The House with a clock in its wall

The school of affective stylistics that Stanley Fish champions posits that readers belong to
multiple interpretive communities and that readers switch between these interpretive
communities constantly while reading a text. For example, a mature reader examining a moment
in a story about a father who punishes a child for feeding leftovers to the family dog may read
that moment as a parent (or any authority figure), as a son or a daughter, or as a dog-lover (or a
dog-hater). The meaning that the reader takes from the moment depends upon the interpretive
community to which the reader decides to belong when reading the description. To which
interpretive communities did you choose to belong when reading the fifth through eighth
chapters of The House with a Clock in Its Walls? To which other interpretive communities might
you have chosen to belong when reading these chapters? How would those choices have affected your understanding of these chapters? Why did you make your original choices?
Which choices do you feel align best with these chapters? Defend your answers

Are we really inclusive? A critical exploration of cultural attitudes to equality and diversity, focusing on international migrant workers and the impact on employee relations.

Are we really inclusive? A critical exploration of cultural attitudes to equality and diversity, focusing on international migrant workers and the impact on employee relations.

1. Introduction
2. Aims and objectives
3. Literature survey
4. Methodology
5. Scope and constraints
6. Timetable
7. Outline sections

In my research I am planning to do a deep dive into cultural attitudes of migrant workers, who have immigrated to the United Kingdom and may be coming from a country where cultural attitudes to diversity and equality may be vastly different.

Aims and objectives
Diversity and inclusion is part of today’s genre and it is moving higher up the ladder on the corporate agenda, but also within our society (CIPD, 2017). Diversity is a fact and inclusivity is an action. We are actively inviting people who are different, but are they merely tolerating diversity and inclusion, or are we inhibiting full integration by the provisions of the Equality Act (2010)? The aim of my research is to explore the adaptation process and answer questions that I will devise from the literature review.

Literature review
I am planning to conduct my literature review by reading various academic literatures, online literatures, past papers and also draw some information about cultural attitudes from various Ted Talks, available online. I am planning on drawing questions that I am going to answer through my research and link this to academic theories.

Research is going to be conducted using non structured interviews with migrant workers, who may be from countries with little or no diversity and inclusion agenda, like Nigeria and Jamaica for instance.

Scope and constraints
Constraints will be mainly getting honest and accurate answers from interviewees. With cultural attitudes being so strong and the diversity and equality agenda being so prevalent in the UK, interviewees might feel apprehensive to voice their true feelings and opinions. I am planning to overcome this by making it very explicit on the interview consent form, that all interviews are anonymised and by providing assurances that all interviews will be confidential.

1) Executive Summary
2) Introduction
3) Questions to be answered in this research
4) Literature Review
5) Research Methodology
i) Research approach
ii) Sample selection
iii) Ethical considerations and limitations
iv) Result analysis
6) Results
7) Discussion
8) Conclusions
9) Recommendations
10) Personal Learning statement
11) References

Bell tells a generational story about immigrants in the steel mills of Pittsburgh. Is this story a story of the American Dream?

Bell tells a generational story about immigrants in the steel mills of Pittsburgh. Is this story a story of the American Dream? Does society still function like this today or have we grown past this kind of story being able to take place. What struck you as the most interesting or important part of this book? Does fiction help to explain the lessons of history better than non-fiction in cases such as this? Write a 200-300 word essay answering all of these questions.

The book that is to be read for this assignment is: Out of This Furnace: A Novel of Immigrant Labor in America by Thomas Bell.

Which games did you play? Did you enjoy playing them? Why? Who did you play with? Did you print out the boards and play with them or did you download apps for your smart phone? (50-100 words). S

First watch this clip from Ingmar Bergman’s famous 1957 film, The Seventh Seal. Then watch this clip from the somewhat less famous 1991 film, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. Now considering both these clips AND the primary sources you read this week respond to these questions: What is so special about chess? How does it compare to other board games (medieval and modern)? Do you think resolving conflicts with games is a good idea? Can you think of ways in which playing might perpetuate conflicts or even cause new ones? (100-200 words)
Tell me about your experiences playing the games. Which games did you play? Did you enjoy playing them? Why? Who did you play with? Did you print out the boards and play with them or did you download apps for your smart phone? (50-100 words).
Summarize my article (100-200 words)

