Describe the kinds of evidence that a plaintiff can present in order to establish a negligent act. What defenses can a defendant present in order to refute a plaintiff’s evidence?

Professional Development Exercises :

Describe the kinds of evidence that a plaintiff can present in order to establish a negligent act. What defenses can a defendant present in order to refute a plaintiff’s evidence?
How do statutes of limitations protect professional nurse-defendants? Do they also protect the injured parties?
What can staff nurses do to protect patients from quasi-intentional torts? Does this differ from the nurse manager’s role in preventing quasi-intentional torts?
Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 5 (Guido, p. 67).
Does the failure to document an admission nursing assessment equate with the fact that this nurse did no admission nursing assessment?
What might the patient’s attorney further allege in his supplemental report?
How would one decide the standard of care for this patient?
How would you decide the outcome of this case?
Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 6 (Guido, p. 96)
Was there negligence in this case and who should be liable for the negligence?
What type of damages should be assessed and how would you begin to determine the amount to assess?
Given that there were multiple individuals involved in this case as well as the institution that employed these individuals, how would you determine the percentage of liability for the multiple defendants, assuming that more than one defendant should be assessed with damages?
How would you decide this case?
Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 7(Guido, p. 115)
Were there damages that should be paid to this patient for negligence?
Who should be the individuals responsible for these damages? For example, is the surgeon the individual most liable for the damages owed to the patient?
Should the Bovie manufacturer also have been included in the lawsuit?
Are there any defenses that the defendants could cite that would mitigate their liability to this patient?
How should the court decide the damage awards in this instance?
Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission

Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments).
Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question.

You can analyze any single topic of chapter six, “Display, Performance, and Sport” or chapter seven “The Making and Consumption of Meat.”

English 102



Short Essay on Chapter Six or Chapter Seven from Animals and Society


Topic: You can analyze any single topic of chapter six, “Display, Performance, and Sport” or chapter seven “The Making and Consumption of Meat.” Make sure you are analyzing one topic, not summarizing the chapter. See the end of this assignment sheet for a detailed explanation of the difference between summary and analysis. You need to take an analytical or argumentative approach in your essay.


Your topic does not need to be “deep” for this short paper, but your MLA formatting and your clarity of writing are very important. I want to make sure you know how to write a short, well-organized analytical essay with a thesis and topic sentences.  I also need to see that you can format your essay in MLA style including in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Finally, I’ll be checking to see if your grammar and punctuation skills are at a passing level for this course.


It’s fine to use first person and personal experience in this essay.


Grading: 100 points that are in the same grading category as your research paper.


Length: 550 – 700 words plus a works cited page. Please do not write more than 700 words.


Format: You can follow the 5-paragraph essay format if you like (see handout in Canvas), but it’s not required.


Works Cited: At least 2 citations in the body of your paper. You must quote the chapter at least once, and you must quote at least one outside source (you can use an Internet source, another book, an interview, etc.). Note the “Suggested Additional Readings” at the end of the chapter, and the bibliography at the end of the book, and consider using a source from these lists as your outside source. Include parenthetical (in-text) citations and a separate Works Cited page. Note: you are expected to know how to use MLA before you enroll in Engl 102.


Layout: Use MLA format for the body of your essay and for your works cited page. Refer to the handouts in the MLA module in Canvas if you need a refresher. Failure to use MLA format for the body of your essay will severely impact your grade.


Purpose: As noted above, I want to assess your writing, your analytical skills, and your MLA formatting skills. The assignment also requires you to do minimal research so that you can quote one outside source.


WARNING: DO NOT SUMMARIZE THE CHAPTER  IN THIS PAPER. You must analyze a certain detail (or details) that interest you. Focus on a narrow aspect of the chapter. If your essay is nothing but summary, you will receive a zero for the assignment.  If you’re struggling to find a topic for this short paper, take another look at the Reading Response guidelines for suggestions.


