Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations
Prior to completing this assignment, review the pertinent sections of Chapter 3. You have been the manager of a Dunkin’ Donuts store in the Midwest for the past two years. The store is owned by a Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee who owns 20 other Dunkin’ Donuts locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. It has been noted by the owner that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store and have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization, and people. In regards to the metrics that are used to measure their stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in their system.

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to district manager! The Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth.

For this assignment, you will prepare a four to five-page paper in which you explain your chosen job design, organizational design, your recruiting strategy and methods, and your training and performance appraisal process as the new District Manager for Dunkin’ Donuts.

You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed:

Introduction—Provide a well-organized introduction to the paper.
Job Design—Explain your chosen job design including job analysis, job description and job specification.
Organizational Design—Explain why the chosen organizational design was chosen.
Your paper must include at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations paper

Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Choose a character from the text. Consider his or her view during the voyage of the Lusitania. Write three blog entries that they might have shared during the trip. You must include details from that person’s experience as the ship sinks, during the rescue, and in the aftermath of the disaster.

Writing Assignment 1: Dead Wake by Erik Larson
Dead Wake is divided into five sections. You must read Sections IV and V. You may read the
first three as well but that is not required for our class.
The book is written to give you alternating perspectives. Some chapters share the point of view
from the Lusitania. Others give you the perspective of the German U-Boat patrolling the ocean.
Each chapter title includes a location that will tell you what perspective it will include.
Sections I-III provide the background of the ships, their captains, and their passengers. The
Lusitania is captained by William Thomas Turner, an experienced ship captain. The passenger
ship is filled with civilians who are traveling from America to Britain during World War I. The
passengers, crew, and captain are aware of increasing German submarine attacks but
incorrectly assume that they will be safe because the Lusitania is a passenger ship. The
passengers do not know that the ship also carries ammunition and supplies for the British
military. This controversial cargo gives Germany a reason to attack the otherwise neutral ship.
The Lusitania was attacked by a German U-Boat captained by Walther Schwieger. The first part
of the book tells the story of both captains as their ships approach one another and Schwieger
makes the decision to fire a torpedo at the Lusitania. Section IV begins just as the torpedo is
launched from the submarine.
Choose a character from the text. Consider his or her view during the voyage of the Lusitania.
Write three blog entries that they might have shared during the trip. You must include details
from that person’s experience as the ship sinks, during the rescue, and in the aftermath of the
disaster. You are expected to use historical context from your textbook and class discussion
about World War I, isolationism, and the culture of the period.
• You must write two full pages.
• Grammar counts, edit your work carefully.
• Use 1-inch margins, 12-point Times Roman font, double space your paper.
• Your draft is due on September 26.
o Submit a digital copy on D2L before class on this date. Dr. Krueger will give you
brief feedback to help you improve the paper before the final draft is due.
• Final papers are due on October 6.
o You will turn in one paper copy as well as an electronic copy to D2L.

Writing the Grant Part 3: Budget, Budget

Writing the Grant Part 3: Budget, Budget

Final Project: Writing the Grant Part 3: Budget, Budget Justification/Narrative, & Sustainability Plan.

Constructing a budget requires time and attention to detail. This section of the grant proposal should include the narrative or justification and the financial details associated with funding the project. While the tabulated costs address the financial requirements associated with the budget, the narrative or justification should explain anything that is not apparent in the itemized budget. Be careful not to get redundant with the budget narrative. It is best to review examples to understand the required balance. Finally, as you consider developing your budget, make sure that you have fully examined the requirements of the RFP. Determine the timeline of the grant as well as your activity timeline and management plan to ensure you have covered all the nuances of project work that has associated costs. Ask yourself: Does this budget reflect all activities? Are all the project costs as well as the in-kind donations and volunteer resources documented? Is this budget realistic?

For this Assignment:

Review the Final Project Guidelines provided in this module’s Learning Resources.
Carefully review the University of Wisconsin-Extension resource as well as other Learning Resources focused on project budgets. You also may find additional online information from reputable grant-related organizations.
With consideration to feedback in Discussion 1 that you received from colleagues and your Instructor, and to your continued evaluation of the literature and funder guidelines, finalize your project Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan.

