write an analytical argumentative essay of 1000 words drawing on textual details of a single archetype and how its presence in two works contributes to the works’ artistry and quality.

o The Title is to be interesting and creative as it reveals meaning for your essay. It is not acceptable for your title to be Individual Archetype Analysis Essay or the name of your archetype. The title is to be centered at the top of the first page with no punctuation, no bold or italics, and in the 12 point TNR font that the rest of the essay is in. Your name, your archetype, the date and class period are to be in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of the essay, and pages are to be numbered.
o Syntactical variety, complex sentence structure, and integration of sophisticated punctuation (semicolon and m-dash use, for example) are to be used.
o Mechanics (10) throughout, your project uses proper grammar and punctuation, paragraphing, and spelling. Each error will cost one point; in remediation, only ten points may be earned back for this part of the score.
o Works Cited page containing sources that you reference throughout all parts of your product. (10). Be certain the format is correct according to MLA. All works referenced are credited. At least one symbol reference book is documented. All works you use are referenced. Using Wikipedia, Schmoop, Sparknotes, or any author-non-specific source will invalidate your analysis, thereby making your paper below passing. The analysis you are to do in this paper is to come from your own brain; otherwise it is plagiarism. Overall, you must have at least three sources; all sources on your Works Cited page must have quotations parenthetically documented and directly integrated into your analysis
o PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION, in-text citations, and direct and indirect quotations are used. MLA. It is never appropriate to begin a sentence with quotation marks. (10)
o The introduction (10) to your analysis may define your archetype from its ancient origins in a particular culture or belief system that ignited the archetype’s over-arching meaning at its very source. The introduction may also indicate the other areas you will examine in your analysis. Images may be used to explain your archetype. Numinosity and dichotomy are to be developed. I urge you to go beyond that which you read from a symbol dictionary. What are the sister/related archetypes that interconnect with your archetype? How are these connections meaningful? The thesis statement for your paper should indicate an overall theme revealed as your analysis examines the presence of your archetype in the following areas. The last sentence/s in your Introduction should read something like this: A close analysis of the water archetype and the imagery it creates in both William Blake’s Romantic poem “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” and in Jonathan Swift’s Restoration novel, Gulliver’s Travels, reveals the theme of large-scale human destruction in both works.
o The Body (10) of your essay will use two works of scholarly literature of your choosing from any two of the following areas: Drama/ Literature/ Poetry. Read TWO different works –with different formats—of classical, (1600-1798) Renaissance, Restoration, Victorian, or Romantic drama, literature, or poetry, and analyze your symbol as it is meaningful in a scene, a monologue, a play, an epic poem, or a novel. Both a brief summary of the work (one sentence is sufficient) and the analysis (commentary) of the archetype’s primary role in it are to be explicated. You are not expected to read the entire work; but this may be your Independent Reading for 1st or 2nd term.
o The Last Part “conclusion:” (10) The last part will apply what you have discovered about your archetype to current and contemporary art and reveal the evolution of the archetype’s meaning from its presence in the works you have analyzed to its presence in modern culture. Do not restate or summarize anything. You may create verbal unity by furthering ideas from the intro with new discoveries.

Objective: To write an analytical argumentative essay of 1000 words drawing on textual details of a single archetype and how its presence in two works contributes to the works’ artistry and quality. In the introduction, explain how the archetype is meaningful from its origins to its present incarnations in our culture with an emphasis on its presence in Victorian, Renaissance, Restoration, and/or Romantic Literature, poetry, drama, or prose. Use sophisticated sentence structure, parenthetical documentation, and present historical tense when writing about literature and art. Paper Prosepctus due Sept 10 (15 points mastery). Archetype Papers and Presentations due Sept 24 (25 MP); Essays (60 Mastery Points.)

Task: Using the archetype you have chosen from the list, consult symbology books (there is a selection in the classroom) to define your archetypal symbol, revealing the numinosity and the dichotomy inherent within the symbol. Research its origin; from what culture or part of the world does your symbol originate? Choose two works of differing formats from the Renaissance, Restoration, or Romantic eras that has literal primary reference to your symbol.

