
1. Take the stage directions from any one of the following plays: Proof, The Crucible, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or Romeo & Juliet. Make sure you are getting the stage directions (or lack of stage directions) from the script of the play.
2. Choose one configuration (proscenium, arena, thrust, environmental) to stage the play in.
3. Consider all four elements of design (set, lighting, costume, sound).
4. How would you utilize each element of design in three different performing contexts:
-Community (low budget, need to sell a lot of tickets)
-Educational (medium budget, don’t need a lot of box office)
-Professional (high budget, need to sell a lot of tickets)

Example: for a professional production, we may buy all new costumes, whereas for a community production we might get them from Goodwill/ ask the cast to bring stuff in/ use stuff the company already has.

Obesity among African Americans

This essay is for my nursing class please follow the rubric strictly. The reference/articles can only be 5 years old or newer. you have to go to the website healthy people 2020 and show how the topic is related to that. when you go on the HP 2020 website, click on leading health indicators and on the left-hand side you should see, obesity, physical activity, and nutrition.

This essay is for my nursing class please follow the rubric strictly. The reference/articles can only be 5 years old or newer. you have to go to the website healthy people 2020 and show how the topic is related to that. when you go on the HP 2020 website, click on leading health indicators and on the left-hand side you should see, obesity, physical activity, and nutrition.

Public Policy: Why the United States Is Prohibited from Purchasing (Importing) Medication (Drugs) from Canada.

Does These Issues Including Lobbyist, Safety, Efficacy or Therapeutic Equivalency or Is It Just About Money?
Paper must be APA, 12 font, double spaced, full citation is expected, with a minimum of 6 academic sources, and must also, include Abstract, Cover page and Reference page. Must include the following headings in the issue paper: Introduction, Background, Alternatives and Recommendations.
I. Introduction: In this section, should specifically identify and define the issue or problem studying and outline its importance. Describe the theory of politics/public policy used to explain policy issue. Also use this section to limit the issue (i.e., describe the aspects of the issue that will not touch upon).
II. Background: In this section, should briefly describe the history of the issue, literature review, trends and its status. Also provide context by describing relevant developments in other localities, states or countries.
III. Alternatives: This section should describe various policy options that are available to address the issue. In some cases, there may be essentially two options (“yes, we should do this”, and “no, we should not”). With each alternative, must also specifically describe advantages and disadvantages of the proposed alternative. In this section, apply other theories of politics/public policy to explain issue alternatives.
IV. Recommendation: In this section, should weigh the evidence and recommend (one or more) of the alternatives described in section III. Must be specific about how the conclusions were reached and on what evidence based the recommendation. In this section, apply other theories of politics/public policy to explain issue recommendations.
At the very least, paper must substantively address and include….
* Theories of Politics and Public Policy
* The Policy Process Model
* Steps in the Policy Analysis Process
* Types of Policy Analysis
* Problem Analysis
* Constructing Alternatives
* Evaluative Criteria for Judging Policy Proposals
* Ethical Questions
* A Well-Researched Literature Review
Please Thread/Weave Into Paper Each Critical Aspect of: Public Policy and Politics, Government Institutions and Policy Actors, Understanding Public Policy Making, Policy Analysis, Public Problems and Policy Alternatives, Assessing Policy Alternatives, Economic and Budgetary, Health Care Policy, Welfare and Social Security Policy and Education Policy.
The goal of the paper is to provide practical exercise that integrates public policy theory with practical application.

Financial Crisis & regulations

The following assignment consists of 3 questions which require a good general understanding of the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis which in turn provides the context in which the role of regulation can be understood. The first question has 3 parts and will be awarded a total of 30 marks. The second question focuses on post crisis reforms and the adequacy of their implementation and carry’s 30 marks. The third case element of the question requires engagement and expansion on the response to question 2 by analysing the effective implementation of post crisis reforms in a selected bank. Headings needed! Please apply 2 sociological theory: SAF, Kindleberger

Q1. Describe the main causes of the financial crisis. If there are multiple causes, try to quantify the relative importance of each cause. Specifically: i) What was the “spark” that set off the fire? Or, what was the precipitating factor? ii) Why and how did the crisis spread throughout the entire world economy? iii) Which regulatory “backstops” failed to prevent the spread of the crisis? How and why did they fail? (30 marks=1200 words). << for i, Please include Deregulation, Business Model change to OTD, Financial Innovations including CDO, CDS, economic& social background( Trade deficit &US interest rate during 20001-2006, subprime mortgage amount over time, Bush administration), MBS

Q2. After the financial crisis, government and regulators have been subjected to calls demanding “stronger” or “better” regulation of financial markets. Drawing on key recommendations published and discussed in policy papers, consulting reports and news items from 2009 onwards, discuss whether these have been adequately implemented. (30 marks=1400words). << Choose 3-4 policies including i. ring fencing (ICB), ii. Capital-related policy (Turner Review) from summary of reform. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each policy, how many degrees the policy was effective, whether the policy was adequate to the post-crisis setting, if not adequate, then why it was not? In today’s context are those policies realistic and efficient? Whether those policies can prevent the new Financial Crisis?

