Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction. General methods: Rewards & recognition (quantifiable-in terms of money?). Opportunity for career progress (clear & visible path). Fairness & treatment. Appropriate role. Encourage socialization within the organization. Congenial workplace. If they lack confidence in leadership, morale will be lowered. Equal employment opportunity. Effective upward communication. Avoid micro-management. Explain any two methods from the above with an example from your experience or from your workplace.

• Discuss methods for enhancing employee morale and job satisfaction to increase business performance.
• Describe methods for measuring employee morale and job satisfaction.
• Analyze methods for supporting positive change in an organization.
• Integrate established human resource management principles into the discussion.
• Write a business report based on 5-step critical thinking decision making model.
Action Items
1. Download the 5-step critical-thinking matrix and consider the following:
o Step 1: Identify the problem(s) and uncertainties based on the assigned problem.
o Step 2: Obtain information on the matrix.
o Step 3: Make predictions about the future on the matrix.
o Step 4: Make decisions by choosing among the alternatives on the matrix.
2. Research various methods for finding and attracting top talent.
3. Write a 2-3 page business brief that includes the following items.
a. Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction.
b. Based on your research, recommend how the organization can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. Include a rationale for why your recommendations would improve employee morale and job satisfaction and its impact on business performance.
c. Change is a constant element of today’s organizational environment. Describe the methods your organization uses to support positive change.
d. What key result areas in HR morale, job satisfaction, or change has your organization set, why did they choose these metrics, and how are they doing toward meeting those metrics? Review the HR metrics sample.
e. Based on your research and personal experience, discuss how effective the organization’s efforts are in achieving positive change. Recommend ways that the organization can improve its ability to respond positively to change.
f. Include a reference list that contains at least 3 to 5 professional or scholarly resources (at least two resources have to be from the MBA Journal List).
Guidelines for Week 5 Business Brief: High Performance Organization (100 points)
This is individual assignment.
• Describe the methods your organization currently uses to enhance employee morale and job satisfaction.
General methods: Rewards & recognition (quantifiable-in terms of money?). Opportunity for career progress (clear & visible path). Fairness & treatment. Appropriate role. Encourage socialization within the organization. Congenial workplace. If they lack confidence in leadership, morale will be lowered. Equal employment opportunity. Effective upward communication. Avoid micro-management.
Explain any two methods from the above with an example from your experience or from your workplace.

1. Based on your research, recommend how the organization can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. Include a rationale for why your recommendations would improve employee morale and job satisfaction and its impact on business performance.
Select any one method presented in the above answer and recommend how to improve it so that employee morale and satisfaction can be further enhanced in your organization. Justify your suggestion with reference to cost of implementation, quantifiable level of improvement (more customer queries can be resolved, etc.)

2. Change is a constant element of today’s organizational environment. Describe the methods your organization uses to support positive change.
Managers as change agents in the organization. Individual level change for achieving organizational change. Change process: pre-change, during change and post-change periods. Identify sub-phases of each of these phases. Sub-phases should include technical aspects such as survey to be conducted before change as well as behavioural aspects such as ‘break the rule’ & be courageous.
Present the above change process with a real or a hypothetical example from your workplace.

3. What key result areas in HR morale, job satisfaction, or change has your organization set, why did they choose these metrics, and how are they doing toward meeting those metrics? Review the HR metrics sample.
Number of suggestions made by employees, number of employee suggestions implemented, employee turnover, results of employee satisfaction surveys, number of references made by employees in recruitment process, could be considered as metrics for KRA in HR morale and job satisfaction.
Explain about them with reference to your organization.

4. Based on your research and personal experience, discuss how effective the organization’s efforts are in achieving positive change. Recommend ways that the organization can improve its ability to respond positively to change.
From the change process explained with reference to your organization (in 2nd point), identify two areas and recommend improvement.

• NOTE: Please follow the Franklin submission guidelines and Action item 3(f)

“Status of Women in China Report”

“Status of Women in China Report” based on the current situation of women. The report should include the following:
Part A: History and demographics of China. This should include the following areas:
1. Politics
a. Type of political system
b. Type of party system
c. Overview of major political parties
d. Year women were granted right to vote
e. Percentage of women in legislature (if applicable)
f. Percentage of women voters (if applicable)
2. Demographics
a. Population
b. Percentage of urban vs. rural areas
c. Percentage below the age of 15
d. Percentage of women
e. Birthrate
f. Infant Mortality Rate
g. Avg. Household size
h. Mean Age at first marriage (men and women)
i. Life expectancy
3. Education
a. Education system
b. Literacy Rate
c. Ratio of Female to Male Enrollment
4. Economy
a. Gross National Product (per Capita)
b. Percentage of Labor Force by Industry (if possible, percentage of women)
c. Percentage of women in the workforce
Part B: Status of Women. An overview of women’s history in China, such as notable events, treatment, etc and traditional women’s roles. This section should also include: major issues that effect women, health and wellness issues, rates (and types) of violence, and any legislation addressing women’s rights.
The paper should be 7 pages in length
10 scholarly works

