Explaining Criminal Behaviour

This assignment involves a written critical assessment of the two main perspectives guiding the analysis of crime and the application of criminological theory to criminal events.

These can be found in Chapter 1 in Schmalleger & Volk,pages 28 & 29. You are to use these two perspectives (Social Problems and Social Responsibility) to critically assess a criminal behavior. For example, social problems such as poverty are often cited as a cause of criminal behaviour, but proponents of individual responsibility claim that ultimately, offenders are responsible for their actions. Evaluation
Introduction (One paragraph that includes a clear purpose statement, is engaging and outlines the structure of the paper). /10
Body/Content (Clear description of the research problem and findings, paragraphs clearly develop the main ideas, is logically sequenced, transitions are used to enhance organization, ideas are well developed and supported.) /30
Conclusion (Usually one paragraph that is engaging and restates the thesis.) /10
Citations (All works are properly cited within the document using APA, authors are appropriately credited for their ideas, claims are supported with references to the original works.) /10
Spelling/Grammar/Sentence Structure (Free of spelling errors, uses punctuation, words and sentences appropriately.) /10
Format (Proper title, white paper, properly stapled, margins correct, proper use of white space etc.) /10
References Cited Page (Separate page. APA format is properly and consistently followed. All sources used are listed.) /10
Overall impact (The paper comes together in a well researched, well organized, well written and well presented product, that has overall impact.)

Know all the endocrine glands, where they are and what hormone they make and what it does ( pancreas- in the abdomen under the stomach-makes insulin ;beta cells- causes blood sugar levels in blood to decrease by letting glucose into the cell. etc)

• Know all the endocrine glands, where they are and what hormone they make and what it does ( pancreas- in the abdomen under the stomach-makes insulin ;beta cells- causes blood sugar levels in blood to decrease by letting glucose into the cell. etc)
• – Know what happens to levels of insulin/glucagon during starvation/after eating. Know what happens to a diabetic if too much insulin is injected and what do you give them
• – Know the different classes/groups of hormones (steroid, amino acid derivatives etc.. ), their mode of action, target organs, and what physiological changes they make.
• – What is Cushing disease, what is polyuria, polydipsia, and hematuria, what is acromegaly? What is gigantism, dwarfism?
• – know what osteoclasts and osteoblasts do who stops or starts them ( calcitonin, PTH)
• Know about angiotensin I and II, renin
• Define hormone and endocrine
• Know the pituitary gland, the 9 peptide hormones it releases, their target organs, and 
physiological changes. What is melatonin , LH, ACTH ( corticotrophins)
• Know how the hypothalamus controls everything
• – Know the hormones released by the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, testes, and 
ovaries. What are their target organs? What physiological changes do they cause once they 
are released into the blood stream and act on their target cells?
• – Know what happens to levels of ADH when a person is dehydrated
• Make sure to review any tables and figures concerned with hormones, the glands that produce them, their target cells, and their function.
• Know at what level of organization hormones work at
• – Predict what would happen if certain endocrine hormones were removed (absence of hormone), or what would happen if there was a tumor (causing hypersecretion of a hormone) or an overdose of a hormone.
• – Know where endocrine organs & glands are located anatomically.
• – Know what types of cells produce hormones and what regions they are produced in organs.. 
(ex. Zona Reticularis, Fasciculata, Glomerulosa etc.)if there is a tumor in one of these areas what will be overproduced? Aldosterone?
• Know What is the SAD disorder ( seasonal affective disorder) which hormone causes it
• Define target cells and hormone receptors, water soluble and lipid hormones
• – Know the hormonal response to stress “GAS” Fig 16-18 
BLOOD (CH. 19)
• – Know the components, and major functions of blood. (RBC’s, platelets, WBC’s.. etc)
• – Know the composition of plasma and interstitial fluid
• – Know the functions of red blood cells, the structure and function off Hemoglobin ( neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and what they do and look like)
• Know plasma cells make ( immunoglobulins)
• Know which blood cell elevated in case of an infection
• Know What is viscosity ( blood is thicker than water)
• Know they blood types and their surface antigens
• Know where is blood made and which bones have red bone marrow
• Know what hemolytic disease of the newborn is

