civil war

Overview: Imagine that you are a time-traveling journalist who covers military conflicts. Your assignment is to cover the American Civil War, and then time-travel to a civil war in Rwanda.

In this assignment, you will submit your final paper. Your final paper must be 5–7 pages of text, plus a title page and APA-formatted reference page. You may include properly cited graphics, such as pictures, maps, and graphs if you like. You must use and cite at least 5 scholarly sources; Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and websites that are intended for a general audience are not scholarly sources. You may supplement the 5 scholarly sources with news articles.

You’ll be writing this from the perspective of an observer of the two conflicts. You will begin by creating a character. Tell your reader who this character is and make him or her feel real and relatable to your reader. As you cover the required content of this paper, make it personal. Use the first person, describe events as if you witnessed them yourself, talk about people you met, and describe how all of this affected you. Feel free to create some adventure or peril for your character! The key is to make your paper realistic and personal.

You’ll provide information about each conflict, including the cause or causes, groups involved, leadership, major events of the conflict, impact on civilians, and outcome. You will then compare and contrast the two conflicts. Remember that this is to be written from a personal perspective! As you conclude your paper, write about what you learned from witnessing the two conflicts and how the experience affected you.

How is storytelling a means for encountering otherness in both The Heptameronand in The Thousand and One Nights? How do stories help us understand the other or others in these texts?

Length: 3 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman), with 1-inch margins

Prompt: How is storytelling a means for encountering otherness in both The Heptameronand in The Thousand and One Nights? How do stories help us understand the other or others in these texts?

Please note that this is not a compare/contrast paper– it is not sufficient to simply point out similarities and differences between the texts, rather you should seek to make a case for why it is meaningful to read them together.

Advice: The best papers will address the prompt using a specific rather than a general approach. All papers should state and support a clear, well-defined, arguable thesis. The very best papers will demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the texts discussed and will use direct quotations accurately and effectively in the service of their argument. The most sophisticated papers will not only seamlessly synthesize evidence and analysis in responding to the prompt, but will also make a strong case for the significance of their argument– that is, they will effectively answer the question of why their position matters. All papers should rely on no more than the assigned text as source material.

Reminders: Give your paper a specific, accurate title. Number your pages. Use MLA-style citations. Include a properly-formatted Works Cited page. Attach a copy of the grading rubric to the front of your paper.

Prewriting and Outlining for the Narrative Essay

Prewriting and Outlining for the Narrative Essay
This week, you will be preparing for next week’s essay: the narrative. Take a moment and review the directions for the Week 3 narrative essay. Once you have a topic you want to write your narrative about, you will complete this two part assignment: prewriting and outlining.
Part I
The first part of this assignment will help you “flesh out” your topic. Take 10-15 minutes to free write about your topic. Chapters 4 and 5 in your textbook can help you decide what kind of free writing you want to do, but don’t feel restricted by one genre. Write down everything that pertains to your topic, including questions your readers might have. Don’t worry about grammar or sentence structure; this is a brainstorming activity.
Part II
Next, create an outline as a preliminary structure for the narrative essay. Use several of the outlining rules on pp. 111-115 of The Writer’s Way, but be sure to include the following:
• Outline in three to five parts only (rule no. 1)
• Don’t describe; summarize (no. 5)
• Outline whole sentences only (no. 8)
You may use as many of the other rules as you feel necessary. The goal is to present a structure for how your final essay may look. As such, an outline is not a series of paragraphs or a rough draft.
Please submit your responses to both prompts in a single document.
Narrative Essay
This essay explores the Narrative Mode, which is perhaps the most natural style of writing for most people.
One of the goals of the narrative form is to allow readers to feel as if they are not simply reading someone else’s story, but that they are somehow part of it. Unlike simply telling a story though, a narrative essay has a specific piece of information to share, a lesson for the reader. There should be a clear reason for your telling the story. This is where the “essay” in the narrative essay becomes apparent.

View your assignment rubric.
Week 2 Rubric, 60 pts.
54-60 points
The outline reveals a detailed and thoughtful structure for the narrative. Ideas are ordered in a logical fashion, and clear boundaries for the introduction, body, and conclusion are indicated. A sense of audience and purpose is evident. Topic sentences and supporting points are written in complete sentences. Word choice is precise, and grammatical errors are rare or absent. The freewrite is extensive and covers multiple aspects of the event.
48-53 points
The outline reveals a competent structure for the narrative. The order of ideas is mostly logical and boundaries for the introduction, body, and conclusion are indicated. A sense of audience and/or purpose is developing. Topic sentence and supporting points are written in complete sentences. Word choice is appropriate, and some errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. A well-developed freewrite is included.
42-47 points
The outline reveals a minimally competent structure for the narrative. The order of ideas may seem random or not clearly connected. Little sense of audience and/or purpose is evident. Topic sentences and supporting points may be written in fragments or single words and phrases. Word choice is imprecise, and errors in sentence structure, usage, and mechanics are present. The freewrite is underdeveloped or does not explore multiple aspects of the event.
36-41 points
The outline reveals a weakly developed structure for the narrative. There is little order to the ideas, and no clear distinction among the introduction, body, and conclusion. Audience and/or purpose is unclear. Topic sentences may be written in fragments or single words and phrases. Word choice is inappropriate. Errors in grammar and mechanics significantly interfere with meaning. The freewrite may consist of only a few consist of only a few words or ideas.
0-40 points
The outline reveals little or no structure for the narrative. Ideas are unclear or absent, and there is no distinction among the introduction, body, and conclusion. The writer fails to consider audience and/or purpose. The outline lacks focus and organization, and does not develop topic sentences or supporting evidence. Words are poorly selected. Errors in grammar and mechanics are pervasive and obstruct meaning. No freewrite is attempted.

