For the scenario provided below, discuss the reasons the arrangement is an issue and provide comment on how the issue could have been alleviated. Copper awning (hood) over an aluminum window framing (with no gutters)

In the construction industry, there are building failures occurring in new projects soon after practical completion. As there are many failures types and mechanisms occurring this exercise will help you identify those involved and possible reasons for the issues on site.
For the scenario provided below, discuss the reasons the arrangement is an issue and provide comment on how the issue could have been alleviated.
Copper awning (hood) over an aluminum window framing (with no gutters)
• the issue with the above;
• what will occur and;
• an alternative solution.
Include and accurately identify your sources. Wiki and google will not be accepted. (MAX 500 WORDS)
Question 2:
When constructing a project in a corrosive environment (industrial area or marine area), the type of materials used are key. In a summary of MAX 750 WORDS, describe the requirements when installing a window arrangement (including aluminum window frame, glass and fixings) on a residential construction site. Within your review provide:
• Three (3) Australian Standards that would apply to control the corrosiveness and the materials chosen;
• The use of stainless steel vs mild steel/galvanized fixings;
• Key elements to control the corrosive environment Include code references and ensure to accurately identify your sources. Wiki and google will not be accepted.

Advise Rapid-Heat of its FBT consequences arising out of the above information, including calculation of any FBT liability, for the year ending 31 March 2018. You may assume that Rapid-Heat would be entitled to input tax credits in relation to any GST-inclusive acquisitions. (b) How would your answer to (a) differ if Jasmine used the $50,000 to purchase the shares herself, instead of lending it to her husband?

Rapid-Heat Pty Ltd (Rapid-Heat) is an Electric Heaters manufacturer which sells Electric Heaters directly to the public. On 1 May 2017, Rapid-Heat provided one of its employees; Jasmine, with a car as Jasmine does a lot of travelling for work purposes. However, Jasmine’s usage of the car is not restricted to work only. Rapid-Heat purchased the car on that date for $33,000 (including GST).
For the period 1 May 2017 to 31 March 2018, Jasmine travelled 10,000 km in the car and incurred expenses of $550 (including GST) on minor repairs that have been reimbursed by Rapid-Heat. The car was not used for 10 days when Jasmine was interstate and the car was parked at the airport and for another five days when the car was scheduled for annual repairs.
On 1 September 2017, Rapid-Heat provided Jasmine with a loan of $500,000 at an interest rate of 4.25%. Jasmine used $450,000 of the loan to purchase a holiday home and lent the remaining $50,000 to her husband (interest free) to purchase shares in Telstra. Interest on a loan to purchase private assets is not deductible while interest on a loan to purchase income-producing assets is deductible.
During the year, Jasmine purchased an Electric Heaters manufactured by Rapid-Heat for $1,300. The Electric Heaters only cost Rapid-Heat $700 to manufacture and is sold to the general public for $2,600.
(a) Advise Rapid-Heat of its FBT consequences arising out of the above information, including calculation of any FBT liability, for the year ending 31 March 2018. You may assume that Rapid-Heat would be entitled to input tax credits in relation to any GST-inclusive acquisitions.
(b) How would your answer to (a) differ if Jasmine used the $50,000 to purchase the shares herself, instead of lending it to her husband?

Brief community history- when the community was founded and by whom. How long it has existed, how people lived there in the past, its major sources of work.

Brief community history- when the community was founded and by whom. How long it has existed, how people lived there in the past, its major sources of work.
2. Geographic boundaries for zip code 38104: north/south/east/west boundaries(name streets). include the square mileage of your area.
3.Include a map of zip code 38104( memphis tn)
4. A list that outlines the major categories of the governing structure and includes the titles and names of current officials( city/ county mayors, senators, house of representatives, local councilmen/boards).
5. List/ describe the major employers, health care facilities, parks, and green spaces and use any unique characteristics.
6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your community and what are the opportunities and threats facing it.
7. Analysis : Select one primary health concern for this population that you would work to address as a public health nurse.
8. community Diagnosis
9. Healthy people 2020 objectives. List at least three(3) healthy people 2020 objectives that relate to this community diagnosis.Access the healthy people 2020 website.
12. Evidence Based interventions. what evidence based interventions have been shown effective to address your priority health concern?
Identify 2 evidence based interventions/strategies that specifically address the community’s primary health concern.
***Make sure to put any references in the 6th edition APA in the notes section of your slides.***
*Suggested population health data sources:*
Health information Tennessee(HIT)
Shelby county TN CHA
Shelby county TN CHIP
community tool box
community commons
County health rankings and road maps.
The US census b bureau
TN department of health chronic disease profile.

What does it mean to be educated? Be specific in your argument and defend your position

Essay #1: Formal Argumentative Essay with Detailed Writing Process (No Research)Write a formal essay to address one of the topics/questions below. Although you may feel strongly about the topic, and it might speak to you as a person, this is not a personal essay, so no first-person allowed. No research; no Internet use other than to submit to the final assignment to Canvas/ or to look up words in a dictionary (for informational, not citation purposes).Follow all required steps of the writing process for full credit (and the strongest paper possible). Your essay does not have a required length; however, it should be fully developed and long enough to accomplish the above requirements. Please use MLA format for your essay. To formulate your argument, you must use logic-based reasoning and specific examples to assert an informed perspective about any one of the following topics. Convince your audience that your point of view is valid and based in logic and reason—not simply personal preference/beliefs.

Summarize at least two points that each author makes. Then briefly discuss what intellectual and political commitments might have motivated each piece of writing. Which of these interpretations of audience involvement do you find more convincing or exciting, and why?

