describe the dual theories of Patriarchy and Paternalism covered in the reading, Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth Century Chesapeake by Philip D. Morgan. How were these ideological constructs used to justify slave culture in Virginia and the other Chesapeake colonies during the 18th century?

Between Patriarchy and Paternalism – Evolving Attitudes and Slave Culture in the 18th Century Chesapeake

Assignment Instructions:
Please describe the dual theories of Patriarchy and Paternalism covered in the reading, Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth Century Chesapeake by Philip D. Morgan. How were these ideological constructs used to justify slave culture in Virginia and the other Chesapeake colonies during the 18th century? How did the patriarchy of the early 18th century differ from the model of paternalism that followed? And, what role did patriarchy and paternalism play in the normalization of slave culture in colonial American society?
Your essay must be 3-4 double spaced pages in length, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, and must use direct evidence from the reading in support of your argument.
Your paper must be submitted in the appropriate drop box on Blackboard under “Assignments.” I will not accept hard copies or E-mailed copies.

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on how the wax museum outline could be successfully integrated into a future classroom. How does this assignment expand verbal communication techniques, including inquiry, collaboration, and student interaction?

Select a grade level 5-8 and outline a lesson that integrates social studies and the arts, and turns the classroom into a wax museum as an instructional activity. The outline given to the students should provide the rationale for the assignment, explain the requirements to successfully complete the assignment, and describe how to present the wax museum to peers and families.

Include the following in the outline for the wax museum activity:

A state social studies standard and an arts standard.
Learning objectives
Description of how and where the wax museum will be presented, including how it successfully integrates two visual arts components (art, music, dance, drama).
Expectations for the student that explain the requirements, i.e., select a historical figure that has had an influence locally or globally.
How students will present selected figure visually and physically.
Guidelines for students on using technology to find and use information resources as preparation for the wax museum presentation.
The technological tools you would use to share this event with the school, families, and the community.
Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on how the wax museum outline could be successfully integrated into a future classroom. How does this assignment expand verbal communication techniques, including inquiry, collaboration, and student interaction?

Business Unit Strategy

A Business Unit Strategy will provide the organization an opportunity to explain the goals and objectives of the new division and help with the development of the strategy to achieve them. The plan will allow the company to gain insight into the current status of the industry they are venturing into using internal and external analysis tools, and then use this analysis to design their division’s business environment. In addition, the plan will be used to form the team that will bring the vision for this division to reality. You will need the Biotech Company Profile to complete the analysis.
Phase II
The Executive Director of the Asia Division of Biotech has asked the GoTo Consulting group that has been assisting with the development of the Business Unit Strategy to begin putting the second phase together. In this phase, the director would like to start painting the functional picture of how the new division will be setup, the products that are believed critical for a successful initial launch, and how the division will communicate within itself, across other divisions, and with the corporate offices. To do this, the group will deliver a Description of the Organizational Structure and Culture section; a Breakdown of Products and Services for the initial Launch; and the Communication Plan.
Description of the Organizational Structure and Culture
In this section, you will lay out the structure that was introduced a week ago and delivered informally to the director. It is intended that this section will now formally present the structure and explain the rationale behind its construction. The idea with presenting the Organizational Chart is to understand why the levels of the chart are developed. Present the Organizational Chart the GoTo group collaborated on in Week 5 and explain why each part of the structure is critical to the success of the organization. For example, if an Assistant Division Director (ADD) Research and Design was placed in the Org Chart, you could explain that they will be responsible for finding ways to integrate green/sustainable materials into cosmetics, something that has not been done on a large scale in the past. The ability to create products that have not been introduced in the market place in mass production will give Biotech a competitive advantage. And under the VP of R&D there is a person responsible for the local testing; explain why their testing will have critical impact on the success of the new product line.
The group will also present the cultural complexities that will need to be monitored and possibly addressed. The director will be bringing a facility online in an area in which Biotech currently has no presence and there could be unforeseen cultural dilemmas that could arise. The GoTo group has considered whether or not to use local nationals in management roles or to bring in current Biotech employees from other locations. Each of these will have their own complexities from a cultural standpoint so consider them as you generate your response. Consider how the new location’s citizens view work hours, holidays, religious beliefs, etc. while researching this topic. Another example about understanding business cultures in foreign countries is how bribery is a big part of business for some cultures but still illegal for a U.S. based company to participate in this act while operating on foreign soil. If the location of the new facility has some cultural differences from what other locations do, you should explain whether Biotech will need to recognize the difference or expect the employees to adhere to Biotech’s standards.
Breakdown of Products and Services
In this section, you will present the products that Biotech will release in the first launch of the new division. These products were also discussed a week ago by your group and will now be formally introduced as the product line. Biotech needs to formally introduce the line of products that it will be presenting to the public and how its production aligns with Biotech’s mission. This section will need to provide specifics on the product and how it meets the sustainable, green, and human friendly mandate set forth from Melanie at the beginning of this project.
Communication Plan
This communication plan will be a roadmap on how the new division will best be able to communicate with Biotech’s corporate headquarters, suppliers, other divisions, and internally. This should lay out best practices and how the organization will be able to use the latest technologies available. Consider things as teleconferencing, video conferencing, telework, etc.
Instructions for completing Phase II of the Business Unit Strategy
Step 1: Write an Introduction Paragraph
Create the Introduction Paragraph
A well written management plan begins with a statement of the company’s goals for the project. This Introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the plan and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper. This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader will understand the intent of the information.
Step 2: Write the Following Using the Specific Information Provided Above
• Description of the Organizational Structure
• Description of the Organizational Culture
• Breakdown of Products and Services
• Communication Plan
Step 3: Review the Paper
Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.
Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
• Read the paper aloud as a first measure;
• Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;
• Have someone who has excellent English skills proof the paper;
• Consider submitting the memo to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.