The Assignment:

Part I: Budget Template

Use the budget template provided in the Learning Resources.
Fill in the budget template for your project.
Note: Rationale for costs will be provided in the budget narrative.

Note 2: Budget line items should consider the non-personnel and personnel resources listed in the methodology section.

Part II: Budget Narrative and Sustainability Plan

The Budget Narrative expands on the line items of the budget, providing a reviewer detail and justification for how you arrived at the projected dollar amounts. For example: If hiring a consultant for $2,000 is a line item, the narrative might explain that this is based on 40 hours @ $50/hour.
The Sustainability Plan explains how your agency plans to continue operating this program once the funding has run out.
It also indicates where future funding and other resources might be obtained.
Note: All relevant cost issues from the budget are addressed in the sustainability plan.

Read Case Study 5.2, in your textbook – “Why Aren’t They Listening?”


Read Case Study 5.2, in your textbook – “Why Aren’t They Listening?” Answer the four questions at the end of the case study.

the text book is
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN:

requierd Directions:

Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph) that addresses the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question and answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be three to five pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

What are the fixed income investments we should consider? Why? 
 2. How would we invest our funds into long-term CD’s? How would we fare in terms of 
returns and cash flows?

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrows (4-6 pages, excluding appendices)
(Extracted from client’s file)”Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrows contacted us because they need some help about investing in fixed income. They own their own house; they already have equity investments, and they are considering investing $300,000 in fixed income. They tell us that they are interested in an investing horizon of 20 years (You may change it to 15 years if you cannot find 20 year bonds). We must prepare a report with at least the following information (verbatim from their contact letter):
1. What are the fixed income investments we should consider? Why?
2. How would we invest our funds into long-term CD’s? How would we fare in terms of 
returns and cash flows?
3. What about immediate annuities? We understand there are lifetime annuities and specified 
period annuities. We are both 65 years old.
4. What about long-term Treasury bonds? How would we fare in terms of returns and cash 
5. What about a single, corporate bond issue of the highest quality? How would we fare in 
terms of returns and cash flows? If we do this, we would like to see if we could have annual cash flows over $15,000 per year. Also could you please prepare the following three different scenarios?
a. One showing total preservation of wealth -that is, we end up with the same amount of bonds we started with.
b. In the second scenario we would sell bonds each period so that we end up with about 50% of the bonds we initially purchased.
c. In the third scenario, we would like to go on selling an even amount of bonds so that the initial capital is completely depleted by the end of the investment.
6. How do each of these investments compare with investing in bond mutual funds? What bond funds would you recommend to us for long-term investing?

Evidence-Based Change Project Paper

I am a student masters who follow the nursing school professor nursing school BSN program as a part of my clinical rotation. My role included lecturing the students, grading, implementing changes, evaluating performance and analyzing data; to see if my Apprentice Model of teaching worked in a long run:)
The majority of the material is attahced as a file for your reference and instructors feedback for correction.
I’ve been using ‘Apprentice model” of teaching in class”( where the student presents the lecture).
So far in the past 15 weeks, we have seen positive results and noticed that students grades improved.