• The following is an outline that will help you study more effectively and efficiently. Review any clinical correlations relevant to these topics.
• Know the complete blood flow through the heart including pulmonary and system circulations.
• Know the external and internal anatomy of the heart, its blood supply and drainage.
• Know the structures that are present in fetal circulation and what their functions are.
• Know the structures and function of the chambers of the heart.
• Know what surrounds the heart and where it is located.
• Know where the valves of the heart are located and how they function.
• Know the functions of the right side and left side of the heart are.
• Know the differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle
• Know the structures and functions of cardiac tissue (ex. Intercalated discs)
• Know the difference between a myocardial infarction and a stroke.
• Be able to identify internal structures of the heart.
• Know what nerves innervate the heart.
• Know where the pacemaker cells of the heart are and in what order they are excited. (SA, AV, Bundle of His, etc.)
• Know how the Autonomic (sympathetic & parasympathetic) nervous system affects the heart.
• Know what the waves in an EKG represent. (P, QRS, T)
• Know the specific beats/minute of SA node’s pacemaker cells.
• Know the difference between bradycardia and tachycardia
• Know the Cardiac Cycle, specifically when valves open and close, and when ventricles contract and the changes in blood pressure. Also know what’s happening to the volume of blood in the left ventricle during the cardiac cycle. (stroke volume, end systolic, end diastolic volumes)
• Know why beta blockers are prescribed and what they do
• Know what calcium channel blockers do and why they are prescribed.
• Know the part of the brain that controls heart rate.

Nursing Theory Analysis Paper

Nursing Theory Analysis Paper
The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory. This assignment also provides the learner an opportunity to connect theory and research to nursing phenomena. Learners will develop an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page and references) using APA style to address the elements listed below.

Theory/Author Name and Background
Select a Grand or Mid-Range Theory that is appropriate to your practice setting.
Describe the theorist’s background in detail and discuss how their experiences have impacted the theory development.
Examine crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory.
Identify the phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory.
Theory Description
Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive or retroductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion.
Describe the major concepts of the theory. How are they defined? (theoretically and/or operationally) Is the author consistent in the use of the concepts and other terms in the theory?
Interpret how the concepts are defined. Implicitly or explicitly?
Examine the relationships (propositions) among the major concepts.
Identify explicit and implicit assumptions (values/beliefs) underlying the theory. On what assumptions does the theory build?
Examine if the theory has a description of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. If so, how are they explained in the theory? If the metapardigm is not explained, what elements do you see as relevant to the theory and why?
Discuss the clarity of the theory. Did it have lucidness and consistency?
Examine how the theory would guide nursing actions.
Describe specifically how you can use this theory in your area of nursing (Practice, Education, Informatics or Administration).
Download the Theory Critique Template.

APA Style/Format
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


Initiate and participate in collaborative discussions on grade level topics, texts, and issues.
Express ideas clearly and persuasively in collaborative contexts.
Build on others’ ideas in the context of collaborative discussions.
Write arguments to support claims about texts.
Support claims with relevant and sufficient evidence

Dante’s reaction to Francesca in Canto V has provoked differing interpretations. Some read the scene as evidence that he is sympathetic to passionate love—that the sin of lust is of less consequence than the humanity of the lovers—and that is the real moral lesson here. Others believe the scene demonstrates how dangerously seductive Francesca is and that love and lust are the same things to her. She is in this circle of Hell because she refuses to take responsibility for her actions. And what about Paolo—is he the seducer or the victim? What do you think? Based on your understanding of Dante, what is the lesson he wants us to learn?

Your response should be at least 500 words in length, should reference at least three separate passages from Canto V to support your argument, and must properly cite the literature and any additional sources you used

The use of antisense therapy for the treatment of Alzheimers Disease

If you base your work on extending the work of that from the link below, there are some considerations to think about…

If you are going to include tau in your approach, you need a mouse model that exhibits the neurofibrillary tangles associated with dysregulated tau. Have you seen such mice in the literature?

Once/If you identify such mice, then you need to know the mRNA sequence for the tau protein so that you can design your ASO against it.

You will need to consider your method of ASO delivery… the intracerebral ventricular approach used by the researchers below may be valid. (Later on… toward the end of your discussion… you should address how this approach might be applied to humans for treatment.)

You will need a set of experiments showing in cultured neurons expressing B-amyloid and tau that your ASOs will inhibit their expression a great deal.

For the mouse model treatments, you will need a way to determine (perhaps postmortem) that the ASOs did indeed enter brain cells and inhibit B-amyloid and tau.

For behavioral analyses of the mice after treatment, this could be put into the ‘future directions’ aspect of your thesis.

The above roughly outlines the project. Keep in mind that you will be filling in with much detail. For each aspect of the project given above, be sure you contemplate and write about: why this aspect is being done? what information will it give you? how does that information fit into the current state of knowledge reflected in the literature? Remember to have ‘controls’ for your experiments and your procedures – you need to be able to justify that what you are doing (whether experiment or even simply a readout e.g. western blot) is real… that it worked… that differences among experimental groups are significant and not due to chance

Understanding the Decision Process-Evaluating the Alternatives and Making the Decision

Evaluate and Make Decision- by comparing the alternatives based on information and values. Ask yourself which is best for me and those I care about if this is personal decision or what is best for the business or organization? Before deciding rate, the alternatives on the elements or objectives. Use the Decision Matrix to help in this part of the evaluation process. Does the choice make sense?
Improve- are their gaps in the quality of the decision? Do you have areas that you are uncertain of or feel lacked enough information? Repeat the process after filling in the gaps to see if the choice is 100% what you want from the decision.