Q3. Given your answer in question 2, (You must link Q2) and Q3)) choose one bank (Barclays) and illustrate how this particular bank has responded to the post-crisis environment. Use different sources and types of information (financial, (product) market data, regulators comments, corporate discussions) to support your answer! (40 marks=1400 words) << How does your bank discuss the impact of regulatory changes, both within the UK context and globally, what strategic decisions are being made and how does the narrative of strategic change develops? What evidence can you find for your bank’s involvement in scandals and how do they respond to it?

Thank you.

Case study on evidence based management of pain (Chronic lower back pain)

Students complete a 3,000-word case study on the evidence-based management of a client with chronic pain or a chronic condition with a neurological origin. This Case Study must include physiological and neurological factors. Due to the nature and duration of pain related patients the case study will be largely theoretical and based on a typical presentation.
paper focus on use of massage therapy, vertebral mobilisations and specific exercise therapy to treat chronic lower back pain. Pain should be defined, including its mechanism, and Bayesian theory of pain should be explained and evidenced. Loesers onion model of pain should be used to aid justification of psycho social aspects.

Lesson Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to critique and synthesise different elements of a mathematics lesson and explain how they can be brought together in an effective and planned way.

For this assignment, you will (1) analyse and critique a lesson, (2) produce a single lesson plan and (3) provide an explanation/justification of your lesson.

You will create a lesson plan using a previous lesson as a starting point. *You will create your own version of this lesson (see Forum post for clarification). The video shows a mathematics lesson that was filmed as part of the 1999 TIMSS video project. It’s focus was on developing the conditions for congruence of triangles, which is a goal that still exists today in the Australian Curriculum (ACMMG201). This particular goal can be found in the NSW syllabus at Stage 4 in the Measurement and Geometry content strand (MA4-17MG: Properties of Geometrical Figures 2).

Your submission through this Moodle page will include the following two parts in single PDF file:

Part A: A two-page (approx.) investigative lesson plan using the lesson plan template. This may include an appendix such as screenshots and handouts.
Part B: An explanation and justification of your lesson in the context of critiquing the TIMSS lesson.

Literary Analysis – A Raisin in the Sun

Develop a 4 page literary analysis of Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun that explores one key idea in the work and is supported by evidence from the text and four outside print sources

Develop a 4 page literary analysis of Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun that explores one key idea in the work and is supported by evidence from the text and four outside print sources

Develop a 4 page literary analysis of Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun that explores one key idea in the work and is supported by evidence from the text and four outside print sources

International Business Report (UHT MILK)

Assessment brief
You have been appointed as an international business consultant for an upcoming high profile UK SME based in London. One of their key objectives for 2020-21 is to tap into the Chinese market for their “UHT milk for children aged from (3-11 years)”.
The company is expected to focus on specific target audiences (within Chinese market) that would see UHT milk from UK as a better proposition compared to the current local options. Having access to international suppliers, the business fully intends to make use of the UK’s reputation as a land of quality, reliability, and transparency. Pre-school aged children and upwards are the ideal age to be ambassadors for the products due to their comprehension of what they like and dislike.

The final International Business report should contain:

• Executive Summary

You are required to submit business report constituting the elements mentioned below,

• Introduction (Industry background, should be supported by relevant facts and figures)
• Business drivers behind company’s expansion into the given country.
Students should indicate the factors under relevant sub-headings and supported by necessary references (students are expected to conduct PESTEL or Five forces analyses or any relevant trade theories which would lead them to identify key business drivers. Marks would be awarded for productively applying the chosen models/frameworks which highlight significant business drivers for internationalisation
• Trade Barriers
Students should highlight at least four trade barriers in the given context, Students should also demonstrate the business uncertainties and opportunities created by the trade policies of the national government of the target market.
• Ethical and social issues to be considered by the UK SME.
Students should highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility when operating internationally in the given context.
• Cultural preferences to be Considered by the business
Students should highlight the significance of culture within various activities associated with international Business in the Chinese market.
• Expansion Methods to be chosen by company
Students should identify the range of potential internationalisation methods. This should be followed by an identification of the most suitable options available to the SME supported by relevant strategic evaluation frameworks