Quantitative or Qualitative Research Proposal

Final Project
Students are to select option 1 or 2 and read the corresponding chapters. The writing rubric will be used to grade the final paper. Follow APA 6th edition format. The paper should be no more than 10 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. An abstract is not required for Choice 1.
Choice 1: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Proposal
Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data. A study budget and timetable should also be included. (Refer to Chapters 28 and 29 of the required course textbook.)
• Title page
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Framework
• Research Hypotheses/questions
• Methodology
• Plans for Data Collection and Analysis
• Budget
• Any Appendices
Choice 2: Evidence-Based Systematic Review
Identify a clinical problem and develop a PICO question. Review the literature about this question, using a minimum of 10 references. This systematic review will identify, appraise, and synthesize the studies to answer the question. Conclusions are made based on scientific evidence. (Refer to Chapter 19)
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Relevant clinical question
• Purpose or aim of review
• Literature Search criteria and strategies
• Comprehensive search and results
• Critical appraisal process and findings
• Results of findings (table and narrative format)
• Discussion—implications, limitations, conclusions

It is an examinational paper investigating a disease that can affect a fetus, a preemie, a neonate, a child, a pregnant woman, or an elderly. Of the following, select only one that you are going to examine: 1. nature of the disease, 2. development of the disease, 3. causes of the disease, 4. signs and symptoms of the disease, 5. prevention of the disease, 6. treatment of the disease, or 6. rehabilitation of the disease.

.  It is an examinational paper investigating a disease that can affect a fetus, a preemie, a neonate, a child, a pregnant woman, or an elderly. Of the following, select only one that you are going to examine: 1. nature of the disease, 2. development of the disease, 3. causes of the disease, 4. signs and symptoms of the disease, 5. prevention of the disease, 6. treatment of the disease, or 6. rehabilitation of the disease. It should be only two pages in length, supported with at least three references, and typed with correct syntax.


Important Note: Four paragraphs should constitute the body of this paper.


The first one is the Introductory Paragraph: In the first three or four sentences, give pertinent information about the disease or condition. In the last sentence, write only one thing you are going to examine or discuss about the disease or condition.


In the second paragraph: Please be sure to write and explain and support with three or more references the thing that you are going to examine or discuss about the disease or condition.


In the third paragraphs: Please be sure to write and explain and support with three or more references the thing that you are going to examine or discuss about the disease or condition.


In the fourth and final paragraph: Tell why you selected the topic; how it relates to motor development and movement education; and the things you learned from researching the topic.


References: List all three or more references for this position paper on a separate page (APA Style).

How is life different between North Korea and Burma? (E.g. How does the government interact with its citizens? Are there things one can safely do in one place but not the other?) Make sure to use multiple concrete examples you see in the travelogues.

Read the excerpts of Guy Delisle’s travelogues for North Korea and Burma carefully. Then, write a short paper in which you reflect on the different ways governments interact with their citizens by responding to the following questions:
(1) How is life different between North Korea and Burma? (E.g. How does the government interact with its citizens? Are there things one can safely do in one place but not the other?) Make sure to use multiple concrete examples you see in the travelogues.
(2) Where would you rather live, if you had to pick? Why?
Your paper will be evaluated based on 1) the presentation of a clear and persuasive answer to the questions, 2) your ability to support your argument with evidence from course materials, and 3) the clarity and logic of your writing.
4 pages, double-spaced, using one-inch margins and 12pt Times New Roman font.
General Tips:
You should rely only on the assigned reading materials. Therefore, there is no need for a bibliography.
DO, however, cite sources using the following format: (Burma, page#) or (Pyongyang, page#).
Start your paper with a set-up paragraph. Introduce the reader to the main themes of your paper, clearly state your answer to the questions, and how you will answer them. The set up paragraph should culminate in a thesis statement that clearly summarizes your main point(s).
Clarity and organization are your friends. Organize your points logically. Try to stick to one point per paragraph (state the point in the topic sentence, then build the point with supporting evidence), and make sure to have a short conclusion in which you draw together the strands that you have developed through your paper.
Do not use long quotations.

