Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack of consent. 2. What is are the rape shield laws and why are they used? 3. How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide statutes?

Question #1). This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this first question should contain at least 350 words. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook format, even if your only reference is the eBook.

1. Rank the three sources of law, from highest to lowest, and explain why you ranked them in this way.
2. Why is it important to understand the sources of law in the study of criminal law?
3. What is the purpose of statutory law and the purpose of case law?
4. Explain why the author of the eBooks states that case law is a “powerful source of law”. In what way is it powerful? Please give a specific example of the use of case law in the criminal law arena.
Question #2). This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this second question should contain at least 350 words. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook format, even if your only reference is the eBook.
1. Define speech under the First Amendment.
2. Identify five types of speech that can be governmentally regulated in spite of the First Amendment.
3. Of the cases listed in Chapter 3 of the ebook on Free Speech, what case do you believe is the most significant and why?
Question #3). This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this third question should contain at least 350 words. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook format, even if your only reference is the eBook.
1. Compare the M’Naghten, irresistible impulse, and substantial capacity tests.
2. What is the difference between diminished capacity, and the insanity defense?
3. What was the defendant seeking to do the State v. Hornsby, 484 S.E.2d 869 (1997)? Was he successful?

Question #4). This is a multi-part question. The total answer to this final question should contain at least 350 words. Please remember to list your references in Bluebook format, even if your only reference is the ebook.

1. Define the criminal act and the criminal intent element required for rape and how much resistance a victim must demonstrate to evidence lack of consent.
2. What is are the rape shield laws and why are they used?
3. How are domestic violence statutes different than standard assault, battery, sex offenses, or criminal homicide statutes?

Rehabilitation Journal

For this assignment  what your thoughts are on each of the scenarios. When it comes to your readings and power points what were you able to see that clicked? How might these families solve some of the conflicts they are experiencing? How might the perceptions of other further affect these families? What are some positives that can be taken away from what appear to be very grim situations and what factors/ resources could be utilized to help? Have you ever experience some thing like this or known some one who has if so what did you see and how did you feel? Your journal entry must be 2 pages in length, done in times new roman 12 point font. It should be double spaced and should answer the questions above.
Family 1: Consists of a mother and a child both with a disability. In this case the mother works to support her and her daughter she has no family to turn to for support , does not qualify for any assistance due to her position of a teacher and has been experiencing symptoms related to her MS. more frequently than usual due to stress and not taking care of herself. Her daughter is her everything but she too struggles due to her disability of Aspergers syndrome. Her mother has done her best to take care of her child and has successful gotten her to be as independent as possible however there is still concern as to whether the her child will be able to master additional skills needed in adulthood.
Family number 2. Consists of a mother and 3 children with a father who recently had a heart attack. The mother has never worked, the father was the primary care giver however due to his disability he is no longer able to work and requires additional medical care and services. The children are all currently in school. The oldest is getting ready to graduate and was planning on moving on to college, the middle child is presently in 8th grade while the youngest is in 5th. At this time the family is living off savings which will soon run out the mother has been trying to gain employment however has been unsuccessful. The father qualifies for a personal aid however for only 3 hours a day. They are in dire need of resources.

Family number 3 is a family of 4 dad works and mom stays home to care for the children. Child number one has no disabilities and loves to play outside and spend time drawing. Child number two has been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. The mother tries her best to care for the home and her family however finds herself always lacking time. she has been called in several times by the school due to her daughter forgetting her homework, running late or being picked up late which she admits she has done but intentionally due to doctors appointments and errands. She has tried to turn to her husband for help however instead of helping her the discussions have all turned into an argument leading her to feel alone, overwhelmed and judged by all around her.

The term ‘virus’ comes from the Latin word for poisonous, virulentus. Initially, viruses were classified as living organisms, but over the last 100 years there has been considerable debate in the scientific community over whether viruses are indeed living organisms.

