Psychology in the Movies: Hollywood’s take on psychological disorders

Psychology in the Movies: Hollywood’s take on psychological disorders
In today’s mass media you are constantly bombarded with conflicting information on psychological disorders. For this assignment, you have watched the movie Split in class. In your paper you will discuss how accurately or inaccurately the movie depicts the psychological disorder based on the knowledge you gained about disorders in class. After you watch the movie, write a paper using the guidelines written below.
Step 1:
Title page (see APA guidelines on HYPERLINK “”

Step 1:
State which psychological condition you feel that the main character in the film could or should be diagnosed with. Give a brief overview of the psychological condition, focusing on the symptoms of the disorder. Information about this disorder should come from the lecture, you text book as well as a minimum of three outside resources. should be one paragraph.
Step 2:
Using examples and quotes from the film, support you diagnosis of the main character. This should be multiple paragraphs and utilize information from the movie as well as from the resources you used to describe the disorder in the first paragraph.
Step 3:
Write a single concluding paragraph. This should nicely tie up your diagnosis of the character as well as whether the movie was an accurate portrayal of said disorder.

Step 4:
Reference page. Here is where you list all of the resources you used to write your paper (including the movie!). Again, reference HYPERLINK “” to see how to cite within the paper and how to format the reference page.

Analysis of a Work of Art

Analysis of a Work of Art
The essay is a maximum of 3 pages (750 words) in length (not including endnotes). It must be typed, double spaced, in 12-point Times type, with standard one-inch margins, in WORD format. Include endnotes in the Chicago Manual Style. Include a bibliography at the end of the paper in the Chicago Manual Style. Include images, copied into WORD, with captions, after the bibliography.

It has three sections. Begin each section on a separate page. Follow the instructions carefully.
Section 1)

You will select a work of art for this assignment at the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion of Quebec and Canadian Art at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. To access the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion, enter through the Main Entrance of the Museum at 1380 Sherbrooke Street West. Admission to this Pavilion is free for those aged 30 and under.
For your assignment, describe and analyse ONE work of art by a Canadian artist on view at the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion of Quebec and Canadian Art. A Canadian artist is an artist who was born or died in Canada or spent some of his / her life in Canada.
The work must be from one of these permanent exhibitions: Founding Identities (1700s – 1870s); The Era of Annual Exhibitions (1880s – 1920s). Your chosen work of art must be dated within the time-frame of the 1700s to the 1920s. To analyze your chosen work of art, you must follow the information in the PDF article, “How to Analyze a Work of Art”, available on the Assessments page of this website. Select a painting from one of the categories listed in “How to Analyze a Work of Art”; Figure painting, Portrait, or Landscape. Answer the questions in the category selected. As you analyze the painting, follow the instructions in the document concerning the Subject matter and Form. The Formal elements in a painting include, Medium, Colour, Light, Space (Composition), Depth and Shape/Size. Take careful notes on all of these aspects as you stand in front of your painting. Part of the challenge is to carefully study the work of art close up to understand the Formal elements and how they create the meaning of the work. That is why it is necessary to visit the work in person. Note, however, that it is important not to assume too much in your analysis concerning the subject matter and the meaning of the work. Some information must be found beyond the picture frame, such as the socio-historic content and the artist’s intentions. You must support your assumptions about a work of art with factual information about the socio-historic content and the artist’s intentions.

You may find such factual information on the following Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Websites:
The Quebec and Canadian Art Collection:

You may also find factual information on the socio-historic content and the artist’s intentions in scholarly Art History books, Art History journals and e-journals, and Art exhibition catalogues. A good way to find such Art History/Art sources is through the Concordia Library research engine, Discovery Search at:
Finally, there are a number of Art History sources placed on the Concordia Library Course Reserves that can be accessed under the FIND link at
These books and articles have been placed on three-hour reserve and you can have access to these sources by visiting the Reserves Room on the main floor of the Webster Library.

For this analysis you may refer to factual information from other scholarly Internet sources such as art museums, art galleries, and artist’s websites. Do not use websites such as Wikipedia, although it is acceptable to use scholarly art historical references mentioned in Wikipedia articles.
Also, because this is an Art History course, you are expected to use only Art History sources. Sources from other disciplines will not be accepted.

