Natural History

Question 2: Algal Life Histories (25 points) Discuss the life histories of unicellular and multicellular algae. Include in your answer the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas, and the three multicellular algae: the green alga, Ulva, the red alga, Polysiphonia, and the brown alga, Fucus. Using your choices of examples from these organisms, include in your discussion: a. the sequence of stages in the life histories of algae b. a description of the alternation of haploid and diploid generations, c. the benefits of haploid and diploid generations under different conditions; under what conditions is it better to be haploid? . . . under what conditions diploid?

Reading an Ethnography The book is about Yousafzai, Malala. I am Malala

For the “BIG” Assignment in this class, you will be reading an ethnography. A list of potential books will follow the instructions. You may select any book from this list (most are readily available in the library or you may ask me as I have copies of many of them) or you may find a source of your own. If you choose off the list, you are good to go. If you find your own book, you must have it okayed by me in order to use it. This will be due the last week of class, by Wednesday, so I will have time to grade them before the final day. As you read, you will focus on many of the areas we have looked at, or will be looking at in this class. Your final product will be a paper summarizing what you read in the format listed below: 1) Title Page 2) Introduction – based on Appendix p.187-196 – how are the shared features of an ethnography detailed in this book? How was it organized? What was the author’s purpose in writing in your estimation? What did you think of the book? Did you enjoy it? Did it surprise you? Why or why not? Obviously, this will be the last thing you write after you complete the entire book. 3) What culture was dealt with in this book? Where are they located? What is the environment like? What special issues do they face? 4) What did the author have to say about worldview and religion? 5) How does the culture organize itself? Who lives in households? Who are considered kin? What kinship system and terminology do they use? 6) What are gender roles in this culture? How are they viewed by the members? Are they strict? Loose? Are there more than two genders? 7) How are marriages completed? How are spouses located? Where do they live after marriage? Is there a dowry or bride wealth? What happens if a couple does not get along? 8) What kind of political and economic arrangement does the culture have? What kinds of subsistence activities are there? What are the main products for consumption? 9) What about medicine and science and technology? Is this culture globalized? Is the globalization helping the culture? 10) Wrap up. Summarize your feelings and opinions about how this culture operates and why you think this is. What do you know now that you didn’t know when you began this project? Remember to cite all sources, although I anticipate that most of your information will come directly from the book you choose to read. For the book, you may simply provide a page number citation (text p.87 or book p.50 i.e.) in the written text of your paragraphs. For any outside sources you will also need to provide a bibliography with an explanation for each item of what you used that source for. Grading: Title Page (5 points); Paragraphs 2 and 10 (10 points each = 20 points) Paragraphs 3 through 9 (15 points each = 105 points) Citations (10 points) Bibliography (10 points) Grammar and Spelling (10)

Time value of money

This does not need fornt page, numbering of pages, only straight to body and reference page. All the details are below:

Believe it or not, but billionaire legend Warren Buffet used the very first Cadillac automobile he purchased for years and years. He refused to buy a new vehicle each year even though he had the financial means to do so. His justification was a financial one, which centered around “the time value of money”. On average, new cars lose approximately 20% of their value as soon as you take ownership and drive off the lot. Then they depreciate anywhere from 6% to 13% annually. So, if you purchased a new car for $22,000, you could lose $5,720 to $7,260 of the car’s value in the first year. Rather than investing in an asset that depreciates and loses value so rapidly, you could have saved the money that you spent on the car or you could have used that money to invest in assets that usually appreciate over time. Would you agree with Warren Buffet’s justification? Why should the time vale of money, opportunity cost, risk and inflation be taken into consideration when purchasing a new automobile? Are there other financial factors that you would consider? If you were considering purchasing a vehicle today, what approach would you take and still be good financial steward of your money?

You must write and present a second reading speech that either argues for or against a bill that proposes a change to laws giving schools the power to ban mobile phones

You must write and present a second reading speech that either argues for or against a bill that proposes a change to laws giving schools the power to ban mobile phones. The bill is provided on the next page.

The class will be divided into a government and an opposition.
Members of the government will have to provide arguments in support of the bill. They may also offer recommendations for improvements to the bill.
Members of the opposition will have to provide arguments against the bill. They may also offer recommendations for improvements to the bill.
Members of each party will meet in groups to discuss their arguments and to decide the order of speaking.
For the government, the bill will be introduced by the Minister for education. Other members will support their speech.
For the opposition, the first speaker will be the Shadow Minister, followed by others supporting.
Each person will give a 2 – 4 minute oral presentation in a mock parliament to the rest of the class in a lesson. You will need to cover the following:
Explain your position on the bill (supporting or not).
Explain your arguments on the issue, arguing either for or against a change to the law.
Make recommendations on how you think the law should be changed, if at all, giving reasons.
You should use parliamentary language as much as possible.
your speech should start with “Mr Speaker, I support/don’t support this bill because …”

The bill:
The Parliament of South Australia
The Mobile Phones in Schools Bill 2016
A Bill for an Act to restrict the use of mobile phones in all South Australian schools.
(1) Students must switch off their mobile phones when they enter school grounds.
(2) If students use their mobile phone in the school yard they will have the phone
taken from them for one week.
(3) If students use their mobile phone in a school classroom they will have the phone
taken away for two weeks.
(4) If students use their mobile phone in the school yard or school classroom again
after a first offence they will have to report to the front office when they arrive at school each day and “check” their mobile phone for the day and get it back before
leaving each day.
(5) Schools will block the signal for mobile phones in all school change rooms and
sporting areas.