The term ‘virus’ comes from the Latin word for poisonous, virulentus. Initially, viruses were classified as living organisms, but over the last 100 years there has been considerable debate in the scientific community over whether viruses are indeed living organisms. Your essay post should be ~500 words in length and should utilize at least 3 references outside of your textbook. You may use any reference style you’d like as long as it is organized and one of the standard formats for scientific writing. For example, it is common to put a number in parentheses (1) or superscripted1 at the end of the sentences or paragraphs to which a specific reference was applied, and then to have a corresponding numerical list of references at the end of the essay.
Your paper should touch on the following topics:
On what grounds are viruses considered non-living?
On what grounds are they considered living?
After interpreting the evidence, what is your position on the question, “Are viruses alive?”
citations whould be no more that 10 per cent of the paper.

Texas History: Pancho Villa’s Role in the Mexican Revolution

What do to: write a three-to-four-paragraph summary that covers the following:
1. Paragraph one: identify the author and the context of the document: Provide the who, what,
when, where information about the author and the document. Conclude the paragraph with a
thesis statement that sets up your discussion of the document’s content and significance.
Significance may come from an idea of your own or may make a statement about how the
document connects to our class themes.
2. Paragraphs two and possibly three: summarize the main ideas of the document and explain
why it is significant to the themes of our class and/or how it relates to your thesis statement. This
will require using your textbook and previous lecture material to do so fully. Unit themes
are introduced at the beginning of each unit and reinforced at the beginning of class lectures.
3. Concluding paragraph: Reflect on the document. This paragraph is more open-ended. You
may use it to develop your ideas in paragraph two more fully, or if this reading inspired a
personal reaction to the document, you may explore that idea here.
-Your summary should be 1-2 pages, double-spaced.
-When you quote directly from the textbook or the primary source, you must use quotations.
-Use the Chicago Manual Style footnote system or another established citation protocol.
Grading: Will be based on the points system outlined in the rubric for this assignment
Extra Guidance?

Elevating Cancer levels In the Fire service In comparison to the past

Argument/Hypothesis: Cancer is more prevalent now than in the past. (Looking to prove this argument and provide solution towards the end of paper)
–> talk about why cancer has increased, what types of cancer are most common in the fire service, how firefighters are affected (financially, mentally, physically), how fire departments are affected (staff, financially, workers compensation, etc…),
–> make the correlation between increased cancer levels to increased firefighter exposure to carcinogens, reduction in staffing levels (city to save financially), and any other reasons as to why cancer would be increasing.
– cancer levels in the past compared to now within the fire service
– I have already started the paper and will attach the document, but use what i have wrote as a guide of my train of thought.
– I am attaching requirements the teacher has provided also.
– Also attaching sources that can be used within the paper
– Read the documents provided that are guidelines to how the

Transforming and Leading Healthcare

Watch this video – and read the attached –

You applied for the position to lead the project to enhance consumer experience of healthcare, and you have secured an interview.

For this task you need to prepare a 10 minute, 20 slide (maximum) PowerPoint presentation with voice over and notes, in which you:

outline your proposed plan to implement the changes needed to the current organisational structures and processes,
identify and discuss the leadership skills and attributes you would bring to the position, and
identify the professional development support that you would require in order to be able to implement your planned changes.

You must complete –
+ prepare a 10 minute (maximum of 20 slides) powerpoint
+ a speech to read along with the powerpoint

2 documents, a word document expanding on each powerpoint slide and a powerpoint document with a MAX of 20 slides.

This presentation should be supported by sources from the scholarly literature[1] (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last FIVE YEARS where appropriate to your presentation content.

