A paper on a topic of your choice pertaining to eating behavior and/or body weight regulation. Your paper should mainly be written from an objective perspective.

A paper on a topic of your choice pertaining to eating behavior and/or body weight regulation. Your paper should mainly be written from an objective perspective.

SECTION 1: Topic and outline: To ensure that you have selected an appropriate topic and have located relevant scholarly references, you will submit in a single document
• a tentative title for your paper;
• a paragraph or two stating why you have chosen your topic
• at least three complete, relevant references in APA style from scholarly publications (scientific journals and/or books). You will NOT submit the actual articles.
• An outline with at least eight descriptive topic headings to demonstrate a good conceptual framework for your paper. Topic headings must be informative and content-relevant, i.e. NOT “Introduction”, “Summary of the literature” etc.

Essay on an environmental issue Read an article from a science or engineering journal, from a popular magazine, or from the Internet on some environmental issue that is of interest to you. Summarize the article in a short memorandum format, addressed to your instructor.

11. Essay on an environmental issue Read an article from a science or engineering journal, from a popular
magazine, or from the Internet on some environmental issue that is of interest to you. Summarize the article in a
short memorandum format, addressed to your instructor. In the body of the memorandum, limit the length to one
page of single-spaced text, including graphics/tables (if needed). Structure the memorandum in this way:
a. Introduction and motivation
b. A description of the issue
c. A description of what engineers are doing, have done, or are going to do to address the challenge
Use of headings is appropriate, and be sure to reference information sources.
Potential topics:
• Stratospheric ozone depletion: the chemical industry connection
• Smog in industrialized urban areas
• Toxic chemicals in commerce and in the environment
• Industrial hazardous waste generation and management
• Environmental challenges for genetically engineered foods
• The cleanup of industrial sites (Superfund program)
• Pollution prevention issues, technologies, or initiatives
• Endocrine disruptors: What are they, why are they harmful, and what is the chemical industry doing about them?
• Environmental effects (advantages/disadvantages) of biodiesel or corn/cellulosic ethanol for transportation fuels
• Fuel cells and their environmental consequences
• Water resources: quality and quantity
• Petroleum: Are we running out? What are the alternatives?
• Renewable energy: What is it, and can it make a difference?
Potential sources of information:
Scientific and engineering research journals (check the library current journals section):
• Environmental Science & Technology
• Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
• Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
• Chemical and Engineering News
• Science
• Scientific American
Internet resources:
• American Chemistry Council (formerly the Chemical Manufacturers Association)
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.gov)
• Your state’s Department of Environmental Quality

12. Sustainable development An overview of the Report of the World Commission on Environment and
Development is at www.un-documents.net/ocf-ov.htm. A number of global challenges to the environment,
economic development, and living conditions were discussed. Summarize one or two of the key challenges in a
memo format in one or two pages.

Identify the specific players for where you live, for example, if are in Chicago, Illinois, who are specifically the point (or points) of contact for each of the mission areas. Be sure to identify your specific location, agency or department, local contact information, and where you researched your work.

We will explore that by examining the “Core Capabilities by Mission Area”. Please be sure to review all the resources for this unit. The main mission areas are:

For each of these mission areas — identify the authorities responsible. What agencies are involved? What is the role of each agency? Provide a summary of spheres of influence at each level (local, state, federal). A successful response will include either a chart with a list of agency by mission area or an organizational chart that assigns scope and mission to each department based on each level of government.

PART TWO: (25 points)
Identify the specific players for where you live, for example, if are in Chicago, Illinois, who are specifically the point (or points) of contact for each of the mission areas. Be sure to identify your specific location, agency or department, local contact information, and where you researched your work.

Displacement in Asia

First – Read the following items

Grundy-Warr Geographies of Displacement: The Karenni and the Shan Across the Myanmar- Thailand Border

Luibhéid A Blueprint for Exclusion: The Page Law, Prostitution, and Discrimination against Chinese Women

Burma Link Internally Displaced in Burma

Then complete the writing assignment below:

Using an article from a reputable media outlet (New York Times, BBC, etc.) or a human rights watchdog organization such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International, research how North Korean refugees are treated by the Chinese government. Compare and contrast that situation to the situation with Burmese refugees in Thailand discussed in your reading assignment and in the Learning Module. What are the root causes of the displacement in both cases? How do these root causes compare to the general discussion of root causes of displacement in Asia discussed in this Lesson.

Drawing on the authors’ analysis and the lesson content, describe what the authors mean by this statement, and how this dynamic influences Somali migrants. In your answer, be sure to address how the authors distinction between “migration regime” and “infrastructure of migration.”