Procedure: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for formatting. See Grading Rubric in AP Grid.
• First page must have your name, your symbol, and the date in the upper right-hand corner.
• Center your original title on the first line (no bold, italics, quotation marks, etc)
• Works Cited page is accurate; thus, you will need multiple sources—three minimum.
• Use parenthetical documentation and in-text citation, integration of sources and quotations.
• Staple your paper, 3-hole punch it, and place it alphabetically in the binder on the due date.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Required Readings
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Chapter 13, “Stabilization for Trauma and Dissociation” (pp. 469–508)
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Discussion: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
It is estimated that more than 6% of the U.S. population will experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetime (National Center for PTSD, 2010). This debilitating disorder often interferes with an individual’s ability to function in daily life. Common symptoms of anxiousness and depression frequently lead to substance abuse issues and even physical ailments. For this Discussion, as you examine the Thompson Family Case Study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with PTSD.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Assess clients presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder
Analyze therapeutic approaches for treating clients presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder
Evaluate outcomes for clients with posttraumatic stress disorder
To prepare:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide.
View the media Academic Year in Residence: Thompson Family Case Study, and assess the client in the case study.
For guidance on assessing the client, refer to pages 137–142 of the Wheeler text in this week’s Learning Resources.

This research assignment is going to be on Immigration (Particularly as it pertains to the state of Florida and public adminsitration).

This research assignment is going to be on Immigration (Particularly as it pertains to the state of Florida and public adminsitration).  Please have a neutral view as much as possible on this topic.

I’ll leave it up to you to develop a testable hypothesis and research question on this subject. This paper should be 10 pages in length following the format and style below. (This is similar to the contracting paper currently being worked on regarding format etc)

Format: Your research paper should include a title page, body, and reference page. Your paper should have 1-inch borders on all four sides, use times new roman-12-point font, be double spaced, and not have an extra space in-between paragraphs. (You may need to turn this off in MS word by going to “paragraph” and clicking “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style”). Please use APA parenthetical citation style with a references page.

Your research paper should include the following sections:

Please start with an abstract of between 150-200 words on a page of its own.

The introduction section should be written last. You will need to clearly provide an overview of the topic you are writing about, a concise synopsis of the issues, state your research question, and discuss why the situation is important to investigate. Writing the introduction last is helpful in ensuring that you’ve incorporated any changes that may have taken place over the course of your research. This section should be 1 page in length.

Literature Review:
Your literature review section should be a synthetization of the current state of research on this topic. Here you will need to discuss the information that is important to understanding your research paper. If you are still struggling with this section take a look at this video on how to write a literature review from the NCSU Libraries. This section should be 4 pages in length.

This section will pull from and enhance your qualitative methodology assignment. Methodology sections are another standard element in research papers as they provide the reader with a clear understanding for how the research was carried out. In this section you should discuss your case study methodology and explain the validity of your approach. In your explanation, be sure you explain how you chose the case to investigate, your data collection method, your data analysis (i.e. the questions you asked to help guide your research and thus answer your primary research question), and any potential data limitations and biases that pertain to this specific project. In your discussion of the studies limitations you should keep in mind that its always best to end on a positive note, so be sure you discuss your plan to mitigate the limitations and biases, if any. This section should be 1 page in length.

Analysis and Findings:
This section and the conclusion discussed below are essentially the two newest components of your research project. Your analysis and findings section should provide a narrative of your research and the analytical arguments that you will make as a result of your findings. In this section you will discuss the results of your analysis. Make sure you provide the evidence that proves or disproves your research hypothesis. This section should be 3 pages in length.

This section will contain the concluding analytical arguments based on what the research has revealed. Here you will discuss your policy recommendations for moving forward with the issue.

Like any conclusion, it should provide a synopsis of the project, the strategy, the results, and what the research adds to our body of knowledge. Within your conclusion you should also offer suggestions for avenues of future research for other scholars as all knowledge is evolutionary. This section should be 1 page in length.

This section will contain all of the references that you have cited within your paper. They should be listed in APA Reference format and arranged alphabetically. Entitle this section as “References”, each source notation should be single spaced with one space between each source in hanging format.

At this level your references should fall within the 10-12 sources range and include primarily of peer-reviewed content.

Nation Case Study – North Korea

NATION CASE STUDY: By the 1st week of class, you will be asked to come up with a developing country from any continent throughout the World that you would like to report on. You will be asked to gather information about it, and present some of the major issues facing it. You will summarize and evaluate qualitative and quantitative material about it. The paper should be double or 1.5 lines spaced, 12 font, (3-4 pages).