Culminating Experience Evidence-Based Change Project Paper
Your final paper will encompass all assignments you have completed thus far. At
this point you will have submitted each section and received feedback. Your
culminating experience is designed to be an experiential continuum of successful
execution of your change project designed and implemented throughout both
courses. The final paper should be edited and professionally presented. An
attempt to incorporate all previous assignment feedback should be evident.
The final evidence-based change project paper should include the following
headings :
• Introduction and Background: You will begin to explain what your change
project topic is. Include background information you have obtained. Make
sure to discuss the importance of your topic and why there is a need for it
to be researched and implemented in your assigned facility or in advanced
practice nursing in general.
• Problem Identification and Description Using PICOT Format: Identify and
describe the problem in clear and concise language. Describe the
significance of the evidence-based project that can be implemented in the
selected setting to the nursing profession. Give a clear and explicit
statement of the problem and target population as well background of the
specific problem relative to the clinic or hospital setting.
• Critical Appraisal/Integrative Literature Review: Write a literature review
using peer-reviewed articles and books, as well as non-research literature
such as evidence-based guidelines, toolkits, and standardized
procedures. Provide reference(s) to recent literature related to your
specific unit. Identify and cite all sources of data according to APA
guidelines. The goal is to review and analyze the most current research to
support your project. Summarize the key findings, and provide a transition
to the methods, intervention, or clinical protocol section of the paper.
Describe any gaps in knowledge that you found and the effects this may
have on nursing practice as it relates to your change project topic. The
discussion of the literature review should be a synthesis of how each
article relates to your project.
• Project Aims, Values, and Desired Outcomes:
o Describe the project aim: The project aim should include examples
of features and functions that will occur as a result of implementing
your change project.
o Describe the project value: The value should describe the benefits
of the change project implementation to the stakeholders, the
organization, and the nursing profession.
o Describe the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose,
quality focus, and viewpoint of the project as well as its expected
accomplishments. A project goal should reference the project’s
business benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address
individual and family healthcare needs or changes, results, impacts,
or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or
institutions. Goals and objectives should be measurable, shared,
and agreed on by all key stakeholders. They are directly linked to
the concept of project success factors.
• Theoretical Framework: Identify at least two independent theories or
conceptual models that relate directly to the planned project in addition to
the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle. Including a discussion of how each
theory or model applies to the individual project is essential.
• Proposed Evidence-Based Project Plan: Develop the project plan based
on your theoretical framework and the literature review, and include an
environmental assessment of the readiness for change.
o Develop the strategy or strategies for meeting the desired
outcomes that includes a work breakdown structure (timeline/task
list/Gantt Chart)—a hierarchical definition of the tasks and activities
of a project that normally begins with the highest-level activities and
works downward into the individual tasks.
o Include a project budget (table or spreadsheet) for the project that
addresses the needed personnel, equipment, and/or supplies that
may have associated costs.
o Plan the design and methodology used.
o Evaluation methodologies
• Actual Outcomes/Evaluation: Measureable evaluation methods
(indicators/metrics) are cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care
(visits/procedures/admissions), patient/family satisfaction, associate
satisfaction, associate engagement, retention, clinical outcomes, injury
prevention, risk reduction, etc.
• Summary and Conclusions: Includes the following but is not limited to a
summary of the project, a summary of main points and findings, the
significance of project to the nursing profession, and any
recommendations for future research.
• References
• Appendices
The paper should be between 20 and 30 pages in length, not including the cover
page, references, or any appendices. It must follow APA Manual (6th ed.).