Read the two texts by Augusto Boal and Jessica Santone which you will find as PDFs below. Then contribute a posting here based on the following prompt. Your contribution should be between 250 and 400 words long, and can be either in bullet points or paragraph format. In addition to your text, single out between three and five keywords that you think capture the essence of the authors’ arguments (the same keywords may not work for both authors; you just need 3-5 total). Single these out by bolding or underlining in your entry, or listing them at the end.

Theatre practitioner Augusto Boal and art historian Jessica Santone provide VERY different interpretations of the involvement of the audience in contemporary performance and art. Summarize at least two points that each author makes. Then briefly discuss what intellectual and political commitments might have motivated each piece of writing. Which of these interpretations of audience involvement do you find more convincing or exciting, and why?

Research one of the professional nursing theorists in Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing

Research one of the professional nursing theorists in Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing (pp 45-49). You will need to write an APA paper by answering the following items listed below. The paper should be at least 2 pages in length and no more than 4 pages, excluding the title page and reference page. You may use professional web sites in your reference page.

Define the theology of nursing, according to the theorist.
What significant role did the theorist play in the development of the nursing profession?
How did the influence of biblical views in the concepts of person, health, environment and nursing affect the theorist’s views?
Describe the implications of your own worldview on your nursing practice and how this theorist has possibly influenced you and your practice.

interrater reliability

Your discussion of alternate forms reliability was very thorough and correctly pointed out that the two forms of the text need to be equal in difficulty, as well as length and scope of the material being tested. Nizeli mentioned in her post above that developing alternate forms is a very expensive undertaking, due to the construction of two separate but equal instruments and extensive testing that must be undertaking to demonstrate that both forms of the test are, in fact, equal in measurement.

1. Could you please also address interrater reliability?
Use the author of one of your sources

Kline, T. (2005). Psychological testing: A practical approach to design and evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Chapter 7

In this journal entry, you are to reflect on an experience as a person being supervised and what made it a positive or negative experience for you. Describe exactly what happened in terms of your role (not theirs) and how you responded.

In this journal entry, you are to reflect on an experience as a person being supervised and what made it a positive or negative experience for you. Describe exactly what happened in terms of your role (not theirs) and how you responded. Would you have done anything differently now that you have some distance from the interaction, if so, why? Moving forward into your practicum, how will you make the most of supervision in your internship? As you reflect, discuss how willing you are to receive constructive feedback? Ask your family and friends if you are not sure of this answer or a past employer or colleague. Is this an area of growth for you? Why or why not? This is the link you need to read that will help you complete this article :

The attachment is the grading RUBRIC that need to state everything.

Identify some of the social groups to which you belong. How have you been or are influenced by your own social group memberships? Write about a time at least two of them intersected to have an impact on you. Provide an example when belonging to one social group had a more pronounced impact on you than belonging to one of your other social identities.

  1. An individual’s social identity is made of membership in multiple, overlapping and intersecting social groups. At times, an individual may identify with one or more social groups to which they belong more than another.
    • Identify some of the social groups to which you belong.
    • How have you been or are influenced by your own social group memberships?
    • Write about a time at least two of them intersected to have an impact on you.
    • Provide an example when belonging to one social group had a more pronounced impact on you than belonging to one of your other social identities.
  1. What does it mean to say that commonly held beliefs about social groups are “socially constructed”?  Share an example other than one from the chapter that illustrates social construction.
  2. Box 5.4 summarizes five core values that may impact a client-practitioner relationship. Among these, which will you need to strive to gain understanding of in order to engage in culturally competent practice with clients who are different from you. Provide an explanation .



  1. List and briefly explain the significance of two examples of historical practices or policies discussed in this chapter that have taken away the rights of certain social groups.


  1. The chapter introduced several areas of social injustice that compel social work involvement. As an aspiring social worker or other human service professional, what do you see as the sphere of influence that you might have related to one of these issues? What can you do to act as a change agent?
  2. Respond to Box 5.5, “What do you think.”



  1. Read Box 5.6. If a similar comment was made to you, how would you respond?



  1. The authors state that cultural awareness of self and others is imperative to becoming an effective human services professional (required for social workers) who seeks to build cultural competence in his or her practice. What practice can you initiate and maintain during your social work education or education to become a human services professional to gain cultural awareness of self and others?


Source: Created by Mallory Davis, and Brooks Yelton – adapted from previous experiences; Included:
o markers
o copy paper
o sticky notes -or- dry erase board/markers
Population: Activity is designed to assist individuals with giving and receiving constructive criticism in a small group. This particular exercise is appropriate for all ages but can be valued most by those developing into a working professional. There will be options available for the drawing in case one cannot relate to a certain prompt.
Activity Description: This fast-paced closing activity allows classmates to practice giving and receiving constructive feedback. All members of the group will participate in a drawing exercise that is then critiqued in two different ways by their classmates. The first layer of critique involves group selection of the “best” artwork, based on the highest number of “votes”. Since students have a short period of time to vote, they must make their selection based on initial impressions. Once selected, the classmates then practice being the supervisors, working out how to give constructive criticism or analyze ways in which their positive feedback can still be helpful. Some students will have to grapple with providing positive feedback to an artwork that they did not vote for on first impression, while others may have to find constructive suggestions for improvement of their favorite pieces. The student being critiqued will practice accepting or seeking clarification regarding that feedback, and all members will process and engage in a “supervisory” discussion.
Instructions: Ask each student to draw WHAT using their marker of choice (3 min). The artworks will be hung on the board, and students will then be given only a minute to vote for their favorite piece (1 min). Half of the class will be given to role of positive reviewer, and the other half will be given the role of constructive (less positive) reviewer. Each student will then have 1 minute each to give their feedback, to which the person responding to the criticism can either ask for clarification or express appreciation (11 min). Helpful hints for accepting critique (see above source) will be written on the board for reference.