In order to adequately make your presentation and write your short paper, you need to answer the following questions: 1. Where does your country lie, what is its capital, when did it achieve its independence, (and from whom).Make sure to provide me with a map; 2. In what way is the country you choose a developing country? a. What are its major economic, social and political characteristics? b. What are its major assets (oil, industry, primary goods, etc….)? c. What are its major problems (e.g. poverty, civil war, famine, economic growth, etc…..) d. how does it compare with China on each of these 3 items; 3. Provide statistical data that support your discussion of the economic and social status of the country you are analyzing and compare it to China. This means that you need to collect data on China, as well as on your specific country. You can find the data from World Development Report and UN Human Development Report. You have to show that you used one of these two sources; and, lastly, 4.Cite (MLA or APA), double-space, 12 font, etc. and provide a Bibliography: Make sure that in your paper you make adequate referencing to your sources.

You have to give me at least 5 academic references (books and/or journal articles, not wikepedia). Consult the library or the librarian to help you learn how to find academic articles on your country. The CIA World Factbook: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/
is a good source to help you with your research.

Distinguish between the basic processes of sensation and perception, explain how the doctrine of specific nerve energies applies to perception, and discuss how synesthesia contributes to our understanding of sensory modalities.

Part I Describe the three psychological dimensions of vision in detail.

1. Hue
2. Brightness
3. Saturation

For Part II: of the written assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important to understanding psychology:

5. Define circadian rhythms and explain how the body’s “biological clock” works and what happens when it doesn’t.

6. Distinguish between the basic processes of sensation and perception, explain how the doctrine of specific nerve energies applies to perception, and discuss how synesthesia contributes to our understanding of sensory modalities.

7. Describe the basic principles of classical conditioning, including the extinction and recovery of a classically conditioned response, how higher-order conditioning takes place, and the process of stimulus generalization and discrimination.

8. Compare social norms and social roles, and note how each contributes to the social rules that govern a culture.

Please reference and include at least three scholarly articles within your response. The minimum word count should be 750 words. An overall response should be formatted according to APA style, with the total assignment between three to six pages, pages not including title page and reference page. ( see attached assignment)

Self-Concept, Perception, and Communication

Self-Concept, Perception, and Communication

You have been working at your company for a while now and your supervisor has been noticing and complimenting you on your knowledge of policies and procedures. Recently, your supervisor has come to you with a new request: mentorship of a new employee, who will be starting next week. To help prepare you for the mentorship role you will be taking on, your supervisor has asked you to reflect on the questions below.

Using the Unit 2 Assignment Template, please consider the scenario above and respond to the following (one to two paragraphs each, drawing on course concepts):

Define your self-concept in the workplace; is it positive or negative? Why?
What are two of the biggest and most positive influences on your self-concept at work?
How does your self-concept influence your communication choices with your co-workers? How might it influence your communication with the new employee?
Define perception. How can your self-concept influence your perception in the workplace?
Identify two ways you can work to improve upon your perception.
Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be 3–4 page expository essay, not including the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date
Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
Reference Page: Sources in APA format
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced
Use APA Formatting and Citation style

Before a personal trainer can develop a workout and nutrition plan, he or she will meet with the client, ask questions, and determine the client’s current strength and ability. Writing instructors use a similar process to help students diagnose their writing strengths and weaknesses and develop a training plan.

Before a personal trainer can develop a workout and nutrition plan, he or she will meet with the client, ask questions, and determine the client’s current strength and ability. Writing instructors use a similar process to help students diagnose their writing strengths and weaknesses and develop a training plan.

A diagnostic writer’s response is intended to help you and your professor learn more about your individual writing strengths and weaknesses. The feedback you will receive from your professor will help you think more about your writing and what you need to address to strengthen your personal, academic, and professional communication.

Unit 2 Assignment Instructions

Prepare: Select a journal article about an issue in your field of study from the Library. For help with finding an article to reading and analyze, review the Assignment guidelines.

Read the article and apply what you have learned about effective reading and writing to complete this Assignment.