Paper Grading Criteria:
1. Introduction and Background
The change project topic is introduced. All background information is included. Project importance within the field or significance for the assigned facility is described.
2. Problem ID and Description in PICOT Format
Presents a thorough and insightful analysis of the chosen topic/problem. Describes the problem thoroughly, including the target population and history/background information at the assigned clinic or hospital. The significance and applicability to nursing is included and well presented. Includes an appropriate topic identification related to an advanced practice nursing issue or practice problem of concern. Population is fully defined and present in the research question. Includes specific interventions, identifies comparisons, and presents appropriate outcomes in a timely manner for the question. Overall, a well-built question using the PICOT format.
3. Critical Appraisal/Literature Review
A minimum of 10 Peer-reviewed articles, books, or limited non-research literature (tool kits or standardized procedures) are present. Literature is supported by scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Subtopics are used to support the main topic. In-text citations are present and correctly formatted. Presents a thorough and insightful analysis of significant findings related to the change project topic. Ideas are synthesized and professionally sound and creative. Insightful and comprehensive conclusions and solutions are present
4. Project Aims, Values, and Desired Outcomes
The project, aims, values, and desired outcomes are well-developed. They are clear and thorough, and there is evidence that a clinical microsystems approach is used. Aims include examples of projected features and functions. Values include implementation benefits for specific stakeholders. Desired outcomes state the purpose, have a quality focus, and describe the benefits that will occur as a result of implementation.
5. Theoretical Framework. Identifies two independent theories or conceptual models that relate to the change project topic and describes how they will be applied to the change project. Presents evidence of the use of the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle that includes a description of the study, study design, rationale, and inclusion of sampling information that is being used.
6. Proposed Evidence-Based Project Plan
The proposed evidence-based change project plan is specific to the environment in which the change project will be implemented. It includes a work breakdown structure, a budget, and a measurement tool. A detailed analysis of the environmental assessment has occurred. A work breakdown structure is present and formatted for ease of use (for example, a Gantt Chart). There is a proposed budget in the form of a table or spreadsheet with all project needs included. A measurement tool is included with a description of all items applicable to the project: cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care, patient/family satisfaction, associate satisfaction, associate engagement, retention, clinical outcomes, injury prevention, and risk reduction.
7. Actual Outcomes/Evaluation. The actual outcomes/evaluation section includes results obtained from the designed measurement tool. Discussion of all applicable items such as cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care (visits/procedures/admissions), patient/family satisfaction, associate satisfaction, associate engagement, retention, clinical outcomes, injury prevention, and risk reduction are included.
8. Summary and Conclusions
The summary and conclusions section includes an overall summary of the project’s main points and findings, the significance of the project to the nursing profession, and recommendations for future research. Lessons learned from implementation, including successes, challenges, and obstacles for future similar clinical situations are discussed.
9. References and Appendices
Reference page included, complete, and formatted using correct APA format. Appendices include an appropriate informed consent form, a survey form if needed, and appropriate tables if applicable.
10. Mechanics and APA
Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Information is well organized and clearly communicated. Assignment is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Follows all the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout.

Cumulative Feedback from the teacher throughout the semester:
Week 2 I provided a lot of feedback directly on your paper. Make sure you click on the boxes and read them. Work on the feedback I presented directly on your paper as you revise this for your final paper; This change project needs completion in the next 5 weeks

You did not fully complete what each of the PICOT is for your project as seen below. This needs to continue to be clear for the reader. so please rework this for your final paper as appropriate.
Overall, I enjoyed reading your paper. You wrote a clear and concise paper identifying and describing the chosen problem you have decided to address through your change project however left out some of the needed information. You described the significance of the evidence-based project that can be implemented in the selected setting to the nursing profession. It included an appropriate topic identification related to an advanced practice nursing issue or practice problem of concern. Population is NOT fully defined and present in the research question.
Included were:
1. background information relative to the specific problem at your assigned clinic or hospital setting
2. specific interventions
3. identified comparisons
4. appropriate outcomes were not indicated in a timely manner for the question which is also not clear. I do not know what you are actually doing for your change project??
Your paper did NOT include the research question set up in PICOT format that will drive your change project throughout the course to include: WHAT IS THE QUESTION? BE CLEAR.
• Missing Population/Patient Problem: Who is your patient? Get more specific here.
• Intervention: What do you plan to do for the student?
• Comparison: What is the alternative to your plan?
• Outcome: What outcome do you seek?
• MISSING;Time: What is the time frame? This needs to be more specific for your study
Please make sure to use headings and subheadings in your paper. This helps with clarity and flow and also makes sure you did not leave any key components out of the paper.
• Included should be:
Overall your paper presents a thorough and insightful analysis of the chosen topic/problem but lacks clarity. The significance and applicability to nursing is included and well presented. APA was not adhered to, additionally the information is not well organized and is not clearly communicated. Please work on the feedback and comments I provided for your final paper.

See rubric for additional feedback

I provided a lot of feedback directly on your paper. Make sure you click on the boxes and read them. Work on the feedback I presented directly on your paper as you revise this for your final paper; This change project needs completion in the next 5 weeks