Completing the Project
In order to complete this project, you will want to first read the module, Learn How to Support What You Write, as this assignment requires you to use the course readings and research to support what you write. Also,
• Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
• Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:
• Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
• Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Instead, put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
• Provide the page or paragraph number (required) when using in-text citations. If using the eBook, use Lumen Candela followed by the Section title and paragraph number.
• You are expected to use the case scenario, Biotech Company Profile, and weekly course material to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course material and demonstrate thorough research of the cosmetic industry. The only external source material used is in relation to the research on the cosmetic industry. Material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
• Use a wide array of the course reading as well as sources from your research. The research should focus on information related to the cosmetic industry.

Integrating Social Studies and the Arts

The integrated study of content areas allows for the engagement of students through the purposeful application of content knowledge. Social studies is a content area that can be effectively integrated with multiple aspects of the arts, including visual arts, drama, and performance. Teachers can design meaningful learning experiences that are cross-curricular and guide students in the development of interdisciplinary skills, within content area contexts, establishing a connection that encourages exploration, discovery, and expression.

Part 1: Social Studies and Arts Learning Activity

Research and examine a variety of teaching and instructional strategies for activities that engage students in complex thinking and meaningful tasks and lessons that integrate social studies and the arts.

For this assignment, complete the “Social Studies and Arts Learning Activity” template to plan for instruction by developing a learning experience that integrates social studies and the arts and uses various forms of communication with interdisciplinary connections of real-world knowledge and skills.

Select a grade level, K-8, and a state standard in social studies and one in the arts that can be met in your learning activity.

The “Social Studies and Arts Learning Activity” template includes:

Social studies standard, arts standard, and grade level
Learning objectives
100-150 word description of the learning activity that integrates social studies and the arts
Instructional strategy
Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on integrating social studies and the arts into one lesson. How does your learning activity and instructional strategy foster the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the content area of social studies and various forms of the arts? Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Support your findings with at least two scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Bad debt management and financial decision

Bad debt management and financial decision
Find the Coca-Cola Amatil Limited financial report through the link below:
You are an investment advisor with accounting expertise. Write a business report, addressing issues below:
• What was the bad debt method that the company used? How much was their bad debt expense for the year 2017?
• Is there any other method of estimating bad debt? What are their differences?
• Analyse the company financial information through at least three ratios and two charts. For any ratios used, justify why these ratios are relevant to your analysis.
• Comment on the company report on sustainability.
• In your report, you have to provide your advice as to whether your client should invest in the company or not.