Cite all sources as endnotes and in the bibliography at the end of the paper using the Chicago Manual Style (see the Chicago Manual Style PDF on the Assessments page).
Note: Any time you take information from another source, whether you have paraphrased or quoted, you must cite the information with an endnote. It is a serious academic offence not to do so.
Note: If you are taking the course from out‐of‐town you can select a work of art from a museum in your area that falls within the time-frame of the 1700s to the 1929s. The work of art must be by a Canadian artist and you must view the work in person. Please contact your Group Teaching Assistant for more information on this option.
(Length – one page maximum – 250 words)

Any topic that would help society. Why something should be a certain way and how would it benefit things

Claim of Policy Paper

Writers will learn to use outside evidence to support a claim and continue to practice source integration and the conventional standards for a college essay.

A claim of policy is argument that a condition should (or must) exist. As your book points out, it offers change or solution for a problem. It is a call for action, for a change in problems that affect the polis or, government (literally, “the city”).

It is easy to commit the either/or fallacy with claims of policy (to present arguments as only having two sides) and it is easy for a policy argument to reach the dreaded arena of stasis (stagnancy).

· Come up with an instructor-approved claim. A claim is good if it is reasonable (spending billions of dollars because we think aliens should have condos to live in when they take over New York is not a good claim for a college class, though it might be entertaining); it is good if the scope is small (the Skysox should/should not move their stadium to lower downtown COS); it is good if it can persuade a broad, general audience (arguing that nurses should be allowed to wear their hair dyed in rainbow colors might be an interesting argument, but it isn’t going to reach much past nurses themselves); and, the argument is good if it is specific rather than general and overdone (we should stop emitting carbons into the atmosphere because it’s bad for the environment is too big and too general; however, saying that all new cars should have a 0-2% emission of harmful carbons by 2020 is a good argument).

· When you have your claim, get your source. For this paper, using Google as your primary search companion is okay as long as your source is reliable. You may not use more than two outside sources because this is a short paper.

· Write your paper, paying attention only to your argument as you draft.

· 2 pages minimum, 3 pages maximum. Utilize MLA format throughout

Assume you are working on a beach hotel website project. Write down your takeaways and what key things you learned while working your project front-end design by using html, css and javascript.

Assume you are working on a beach hotel website project.
Write down your takeaways and what key things you learned while working your project front-end design by using html, css and javascript

Here are a couple of examples that might help you understand what you should you write.

Ex 1:
I’ve found that with div tags and aligning them and all that, it’s best to set them up in CSS to contain a border of some kind (or background color), so you can visually see where it is and how it’s lining up. I usually start with the layout/design first in HTML, setting up all the divs I think I’ll need, setting their height, width, and other various properties in my CSS file, then there’s a lot of troubleshooting. But if you set up the layout beforehand, then you can use that HTML file as your template and just fill in the content where it’s necessary. I know that doesn’t totally help, but I’ve basically been living on W3Schools and StackOverflow this semester, and it’s helped me tremendously in understanding a lot of what I don’t understand in this class.

This was a fun week as I felt it was a bit of a breather (at least for those of us who have done Java or C++ or some other programming language in the past–which I feel is likely everyone in the course at this point) .
While it was a good week to get the programming gears going again and familiarize ourselves with the syntax (the last actual programming I had to do for work was just VBA programming, so bringing back semicolons was nostalgic), the material learned so far definitely isn’t going to help with the final product of my website. I look forward to continue to learn more about javascript and hopefully apply what I learn to my final site.
As far as the reading, reviewing the idea of object models, I believe, is never a bad thing. Every time I go back over the topic, I feel like some extra neurons are making some new and useful connections as far as how to approach problems or model situations. However, outside of functions and models, ideas such as loops, switches, if/else statements, and basic methods are review for me.

Please explain why you would like to become a student at this school. How does the completion of a degree at this school offer you an opportunity to serve an underserved community?

Please explain why you would like to become a student at this school. How does the completion of a degree at this school offer you an opportunity to serve an underserved community?

2-3 pages.

School goal: To provide an exemplary public health education in urban health disparities for underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students, particularly those from medically underserved communities, for careers in underserved settings.

To promote the participation of MPH students and MPH faculty in community health services that address urban health disparities in underserved populations, and to support the development of a well-trained and professional public health workforce.

*I’ve been living/working in underserved community.