You did not fully complete what each of the PICOT is for your project as seen below. This needs to continue to be clear for the reader. so please rework this for your final paper as appropriate.
Overall, I enjoyed reading your paper. You wrote a clear and concise paper identifying and describing the chosen problem you have decided to address through your change project however left out some of the needed information. You described the significance of the evidence-based project that can be implemented in the selected setting to the nursing profession. It included an appropriate topic identification related to an advanced practice nursing issue or practice problem of concern. Population is NOT fully defined and present in the research question.
Included were:
1. background information relative to the specific problem at your assigned clinic or hospital setting
2. specific interventions
3. identified comparisons
4. appropriate outcomes were not indicated in a timely manner for the question which is also not clear. I do not know what you are actually doing for your change project??
Your paper did NOT include the research question set up in PICOT format that will drive your change project throughout the course to include: WHAT IS THE QUESTION? BE CLEAR.
• Missing Population/Patient Problem: Who is your patient? Get more specific here.
• Intervention: What do you plan to do for the student?
• Comparison: What is the alternative to your plan?
• Outcome: What outcome do you seek?
• MISSING;Time: What is the time frame? This needs to be more specific for your stud

Week 6 comments
Goals: You did not reference your projects goal with the projects business benefits in items of cost, time, and/or quality that address individual and family healthcare needs or changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs or institutions. Your project goals and outcomes are measurable but not stated.
what is the microsystem chosen and how does it fit? what is your change and/or nursing theory and how does it fit
how will you measure each of these outcomes listed?? what tools are you going to use?? what data will you collect?? what is the timeframe??

Week 7 comments

Week 8 comments.

I am not exactly sure what you were following for this assignment but it does not follow your PDSA cycle etc…
Your project plan should follow the PDSA cycle including a discussion of how each one applied to your project aims, goals and outcomes. This should follow your discussion of measureable evaluation of methods including cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care patient/family satisfaction, associate satisfaction and/or engagement, retention, clinical outcomes injury prevention/risk reduction and/or others in your evaluation and outcomes. Work on this for final paper.
Your project plan should follow the PDSA cycle including a discussion of how each one applied to your project aims, goals and outcomes. This should follow your discussion of measureable evaluation of methods including cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care patient/family satisfaction, associate satisfaction and/or engagement, retention, clinical outcomes injury prevention/risk reduction and/or others in your evaluation and outcomes. Work on this for final paper.
You did not include an analysis of the environmental assessment work breakdown structure including; timeline/task and/or list/Gantt chart, and did not speak to the hierarchical definition of the planned tasks and actives of the project beginning with the highest level actives down to the individual tasks in detail.
You also did not include a proposed project budget in a table or spreadsheet format; including needed personnel, equipment, and supplies, other facility associated costs. Additionally you did not include your measurable evaluation methods (indicators/metrics) including your measurement tool you plan to use and summarize a description of applicable items to your project such as; cost savings, improved efficiencies, access to care, patient; family satisfaction, associate engagement, retention, clinical outcomes, injury prevention and risk reduction…needs improvements.

Explain how child directed speech enhances language and cognitive growth (use Piaget’s stages in your discussion.) 2. Provide an example of each characteristic (i.e. modeling, expanding, extending, prompting, eventcasting, and scaffolding)

Language at the sensorimotor (0 to 24 months) and preoperational (2 to 7 years) stages explodes in growth. Vocabulary expands at a fast rate between 18 and 24 months of age. Children begin to say two-word combinations, and by three years of age, sentences are formed. At four years old, most children can carry on a conversation, albeit around four-year old interests, with an adult. When they reach five years of age, most grammatical morphemes are mastered; and, complex sentences and clauses are used. Most pragmatic functions are also used.
The purpose of this Discussion is to understand the Piagetian theories of cognitive and language development in infant, toddler, preschool, and early school, and the five major areas of language: a) Phonology; (b) Morphology; (c) Semantics; (d) Syntax; and, (e) Pragmatics. For this Discussion:
You must use ALL the sources I have provided in the attachments to answer the following prompt questions:
1. Explain how child directed speech enhances language and cognitive growth (use Piaget’s stages in your discussion.)
2. Provide an example of each characteristic (i.e. modeling, expanding, extending, prompting, eventcasting, and scaffolding) you have used with: (a) pet dog or cat; (b) young 12–18-month child; (c) older child of 2–3 years?
3. How can figurative expressions used by adults be difficult for children with language learning disabilities or children who are English learners?