Create A Systems Theory Cheat Sheet

1.Record a direct quotation that defines the concept or describes the assumption.
2.Paraphrase the definition or description by explaining the information in your own words. As you are paraphrasing, keep in mind that concepts often involve several interrelated ideas. When you are paraphrasing, make sure you are not oversimplifying the concept. (Note: When citing, paraphrasing requires a different formatting method than directly quoting.)
3.Provide an original example (not one you read about in the course resources) of the concept or assumption.
4.Explain how your example reflects the definition. Refer to your paraphrased definition in order to compare the example to the concept.
Resources must be scholarly

You are either an imperialist or an anti-imperialist in 1912. Write a letter explaining both your views and criticizing your opponents’ views to your friend.

You are either an imperialist or an anti-imperialist in 1912. Write a letter explaining both your views and
criticizing your opponents’ views to your friend.
 Examine at least three major people from each side in this debate. Explain how and why they came to
hold their views about imperialism and anti-imperialism.
 Explain at least three major arguments for imperialism and three major arguments against
imperialism. Explain the evidence and ideas contained in each side such as race, religion, politics, and
scientific ideas.
 Examine the Spanish American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides in
this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Examine the Philippine American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides
in this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Demonstrate how the debate about imperialism influenced politics in the Gilded Age and Progressive
Era (1865-1912). Explain how Democrats and Republicans viewed imperialism and explain why the
parties divided over this matter.
 Examine how the debate changed over time for the imperialism. Assess, for 1912, which is the
strongest case for imperialism or anti-imperialism, and explain why Americans should follow that side
in the debate in your opinion.

Pick either “Why We Crave Horror Movies” or “Vanity, Thy Name Is Metrosexual” and evaluate their arguments. Come to a specific conclusion about whether or not the article you chose is well-argued. Don’t just point out the good (and/or bad) aspects of the rhetorical forms. Provide a commentary on them. When I’m finished reading your essay, I need to know your stance on the particular article.

Briefly describe the film, book, album, or video game that you will review. And then tell us whether or not you will be recommending this item to your audience in your review.

2. Tell us about one of the strengths or one of the weaknesses of the item that you are reviewing. For example, if an actor in a film does a great job, then describe his or her best moment (avoid spoilers)!.

If a band or artist had a particularly great song on an album, then explain what is great about it in your opinion.

Remember that you are writing for an audience that knows less about this than you do, so act as a guide.

3. Will learn how to respond to the strength and structure of an argument, not simply agree or disagree with it. You will pick one of the two articles we have in this module, respond, and submit it. This essay will be 750-1000 words in length and will include MLA style in text, parenthetical citations and works cited page.

Pick either “Why We Crave Horror Movies” or “Vanity, Thy Name Is Metrosexual” and evaluate their arguments. Come to a specific conclusion about whether or not the article you chose is well-argued. Don’t just point out the good (and/or bad) aspects of the rhetorical forms. Provide a commentary on them. When I’m finished reading your essay, I need to know your stance on the particular article.

Don’t try to guess which “side” I’m on. These articles have aspects about them that could go both ways. Evaluate the articles and present your ideas accordingly. Keep in mind you need to show me that you’ve been paying attention both in class & to the readings, that you can apply the different aspects of rhetoric to a specific argument & come to a conclusion about that argument.

Traps to Avoid:
Failing to define or apply appropriate standards of evaluation
Merely giving me a report on the article
Failing to support your judgments with evidence (quotes) and details

To help you understand the ways in which ideas are sometimes presented to us. To help you understand how to analyze and discuss information that you’ve received. To help you understand how to present a specific point of view on a specific idea.

Special Instructions: Italicize your thesis.
Format and Length Requirements: Type, Double-Space and Number Your Page Throughout.