Three Steps to Building a Decision Matrix

How to Start:
• Use the Decision Matrix
• Ask is my analysis and selection among the alternatives consistent with my information and values?
• Can I explain this choice to others and feel good? Why is this the best alternative?
• What would it take to switch to another alternative, that may be better?
• Should I drop and alternatives for ethical reasons?
• Have I used probabilities to describe uncertainty?
• Would someone I trust or respect agree with the logic applied in the process?
Traps to Avoid:
• Ignore possibilities, “It won’t happen to me(company)?
• Assuming there is no uncertainty in the outcomes.
• Misinterpretation of factual information.
• Ignoring information, alternatives or values.
• Relying on irrelevant information (e.g. sunk cost, regrets)
• Wishful thinking
• Doing what I know to do and ignoring something difficult but important
• Making logical errors
• Paralysis by analysis

Week 6: Sept 24 – 30
WEEK 6: Understanding the Decision Process-Evaluating the Alternatives and Making the Decision
Theme #1: Weighting and Ranking the Alternatives Applying Sound Reasoning

1) Evaluate and Make Decision- by comparing the alternatives based on information and values. Ask yourself which is best for me and those I care about if this is personal decision or what is best for the business or organization? Before deciding, rate the alternatives on the elements or objectives. Use the Decision Matrix to help in this part of the evaluation process. Does the choice make sense?
2) Improve- are their gaps in the quality of the decision? Do you have areas that you are uncertain of or feel lacked enough information? Repeat the process after filling in the gaps to see if the choice is 100% what you want from the decision. (Decision Quality Model developed by the Decision Education Foundation)
Your total scores will suggest the best alternative and your decision.

Theme #2: Assessing the effectiveness of the choice by seeing how it worked in implementation.

After a decision has been made and implemented it is important to assess the outcome(s) and process of the decision. Assessing confirms if the decision alternative chosen led to the desired outcomes and knowledge that can improve future decision making. Learning from experience encourages effective and continuous improvement for the future.
Evaluating Outcomes
The objective of evaluating outcomes is for the decision maker to develop insight into the decision. Many of the lessons developed in this stage come out of examining the implications of the decision. How and who did the decision affect and why? One can also consider whether a decision had the desired effect. For example, a decision to hold additional training seminars may have been intended to make it more convenient for people to learn a new technology. However, if overall attendance did not increase, then the decision may not have addressed the underlying cause of why people did not go to training events. Once the outcome of a decision is known, the results may imply a need to revise the decision and try again.
When decision outcomes are not clearly measurable or have ambiguous results—some parts good, some bad—is not uncommon for people to emphasize the favorable data and discount the negative. Maintaining self-esteem also may cause decision makers to attribute good outcomes to their actions and bad outcomes to factors outside their control. This type of bias can limit an honest assessment of what went right and what didn’t, and thus reduce what can be learned by carefully evaluating outcomes.

Appraising the Decision Process

Assessing the process by which a decision was made is also effective. Often lessons can be learned that benefit the future. Here are a few areas that demonstrate the need for examination of the process:

• Examining areas like risk and uncertainty in the context of the decision results can help review the success of the decision maker in dealing with the process. If estimates were off or if emotions played too big a part of the decision than the decision maker can make adjustments in the future or find better tools to help minimize mistakes in future results.

• If the decision was made by a group, having a conversation with all participants is worthwhile because the members can reflect on how the process affected the outcome. For instance, did a few members insist on doing things their way when it turned out to be ineffective? In the future the group membership should be changed or perhaps the leader.

• Whether enough information was gathered and whether its quality was high enough are two questions that should be considered.
• Were the decision tools used effective? Could others have been more effective in collecting or evaluating data?

• Finally, it is important to question whether all the relevant parties contributed information and knowledge needed for the decision, and whether everyone who should have been involved was given the chance to participate.

This introduction was adapted from the following source: B. (n.d.). Boundless Management. Retrieved from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-management/chapter/decision-making-process/

Measuring Decision Effectiveness
Three Steps to Building a Decision Matrix

Evaluating the Alternatives Applying Sound Reasoning Episode 15

Here is a sample step by step example to get you started.
Decision Matrix

Table One:
Alternative Objective (e.g.
Travel with Husband) Objective 2
Save 401 K money Objective etc Total
A Storefront 1 2 3
B 2 3 1

Step 1 Rate each alternative against its meeting the objective in the column. You do this by setting a ranking scale. I suggest using 0 to 3. Zero being not meeting the objective and 3 being the a complete yes to meeting the objective well.