What’s the Difference Between Analysis and Summary?
ANALYSIS is examination, evaluation, dissection, interpretation, original opinion, taking a position, reading between the lines, connecting to other knowledge, etc. It is the goal of most expository essays. You should have experience writing this type of essay from Engl&101.

SUMMARY is recapitulation, review, retelling a story or scene without original thoughts or interpretations. Summary is not the goal of expository essays. It is usually easier than analysis because it requires less thought. Assume that the reader of your essay has read our book and needs just the slightest reminder.

Strive for 90% interpretation and 10% summary in your expository writing.


Why we can’t turn down the fast food?

Please read over this handout (see additional files.)on various examples of proper quotations and citations. (THIS HANDOUT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO! READ IT CAREFULLY WHEN APPLYING TO YOUR OWN ESSAYS!)

I want you to think about a specific interest in regards to food. Produce at least 5 critical questions that will lead to compelling and interesting answers. Remember that at the heart of your paper are your own conclusions and analysis. The research is meant to back up your claims but they themselves do not make up your paper. From this question, you will construct a thesis statement.

Prior to starting your paper, you must submit your thesis statement for approval and your critical questions for approval. Locate the appropriate module to submit your thesis.

A good thesis is an argument not a statement of fact.

I’ll give you an example.

factual statement: Food industry does a bad job labeling their products.

Argument and thesis: If the food industry educated people on how to properly read and understand nutrition labels then consumers can make smarter decisions about what to buy and therefore improve their health.

Do you see the difference?

Your final paper must be 5-7 pages MLA format. It must include a works cited page, which will contain your sources in MLA format. The citation page does not count towards your final page count.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may use the topic you were working with from your previous homework assignment on American and Food or you may come up with a completely new topic.
In order to complete this assignment, you need to locate the module “Paper # 1 Prompt” down below.

Read the directions in that module and submit under appropriate modules as directed.

Please post your 5 critical questions and your thesis below. Remember that a thesis is a single sentence.

I want you to think of a research paper as a conversation.

The research is the existing conversation. These are things people are saying. Your paper and thesis argument should be JOINING that conversation and saying something new. You’re responding to what people are saying.

The research is meant to back up your claims but they themselves are not your claims.

Imagine that you’re sitting down with all your friends in a group. Your friends are talking and you decide to join that conversation and all you do is just repeat everything that they say. Chances are your friends will just be like “yeah, I/we just said that. What’s your point?”

Do not simply give me a statement of fact and what the research already confirms. Do not also give me simple solutions. For example: “People should stop eating fast food because it’s bad for their health” This is far too simplistic.

This is like saying “If people stopped texting and driving we could reduce car accidents.” We know this and yet people do it anyway. Chances are YOU do it even though you know risks and consequences. You aren’t thinking about the complexity of the issue.

Let’s revisit that simplistic statement: “People should stop eating fast food because it’s bad for their health”

How do we help people reduce fast food consumption? Why do people continue to eat fast food even though everyone knows it’s bad for health? What is the larger social problem and what solutions do you propose? Can we really just tell people to stop eating fast food and they’ll do it? Probably not. Why?

Do you see the value of the critical questions? This is what I want you to do when you sit down to form your thesis statement and questions. Use questions to help guide your critical analysis and argument.

5 Critical Questions: (my own answer)

1. Are that true people love fast food because of the huge pressure on their lives? Just like the person loves to eat sweet food who has more pressure than others.

Fast food sometimes can relieve people’s pressure, at least there is one thing I can do whatever I want. This makes people feel relax and comfortable.

2. People keep saying smoking can cause cancer, but no one proves it. Do you truly believe fast food bad for our health? what kind proves can you provide?

Fast food usually is high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, eating too much over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

3. Do you believe people can stay away from fast food and eat healthily?

People can’t stay away from fast food suddenly or completely. We need to find a balance between them. We can do one “cheating day” a week, you can eat some fast food on the “cheating day”.