First – Read the following items
Rutledge and Roble Infrastructure of Migration and the Migration Regime
Trapp You-Will-Kill-Me-Beans: Taste and the Politics of Necessity in Humanitarian Aid
Bjarnesen “Diaspo” Youth Culture and the Ivoirian Crisis

Then complete the writing assignment below:

In their article, Rutledge and Roble argue that “When considering the Somali migrant experience, one must understand the infrastructure of migration as facilitating migration, even if it at times it is trying to exploit it, whereas practically speaking the migration regime usually operates to inhibit or prevent human migration” (155). Drawing on the authors’ analysis and the lesson content, describe what the authors mean by this statement, and how this dynamic influences Somali migrants. In your answer, be sure to address how the authors distinction between “migration regime” and “infrastructure of migration.”

Police & the Media

Watch this episode of the Emmy award-winning show Southland and write a short essay addressing three or more of the following:

Define the concept of cosmetized violence. Use evidence from the show as an illustration.
Define the concept of the police-media symbiotic relationship. Use evidence from the show as an illustration.
Define the concept of RCMP Syndrome. Use evidence from the show as an illustration.
The producers of the show call it “a raw and authentic look at the Los Angeles crime scene.” Which parts are authentic? Which are not?
How do popular media portrayals of police work like Southland influence public opinion?
Assignment rules
Do NOT include the question/prompt, course name, course number, date, title, or any other information in a header. Just start writing your essay on the very first line.
Length: about 750 words, single-spaced (about one full page).
File Format: Microsoft Word file in .doc or .docx file type.
Font: 11- or 12-pt Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Helvetica (standard system fonts).
Margins: standard 1-inch margins on top, bottom, and sides.
Citations: This is a reflection essay, not a research paper. Use any citation style you wish (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), so long as you support claims with references. Even phrases such as “as the textbook argues” or “according to the film” are good enough for our purposes.
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by your peers.

LINK: https://notorious-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/originals/o-MxxU8KN9zpRY9odJhtqa7jrmJWfnhd4/transcodings/t-Wi9wZ5MdPfKDTctQfQQfrYwZM22MTBh.mp4?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAUPKAAFAEUATZJ6VP%2F20180924%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20180924T000424Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Security-Token=FQoGZXIvYXdzECEaDASP681RTIhraIpXCSK3A1%2B1HFkU7U4ZxwmvGBjjRz1ud2nR2E9kyBSOzV%2FHuWavSeBNISfdjZ1hkygE5nox7VIo%2BasilTV2TyWmT2cCt0ts2f4VQ3pgItoTDkUh%2BW78Ep11FTogOLPxdpfg6UiX1mS%2BM2U9CvFt7%2FZwKk2bn11jX6jlZQKxdXsiFBpPRqheJN7zKmQoEL6EkkIsK7x8Cs3kGbmYKp%2Fe1T9WE6eduJ7iCt0zslAM1jOHuy9JioGGhTIX9gxv4Ih21eYR8pOTtPq14nwFU1wMj0bJ8dlRqtgcYGjiYVn6dPEr6r2MWPibX17YMWm9gG8dG56tJifHL9qO2qH5Ojo6RWSfPAqW12gp6owX6ecb0z6Oheu1KIlTqEQBcux0hgZXPkUZ1Q8MVvu6QAkwRayIt31CgY2FLdkfiLMb2iZo59Vgy0XCNp6jxjB2w2eoepwxU0c0mUNUdTbn%2F3%2B6%2FikO%2F9KSPEKX%2F7XqDxsVtF5SsqwiQk1bufp0k%2FV2UUluOyDexuYVY9U450Ydv74YCpBPdxUaVv5rUEHaWlfdE0sIIkERInioXlV4u78tfa4FNKYHjMk9%2F8XGYKikfuZBVm4ojsCg3QU%3D&X-Amz-Signature=20537ff4a56561096f98a9acac41d688c4f3344963271f01fd1dfc4d8d16d924


What 5 things are your most important possessions (for the purposes of this exercise, only one of them can be an electronic like a phone, computer, or tablet, and anything living, like pets, cannot be counted)? Why are they important to you? Of those possessions, which have you owned for over 5 years? Which will you still own in another 5 years? Thinking about your relationship to things, would you say that you are someone who creates strong attachments to items? Is there a particular type of item that is especially important to you (like you are an early adopter of technology, or committed to particular brands of something, or that you are very fashion conscious)? How do your views on owning things compare with the views of your family and friends? Do you feel that it will be possible for you to obtain the same standard of living that your parents achieved? Why or why not? With respect to material things, how do you think that your life will be similar or different from the lifestyle that you grew up with?