In an APA-formatted paper of at least 4 pages, not including the cover page and references, discuss the following:In an APA-formatted paper of at least 4 pages, not including the cover page and references, discuss the following:

Evaluate how Wal-Mart has prioritized and responded to various stakeholders. What has driven their priorities and responses?
What can Wal-Mart do to develop an improved ethical culture and respond more positively to its diverse stakeholders?
Use concepts from course materials and other research you conduct to inform your paper. Be sure to cite sources that support/provide evidence for what you write.

Pages to read for concepts:Read Chapter 5, pp. 176-197, 203-213, and 216-222.

PDF for book

Comment on Blog post about The dark side Surveillance, Fake News and Watching

Some Guidelines to Improve your Comments


  1. Include at least one (ideally more than one) direct and relevant quote from the assigned readings/viewings (This is to demonstrate engagement with the readings).
  2. Engage with the authors of the blog
  3. If possible, also engage with authors who have commented on the blog.
  4. Try to keep your comment fixed on a specific theme or point, rather than trying to cover too much ground (remember it is short).
  5. Add a respectful critique in a couple of sentences. E.g. what would you have added that the author of the blog did not? Do you think they missed something, misunderstood a point etc?
  6. Try and bring in contemporary relevance to important events in the digital sphere


Example of a decent comment (with my annotations)


Thank you for such an insightful post Asma and Omer! As avid users of SNSs, we don’t really pay attention to how it actually evolved into what it is today. In Asma’s article, a crucial point about privacy issues was briefly touched upon, which I believe is something that is to be considered especially when we look at the evolution of SNSs throughout the years. Privacy, especially on SNSs has always been a very sensitive one, and as Asma clearly highlighted- platforms have profited greatly from selling consumer data to marketers. Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini (2007) for example, discussed ‘trust and usage goals’ when it came to information sharing, and although Facebook may have seemed trustworthy in the past, with its recent lawsuits in user privacy, it really leaves a huge question on how the evolution of Social Media sites has actually been of benefit to the users. The whole idea of the ‘Rise and Fall of Friendster’ highlights the beginning of ‘Fakesters’, is a great addition for Asma’s post- especially as fake accounts is still quite a significant issue. With the evolution of SNSs, I believe the usage of fake accounts has also evolved throughout the years, an example being the involvement of ‘Twitterbots’ in the recent GCC Crisis.

I found the readings attached, and Omer’s post, both quite enjoyable to read. Alongside Mohammed, I too was interested in finding out about how people used to share media before the nineteenth century., simply because it is quite difficult to imagine a time like that, as Fatima mentioned. A point I definitely would like to highlight in Omer’s post is on challenging the status quo. I think media and social media in particular has definitely kept this constant throughout its history and growth, where it has always served as a medium for people to challenge any sort of status quo or repression. I think Mohammed and Fatima also touched upon how there is not just a need for a platform to share media that represents feelings and emotions, but how this change is now a new part of our society that needs to be considered. Keeping both its past, present and future in mind.

I definitely look forward to discussing this more in class tomorrow!


How to improve above comment


Thank you for such an insightful post Asma and Omer! As an avid users of SNS, I perhaps have not reflected on how it actually evolved into what it is today. Asma raises an interesting point about privacy, a theme I wish to develop. As Asma notes, these issues range from SNS companies selling user data, to the concept of the ‘privacy paradox’ (Barnes, 2006, cited in Boyd and Ellison, 2007), wherein teenagers using social media are not aware of how public their private lives become. A related note to privacy is trust. Dwyer, Hiltz, and Passerini (2007) for example, discussed ‘trust and usage goals’ which concerns how trust in a platform can impact on what people are willing to share. While Dwyer et al express their concerns back in 2007, their work is somewhat prophetic. Indeed, in light of the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, thousands left Facebook citing privacy concerns. Such dramatic events raise huge questions about whether or not social media can act as a means of socialisation or isolation, emancipation or control. They also challenge the very nature of the ‘social’ itself. If privacy and trust continue to be eroded by these social networking companies themselves, at what point will the essential nature of SNS (the construction of a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system ((Boyd and Ellison, 2007), cease to exist, or exist but actively erode trust and social interaction. An anti-social media if you will…