You have just been promoted to be the Chief Officer Corporate Responsibility and Ethics. Author and lay theologian C.S. Lewis submits that “integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching”

You have just been promoted to be the Chief Officer Corporate Responsibility and Ethics. Author and lay theologian C.S. Lewis submits that “integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching” This axiom may ultimately be the real code of ethics standard that in the end when applied to globalization and public accountability will be appreciated as stronger than any law. Google is a US corporate based global company that since its founding in 1998 has managed to become the primary vehicle on how individuals across the world impart ideas, search issues, and explore thought Recently, Google announced it is seriously exploring partnering with China to provide a search engine that blocks Chinese user queries for terms including freedom of speech, religion, and democracy. Some may argue that corporations with global strategies carry no moral obligation to countries in which they operate.

2.) In a minimum of 500 words please provide your view on whether a US based corporation with global strategies has a moral obligation to countries in which they operate regarding environmental devastation, worker exploitation, selfish use of available resources, and complicit corruption with governing jurisdictions. Please also include critical issues you see that need to be addressed as well as a basic code of ethics as part of your globalization strategy you would suggest.
Text used: Grant, R. M., & Jordan, J. (2015). Foundations of Strategy Second Edition. In R. M. Grant, & J.

Organised criminality poses a tangible threat to the health of a democratic nation’ InstructionsFiles (6)Chats (1)

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this statement based on the subject material provided, and by using wider research beyond subject materials. The submission should include, but not be restricted to:
1. The nature and extent of organised crime;
2. The characteristics of organised criminal gangs, families or groups;
3. The potential opportunities to counter or disrupt organised criminal activity, and,
4. The impact that points 1,2, and 3 has upon the socio-economic welfare of a nation, and upon democracy itself.
Additional notes.
• Part A. The development of criminal enterprises has grown over the past five decades. This has impacted on the ability of countries to deal with this crime group. They have focused energy on areas of money laundering and proceeds of crime legislation which has changed the focus from actual crime to outputs resulting from the crime. This has assisted agencies in combating this group.
• Part B. The ever-increasing evidence that criminal organisations often have a cultural background developing in and around the organisation is more evident in the past decade. It has been seen though cultural growth of these organisations in particular in new demographics migrating to new countries.

Historical Challenge: Anti-Suffragists

Recommended: Iron Jawed Angels (HBO films)

• Anti-Suffragists DOCUMENTS A_B_C.pdf

• ANSWER SHEET Anti-Suffragists .rtf


1. VIEW: I recommend viewing Iron Jawed Angels (HBO films) before this lesson, beginning at 1:12:23 (when Wilson announces U.S. entrance into WWI) through 1:19:40 (when the suffragettes are sentenced to jail). However, the movie is NOT essential to the lesson.

THINK ABOUT: According to the movie, Iron Jawed Angels, why did so many people oppose woman suffrage?

Can’t view the movie? THINK ABOUT: Why did so many people oppose women’s suffrage (the right for women to vote)?

2. The Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls Conference, 1848 _ORIGINAL_.doc and/or LISTEN TO The Declaration of Sentiments from 1848.

The Declaration of Sentiments spoke about what life was like for women in the mid-19th century. By the beginning of the 1900s, many women were going to college, and many women, especially on the East Coast, were politically involved in Progressive causes—helping urban poor, Settlement Houses, temperance, muckraking, etc. Still, many people continued to oppose woman suffrage. For this Historical Challenge we’re going to ask: Why did people, including women, oppose woman suffrage?

3. ASSIGNMENT – Download, save, and complete the ANSWER SHEET Anti-Suffragists .rtf and Submit.

Your responses must be typed up in this Answer Sheet and submitted via the assignment link.

Read Anti-Suffragists DOCUMENTS A_B_C.pdf and complete the Graphic Organizer table and respond to each of the Reflect and Respond Questions.

Communications Skill Assessment

Communications Skill Assessment

Most of us have situations in which we find it difficult to communicate. Improving your written communication skills and being comfortable speaking to people are extremely important. Develop a two- to three-page APA-formatted paper in which you analyze your personal communication skills. Be sure to address the following:
•Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills.
•Discuss your communication gaps.
•Describe any additional training you need in specific areas of communication.
•Analyze how you can improve your current communication skills to prepare you for advancement in your profession.
Site at least 1 source