Article report of art history — Thomas Crow’s “Saturday Disasters: Trace and Reference in Early Warhol”

Requirements: (No need to worry about the title/ any format; no need to copy my questions; use bullet to separate each question and follow the order)
-5 key words of article
-summary of the article
-authors’ arguments
-Answer the following questions:
* • How does Crow characterize each of the three personas that he argues collectively comprise the figure of “Andy Warhol”? Which “Warhol” does Crow focus on in his essay? What is the subject matter of the artworks by this “Warhol”? How does Crow interpret these artworks?

* • What do you think Crow means by the following claim: “The thesis of the present essay is that Warhol, though he grounded his art in the ubiquity of the packaged commodity, produced his most powerful work by dramatizing the breakdown of commodity exchange” (p. 51)?

branches of government and their role in establishing Separation of Powers

Willy Understand has come to rely on your learned guidance and expertise. In paralegal school he studied the three branches of the American federal government, along with the powers that have been delegated to each branch in the Constitution. He explored how the founders of the nation created a separation of powers so that each branch relies upon the other two branches. But he now needs a refresher before he tackles any constitutional law research for the firm.

This Assignment has two parts:
1.Write Willy a 350-500 word paper explaining the branches of government and their role in establishing Separation of Powers.
2.Read the case of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company v. Sawyer and answer the following questions. Be precise and articulate. Use proper grammar and complete sentences.

1. What was the constitutional question in Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952)?

2. How did the Court rule?

3. How does this case illustrate the constitutional principles of separation of powers?
•Length should be 350-500 words (for part one) excluding cover page and references page.
•Double spaced and 12-point font.
•Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
•Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
•Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
•Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
•Appropriate citation style should be followed.

Compare statistics for the primary health concern of your population to the rest of the general population in the United States. This would include frequency of occurrence, age groups most at risk, frequency of fatality, and so on.

Examine the health care risks and needs of your population.
Analyze the need to improve health care delivery to the population.
Evaluate, critically, the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for the population.
Examine strategies to reduce health disparities for your population.
Locate at least 5–7 resources so that you can eliminate 2–3 if necessary. You may discover, for example, as you read each article more in-depth, that they may not all have the focus you need for your review.

For this assessment, you need to develop several points around which to apply the research from the articles you located. Specifically, you need to:

Compare statistics for the primary health concern of your population to the rest of the general population in the United States. This would include frequency of occurrence, age groups most at risk, frequency of fatality, and so on.
Describe the epidemiological concepts, data analysis methods, tools, and databases used in the research studies you located. Address any flaws or biases you believe are present.
Explain the factors that affect health promotion and disease prevention for the population. (Hint: These may be things such as language barriers, cultural values, generational differences, social fear, and access to services.)
Describe the types of health care initiatives that have been tried by other organizations specifically for the primary health care concern or the population.
Recommend one health care initiative for your population, based on your research,
These should be the ideas, or points, that your review is based on. For each point, present all of the evidence you located. For this assessment, that should be at least four current research articles, although not all of the articles will typically offer evidence on all of your points.


The final capstone project is a culmination of the written research-based assignments completed throughout the course. Each written assignment contributes to the final Evidenced-Based Proposal paper. This is the fourth written assignment.

Write a paper of 500-750 words in which you:

Disseminate evidence: Summarize plans for disseminating evidence.
Include which professional organizations, conferences, journals, or employers you would present your findings to.
Include one professional publication or conference in your dissemination plan and explain why you chose this professional venue over another.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Single Subject Research Design Paper

What is your SSRD topic? Somatization
What is your research question? Does recognizing early signs of somatization in individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition equate to better long-term health outcomes for quality of life?
What is your hypothesis? Assessments identifying somatizations early signs will aid in proper diagnosis.
What are the independent and dependent and dependent variables? Time spent conducting proper assessments will be the independent variable and physiological symptoms concludes the dependent variable.

This is an individual assignment. By September 2, identify an individual with whom to implement a single case intervention and evaluation. This may be any individual in your life, not necessarily people with whom you are working in a professional social work capacity. During the course of the semester, implement an intervention with this individual or group to help change an identified behavior. This will involve identifying:
The target goal as identified in the case plan.
The behavior or behaviors the proposed intervention is attempting to change.
The measure used to assess the change of the behavior.
The means by which you will collect data about the change.