1. Your rough draft must be at least 2 full pages.
2. Your final draft must be at least 3-5 fully typed pages (If you write less than 3 fully typed pages, you will not receive a passing grade on the essay. No exceptions).
3. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font.

Using demographic information from the 2013 Sentinel City demographic database, as an example, briefly describe the target population that is served by your practice learning site.( behavioral health unit). Discuss at least 2 health status indicators applicable to your target population.

Using demographic information from the 2013 Sentinel City demographic database, as an example, briefly describe the target population that is served by your practice learning site.( behavioral health unit). Discuss at least 2 health status indicators applicable to your target population. Next describe the community assessment model (framework) appropriate for your target population. Include a rationale for selecting this model. What types of information on the CLAS website pertain to the population served by your practice learning site? (1 page)
Include at least 2 scholarly references – 1 reference should be from a peer-reviewed professional journal published within the past 7 years.
Remember the target population are the Hispanics with diabetes

Reading & Resources
• Download Sentinel City Demographic Database (file included in this module). You will be using this database in Discussion 2 – Question 1 and for the Final Project.
• Visit Community Health Nursing Flashcards
• Read Community Assessment Models and Measures
• Visit “All Health Topics” and click on your health topic

Comparing performance during the first seven months of 2017 with the first seven months of 2018, which warehouse shows the best improvement in performance? What criteria did you use? Briefly explain why you used that criteria.

During the last weekly review, the CEO (still Elise Ennis) expressed some concerns about the warehousing operations. She has no real feel for the efficiency of the warehouses. The operations “strike her” as being somewhat expensive. And her impression is that “the cost for each warehouse is sort of all over the place.”
The CEO asked if it would be possible to do a quick analysis of the warehousing function. [Of course, that was a rhetorical question. As you might expect, the answer from Tom Perkins the VP/head of logistics was “sure we can do an analysis for you”.]
The CEO said that she would send over some more specific questions after the meeting.
As a logistician for the company you are to play a key role in doing the analysis and reporting the results to the CEO.
In preparation for the analysis you asked the Comptroller for some financial information. The Comptroller provided the financial statements (income statement & balance sheet) for 2017, the most recent complete year. The income statement and balance sheet are attached.

You also asked the VP who oversees warehousing operations for some data. The manager of warehouse operations sent over the most recent data that was available. The performance results are in a special run in the accompanying file. There is only one tab, so it is hard to miss.
The VP explained that BMC has been using the number of shipments as a key metric for warehousing. No distinction is made between an incoming shipment or an outgoing shipment. They believe that the work effort for either type of shipment is about the same. The shipment information and various expense and budget items are also included.
You ask if there is any other information that you should know — any peculiarities of warehousing operations for LUML? The VP mentions a few things that he says are not so obvious.
#1. The Buffalo warehouse is co-located with the Buffalo manufacturing plant & the company’s headquarters.
#2. All manufacturing is done in-house in Buffalo.
#3. The Buffalo facility is owned by BMC. The other 8 are owned by the 3PL firms operating each site.
#4. All the warehouse staffing is under a 3PL firm. There are no company employees in the warehouses.
#5. As the need arouse for other warehouses/shipping centers, the VP at that time decided to try what was then a relatively new concept. The work at these other sites was contracted out to local operators at each site. The contractors follow basic BMC policies, etc. These operations are what was to become known as 3PL (third party logistics). [Note: If you want to read more on 3PL in our book, then check in the index. However, for this case all that you basically need to realize is that these warehouses are each operated by a separate local operator under contract to LUML.]
#6. Shipments tend to vary a bit.
Shipments from Buffalo can be to customers in the area, or to the other warehouses for inventory and the like. A typical shipment would have some 10 fixtures.
Shipments from the other warehouses tend to be relatively homogeneous over all the sites. These are almost exclusively to customers. Occasionally they ship between warehouses to balance inventory. A typical shipment has 10 fixtures.
#7. Other than the Buffalo warehouse, a “shipment handled” could be incoming from Buffalo or outgoing to a customer. Buffalo shipments are essentially all outgoing (e.g., very few returns).
#8. As far as he can remember, this is one of the first times that the CEO has mentioned multiple concerns. One of them being relative efficiency of warehouse operations. To this point in time the information on the number of shipments has sufficed. But he is pretty sure that the CEO is trying to look past the simple number of shipments.
You thank him and head back to your office.