Step 2 Total the scores for each alternative. Those alternatives that do not score well at all get rid of them at this point.

Step 3: Create a new table with the remaining alternatives and their rating scores from step one.

Step 4: Prioritize (weight) your objectives. If you have five objectives 5 is the most important and 1 the least. Put that number in the objective title. Multiply that number against the rate number from above to get a score for that objective. Add up all the objective scores for an alternative and enter it in the total box.

write on is how color affects the interior design and the psychological effects of color in interior design.

The topic that I would like to write on is how color affects the interior design and the psychological effects of color in interior design.
When people gradually understand and master the laws of color and design their living environment, tone implies aesthetic taste and artificial idealism. The indoor environment color design is an essential part of the environmental color design. Only when people and the environment are combined, the color has substantial meaning.

So I want to talk about the use of color, how different cultural background can affect using colors in interior space and the feeling that the color can endue to people.Also color in interior design will lead to the change/influence to lighting , spacing and the feeling that brings to people,I would like to talk about all the effects on these 3 aspects.

I want to explore more on the effect of how and what role does the color play, and I want people to know how color is happening in our daily lives and how it affects interior spaces and people in many ways.

I will upload the pdf of the questions that I listed or my topic, you can pick some to talk about, and i also found a lot of links that related to my paper topic, which I will also provide later. There is a strict and certain way to annotate in the end of the paper, which I will send you the pdf also.
please do not use too many of big words or complicated sentences, write it as a student that majors in architecture/interior design aspect.

Directions: Read the Case Scenario and answer the questions using course materials to support your reasoning and conclusions.

Directions: Read the Case Scenario and answer the questions using course materials to support your reasoning and conclusions. Post the answers to your questions in the

Case Scenario:
Mr. Barney, the CEO, has received your memo request to be considered for further leadership positions. He has decided to put you to the test! He assigns you to help his Director of Payroll, Loretta Cash with a problem.
You walk over to Payroll and visit Loretta. She is visibly upset. She has just received her annual performance review from her manager. This is a 6-month review, as Loretta was recently assigned to this role after working with great success for 10 years in another area of the Accounting Department. As part of this review, her manager interviewed the six members of the Payroll Department, who all answer to Loretta. Loretta shares with you some of their comments:
“Loretta marched in here thinking she knows everything. She doesn’t want to listen to any of our ideas. It’s her way or the highway.”
“We really don’t know Loretta all that well. She keeps to herself…except of course when payroll deadlines are due, and then she’s all over our backs.”
“She acts as if she is perfect. I’m scared of getting yelled at when I make a mistake.”
“Most times, Loretta is fine, but when we have a deadline she micromanages us. I literally dread coming in to work on days payroll is due because I know Loretta will be watching over us like a hawk.”
Answer the following questions, and support your answers with the course materials:
1. What is the root cause of Loretta’s problem?
2. List three specific recommendations that Loretta can do today to turn this situation around. Make sure the three recommendations are actionable (in other words, Loretta can take your advice and put it into practice immediately) and specific (in other words, not too general that it cannot be easily understood). For example, “improve communication skills” is not actionable today, and too general to be clearly understood. However, “give immediate feedback to demonstrate she is actively listening” can be put into practice today and is specific enough to be understood. (Do not use this example in your answer!).

Destin Brass Products Co. – Finance & Accounting case study

1. Use the Overhead Cost Activity Analysis in Exhibit 5 and other data on
manufacturing costs to estimate product costs for valves, pumps, and flow
2. Compare the estimated costs you calculate to existing standard unit costs
(Exhibit 3) and the revised unit costs (Exhibit 4). What causes the different
product costing methods to produce such different results?
3. What are the strategic implications of your analysis? What actions would you
recommend to the managers at Destin Brass Products Co?
4. Assume that interest in a new basis for cost accounting at Destin Brass Products
remains high. In the following month, quantities produced and sold, activities, and costs were all at standard. How much higher or lower would the net income
reported under the activity-transaction-based system be than the net income that
will be reported under the present, more traditional system? Why?


Here are some papers that present a nice introductory material into the field of cryptography and describe why we need cryptography as well as why it is important.
Read the following papers, use your own words and report your understanding and experiences in using cryptography and Cryptosystems. (3 -4 Page Max).

1- Cryptography is harder than it looks by “bruce schneier”.

2- Why Cryptography Is Important.

3- Importance of cryptography in network security.

Style: APA