Policy Analysis

The paper needs to follow this outline:

1. Introduction, Social Issue and Context for change – (2-3 pages)
a. Introduction, title and summary of the chosen policy
b. What need/social problem and target population(s) does the policy seek to address? Provide relevant research/data to help the reader understand the need for the policy and who it was intended to help.
c. Discuss the context for change – was it driven by demographic or socioeconomic changes? By lawsuits or complaints from the field? Was it informed by human rights or social justice concerns? Describe the relevant historical and social context.
d. Is this policy part of a larger reform effort or was it developed to address a single issue? If part of a larger reform effort, briefly discuss the larger reform effort and how this policy fits into these efforts?
e. Explain why/how you chose this topic? What if any connection does the policy/ topic area have to you personally and/or or professionally?

2. Key elements of the legislative decision-making process. (2-3 pages)
a. When, where (decision making body) and by whom (author) was it introduced?
b. Summarize the most relevant parts of the policy (what it aims to do and how)?
c. Describe the legislative process from idea to enactment. Who were the key decision makers? How long did it take to go through the legislative process? Describe any barriers the policy took toward enactment.
d. What is the current status of the policy? Is it time limited?
e. Who are the proponents/opponents of the policy and what are key arguments?
f. What is the budget/fiscal impact for this policy? What resources will be needed to ensure implementation of the policy?

3. What impact or outcomes are expected and/or have been seen since implementation? (2 pages)
a. Based on available research, has the policy met its intended goal(s) and/or is it likely to address the intended goal(s)?
b. In what ways might/are social workers be involved in the implementation of this policy?
c. If the policy is already in implementation, discuss briefly what implementation has been like thus far, including any challenges/barriers to implementation. If it has not yet been implemented, discuss what is expected?
d. Conclusion- discuss the implications of this policy for social work, social workers or and/or intended target populations. In what way does/will this policy advance social justice?
8 pages
7 academic references

Business Strategies

You are a new small business owner focused on selling healthy pet food/products in a small town. You are struggling to bring in new customers and develop a name for your store.
Address the following in 525 to 700 words:
Identify several key business strategies that the business should consider
Compare the business strategies you selected and determine which would be the most useful for your current situation
Select examples of business strategies that could be utilized to bring in customers and develop a plan for improving the reputation of the business that will bring customers back
Determine the metrics that you will use to evaluate your selected business strategy for effectiveness

nursing paper acute respiratoray failure

Pathophysiological Discussion on: Acute respiratory failure, please look a the sample document I attached as well it will help to get a better understanding,a 1 page 1/2 please read all help information on the chart to help with paper.MUST CITE INFORMATION THANKS:)

 In one to two paragraphs, summarize the current physical disease process, surgical procedure, or mental health alteration that applies to your patient. Discuss in your own words.
 Explain why this patient is encountering this particular health deficit, if applicable.
 Describe the relationship of this current health alteration or situation to co-morbid medical conditions.
 Identify common complications that may occur with the alterations or treatment modalities.
 Discuss is the patient’s overall prognosis.
 Include appropriate references and use APA format.

What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of approaching product and service design and process design together

What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of approaching product and service design and process design together?

Part II:

Assignment Detail:

Think about the last time you were at a quick service restaurant (inside or drive-thru), coffee shop, convenience store, or grocer during a busy time of day. Think about what the queue was like, the procedures in place to serve and process customers, and how long these processes took.

Write a paper of approximately 750 words that answers the following questions:
• How would you measure the efficiency of the process?
• What key design principles appeared to govern the effectiveness of this establishment’s process?
• What bottlenecks to service do you remember (what took the longest time)?
• How long would the queue need to be before you would decide that it was not worth your time to join?
• What changes to the establishment’s process would you recommend?

Include a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Format the paper using APA formatting.