When you arrive, you find a note on your desk from Tom Perkins. This is forwarding the questions that the CEO had promised to send over.

[Your name]
Here are the questions from the CEO.
Please prepare a written memo to reply. Mrs. Ennis is a “data freak” and so likes to look at the backup numbers and analysis. Be sure to include the basic work that was done. Simple calculations might be in the narrative; more complex might need to be in an attachment.


Tom Perkins
VP for Logistics

Tom Perkins


Ref the weekly briefing. Here are the things that jumped into my mind as the topic was being discussed and when I thought about it later in the day. Of course, we are very interested in efficiency and effectiveness. I think that I also mentioned that it seems to me that we have a pretty wide range of warehousing costs over our 8 warehouses.

I’d like the memo per our schedule. Thanks.


#1. (100 pts) Comparing performance during the first seven months of 2017 with the first seven months of 2018, which warehouse shows the best improvement in performance? What criteria did you use? Briefly explain why you used that criteria.

#2. (100 pts) Comparing performance during the first seven months of 2017 with the first seven months of 2018, which warehouse shows the poorest change in performance? What criteria did you use? Briefly explain why you used that criteria.

#3. (100 pts) Comparing all warehouses, which warehouse is doing the “best job”? What criteria did you use? Briefly explain why you used that criteria.

#4. (50 pts) One possibility might be to terminate one of the current contracts and to engage a new contractor. Some have commented that this might offer the possibility for better performance and/or reduced cost at that location. Also, there may be a “spillover effect” to help “motivate” the other contractors to reduce costs.
If one contractor is to be changed, which one do you recommend? Briefly explain why.

#5. (100 pts) The year 2018 is well underway. How much is BMC likely to spend for warehousing for the rest of the year? How much for the full year? Is this better or worse than budgeted?

I’d like to see this information for each warehouse; and, the total for all our warehousing operations.

Briefly explain your work and answers. [Hint: did you make any assumptions that the CEO should know about?]

#6. (100 pts) Using the 2017 financial statement, what would our Strategic Profit Model (SPM) look like? Briefly interpret the results. Briefly interpret two of the key items that most relate to logistics.

#7. (100 pts) I’d like to reduce warehousing costs. But I need to know the impact. For example, holding all other information constant, what would be the effect on ROA if our warehousing costs declined by 10 percent? Explain.
[Hint: It should be obvious that the CEO is not looking for a simple answer — ROA increases/ROA does not change/ROA decreases. Best to compute and explain the actual change?]

#8. (50 pts) I do not expect the costs to be identical for all warehouses. But is there too great a range in costs per unit between the warehouses? Explain.

#9. (100 pts) What is your overall analysis and recommendation (or recommendations) to help us to achieve our objectives? Briefly explain.

#10. (50 pts) The Comptroller told me that there is probably a bit of money that could be put into our information systems. How can IS/IT be applied in warehousing operations at LUML?

[Hint: recall that we looked at many types of IS/IT. You might include whether each type likely has the potential to help meet the CEO’s goal to reduce warehousing expenses and reduce the range.]

#11. (50 pts) I have heard a bit about logistics and a logistics chain. How can warehouse operations be an activity in the logistics channel? Please provide a short explanation.

Remember that there are other graded elements that are not separately listed (e.g., on time; format and completeness; purpose; references as needed).

Your mission? Prepare a memo to the CEO with the answers to her questions. Remember that you also need to send your supporting analysis. The material should be organized as you would send to a senior official. And you should also be sure to cite any material used that is not your own.

The reason that we do this type of analysis is to help manage better, to solve problems, and the like. Interpreting the information in relation to the business situation is important.