Destin Brass Products Co. – Finance & Accounting case study

1. Use the Overhead Cost Activity Analysis in Exhibit 5 and other data on
manufacturing costs to estimate product costs for valves, pumps, and flow
2. Compare the estimated costs you calculate to existing standard unit costs
(Exhibit 3) and the revised unit costs (Exhibit 4). What causes the different
product costing methods to produce such different results?
3. What are the strategic implications of your analysis? What actions would you
recommend to the managers at Destin Brass Products Co?
4. Assume that interest in a new basis for cost accounting at Destin Brass Products
remains high. In the following month, quantities produced and sold, activities, and costs were all at standard. How much higher or lower would the net income
reported under the activity-transaction-based system be than the net income that
will be reported under the present, more traditional system? Why?

The SE Case Study length is 4-6 pages (single-spaced), excluding title page. Choose a social entrepreneur or a social enterprise (for-profit, nonprofit, or hybrid is fine) to research.

The SE Case Study length is 4-6 pages (single-spaced), excluding title page. Choose a social entrepreneur or a social enterprise (for-profit, nonprofit, or hybrid is fine) to research.


The Case Study is organized into sections. Bold/underline each section heading, use paragraphs for your content, and separate sections with one line of space. You can restate section headings in your own words if desired. Some sections may be quite short.

o Title page:This contains the title of your project(be creative);relevant short quote or proverb; abstract (150 words or less). Abstract contains a brief overview of your case study, including the main problem, the main innovation, and key lesson(s) learned.

o Introduction: This will be short, briefly noting the who, what, when, where, why, and key lesson(s) learned. Begin with an attention-grabber.

o Problem Definition and background: Describe the problem (be specific). Provide brief context (data, causes of the problem, history, implications of the problem). What led the social entrepreneur/social enterprise to focus on this problem?

o What is the Innovation/Change? Describe the innovation – the action taken that in some way was new or different. This could be innovation in a new product/service, in a process related to an existing product/service, etc.

o What is the Value Proposition? This answers the ‘so what?’ question. Why is the product or service better than alternatives? How does it solve the problem? Specificity is important.

o Implementation: How did the social entrepreneur/organization actually do it? For example, was empathy (attaining a deep understanding of the problems/realities of the people being impacted) useful? Were partnerships utilized? What was the start-up funding source?

o Obstacles/Challenges: What were the unexpected bumps and roadblocks? What were the personal challenges faced?

o Sustainability of the Organization: Was an organization created, and, if so, what type? (Nonprofit, NGO, for-profit, B-corporation, etc.) How does the social entrepreneur/organization pursue the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profits? Describe the actions taken to ensure continuance of the innovation. Is revenue being generated? Do you think the organization/activities will survive? Why or why not?

o SuccessMetrics/Impact: Describe the results of the innovation(quantitative results are desirable). What are the criteria that demonstrate success? Did the social entrepreneur/organization articulate a goal that could be measured?

o Scalability: Describe “the reach” of the organization (geography or number of people served; “scale” conveys size or reach.) Is this innovation easy or hard to scale? Why?

o Replicability: Is the model replicable in other locations to solve the same issue?Can the model be used to solve other problems? Why or why not?

o Conclusion: This will be short. In addition to summarizing key insights, consider next steps for addressing the problem or expanding the innovation.

o References: Reference list should include all sources cited in the case study, formatted in APA or MLA. In-text citation of all sources paraphrased or quoted, including pictures/graphics, should be integrated throughout the case study.

The nursing process

This is a nursing process paper so all the information gathered from an assessment will be put into the paper and this needs to be in APA format. I have attached how the assignment will be graded and what they expect. If you have any questions or need clarification I am an email or call away. To explain the disease and such google can be used (a reliable source) and for the disease process/teaching and discharge. Patients syncope episode was most likely due to the Alzheimer’s medication or the Tansulosin or both. They are a alpha blockers and can lower blood pressure along with age and heat of living in Florida. (Medications include:aricept, simvastatin, tamsulosin, naproxen) side effects of medication needs to be added please. A nurse cannot give out a medical diagnosis.

social media and NEGATIVE mental health of college students

The literature review should be organized with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should give a brief idea of the topic of the literature review. Then discuss what databases were used(I USED PUBMED AND GOOGLE SCHOLARS), search terms(I SEARCHED SOCIAL MEDIA/MENTAL HEALTH), time frame of the studies, research methodologies (i.e. randomized controlled trials, qualitative studies, cohort, cross-sectional, etc.), and the number of studies included. The body should be organized thematically. Your conclusion should discuss what you have drawn from reviewing the literature.
You will need an organizational method to focus the body of your literature review. Start to categorize your studies into different criteria (i.e. ages of subjects, gender of subjects, number of subjects, variables studied, location of study, results generated, etc.). This will help you determine how you will present the sources.
Make sure to use evidence in writing your review. Your interpretations must be backed up with evidence that something is valid.
Be selective with the categories and the information you present. Make sure that it is relevant.

Please use APA format