Please review the following guide for help with picking an article to analyze and for help with the writing process.
Write: Analyze the article you have read, addressing the following requirements in 3 well-developed paragraphs:

In paragraph 1: Identify the author, title, and publication information for your article. Identify the article’s audience and purpose. Summarize the main points in the article in your own words.
In paragraph 2: Discuss what the author does to develop or support these main points. For example, personal experience, statistics, interviews, facts, and emotions are just a few of many different strategies authors use to support main ideas.
In paragraph 3: Analyze the effectiveness of the article. Identify one to two specific qualities of the article you read that you find to be effective. For example, an author may use statistics to effectively appeal to a professional audience. Or, an author may use a conversational tone to appeal to a novice audience.

Submit: Your submission should:

Be at least 3 well-developed paragraphs
Be approximately 1–2.5 pages, double spaced, in length

Body piercing and tattoos are very common in today’s society. What is your perception of body piercing and tattoos related to professional image? Are piercings and tattoos acceptable in your profession? Contact a professional in your field and ask him/her about the issues surrounding this topic.

A professional image is not solely defined by your choice of clothing, but by multiple personal factors. You are all unique and present yourselves in a unique manner, whether it is by the jewelry you select, the shoes you wear, how you do your hair, or through other means of behavioral expression. In this Discussion, you will present your ideas on this topic and respond to others’ opinions and comments in a professional manner.

Topic 1:

Body piercing and tattoos are very common in today’s society. What is your perception of body piercing and tattoos related to professional image? Are piercings and tattoos acceptable in your profession? Contact a professional in your field and ask him/her about the issues surrounding this topic.

Read about how various companies are handling policies regarding things such as body piercings, tattoos, etc.


Przybys, J. (2009, November 29). All about image: Company dress codes expand to consider body piercings, tattoos: Policies reflect corporate cultures which vary by company, region. Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Read the following article to learn about clues on how to enhance professional image in the workplace.


Hosking, R. (2009). Career ladder. OfficePro, 69(8), 5–5.

What are the differences between Recovery and Cure in the realm of mental health issues? Is it possible to be cured or fully recovered from mental health issues as with medical conditions? What might that look like? How might this concept of a full recovery differ in relation to our view of other disabilities

Answer 2 of 3 questions completely, as there are multiple parts to each. (Expected Length: 2 pages). Provide citations from the readings and the video lectures to support your assertions.

Please respond separately to each question, and note which question you are responding to as you go (Maintain the format of the question). Be mindful of spelling and grammar, and edit prior to submitting.

1) What are the differences between Recovery and Cure in the realm of mental health issues? Is it possible to be cured or fully recovered from mental health issues as with medical conditions? What might that look like? How might this concept of a full recovery differ in relation to our view of other disabilities? Which definition of Recovery that is provided resonates the most with you? Are there people in the Mental Health Disability movement who believe more in the concept of being (fully) “recovered” rather than a process toward recovery, and why?

2) Compare and contrast Personal Recovery and Clinical Recovery? What are the characteristics and advantages of each, and which would you favor, and why? What are the limitations of each? How can the Medical Model fit into Recovery as per Slade? Is one model more effective with certain individuals, and which settings? How would you decide which model better applies? Can we integrate the two models in some way?

3) Many people believe empowerment is the cornerstone of Recovery while others believe it is hope, what do you think, and why? How can we go about encouraging hope in the hopeless, and empowerment in the powerless? How could this be incorporated into the treatment process, and what is its value?

the attached uploaded docs

You are required to read the following journal article: 1. How Risky is Your Company? HBR. May-June 1999 https://hbr.org/1999/05/how-risky-is-your-company Ensure you click on the ‘Read More’ link to view the Risk Exposure Calculator and to read other information. You would be notice “ Read More” for some part of this “How Risky Is Your Company” article.

You are required to read the following journal article:

1. How Risky is Your Company? HBR. May-June 1999

Ensure you click on the ‘Read More’ link to view the Risk Exposure Calculator and to read other information. You would be notice “ Read More” for some part of this “How Risky Is Your Company” article.

You are also required to read a fictional case study based on a company.

You must then prepare a risk assessment report on the company using the Risk Exposure Calculator and specifically address:

A. Pressure points due to growth
i) pressure for performance
ii) rate of expansion
iii) inexperience of key employees

B. Pressure points due to culture
i) rewards for entrepreneurial risk taking
ii) executive resistance to bad news
iii) level of internal competition

C. Pressure points due to information management
i) transaction complexity and velocity
ii) gaps in diagnostic performance
iii) degree of decentralised decision making