Operations & Supply Chain Management

Operations & Supply Chain Management

This Paper should be based on Human Resources Generalist specially in the compensation area, I work for a Public (State) University


This paper is meant to help you understand your company’s operations in some detail. If your company is a large company focus on the division in which you work. If even that is too big focus on your department or profit-center or function.

For this company or business unit:

Identify its products or services. What does it do? Who are its customers?
Identify the inputs (labor, material, information, technology, etc.) that go into this product/service. What value does your company add to the inputs?
Identify capacity – how many units does it make or customers does it serve in a day/month/year? If there are multiple products, pick one product or product family. Is demand for your product/service seasonal?

How does forecasting work in your company? Is there a formal process? Is there a formal method? Who does it and how often? Who uses the forecasts and for what purposes? Where does the data come from? What kind of data? Are forecasts revised? How often? Does your company keep track of forecast accuracy?

What kinds of items does your company keep in inventory? How is inventory managed in your company? Who manages it? Who does the ordering? Is there a formal process? Are there systems like SAP? Are inventory-related costs like holding cost or ordering costs quantified? Is ordering centralized or de-centralized?

Quality management in your company. How is quality defined? Is there a formal process for quality management? Who’s responsible? Steps taken by company to ensure good quality of product or service. Assessment of different costs associated with quality. How do they deal with complaints? Quality measures with vendors? Quality specifications with customers?

Supply Chain
For one major product or product family, identify and map out its supply chain: go as far back upstream as you can to multiple tiers of suppliers and downstream to distributors, wholesalers, logistics vendors, all the way to the ultimate customer.
Is this supply chain typical of your company’s industry?
How vulnerable is this supply chain to disruptions in supply? Have there been recent examples?

Suggested Outline of the Report

A one-paragraph introduction to company, products and services – rationale for their business, how they compete, competitors, some measure of scope of operations: local, regional, national, or multinational, some measure of scale of operations – revenues, unit volume, number of customers, market share, etc.

After this you should have a section for each of the topics listed on the previous page. No section should be more than one single-spaced page.

A concluding paragraph.

Use diagrams and schematics as needed. They should serve a purpose and be discussed in your report. Avoid heavy graphics and cute pictures pulled from your company’s website.

Make it professional. Spelling and grammar do matter.

The report as a whole should give you (and me) a clear and concise picture of operations in your company or business.

Please do not include any material that your company might consider confidential.

Latest revision commentPlease the 1st line of my request – I specifically request something related to HUMAN RESOURCES

Consider the following two products: 3D television and prescription. Which product would have a higher price elasticity of demand in absolute value? Explain your answer including identifying the determinant of elasticity

