be used have been finalized, and you are now tasked with preparing the nurses for the new system. There has been an undercurrent of resistance expressed by nurses, and you must respond to their concerns. You have a meeting scheduled with the nurses 1 week prior to the training on the new EHR system. Consider how you can use the five qualities outlined by Rogers (2003) to assist in preparing the nurses for the upcoming implementation.
To prepare
Review the Learning Resources this week about successful implementations of EHRs.
Consider how you would present the new EHR system to the nurses to win their approval.
Reflect on the five qualities outlined by Rogers. How would addressing each of those areas improve the likelihood of success?
By Day 7 of Week 6
Write a 3- to 5-page paper which includes the following:
Using Rogers’ (2003) theory as a foundation, outline how you would approach the meeting with the nurses. Be specific as to the types of information or activities you could provide to address each area and include how you would respond to resistance.
Analyze the role of nurses as change agents in facilitating the adoption of new technology.

How managers’ actions and attitudes negatively impact the attitudes, actions, emotions, and moods of their subordinates

Research how managers’ actions and attitudes negatively impact the attitudes, actions, emotions, and moods of their subordinates.

Find academic journals scholarly, peer-reviewed research that demonstrates this impact.

Read each article through to the general discussion at the end. The best ideas will be found there. Do not simply duplicate the abstract. Y
Write a 1-page double spaced annotated bibliography of three separate articles. An annotated bibliography is a short summary of the article followed by each reference in APA format.

Find academic journals in your institution’s library to find scholarly, peer-reviewed research that demonstrates this impact.

Read each article through to the general discussion at the end. The best ideas will be found there. Do not simply duplicate the abstract. You will miss most of the essence of the article and this approach tends to lead to poor grades.
Write a 1-page double spaced annotated bibliography of three separate articles. An annotated bibliography is a short summary of the article followed by each reference in APA format.

Informative Speech Assignment

TOPIC: All topics must be cleared with your instructor. Remember, you are trying to provide your audience with USEFUL information. Pick a subject that is of interest both to you and your audience. If you have a question about interest in your topic, ask class members what they think of the topic—they are your audience!
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this assignment include the following:
• Manage speaking and presenting visual aids simultaneously
• Effectively outline and organize a speech
• Research and cite credible sources
• Prepare survey and analyze results to incorporate in speech
• Properly include verbal citations throughout the speech
• Practice extemporaneous speech delivery
• Manage presentation time
• Manage anxiety

RESEARCH REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of one source is used to provide supporting material for this speech.
• Sources must be verbally cited within the body of the address when the speech is delivered and should provide adequate support for each main point
• Sources should be cited in the introduction and conclusion when appropriate
• Encyclopedias, dictionaries, CDs, and similar general reference materials may not be used to fulfill this requirement of the assignment (i.e. Encarta)
• Only one source may come from internet research/searches and the remaining sources should come from the library, library electronic databases, or other credible source.
• All sources must be fully cited and referenced on the outline, including dates, authors, titles, etc. (See APA citation guide)

GRADING CRITERIA: Please review the rubric for this assignment online for specific grading criteria.

Effect of bar-code technology on the safety of medication administration.

Articles Critiques and Criteria for grading (2 @ 10% each for total of 20% of course grade) –
a. Two times during the semester, but before the last class meeting of the course, each student will bring in 1-2 article(s) from professional journals, a reputable internet source or the newspaper. The article(s) will be attached and submitted with the critique. The article should be 3-4 pages in length.
b. The student will present their critiques in class
c. Each article must be related to health care policy.
d. The critique will include a brief summary of the article and the course objective to which it is relevant and why. Relate the article to the following:
Second article should help you answer the following questions:
• Describe changes in the current U.S. health delivery system that you think will provide opportunities for nursing to improve health care.
• What challenges do you envision that nurses would face in the changing health delivery situation?
• How would these opportunities that you describe help to improve the status and visibility of nursing?

a. 2% — Relevant introduction that captures the interest of the reader
b. 6% — Completely answered each guiding question for the article critique
c. 1% — Closure, summarizes key point and action, bringing the letter to conclusion
d. 1% — Grammar and syntax; Letter format – appropriate salutation, body, and signature