4. Why we can’t turn down the fast food?

There are several reasons for us can’t turn down the fast food. The reasons can be the key to help people get away from fast food.

5. Why fast food can’t be healthy?

It is hard to make people stop eating fast food, but we can put more efforts to make fast food more healthy

Please describe a reasonable way to determine weights for CPI computation. 1 b. What is the difference between CPI and GDP deflator? c. What is a supply shock? How does a supply shock change MPN?

Intermediate Macroeconomics: Homework 2
Due on Monday, 9/24/2018.
1. Consider an economy that produces only three types of fruit: apples, oranges, and
bananas. Production and price data of year 1 are as follows:
Production and price data of year 2 are as follows:
Using year 1 as the base year, please answer the following questions:
(a) Please find the real GDP of year 1 and year 2.
(b) Please find the GDP deflator of year 1 and year 2. Based on the GDP deflator, what is
the inflation rate of year 2?
(c) Let the price index weight of apples be 0.2, bananas be 0.3 and oranges be 0.5, please
find the CPI of year 1 and year 2. Based on the CPI, what is the inflation rate of year 2?
2. Sam buys a one-year government bond on January 1, 2012, for $500. He receives principal
plus interest totaling $545 on January 1, 2013. Suppose that the CPI is 200 on January 1, 2012,
and 214 on January 1, 2013. This increase in prices is more than Sam had anticipated; his
expectation was that the CPI would be 210 at the beginning of 2013. Please find the nominal
interest rate, the inflation rate, the real interest rate, Sam’s expected inflation rate, and Sam’s
expected real interest rate.
3. Please answer the following questions:
a. Please describe a reasonable way to determine weights for CPI computation.
b. What is the difference between CPI and GDP deflator?
c. What is a supply shock? How does a supply shock change MPN?

Explain how theories of literacy development influence classroom practice.

In 2000 words write an essay to discuss, critique and analyse the text and readings with regard to the following:

Literacy in the 21st Century: Explain how theories of literacy development influence classroom practice.

Your essay should demonstrate a formal academic piece of writing which shows wide reading on the topic by including references from at least 13 academic sources which will include your textbook.

No matter what you have been told previously all ideas must be referenced. In the introduction where you are referring generally to what you have discovered then you do not need references but if you are specifically referring to an idea then it must be referenced.

Supply Chain Managment

Supply Chain Managment

must be empirically based.
Link to article:

Major Headings in the Literature Review:

Citation (i.e., you must follow APA guideline. A copy of those guidelines are available in Course Documents. They include author, article, and journal name, title, volume, issue, and page numbers).

Research classification (i.e., is the article basic or applied research based? Which above research method was followed and why).

Statement of problem (i.e., what are the issue or applications that need to be solved? What are fundamental management issues that have been raised and how have they be solved or studied in the past?).

Types of operations management/supply chain management/decision science techniques (i.e., be specific, which SCM techniques or techniques did the authors used. I do not methodology as much as what were the issues in SCM that are covered by particular chapters, how, and why).

Evaluation of the usefulness of the above operations or supply chain management/decision science techniques (i.e., did the authors solve the research questions initial discussed in the introduction section? Did they accept or reject their hypotheses? Please relate your responses back to the introduction and techniques used in the paper).

Personal evaluation (i.e., answer such questions as was the inform

“Imagining the Industrial Revolution”

Exercise: “Imagining the Industrial Revolution”

Early sociologists lived and worked in a particular historical period and social context that influenced their theories

about the nature of society. Imagine what life would be like

if you were living in Europe or had migrated to the

United States in 1890. (Please view the videos on the Industrial Revolution for background). For the most part, you’ll

be trying to picture yourself as someone who was a white European (from England,

Ireland, France, or Germany, for instance), like most of the early founders of the discipline of sociology. Even more narrowly, you should try to picture

yourself as a young peasant, someone with little skills or education. This imagined person may be a different race/ethnicity, social class, age, or even gender, than your own real identity. You can also play with other biographical details. Once you’ve chosen who you are imagining to be, answer the following questions as if in the

past. Remember–in 1890 the average person did not have indoor plumbing, electricity, automobiles, or many other modern conveniences. Write as much detail as possible about the various aspects of your fictional life in this time of great change.