Reading 1: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/18/business/energy-environment/coal-miners-struggle-to-survive-in-an-industry-battered-by-layoffs-and-bankruptcy.html?mtrref=undefined&gwh=AB52FD4B74FD11CF2A60FEE2A7BFD7CB&gwt=pay
Reading 2: https://hackernoon.com/welcome-to-peak-stuff-e699820c7e9b?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BYG3kmJNEQMa8sBLJo%2BQK%2Fw%3D%3D
Reading 3: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/your-money/is-the-stuff-you-buy-over-20-years-worth-40000-hours-of-time.html?mabReward=CTS2&recid=16d80b68-92a5-457b-4e64-2bcbc33b7037&recp=2&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&region=CColumn&module=Recommendation&src=rechp&WT.nav=RecEngine
Reading 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb9uEbUaREE

select two poems from the section of the book, “Words and Music: An Album” (p. 885-896) and use these as the basis for a comparative essay.

Essay should be approximately 2 1/2 – 3 double spaced pages, 700 – 800 words.

  1. Follow MLA format for essays.  There are links to both the rules for MLA and sample essays in MLA format in the First Essay folder on the course homepage. (Note: Unfortunately, the sample essays in the textbook do NOT follow MLA format as far as having a proper heading.  Again, use the samples found in the Essay 1 folder.)
  2. Be sure to have a clear thesis at the end of your introduction. You will prove this thesis in the body of the essay.  (Review the handout “1302 Overview of the Essay and Rules for the Thesis” in Module 2 for more information on thesis statements.  One key point I would like to emphasize is that the thesis should not “announce”; it should not have phrases like “In this essay I will prove…” or “We will examine such and such… .”)
  3. Do not use any outside/secondary sources. (But, if for whatever reason an outside source IS used, you must properly cite that source in the body of the paper AND provide a correct list of Works Cited.)
  4. You do need to use brief, relevant quotes  from the poems to support your points.
  5. Avoid using first person “I” and second person “you.”  (You may use first person plural “we” to refer to the audience or the readers.)
  6. Since this is the first paper and no secondary sources are to be used (and since we have not had time to cover format and other related issues) you do not need a Works Cited for this paper.  (See item #4 for the exception to this.)
  7. The final essay will be turned in directly to Turnitin.com by the due date.  (For more information on Turnitin.com, please see the Turnitin Instructions in the Essay folder.)

When I grade this essay, I will look for:

  • A strong, clear thesis.  This thesis will be at the end of the introduction.
  • An introduction paragraph that introduces both poem titles and authors as well as the central issues of the paper.  This introduction paragraph should end with the thesis.
  • A good balance in the comparison/discussion of both poems.
  • Good use of quotes from/specific references to the poems.
  • Logical paragraphing. Each paragraph should have a unique issue as its focus.  Each of these “issues” should, of course, be related to the thesis.

I discuss each essay assignment in detail in the Module Notes and Comments found in each module.  Be sure to review these.

(Please note: Some of you may be classmates in a Dual Credit setting. Please do NOT deliberately select the same topic or especially the same poems for this assignment.)

The topics:

Here first are the basic topics. You will be selecting JUST ONE of these topics. Each topic asks you to select 2 poems from the same section in the book.

  1. Select two poems from the section of the book, “Words and Music: An Album” (p. 885-896) and use these as the basis for a comparative essay.


  1. Select two poems from the section of the book, “The Poems of the Harlem Renaissance” (p. 1040-1048) and use these as the basis for a comparative essay. (Note: You are welcome to use the information in our book on the Harlem Renaissance that precedes these poems (p. 1031-1040).  If you do, be sure to cite our textbook’s author.  Example: ” ” (Mays 1033).



  • Try to find 2-4 specific areas of comparison for your poems. I like to refer to these as your focus points.
  • Look carefully at the questions that follow each poem. These can give you great ideas for the direction you might take with your essay.
  • Review the questions and topic selections at the end of each section/chapter. You can use these, adapt these, or even combine these for writing ideas. These also may spark ideas of your own. Keep in mind, though, that you are not to do any outside research for this essay.



Additional specific thoughts on these topics: (You do NOT have to use any of these ideas; these are just to help get you thinking): 

For Topic 1: Our book offers great ideas for discussion of these poems, not only with the questions after the poems and at the end of the section, but also in the introductory material. One basic question that comes up with those poems that are actually song lyrics is “how well does this work as a poem?” In other words, does it still “work” without being set to actual music?