The Growing Issue of Antibiotic Resistance

The Growing Issue of Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance is what happens when bacteria in one’s body gain the has the ability overpower drugs or antibiotics that are meant to kill them. Antibiotic Resistance is extremely serious because antibiotics will be ineffective. Antibiotic resistance is a growing issue because meat suppliers will put doses of antibiotics in their animals to help them not get sick also, to help them grow bigger. The issue with meat is that when we eat it there is still antibiotic residue in it. My sources in this paper try to how antibiotics effect our body, and what we can do about it.
Marcia Crosse, P.hd and Ms. Anu K. Mittal wrote an article on the topic on antibiotic resistance. Marcia Crosse, P.hd is a director at the GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office) (“Resources”). Ms. Anu K. Mittal is also a director at the GAO (“Anu K. Mittal”). The article says, “Scientific evidence has shown that certain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics are transferred from animals to humans through the consumption or handling of meat that contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria” (Crosse). This is concerning on many levels. I hope we can find a way to solve this issue
Faculty of natural and agricultural sciences at North-West University says, “Antibiotics are commonly used in veterinary medicine, and subsequently drug residues may persist in foods derived from animals, which may pose adverse health effects for the consumer []. Human exposure to significant levels of antibiotic residues from animal products may aggravate immunological responses in susceptible individuals and negatively affect intestinal microbiota []” (“Ramatla”). Antibiotic residue is an issue that many people do not know about. This health risk is extremely dangerous to the consumer and the issue does not seem to be solving itself.
In a CNN article published in December 2015; Panera Bread the fast-casual bakery style restaurant said, “More than a decade ago, we started serving chicken raised without antibiotics — ahead of the industry. We’re glad to see that others have followed and are proud to have extended our commitment to all of the chicken, ham, bacon, sausage and roasted turkey on our salads and sandwiches[]” (qtd. in “Restaurants”). Panera Bread is one of the leading fast food chains in anti antibiotics in meat. Panera Bread marks a change in the industry being one of many to talk publicly on this terrible issue. Most restaurants are not on the same level as Panera Bread when it comes to antibiotic free meat.
Change is part of the issue. These restaurants buy their meat for the less than the status quo, and chasing their meat suppliers would lead to more expensive and better quality meat. Another issue to consider is that the meat suppliers that have meat with antibiotics in them will be going out of business if they can’t fix there problems. I strongly believe that antibiotic resistance is an enormous issue, but it lies on the supplier and the corporate restaurants involved. If restaurants choose a supplier that has been known for regularly injecting antibiotics in their animals than that supplier should probably not be used for any restaurants. People want to blame the restaurants, but they are not the only ones at fault; the integrity of the supplier is also tested.
Another issue that I see when it comes to antibiotic resistance or antibiotics in meat is that the regulations for something like this are not stringent. I can see the laws and regulations changing to where it becomes more beneficial for the consumer, but as these laws stand, they’re too loose on meat safety standards. People need to know what they’re eating (putting into their body). I think everyone can agree that antibiotics in meat is not beneficial to the consumer. The question that lies is where to draw the line, how much antibiotics is to much, when can it become harmful? When should we be cautious?
When we start to break down the fundamental issue we see that the fault does not lie one individual party. This issue is very large and could take years to fix, but it will take us working together to make our food more safe for everyone.

Adjusting to Terrorism

Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper on an administrative change you would propose to make in a criminal justice agency in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively.

Describe the prior situation, the reasons for the proposed change, and the anticipated positive results or potential negative consequences of the change.

Identify the resources the change would require or make available–financial resources, human resources, and training dollars–and the management support the change would need.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. You must use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources in addition to any other references. If you do not know how to find or cite peer-reviewed sources, please see the information available in the Instructor Announcements section.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Note. You may use your present agency if you are employed in a criminal justice organization, or you may base your response on your understanding of criminal justice agencies through your prior coursework.

The Impact of US Government Policies on Foriegn Trade

For this assignment, write an essay that addresses each of the following points:

Choose five U.S. government policies that affect trade with foreign nations. Identify three factors of production, and describe how their mobility is good or bad for U.S. trade
Distinguish between absolute advantage and comparative advantage trade theories and give examples
Choose either the TPP or the T-TIP free trade agreement and describe which other countries have signed on and why the U.S. Senate should ratify or not ratify the agreement. Also, explain how regional trading groups influence organizations.
Your essay submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style. You are required to use at least two scholarly sources for this essay. Your responses to the three prompts must be in paragraph form. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.
Must use resources that can be found oin the internet, I prefer edu websites or harvard business review etc… Must be able to pull these off the internet for free.

How exactly does the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory articulate with the theories of comparative and absolute advantage? What are the consequences of H-O as a theoretical framing device in relation to determining the patterns of trade globally? Please elaborate your response with specific reference to at least two countries, with each being from a different income category as prescribed by the World Bank.

How exactly does the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory articulate with the theories of comparative and absolute advantage? What are the consequences of H-O as a theoretical framing device in relation to determining the patterns of trade globally? Please elaborate your response with specific reference to at least two countries, with each being from a different income category as prescribed by the World Bank.

• Argument is very important for this essay.

• This essay should include: introduction, main body of the essay and conclusion.

• A systematic structure to your essay is important starting with an introduction that outlines how you intend to proceed and finishing with a conclusion that not only sums up your essay but gives an overall comment on the argument you have presented. The body of your essay should be structured to specifically address the problem with specific reference to at least two countries.

• You should clarify key terms.

• You MUST find a minimum of 17 scholarly sources as reference for your essay.

• Scholarly sources: credible media for empirics, article, journals and books for arguments.

• 5 citations per scholarly source.

• You MUST include the links (URL) to all your references. You should include in-text citations.