Picture yourself living in a small, rural (agricultural) village. Describe who you are and the community in which you

once lived


Now picture yourself moving to a large, urban (industrial) city that is foreign to you.

Describe your living arrangements and the environment of this new city




Describe what you do for work and the conditions of your workplace



What are your greatest challenges or fears?

What are your greatest hopes or dreams?




Compare and Contrast Accounting Practice

Week 3 – Assignment: Compare and Contrast Accounting Practices

Due September 30 at 11:59 PM

Senior management wants to understand the difference between accounting investments using U.S GAAP and IFRS. For this assignment, complete case 10-7. In addition, research the current literature on the difference in accounting for investments using U.S GAAP and IFRS. Include this research in your presentation.
In a PowerPoint presentation, compare and contrast accounting practices for investments in equity securities under U.S GAAP and IFRS. Include scholarly articles to support your comparison.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.
Support your presentation with at least five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.
Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
External Resource (S): Books and Resources for this Week
1. Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text Readings and Cases
Schroeder, R. G., Clark, M. W., & Cathey, J. M. Financial accounting theory and analysis: Text readings and cases. Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons.
Read Chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11

2. Kuzmina, I., & Kozlovska, I. (2012). Accounting measurement of long-lived assets: A case of impairment practice.

3. Myers, J. H. (1948, July). Presentation of long-term lease liabilities in the balance sheet.

4. ACC-7035-Rubric 3
Supplemental (External) Resource

Jin and Arthur have been married for several years. They moved from Christchurch four years ago and are now staying in Mt Eden.

Instructions: Answer the question directly in the answer booklet provided.

Please write clearly and in pen.

You are allowed to use the Master Tax Guide or New Zealand Taxation 2017. There must be no notes on the textbook.

Summary of paper: Question Topic Marks
  1 Deductions 10
    Total 10




Learning Outcomes:

Critically reflect on the framework in which taxation is administered in New Zealand.

Understand and evaluate fundamental tax concepts relating to income and deductions.

Analyze and evaluate relevant New Zealand legislation and case law to compare and contrast the tax obligations of individuals, partnership, trusts and companies.

Critically reflect on taxation problems arising in relation to individuals, business entities, trading structures, and communicate appropriate technical advice in relation to these problems.

Critically examine the impact of selected contemporary tax issues on practice



Jin and Arthur have been married for several years. They moved from Christchurch four years ago and are now staying in Mt Eden. Jin is a lecturer at a university in Auckland while Arthur is a Sales Manager for a pasta business. Two years ago, the couple purchased their first rental property in Mt Albert for $595,000. The property is a two-bedroom house with a land area of 950sq metres. The attraction in buying this property was its capability of being subdivided. Shortly after purchase, the couple managed to find tenants who moved in within two weeks. The tenants were initially paying $590 per week which has now increased to $650 per week. Every three months, Jin inspects the rental property to see if the tenants are looking after the property. To date, there have been no major structural issues with the rental property. Last week, one of the tenants contacted Jin to advise that the roof appears to be leaking. This has resulted in damages to the tenant’s furniture.

Jin has contacted Dave of Roofs R Us who has inspected the rental property and advised that the tiled roof needs to be replaced as there are lots of missing, broken and leaking tiles. The cost of repairing the roof is $4,500. The couple also received two other quotes of $5,500 from Repair Roofs and $5,100 from No Roof Leaks.   Jin discusses this matter with Arthur and both have agreed to get Roofs R Us to repair the roof. Dave and his team successfully complete the work and invoice Jin and Arthur who duly pay the amount of $4,500.