For Topic 2: How well do the ideas and themes in each poem fit with the seemingly constrictive form of the sonnet? Does one poem seem to “work” better, as a sonnet, than the other? How well do the poems seem to fit traditional ideas of a sonnet, especially regarding subject matter (love, emotions). How well do the sounds of poems (via rhyme, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, etc.) reinforce their respective tones/themes?

Again, all of these are suggestions to get you writing.  The key to this topic (and all of the topics) is that you select two poems from the same section and come up with a thesis to guide your writing.

On March 1, year 1, Marvin Corporation promises to unconditionally transfer a building that cost $125,000 with an appraised value of $175,000 to Valerie Corporation on March 1, year 2 for a vehicle that was recently purchased for $140,000. As of December 31, year 2, Marvin Corporation has not transferred title to the building. Marvin Corporation received the vehicle. How should Marvin Corporation and Valerie Corporation record these transactions?

On March 1, year 1, Marvin Corporation promises to unconditionally transfer a building that cost $125,000 with an appraised value of $175,000 to Valerie Corporation on March 1, year 2 for a vehicle that was recently purchased for $140,000. As of December 31, year 2, Marvin Corporation has not transferred title to the building. Marvin Corporation received the vehicle. How should Marvin Corporation and Valerie Corporation record these transactions?

Week Milestones Points
Week 1√ Choose a case from the Files section of the Course Menu.
In a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences, describe your initial thoughts regarding the case and the challenges you feel you will face with regards to the depth and complexity of the issues that will be addressed. 25
Week 2√ In a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences, summarize the background of your case and indicate any assumptions that you are making regarding the case. Define your problem statement and research question(s). 25
Week 3 In a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences, identify the key terms in your case, and state why you believe each is relevant to your case. 25
Week 4 Gather data from multiple sources and present that data in one to two pages (12-point font, double-spaced). Be sure to document your sources. 25
Week 5 Organize and interpret the findings of your research in one to two pages (12-point font, double-spaced). 25
Week 6 Develop your recommendations and conclusions and state them and their rationale in one to two pages (12-point font, double-spaced). 25
Week 7 Using the guidelines above, prepare a comprehensive research memorandum on the case that you chose. 200
Week 7 Complete a peer review on your team members with the provided template. 100
Week 8 Prepare a PowerPoint presentation communicating your case facts, authoritative literature, recommendations, and conclusion. Please add audio to the presentation either using the PowerPoint function or VoiceThread. 95

Public School Lunches in America

write an argument essay on a topic that interests you. That essay is many steps away, though. In Module 4 you will begin with exploration, preliminary research, and brainstorming.

Consider this assignment an anti-essay. For this essay, you aren’t supposed to have a thesis, you won’t write an introduction or a conclusion, and your body paragraphs won’t be focused on supporting a main argument or claim.

Wait. What?

You heard me right. This paper is not about reporting on an idea or arguing a position. This paper is about you satisfying a genuine curiosity using the research process.

Your goal is to explore. Choose a topic you are genuinely interested in learning more about. Think of questions you want answered. Be curious. For this essay, you start by researching the answer to one question, and that question/answer should lead you to other questions. Follow them and see where they take you. Research is recursive. The knowledge of the answer to one question leads you to the next question.

In this essay you will narrate your research process, and explain what you learn and how it helps answer your research question.

You should spend approximately 6 hours on this assignment.


Pre-Write: Start with the research questions you developed for Discussion 1: Research Brainstorming. That is it. This anti-essay does not require pre-writing. The essay is about exploring the idea.
List your initial research question(s).
Write out your process – exactly, and step-by-step. (Yes, you’ll say: “The first thing I did to find information was to…)
Explain what you learned from each source you consulted and how the information connects to your research question.
Your initial research should lead you to more questions. Start following those and duplicate the process: ask the question, do more research, write about it. Ask good questions and pursue them until you run out of questions.
Rather than writing a conclusion, end the essay with an argumentative thesis developed from the information you found on your exploratory journey. This thesis will become your working thesis for your Module 5 researched argument.
Tips for Success:
Don’t try to look for a thesis as you research. Simply ask and answer questions. Don’t try to figure out where the research is taking you. Let your questions lead the way.
You must cite 7-8 sources in your text. Create a correctly formatted (MLA Style) Works Cited page that lists your cited sources.
At least three of your sources should be academic journal articles. You should use at least three different types of sources. Think back to your scavenger hunt activity. Your research should rely heavily on academic journal articles, but also consider magazines, news articles, podcasts, documentaries, government sources, and internet sites. Pay attention to the credibility of the sources you consult.
This essay should be approximately 1,300-1,500 words.
Please be sure to use correct MLA Style for your essay and to create an MLA Works Cited page