Corporate Accounting

Select two public limited companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) that
are in the same industry. Go to the website of your selected companies. Then go to the Investor
Relations section of the website. This section may be called, “Investors”, “Shareholder
Information” or similar name.
In this section, go to your companies’ annual reports and save to your computer your firms’
latest annual reports consecutively for last three years. Do not use your companies’ interim
financial statements or their concise financial statements. Please read the financial statements
(balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in owner’s equity, cash flow statement)
very carefully. Also please read the relevant footnotes of your companies’ financial statements
carefully and include information from these footnotes in your answer.
You need to do the following tasks:
(i) From your companies’ financial statements, list each item of equity and write your
understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your
firms over the past year articulating the reasons for the change.
(ii) Provide a comparative analysis of the debt and equity position of the two firms that
you have selected.
(iii) From the financial statement of your chosen companies, list each item reported in
the cash flows statement and write your understanding of each item. Discuss any
changes in each item of cash flows statement for your companies over the past years
articulating the reasons for the change.
(iv) Provide a comparative analysis of your companies’ three broad categories of cash
flows (operating activities, investing activities, financing activities) and make a
comparative evaluation for three years.
(v) Also provide a comparative analysis of the two companies that you have selected
explaining the insights that you can get from the comparative analysis.
(vi) What items have been reported in the other comprehensive income statement for
each company?
(vii) Why have these items not been reported in Income Statement/Profit and Loss
(viii) Provide a comparative analysis of the items shown in the other comprehensive
income statement section for the two companies. If these items were included in the
income statement / profit and loss statements of each company, how would the
profit attributable to shareholders of the company be affected?
(ix) Should other comprehensive income be included in evaluating the performance of
managers of the company?
(x) What are the tax expenses shown in the latest financial statements of the two
companies that you have selected?
(xi) Calculate the effective tax rate for both companies that you have selected.
Effective tax rate is calculated as (income tax expense / earnings before tax).
Which one of the companies has the higher effective tax rate?
(xii) Comment on deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet
articulating the possible reasons why they have been recorded.
(xiii) Was there any increase or decrease in the deferred tax assets or in the deferred tax
liability reported by each of your selected companies?
(xiv) Please calculate the cash tax amount for both companies using the book tax
amount, changes in the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liability (please do
your own research for your better understanding of these concepts and the method
of calculating the cash tax amount the book tax amount.)
(xv) Calculate the cash tax rate for both companies. Which company has higher cash
tax rate? (Please do your own research to familiarise yourself with how to
calculate cash tax rate).
(xvi) Why is the cash tax rate different from the book tax rate?
Please remember some aspects of your companies’ treatment of tax can be a very complicated
area, particularly for some companies. For a better understanding of the concepts included in
the assignment that has not been introduced in the class, please do your own research.
You might have to do a presentation in the class where your lecturer will question you from
different angles of the assignment and you will have to satisfy the lecturer that you were
sufficiently and appropriately involved in preparing the assignment. The presentation will take
place in the last hour of the classes of week 11 and week 12. It is the discretion of the lecturer
either to ask any student to do the presentation or to award marks to a student without asking
to do the presentation. However, every student needs to be prepared for the presentation and
well conversant about everything that has been written in the submitted assignment.

journal entry reflection

You are expected to keep a digital journal to
reflect on your learning experiences throughout this
• Your digital journal will consist of 5 entries (Please
refer to your course schedule for the dates of
submission for each).
• Each journal entry will have exactly the same
components but will ask you to reflect on different areas of the course (as your
experiences will affect how you interpret the process and the outcomes).
• In each journal entry, you will reflect on the weeks after your last entry.
In each journal entry, you are expected to reflect on:
Ø Key terms & their application (the terms and concepts you have studied in the class and
how you reflect these to your writing)
Ø Readings (how readings have/have not helped you to develop your understanding of the
course theme, concepts and learning outcomes regarding your writing skills; what
new/interesting concepts you learned and how they changed your point of view à you
need to refer to each reading assigned for the relevant weeks! So, do readings on
Ø In-class activities (how the discussions, collaboration, participation, etc. worked/not
work for you; what classroom activities reshaped your understanding of various
concepts and helped with your writing skillsàwhy /why not)
Ø Assignments/projects (process, challenges, what worked and how/what didn’t and why,
favorite and least favorite assignments)
Ø Self-assessment (where you were challenged, and where you excelledà with evidence
from your work; your evaluation of your own overall performance with your strengths
and weaknesses to improve)
ü You do not need to have sub-headings for each component. You are free to be creative
regarding your style and use of images as long as you refer to the abovementioned
ü Use Times New Roman; 12 pt.
ü Each journal entry will be 2-4 pages; double-spaced.

Discuss the major factors that need to be considered when planning the event, including event milestones and the responsibilities of key staff.

Your project has been approved by the Managing Director and you must now create a full Project Plan based on the information contained in the Project Initiation document that you created. The Kong Trades Project Plan provides all the detail required to implement and monitor the project. Specifically, the Kong Trades Project Plan must include:
• Timelines for the planning stage and execution stage of the project
• Detailed Budget for the project
• Stakeholder management/communications plan
• Project risk management plan/risk register
Students may use the tables below, or any other documents that satisfy the requirements outlined above.

Q1. Schedule for planning event: *
Discuss the major factors that need to be considered when planning the event, including event milestones and the responsibilities of key staff.