Explain to Jin and Arthur on whether the expenditure is of a revenue or capital nature.   You are expected to apply the relevant sections of the Income Tax Act and the tests from BP Australia.





Is the expenditure incurred in repairing the roof deductible for income tax purposes?



The students need to extrapolate only the key relevant facts that assist in understanding the issue. The movement from Christchurch and their employment status are extraneous to the question.



Identify the relevant sections of the Income Tax Act 2007 and any tax cases


  • BP Australia v F C of T
  • Inland Revenue v McKenzies Ltd
  • British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ltd v Atherton
  • Section DA1
  • Section DA2





The following tests came out of BP Australia

  1. The character of the advantage sought (Whether an enduring benefit is obtained, whether an asset is gained)
  2. The manner in which the product of the expenditure is to be used (Whether it is to be used in a recurring manner):
  3. The means adopted to fund the expenditure (Whether the expenditure is funded from fixed or circulating capital, whether payment is periodic, one-off or spread over time):
  4. Whether the expenditure is in relation to the profit-yielding structure or the process used to obtain regular returns:
  5. All the considerations will be taken into account and balanced against each other in order to determine whether a particular agricultural expenditure is of a capital or revenue nature.


From the information provided, it is argued that the expenditure is of a revenue nature. The repair of the roof is probably a result of normal expenditure. It is one off and does not involve the alternation of the capital structure of the asset. The repair undertaken is necessary from a health and safety perspective and cannot be delayed or deferred. It can be argued that the expenditure is reflective of the age of the asset and is paid from circulating capital. While it is accepted that the current repair will increase the useful life of the roof, the key is what has given rise to the expenditure. There is no new asset created. The actual asset here is the house and the asset that is being referred to is the roof. The roof is an integral part of the asset and is incapable of functioning independently.


Marks are awarded for the quality and brevity of the responses.

If the students felt that the expenditure was of a capital nature and were able to mount compelling legal arguments, this was recognised and rewarded.

The key is the understanding of the law and applying the key precedents from BP Australia

Analyze your Customers

Analyze your Customers

Week 3 – Assignment: Analyze your Customers

Due September 30 at 11:59 PM

This week, you have learned how to analyze your customer, ascertain what they’re thinking from your point of view as well as their point of view, and you have learned about different methods to better understand them (e.g., observations, discussions, focus groups, and surveys). In this assignment, you will write an essay summarizing your customer analysis for your chosen company. Keep in mind, the attributes you select in your customer analysis will vary given the product that you make or the service you provide. Include the following in your essay:
Summarize your customers in terms of total rank order and segment. You may use a table, chart or graph, or you may describe in essay form for this portion of the assignment.
Identify Key Customer Data including the following suggested information: Product/service, market segment, buying from competition, location of their end use customers, key quality characteristics, sales volume.
Design a high level plan to gather data from your employees (i.e., observations, discussions, focus groups, and surveys). Summarize how you will gather data. If using a survey, include in your appendix. If using discussions or focus groups, include the questions you will ask. If using observation, describe specifically what and how you will observe.
Provide a summary paragraph that concludes your primary thoughts on your customers and potential customers.
Support your paper with a minimum of three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

External Resource (S): Books and Resources for this Week

1. Tracy, B. (2015). Business strategy (The Brian Tracy success library). New York: AMACOM.
2. Read Chapters 15 and 16

3. Padhye, G., & Sangvikar, B. V. (2016). Understanding the repatronage intentions of supermarket customers: A cluster analysis.

4. Liu, A. H., Chugh, R., & Noel Gould, A. (2016). Working smart to win back lost customers the role of coping choices and justice mechanisms.

5. Jay, J. I. (2016). How to get the feedback you didn’t really want to hear (but really need to know).

6. Simons, R. (2014). Choosing the right customer.

Supplemental (External) Resource