Locate TWO scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.

Locate TWO scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.

Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.

Approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format

-Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
-Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
-Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
-Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:
A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution
Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.

**Will be transmitted through SafeAssign so it cannot have plagiarism.

Psalms of Ascent

Psalms of Ascent

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Read Psalms 120-134 – the psalms of ascent.
Many scholars suggest that these psalms were read by pilgrims as they journeyed to Jerusalem for important feast in the life of Jewish people in the ancient world.
Using the Forum provided for this learning activity:
write a 300 word response, identify what you consider to be the most engaging psalm among the psalms of ascent.

Witherington, B. (2015). Reading and understanding the Bible. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN:978-0-19-934057-6
Students must have a copy of Scripture – hard copy, not electronic – Old and New Testaments. Any translation is acceptable, preferred translation is English Standard Version.

Fee, G. & Stuart, D. (2104). How to read the Bible for all its worth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Foster, R. (1998). Celebration of discipline: The path to spiritual Growth. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

Lyons, G. (2012). The next Christians. Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah.

Wright, N. (2013). The case for the Psalms: Why they are essential. New York: HarperOne.

Wright, N. (2005). Scripture and the authority of God: How to read the Bible today. New York: HarperOne.

What are the impacts of intimate partner violence (IPV) in teenagers?


1. ABSTRACT: This should be between 400-600 words. Identify relevant journals for submission of your research.
2. INTRODUCTION: This should be between 2,200- 2,600 words. It should include terminology, why did you use the term intimate partner violence instead of domestic violence, legislation, statistics, how big an issue is this, relevance to social work practice, backgrounds, aims and objectives. You can use sub headings.
3. Method: This should be between 2,000 – 2,200 words (systematic literature review using qualitative data) searches from electronic database. Criteria are very important. Reason for choosing this method for your research. Ensure you can justify the decision you have made at each stage of using your chosen method. Clarify each stage and explain the process you have gone through. Remember age bracket you are using and date ranges (last 1o years).

4. FINDINGS: This should be 1,000- 1,200 words

5. ANALYSIS: This should be about 2,000 – 2,200 words. It should include ethical issues, validity, differences in articles you have used, what did you find?
6. CONCLUSION: This should be about 500 – 700 words. It should include the relevance of this research to social work and recommendation for future practice.

You can do a table of inclusion as appendix. Credible data with number of teenagers/young people witnessing intimate partner violence.
You can bring in global statistics of children witnessing intimate partner violence and its UK statistics.

Discuss gender and sex differences in emotional communication. How do gender stereotypes influence your perception of how men and women should communicate emotion and how you yourself should communicate emotion?

Discussion Question: Must adhere to the APA (6th ed.) guidelines, excluding the Abstract
Define emotion
Discuss gender and sex differences in emotional communication.
How do gender stereotypes influence your perception of how men and women should communicate emotion and how you yourself should communicate emotion?
Discuss the research on Western culture vs Asian Culture as a factor that influences emotion and interpersonal communication. To what degree do you think that emotion is universal or transcends culture? Justify your answer with evidence and examples.
List the four principles of self-disclosure and the important elements of each?

Book Resource
West, R. and Turner, L. (2011). Understanding Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning ISBN-10: 0495908754 | ISBN-13: 9780495908753

was the Congo (DRC) ready to be independent?

A thesis: Your paper MUST have an argument, and it must be about the argument. Without a thesis, your paper will not score more than a D.
Research: The bulk of your score will come from your data. The rule is very simple – more is more. More the data, more you demonstrate your research, stronger your grade.
References: Your sources MUST be cited properly. You must inform your reader the author of your source, the title of the source, and facts of publication. These citations must be included in the body of your paper – you may chose to do this in the form of parenthesis or footnotes, I am not particular, but a works cited page is insufficient citation. You will not get points for research that is not cited in the body of the paper itself.
A note on sources: a minimum of five sources is necessary for your paper. Sources from websites such as, the History channel, and Wikipedia will not be accepted.

For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative research study related to the field of nursing and write an abstract of the investigation for each study. Each abstract should be between 150–250 words. You must attach the research studies to the respective abstracts.

Quantitative and Qualitative
(An abstract is a short description or synopsis of a journal article, research, or other written material. Abstracts should be accurate, brief, clear, and include only the most essential information.)
The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies.
Ensure the following questions are addressed in each abstract:
1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative, and design)?
2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
3. What is the sample, the sample size, and sample attributes?
4. What was the setting of the study?
5. What were the researcher’s findings? (Identify one.)
abstract of two research studies; choose a quantitative research study and a qualitative research study.
Another indications
You should begin each abstract with the full APA reference to the article you are reviewing.
Remember that you must submit the peer reviewed articles of the research study along with your abstracts. Articles have to be cut-n-pasted onto a WORD document, saved in a .pdf format, or submitted via a working URL link directly to the article site.
Make sure that you are using primary research studies….not articles that are just reporting on various types of research. If it is a research study, it will have an identification of the research design, a description of the sample and setting, the methodology of the research, and how the data was analyzed. If it does not have those items, it is not a research study. If you use an article rather than a study, you will not be able to complete the assignment successfully!!
TIPS as you work on your abstracts this week as well as your critique:
Don’t forget to identify the design of your studies (ie: experimental, cross sectional, ethnographic, etc.). Use the table Comparison of Quantitative to Qualitative Research under the Doc Sharing tab to help you with this.