Q2. Download Gantt Chart Spreadsheet
Then use the spreadsheet provided to complete a Gantt chart for the planning of the event. Copy/Paste your schedule into the box below.
Upload Your Completed Gantt Chart Spreadsheet *

Q3. Schedule for day of event: *
Provide a brief schedule for the day of the event, using the table below to provide a simple run sheet for the activities on day.
Time Activity

Q4. Event Briefing *

Produce a document to be used to brief your staff on the day of the event. The purpose of this document is to make sure all staff members are aware of the details of the event, as well as their own responsibilities in making the event successful. Because of this your document must include the following:
• An overview of the reason for holding the event
• Details of guest numbers and VIP guests
• The roles and responsibilities of each staff member
• Who is in charge and who to go to for help
• Timings for scheduled activities and speeches
• Health and safety for guests and staff

Q5. Stakeholders & Communication Strategy: *
a. Identify the key stakeholders and groups who will work on the project or be impacted by the project. This must include the project sponsor, but not you as the project manager.

b. Then, complete the communication plan below to describe how you will communicate with each stakeholder, depending on the reason for communicating with them
Stakeholder Reason for Communication Communication Method When Owner
Project Sponsor Approve Project Initiation document Email Once Proj Man
Updates, issues, feedback Project Meeting Daily Proj Man
Emergency situation Telephone As Req Proj Man


Q6. Stakeholder Consultation *
How will you consult with project stakeholders to ensure they are engaged in the planning and implementation of the project?

Q7. Budget: *
Expense Reason for estimate of expense Budget $
Staffing Costs:
Catering Costs:
Hire Equipment:
Other Costs:
Total Expenditure

Standard Answer
Individual costs will vary dependent on student interpretation but must not exceed the approved project budget of $20, 000

Q7. Budget (Continued): *
Explain the factors that determined the budget and the things you will do to ensure that the budget is not exceeded. Also, comment on any approvals that need to be gained, records that need to be kept and reports that need to be completed.

Q8. Major Risks & Minimisation Strategies: *
Provide an overview of the risk management processes you will put in place to identify, assess and rate risks, as well as the steps you will take to minimise risks that have been identified.

Address the following in your discussion response: Should the nurse ask the provider to clarify the plan for this patient? If so, why? What teaching should the nurse give the patient about his new medications? What assessments should the nurse do prior to administering the first dose of captopril? What education should the nurse give the patient about when to contact the provider? The patient’s wife is a retired RN and she would like her husband to take the newer drug valsartan (Diovan ). How should the nurse respond?

Please educationally answer all the questions at the end of the scenario. Use only peer-reviewed articles with DOI # in reference. No Books.A 72 year old male was admitted with complaints of a 12 lb. weight gain over the past week, swollen ankles, and being short of breath. The provider decides to prescribe Lasix and then adds the ace inhibitor captopril (Capoten) 12.5 mg by mouth, three times a day. The patient’s BP is 136/70 mm HG. His history includes: An interior wall MI 12 months ago and renal artery stenosis involving the right kidney. The patient occasionally uses sublingual nitroglycerin if he experiences chest discomfort which he admits to you but not to the MD. (300-400 words)

Address the following in your discussion response:
Should the nurse ask the provider to clarify the plan for this patient? If so, why?
What teaching should the nurse give the patient about his new medications?
What assessments should the nurse do prior to administering the first dose of captopril?
What education should the nurse give the patient about when to contact the provider?
The patient’s wife is a retired RN and she would like her husband to take the newer drug valsartan (Diovan ). How should the nurse respond?

Outlines in what ways the organisation is culturally unsafe and socially unjust; Makes reasoned suggestions as to how improvements can be made to achieve a more culturally safe and socially just environment for service provision in a diverse organisational and community setting.

Read the case study provided. It is clear in the case study that some service users and staff are experiencing the organisation as lacking in culturalsafety and as socially unjust. Assuming the role of a social justice ally, write a letter to the organisation’s management that –

Outlines in what ways the organisation is culturally unsafe and socially unjust;
Makes reasoned suggestions as to how improvements can be made to achieve a more culturally safe and socially just environment for service provision in a diverse organisational and community setting.
[Max no of words: 1000]

Marking criteria:

Your assessment will be marked based on the following criteria:



1. Description of the role and function of a social justice ally


2. Explication of the concepts, cultural safety and social justice, and illustration of how these apply to the case study


3. Identification and explication of additional concepts required to appraise and advance cultural safety and social justice in the organisation concerned


4. Logical structure, and a tone that is appropriate to the writer’s role and the audience to which the letter is addressed

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile payment systems in (a) developed countries and (b) developing countries?

1. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile payment systems in (a) developed countries and (b) developing countries?
2. What are the key factors that differentiate the different mobile payment systems? Which factors do consumers care most about? Which factors do merchants care most about?
3. Are there forces that are likely to encourage one of the mobile payment systems to emerge as dominant? If so, what do you think will determine which becomes dominant?
4. Is there anything the mobile payment systems could do to increase the likelihood of them becoming dominant?
5. Importantly, apply as many of the COs below to your answers (Course Objectives) as you can to the case. These are given for reference below.
Your Case should be 2 pages (approximately 600 – 750 words), double spaced, have at least three references using APA format (you may use one or two references cited from the case but you should have at least one additional unique reference from your own research) , and typed in an easy-to-read font (Times New Roman 12 font recommended) in MS Word (no pdfs or rtfs or non standard formats). Submit your assignment.
Course Objectives:
CO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.
CO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.
CO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization
CO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.
CO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.
CO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization.