Write an original poem and a paragragh explaining the techniques used

Write an original poem usuingat least one sound technique and one of the figurative language techniques.

Write a write a brief paragraph describing the techniques you used. Answer the following question in your paragraph:
What sound technique(s) did you choose to use?
How did you use it in your poem?
Why did you choose this particular technique, and what effect do you expect it to have on the reader?
What figurative language technique(s) did you choose to use?
How did you use it in your poem?
Why did you choose it — and what effect do you expect it to have on the reader?

Your assignment is to develop a treatment strategy for the Williams family bases on the case study provided. This paper should not be a treatment plan with DSM diagnoses. Neither should it be a verbatim report of a counseling session.

Jeff and Sandy Williams present themselves in your counseling agency. Sandy Williams has called for an appointment and cited family issues along with couple conflict between her and her husband. The office receptionist makes an appointment for the entire family of four.

Jeff and Sandy have been married 21 years. Jeff owns his own used car business, but the downturn in the economy has created financial difficulty for him and Sandy. Sandy has been employed as a teacher’s aide at a local elementary school for 10 years. Their oldest son, Jacob (18) was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome several years ago. The youngest son, Leo (15) is having trouble at school.

You have seen the family for two sessions; thus far, the issues presented are that Jeff has a drinking problem. He drinks each day when he arrives home from work and continues until he goes to bed. The next day he remembers little of his late night behaviors or conversations. This has created conflict between him and Sandy.

Due to slow business at the car lot, financial pressure has added to family anxieties. You sense that spending behaviors and lack of financial management are areas that may need some skill building.

Over the last 4–5 years, Jacob’s awkwardness has alienated him socially. Jacob suffers from depression and overall sadness. He feels alone, misunderstood, and struggles with any kind of social engagement. Although Jacob is present during the family counseling sessions, he is both disengaging and silent. He sits, looking at the floor and rocking back and forth. A couple of times when you attempted to draw him into the conversation, he became agitated and began screaming.

Both Sandy and Jeff are perplexed about Jacobs’s behavior, lack of social skills, and lack of empathy; however, Jeff reacts with anger toward Jacob more so than Sandy. This results in Sandy being angry with Jeff for his reaction toward Jacob. The couple also suffers from loneliness and believes that this may be connected to Jacob’s disorder. They both voice that they feel that no one really understands Jacob or what they go through as a family. Due to Jacob’s disorder, the family seldom visits with friends or extended family. Many times when they have attempted to do things socially, Jacob either acts out or wants to return home early. This, again, angers Jeff and saddens Sandy.

Sandy and Jeff are also extremely frustrated with various individuals connected with the school system. They indicated that the school is not doing enough to help either of their two sons.

Leo has not contributed much to the conversation while in counseling and seems distant and disengaged from his family. When you have made attempts to draw Leo into the conversation, he has responded with comments like, “I guess so,” or “whatever.” Leo’s grades have been slipping from a B average to a D average over the last couple of years. Leo has few close friends, stays home if he can when the family goes on an outing. He seldom goes out with the family anymore. He reported being increasingly frustrated over the last few years.

Your assignment is to develop a treatment strategy for the Williams family bases on the case study provided. This paper should not be a treatment plan with DSM diagnoses. Neither should it be a verbatim report of a counseling session. Rather, this paper must articulate a plan of intervention for the family that uses a community counseling approach. Imagine that you are the community counselor, that you have conducted two counseling sessions, and now you want to develop a cohesive treatment strategy for the entire family (Jeff, Sandy, Jacob and Leo). Your job is to provide a plan of action that will assist them in moving toward healing and recovery. The community counseling model will serve you well and enable you to assist the family with the multiple issues that you will see in the case. You need to hypothesize and critically assess what is going on within the family. Consider the following questions when planning your paper:


  • Based upon what you are able to deduct from the case study and assessment of issues that may have gone unsaid, where would you–as the community mental health counselor–begin?
  • What are the various, obvious, or hidden issues that you believe this family experience?
  • What are the best practices for addressing their needs and issues?
  • What services might you be able to provide?
  • What additional services would you need to find for the family?


Your paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent scholarly sources. Ideally, include both June & Black and Scott & Wolfe in a meaningful way. You must also use scholarly journal articles to support your assessment and various treatment recommendations. Include the following content, using appropriate headings:


  1. Introduce the Williams family and provide a brief case conceptualization.
  2. Describe the services that you/your community counseling agency will provide.
  3. Identify services that you feel could be better provided by other agencies or organizations. These need to be actual services that are offered in your community. You need to disclose the organization, its location, the cost involved, the criteria needed for referral/approval, and contact information. If some of the needed services are not available in your local community, you have to find the closest ones that the family may, realistically, use.



Socialization (Font size: 12 with 1 inch margins)
In this paper you will reflect on the role of socialization in your own life. Focus on a specific topic, event, series of related events (e.g., learning to play an instrument over time, training at a job/internship, how to be a ‘good’ sister/brother/daughter/son, etc) in which you were either the target or the agent of socialization. Choose something you remember fairly well, and was complex enough that you can provide good detail. Then apply concepts from the course to your socialization experience; consider what
process(es) was/ were used, what the desired outcomes were (skills? Values? Cognitive competencies?), if the socialization was successful, and why the socialization was or was not successful. You must also integrate one reading of your choice from the course. (The readings are attached below and please notify me if you have problems opening the attached files below)

What would you recommend that the New York State Department of Health do to address this issue with transfer cases? List at least three items along with your rational. Review the OIG website link above for additional information and background.

What would you recommend that the New York State Department of Health do to address this issue with transfer cases? List at least three items along with your rational. Review the OIG website link above for additional information and background.
2. Review the “Calculation of Transfer Cases” in Exhibit 7-3 and 7-4 in your text. What do you see as the main difference in the calculations?

3. Refer to your LaTour “Health Information Management” text (found under this weeks reading tab as a hyperlinked chapter) and answer the following questions in one to two complete sentence

a. What type of payment system is in place when the amount of payment is determined before the service is delivered?

b. Which utilization control is most closely associated with managed fee-for-service reimbursement?

c. Describe the concept of capitation.

d. What were Medicare Part A payments to hospitals based on prior to implementation of the diagnosis-related group PPS?

e.What type of diagnosis is the MS-DRG prospective payment rate based on?”

4. Referring to your online Health Care Finance text, review the Exhibits 7-1 and 7-2. What is the major difference that drives why one qualifies for the outlier payment and the other does not?

5. Under the outpatient prospective payment system, Medicare decides how much a hospital or a community mental health center will be reimbursed for each service rendered. Depending on the service, the patient pays either a coinsurance amount (20%) or a fixed copayment amount, whichever is less. For each case below, determine whether the patient will pay the coinsurance or copayment amount.

a. Mr. Smith was charged $85 for a minor procedure performed in the hospital outpatient department. The fixed copayment amount for this type of procedure, adjusted for wages in the geographic area, is $15. Mr. Smith has already paid his annual Medicare Part B deductible of $100.

b. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Day live in the same area of the country. They are having the same outpatient procedure done, but at different hospitals. Mr. Jones’s hospital charges $250 for the procedure, but Mrs. Day’s hospital charges $150. The national median charge for this procedure is $225 (adjusted for wages in their area) with a fixed copayment of $54. Both patients have already paid their $135 yearly Medicare Part B deductible.

Again, assume the cause of action (lawsuit basis) is valid, does the state court in California have personal jurisdiction (In Personam) over Mike and PSC?

2. Mike, the owner of Paradis Skin Care (PSC), after receiving notice that he is being sued by Samantha, decides to go to Vegas for a few days to blow off steam. While in Vegas he meets another couple from California, Jack and Judy Osbourne from San Francisco. Mike tells them all about his skin care line and Judy Osbourne is extremely interested in many of his products. Mike agrees to call them when he returns to Eugene, Oregon to provide more information about his product line and pricing details. He also faxes over a 4-page color brochure outlining the specifics of his company and product line. The couple flies to Portland, Oregon for other business, but Judy decides to drive down to Eugene to visit Mike’s retail store in downtown Eugene. Judy purchases an assortment of skin care products from Mike and PSC. A week later, Judy is at home in San Francisco and she decides to try a facial scrub she purchased from Mike and PSC. The scrub causes severe redness and abrasions to her face and leaves scarring on her nose, cheeks and chin. Judy sues Mike for negligence and product liability and files the lawsuit in state court in San Francisco, California. Stan has no other contacts with California.

Again, assume the cause of action (lawsuit basis) is valid, does the state court in California have personal jurisdiction (In Personam) over Mike and PSC?

Describe the main differences between the CAPM model and Sharpe´s market portfolio

Consider the following 2 assets:
Share Index
9 190
10 199
10,2 155
9,8 165
a. Standard deviation for both
b. Covariance
c. Correlation
2. Describe the main differences between the CAPM model and Sharpe´s market
3. You have decided to invest 40% of your wealth in McDonalds, which has an expected
return of 15% and a standard deviation of 15%, and 60% of your wealth in GE, which
has an expected return of 9% and a standard deviation of 14%.
a. What is the expected return of your portfolio?
b. If the correlation between McDonalds and GM is 0.5, what is the standard
deviation of your portfolio?
c. If you wanted an expected return of 13%, what percentage should you invest
in McDonalds?
d. Based on your percentages in part c, what would the standard deviation of
this portfolio be?
4. Stock 1 and 2 have the same beta of 0.90. But stock 1’s return has a standard
deviation of 20% and stock 2 has a standard deviation of 30%. How would you
compare the risk of these two stocks? Which one do you think should have the higher
expected returns? Explain briefly.
5. Which of the following common stock portfolios is best for a conservative, risk-averse
investor? Explain briefly.
Expected return Expected market
risk premium
Standard Deviation
of return
Portfolio A 10% 10,5% 23%
Portfolio B 14% 9,5% 14%
Portfolio C 9% 6,5% 10%
6. Complete the table below. Risk free is 5% (show the steps followed on your
7. Mario may buy the fund Umbrellasperformsbetter, which last 3 years have had an
annual return of 14% with a volatility of 19%. Risk free market is 2%.
a. Calculate the Sharpe Ratio
b. Has performed better than the market, if the market in the same period has
had a return of 14% with a volatility of 12%?
c. If Beta is 1,10, calculate the Treynor Ratio for the fund and the market. Has
the fund performed better or not?
d. Calculate Jensen. Has performed better than the market?
8. Mario wants to build an investment portfolio with his savings. He is being offered to
buy 2 different funds, a fixed income fund and an equities fund, with the following
Expected return Volatility Correlation
Fixed income fund 5% 4% -0,5
Equities fund 13% 20%
a. Which % would buy of each one if Mario wants to get the maximum return?
Which are the expected returns and volatility of this portfolio?
b. If Mario wants to follow a conservative path and have a portfolio that
minimizes risk (volatility) what % would buy of each fund (MINIMUM
VARIANCE PORTFOLIO? What would be the expected return and the
volatility of this portfolio of funds? And if correlation is 0,5? Explain the
9. With the information below. What would be the portfolio that minimizes risk (volatility)
(minimum variance portfolio); Make the appropriate calculations and explain the
Expected return Volatility
Fixed income fund 3,5% 3%
Equities fund 13% 19%
a. If Correlation between both funds is 1
b. If Correlation between both funds is 0
c. If Correlation between both funds is -1
10. You can build a portfolio of two assets, A and B, whose returns have the following
Expected return Volatility Correlation
Share A 12% 20% 0,5
Share B 15% 30%
If you demand an expected return of 11%, what are the portfolio weights? What is the
portfolio’s standard deviation?
11. Assume the following Characteristic Line equation for these 3 assets:
RBNPP = 0,20% + 1,50 * RCAC40 + UBNPP
RTotal= 0,05% + 1,10* RCAC40 + UTotal
REDF = 0,50% + 0,90 * RCAC40 + UEDF
Assume a portfolio of 20% BNPP, 40% Total and 40% EDF. Calculate:
– Portfolio Beta
– Portfolio Alpha
– Expected return if CAC40 growth is 3%
12. Stock A and B have the following characteristics:
Expected return Volatility
Bond A 5% 10%
Stock B 9% 20%
Their correlation is 0. The risk-free interest rate is 2%.
a. Consider a portfolio, P, with 80% in Bond A and 20% in the risk- free asset.
What is the portfolio´s expected return and standard deviation of portfolio P’s return?
b. Consider another portfolio, Q, which consists of 70% of Bond A and 30% of
Stock B. What is the portfolio´s expected return and standard deviation of portfolio
Q’s return?
c. Calculate Sharpe ratio for both
13. The asset risk free offers a return of 5%. If the Expected return for the market
portfolio is 17% with a volatility of 10%
a. Would it be reasonable buy shares on XYZ with a Beta of 0,70 with an
expected return of 11%? Explain why
b. And a share on ABC with a Beta of 1.3 with an expected return of 21%?
Explain why
c. And if risk free would be 2%?
14. Betty Cole is an aggressive investor. She has $100,000 capital but is borrowing
additional $50,000 to invest in S&P500 index fund. Although the current risk-free rate
is only 1%, her borrowing rate is 2%. The current expected return and standard
deviation of S&P 500 index are 10% and 20%, respectively. What is the expected
Sharpe ratio of Cole’s portfolio?

Identify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels. Include a reference to any historical factor mentioned in the recommended sources that may have triggered the writing of both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels as well as references to statements within both of the Gospels themselves

Identify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels. Include a reference to any historical factor mentioned in the recommended sources that may have triggered the writing of both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels as well as references to statements within both of the Gospels themselves. Class lesson material can be used in addition to the recommended sources. Include at least one historical factor and at least one reference to each Gospel studied. Restrict your resources to those below as well as any information within the course modules as well as your text Portraits of Jesus. Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting.

Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:

See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels of Jesus by Stanton (2002), pp. 48-53.

Resources for this paper relative to Matthew’s Gospel:

See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels of Jesus by Stanton (2002), pp. 74-78.

See the ebook via SLU library: New Testament History and Literature by Martin (2012), pp. 93-107.

Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:

See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels by Barton and Muddiman (2010), Ch. 3.

Resources for this paper relative to Mark’s Gospel:

See the eBook via SLU library: The Gospel to The Romans: The Setting and Rhetoric of Mark’s Gospel Leiden: Brill, (2003), Ch. 5
Resources for this paper relative to Matthew’s Gospel:

See the eBook via SLU library: The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism by T&T Clarke by Sim, David (1998), p. 113 and following
Option B

Explain how and why Matthew may have edited Mark’s Gospel. Use the following two sets of passages to support your claim.

According to course materials (Bible, textbook, digital materials linked below, etc.):

1. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 6:45-52 contrasted with Matthew 14:25-27,32-33?

2. How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 9:2-10 contrasted with Matthew 17:1-13?

Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting. Submit the completed assignment to the appropriate Assignment box by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Resources for this paper:

See the ebook via SLU library: New Testament History and Literature by Martin (2012), pp. 106-108.

See the ebook via SLU library: The Gospels by Barton and Muddiman (2010), p. 56.

Grading Rubric

Accurate use of English including careful documentation (including ability to paraphrase and use quotations) and good organizational plan. 40 pts
Adequate research. 20 pts
Accurate and complete reflection of material read for assignment. 40 pts
Saint Leo University


Technology, a Songwriter, and United Airlines
Technology has given customers powerful ways to retaliate if they are ignored or mistreated. Take for example, Canadian musician and songwriter Dave Carroll, whose guitar was broken by United Airlines luggage handlers on his way to a performance in March 2008. After 9 months of getting the runaround by officials at United, Carroll took matters into his own hands by writing and recording an entertaining musical video called “United Breaks Guitars,” which he posted on YouTube on July 6, 2009 (Mutzabaugh, 2009). In the video, Carroll (accompanied by his band, Sons of Maxwell) sings of how his guitar was smashed and of his frustrations in dealing with United Airline employees.

The facts of the story according to Carroll (2009; 2012) include the following: Prior to deplaning in Chicago for the last leg of a trip to Omaha from Halifax, a passenger sitting behind Carroll noticed that the baggage handlers were throwing guitars, which just happened to belong to Carroll and his band. He tried to complain to three different United flight attendants before leaving Chicago, with no success, and when they arrived in Omaha at 12:30 a.m., there were no employees available at all. Early the next morning, after being picked up by the tour manager, he discovered his $3,500 Taylor guitar was broken into two pieces. As frustrating as this was, it didn’t compare with the frustration of trying to file a claim and contact the “correct” person to discuss reimbursement for his guitar; at various times he was told to talk to all the following: the ground crew in Omaha, the airport where the trip began (Halifax), the airport where the damage occurred (Chicago), United’s 1-800 number in India, and Central Baggage in New York. Carroll notes that “The system is designed to frustrate affected customers into giving up their claims and United is very good at it.” The last person he spoke with, Ms. Irlweg, told him nothing could be done even after he offered to settle for payment of $1,200 in flight vouchers to reimburse having the guitar repaired. He gave up after telling her that he would write three songs about his experiences with United in video form, offer them as a free download online, and ask viewers to vote on their favorite song. His goal, he told her, was “to get one million hits in one year”—a modest goal as it turned out.

“United Breaks Guitars” was posted on Monday, July 6, and by Thursday, July 9, it had 400,000 hits and, according to Benet Wilson in her blog post titled “United Airlines Sees Power of Viral PR Up Close and Personal” (2009), Carroll’s video already had over 100 news stories and 2,000 blogs written about it, including multiple television network reports. Even United Airlines was on Twitter explaining its actions and making apologies. On July 10, United posted on Twitter that following Dave’s request, they had donated $3,000 to the Thelonius Monk Institute of Jazz. A spokeswoman for United told the Chicago Sun Times that they were interested in using the video “for training purposes to ensure that all customers receive better service from us” (Jackson, 2009). By evening on Sunday, just 6 days after the video was posted, more than 2.4 million viewers had listened to it. In addition to making a point, and getting the attention of United, Carroll and his band were a hit! The song was clever, the video funny, and the music really enjoyable. Carroll (2009) ended his background on the incident with this statement:

I should thank United. They’ve given me a creative outlet that has brought people together from around the world. We had a pile of laughs making the recording and the video while the images are spinning on how to make “United: Song 2” even better than the first. So, thanks, United! If my guitar had to be smashed due to extreme negligence, I’m glad it was you that did it. Now sit back and enjoy the show.

Note: You can still view Dave Carroll’s video on YouTube. Just search “Dave Carroll United”.

Now that you’ve read the case study, respond to the following statements in a word processing document:

Decide whether the action taken by United Airlines to repair the damage done by Carroll’s video was adequate.
Discuss the actions that United should take to prevent future customer service incidents.
Determine whether technology is more of an advantage or more of an obstacle to effective communication in today’s society.
What does this incident mean for you as someone who may be involved in some form customer service?
The assignment will be graded on the following:

Respond appropriately to all of the question(s).
Provide enough information and detail to support and explain your experiences, thoughts, and/or ideas.
Write in complete sentences using correct grammar and proper punctuation.
Do not use text message acronyms.
Make sure that your purpose/thesis is evident.
Your paragraphs should clearly support the purpose/thesis.
Sentences within a paragraph should clearly support the topic of that paragraph.
Be sure that the content within the assignment is placed in a logical order.
Your transitions between ideas should illustrate the relationship between ideas and allow the reader to pass from one idea to the next without confusion.
Your conclusion/conclusions should be apparent and clearly defined.

Obesity in America

Locate TWO scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.

Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.

Approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format

-Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
-Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
-Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
-Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:
A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution
Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.

Current Affairs Worldview Essay

Throughout your studies in World Religions, you have been introduced to a variety of religious worldviews that are impacting a society and the marketplace in a variety of ways that can be both positive and negative for a community. The task for your Week #6 Project is to write a Current Affairs Worldview Essay that demonstrates the contemporary application of such a religious worldview that is impacting a society’s marketplace today. Your essay should include the following and must not exceed a time frame of 5 years:

Seek out and read a Current Affairs article of interest that details a contemporary religious worldview from among those we will study in this class and the impact it is having on a particular marketplace in society today.
These types of articles can be found in a variety of resources including the Online Library, our Course Guide, journals, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, news organizational reports, websites, and through online searches.
Pick just one (1) article and write a 2-4 page review and analysis of just that one article. Your review should be much like that of literary review or a movie review encouraging your reader to either read it or ignore it.
Provide all of the required bibliographical material and citations for locating the resource including title, date of publication, publisher, website, and all retrieval information.
Summarize the main content of the article and how it is related to the course and the religious worldview that it expresses.
Provide details as to why you selected the article and what you found of interest as to why you did nor did not like the article.
Identify what new insights you discovered about this topic.
What was the author seeking to accomplish through this article?
How does this article increase your understanding of religious woldviews and their impact upon the marketplace in society today?
Be sure to use good writing and mechanical techniques and include the use of MLA in-text citations and a Reference Page to identify your resource and avoid plagiarism.

You will need to upload your Current Affairs Worldview Essay as an attachment in the correct file for presentation and final grading by your instructor. It will automatically be reviewed by Turnitin.com for plagiarism and an Originality Report will be generated. Please be sure to review the Grading Rubric in advance so that you will have a good idea of the expectations for this Essay.