Written Assessment ECO10004 Economic Principles
Part B
Due Date – See Canvas under the assessment tab
All work must be submitted using the turnitin link (see below for more instructions)
Please do not attach a coversheet to your assignment. Also,
do not include a copy of the questions in your document.
You can insert pictures in your document but they must be
low resolution pictures. If your file is larger than 1 to 2 MB
then convert your file to pdf and upload this into turnitin.
Marking Scheme and word count
 The total marks for the written assessment is 50 and represents 50% of
your total mark for the unit. Part A is worth 12; Part B is worth 20 and
Part C is worth 18.
 Each question is worth either 1, 2 or 4 marks as indicated (at the end of
each question).
 A word count is set for each question (at the end of each question). You
must ensure your answer is below the word count. Anything written
after the word count has been exceeded will not count towards your
Task 2: Elasticity
1. Consider the following two products: 3D television and prescription. Which product would
have a higher price elasticity of demand in absolute value? Explain your answer including
identifying the determinant of elasticity. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 60
2. Consider the following two products: Coffee sold in a café or electricity (assume limited excess
capacity). Which product would have a higher price elasticity of supply in absolute value?
Explain your answer including identifying the determinant of elasticity. Coffee sold in a café or
electricity (assume limited excess capacity). (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 60
In the following graph, the demand for tyres has shifted to the left because the price of cars
has increased from, on average $25,000 to $35,000 per car. Use the graph to answer question
3. Calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand between tyres and cars. Show your calculations
and explain your answer in words. (2 marks) – Maximum number of words 80 + calculation
20 000 21 000
25 000
Task 3: Costs of Production
Explain whether the following events in questions 1 and 2 will affect fixed costs or variable costs
(make sure you justify your answer):
1. The federal government applies a licence fee on every ‘television network’ of 1 million AUD. (1
mark) Maximum number of words 40
2. Samsung signs a new contract changing the price it pays for ‘power boards’ that are used in its
TVs. (1 mark) Maximum number of words 40
Read the following excerpt and answer question 3.
Airbus and Dreamliner Battle for Air Space
The world’s largest passenger plane [Airbus] has proven to be the most
expensive civilian airplane ever developed. Airbus claims its fuel efficiency,
control system and sound-reduction technology also make it the most
advanced airliner ever built. The Dreamliner travels the same distance as the
A380 [Airbus] at the same speed but carries half the passengers.
Author: Davin Coburn Jun 15, 2010
3. You are an executive in an airline company that uses both Dreamliner and Airbus planes.
Thinking of the long run, when might it be best to use the Dreamliner? When might it be best
to use the Airbus? Use the long run average total cost curve in explaining your answer. (4
marks) Maximum number of words 350
Task 4: Market Power
1. Graph and explain the situation for Adidas if it was the only seller of exercise running shoes in
Australia. Contrast this with the situation when many other brands enter the market selling
similar products. Use a graph and explain your answer. When drawing graphs assume the firm
is in the long run. (2 marks) – Maximum number of words 120
2. There are many cattle farms in the world, and there are also many McDonald’s restaurants in
the world. Why, then, does a McDonald’s restaurant face a downward-sloping demand curve
while a cattle farms face a horizontal demand curve? How would this situation change if there
were two McDonalds restaurants located next to each other? (2 marks) – Maximum number of
words 200
Task 5: Business Strategy
Consider the example where Jim’s coffee (they seem to sell everything else) wants to open a store
but a major existing company Stars and Coffee threatens Jim’s by saying if you enter I will charge
lower prices. The pay-off matrix is below. Answer questions 1 to 5.
1. Define dominant strategy. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 50
2. Does Jim’s coffee have a dominant strategy? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words
3. Does Stars and Coffee have a dominant strategy? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of
words 80
4. Define Nash equilibrium. What is (are) the Nash equilibrium(s) in this game. Explain. (2 marks)
– Maximum number of words 150
5. Should Jim’s coffee believe Stars and Coffee threat? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of
words 100
High Price Low Price
Jim’s earns Jim’s earns
2 million profit 1 million loss
S and C earns S and C earns
3 million 1 million
Jim’s coffee
Jim’s earns Jim’s earns
zero profit zero profit
Do not enter S and C earns S and C earns
7 million 2 million
Stars and Coffee

The Role of Economics in the Health and Medical Care Industry

Dewar (2010) indicates that the field of economics can provide a structure to examine “the implications of individual decision making and help define the alternative mechanisms to improve resource allocation” (p. 9), but it cannot be used as a solution to all issues concerning healthcare access and delivery.

Economists prepare economic analysis briefs to provide insight into how economic market forces operate. For this assignment, prepare an economic analysis brief that describes the role of economics in the health and medical care industry in the United States or abroad to demonstrate an understanding of Module 2. Discuss and synthesize key elements from at least two recent scholarly articles (found in the CSU-Global Library) that address one of the following points:

Determine the distribution and allocation of scarce resources.
Apply economic models, theories, or assumptions.
Offer objective methods for attempting to predict future market behavior in response to events, trends, and cycles.
Assess economic policy recommendations for healthcare stakeholders.
Evaluate the economic health of the nation or state.
Your analysis should be thoughtful and thorough, well written, and formatted as follows:

Title page
Introduction – What is the topic, why is it important, and what are the objectives of your brief?
Body – What are the key elements of the scholarly articles that support the objectives of your brief? What economic models or concepts apply?
Conclusion – What are the future implications, policy recommendations, etc.?
Reference page
Your paper should be two to three pages (not including the required title and references pages) in length and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.