Given what you know about the organization’s central audience and the social media it uses, how well does the organization implement each social media to brand itself and engage its audience? Be specific in your critique. Compare your organization with examples of best practices of organizations that are using these social media effectively.

Locate a for-profit or non-profit organization with a reputation for having a weak social media presence. (NOTE: Please avoid Apple and Trader Joe’s since they have made a strategic choice to remain off social media.) Provide an analysis of the organization’s social media efforts as they relate to central audience, organizational mission and social media implementation. The report must include the information in the order listed below, in 5–7 pages with 8 references in addition to the course textbook. The title and reference pages are not to be included in the page count. You are to use the APA format.
Discuss the organization’s history, mission, and current status/standing in its field. This includes a comparison of 1 or 2 of the organization’s primary competitors.
Provide a thorough analysis of the central audience that the organization targets for product and/or services. This analysis must offer a clear picture of psychographics and demographics.
Discuss the primary types of social media the organization currently uses. Include a discussion about the current user demographics of each social media.
Given what you know about the organization’s central audience and the social media it uses, how well does the organization implement each social media to brand itself and engage its audience? Be specific in your critique. Compare your organization with examples of best practices of organizations that are using these social media effectively.

Mrs. Brady is a 58 year old woman who is admitted to your unit post op from an ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) of the left hip. She is now three days post-op and has started physiotherapy. Her pain has been manageable since her surgery and she is keen to go home. Her Foley catheter was removed yesterday evening.

Please complete this assignment based on the patient in the following case study.  You are required to use APA formatting in your assignment including a properly formatted title page, references page, and in-text citation. Scholarly, peer-reviewed references from the last 5 years are preferred.

Please answer the questions related to the case study below.



Case Study

Mrs. Brady is a 58 year old woman who is admitted to your unit post op from an ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) of the left hip. She is now three days post-op and has started physiotherapy. Her pain has been manageable since her surgery and she is keen to go home. Her Foley catheter was removed yesterday evening.

You arrive for your day shift and find Mrs. Brady in the bathroom. She tells you that she feels as though she needs to void, but that she has tried multiple times overnight and nothing has happened. She reports 6/10 pain to the pelvic region and appears to be in discomfort as she is unable to stay still and is diaphoretic.

You assist Mrs. Brady back to her bed and perform your head to toe assessment. Her vital signs are as follows: T- 36.8 C, P- 110 bpm and regular, BP 145/80, Sp02- 95% on room air and RR- 16 per minute, easy and regular. Her cardiovascular and neurological assessments show no abnormalities. She denies any gastrointestinal symptoms. On inspection you see a mass in the pelvic area, which is palpable. Mrs. Brady states it is painful on palpation and it makes her feel as though she needs to void again. You decide to ask the clinical instructor to assist you in bladder scanning the patient. The bladder scan shows 450 ml of urine in the bladder. Mrs. Brady tries once again to void and is unable to.

  1. What would your priority action be? (2)


  1. Please discuss the risks of urinary catheterization in the hospital setting, specifically related to urinary tract infections. Please use current evidence-based research. (6)



  1. Which type of urinary catheter insertion would you anticipate for this situation and why? (2)


  1. Identify three potential causes for urinary retention in the post-op population and discuss whether these apply to Mrs. Brady. (6)


  1. Describe how you would provide patient education to Mrs. Brady. Include at least three teaching points with rationale. (6)



Mrs. Brady has now had her urinary retention relieved and is reporting 5/10 pain to her surgical incision area of the hip after all of the moving back and forth to the bathroom. She has the following medications ordered on her MAR.

Acetaminophen 1000mg PO q6h PRN

Metoclopramide 10mg PO q8h PRN

Ketorolac 10 mg PO q8h PRN

Hydromorphone 1mg PO q4h PRN


  1. Identify which of the above medications you would administer to Mrs. Brady for her pain. (2)


  1. Discuss why you chose the medication you did, the medication class and any side effects of the medication (3)



  1. Discuss if there are any follow up assessments that would be required based on your medication choice (2)


  1. Describe three alternate pain relieving interventions that the nurse could initiate without a physician’s order and rationale for their use (6)



You remember that Mrs. Brady’s dressing is due to be changed today. The order in the chart reads:

Dressing change, q 3 days and PRN.

  1. Please describe six points that you would assess and document about Mrs. Brady’s dressing change/incision (6)


  1. Brady asks you if there is anything she could be doing to help her incision heal faster. Using current evidence based literature, please provide at least three suggestions for Mrs. Brady. (6)







For an EIGHT MINUTE PRESENTATION* This is a research project that invites you to interpret one set of evidence and materials from several angles. You must pick a topic by You will spend the rest of the semester developing research on this topic and presenting that research to the class. Here’s the catch – you will present the project multiple times over the course of the semester, but each time using a different approach. Presentation 1: Marxist For each presentation you will give an 8 minutes explanation of how you might shape your story in the approach assigned for the day. You will need to explain how your evidence can be used to support your argument. Note: You must seek out examples of each method as part of your research. For example, if you are approaching your research from a New Historicist perspective, you might take a look at Stephen Greenblatt’s work as a model. Houses of History also includes examples of different historical methods that you can use as models. Bruce McConachie’s “Cultural Systems and the Nation- State: Paradigms for Writing National Theatre History” (New England Theatre Journal, vol 8, 1997) is a good example of how the same research might be reshaped to tell several different stories. Please note – these are oral presentations ONLY – therefore, they need to be polished, well-rehearsed, and timed! Think of the presentations as conference papers – you must persuade an audience that has no opportunity to read or review your material! DO NOT cover the same material each time. Use each report as an opportunity to delve into some new aspect of your research.

Professionaly: Imagine that you are in a job interview. The interviewer asks you to describe a time that you have had to solve a problem, and what the results were. How would you answer? (If applicable, please describe the quantitative methods you employed.

Why is the Texas MSBA the next logical step for you? How do you hope to develop, both personally and professionally, during this one-year program? (250 words maximum)

The texas MSBA is next step for me because

  1. The location can help me to find a job easiler
  2. The program is one of the best in the world
  3. The faculty are world-classed
  4. The thing is what I want to learn and have a high growth potential
  5. The school is target school for many employers.
  6. The school has a strong alumni community

I want to develop my programming skills and analytics skills during this one-year program.


Professionaly: Imagine that you are in a job interview. The interviewer asks you to describe a time that you have had to solve a problem, and what the results were. How would you answer? (If applicable, please describe the quantitative methods you employed.) (250 words maximum)

My girlfriend’s family is doing jewelry business. They want to improve the membership system. My girlfriend asked me to help her. After our discussion, we submit this plan to her parents.


The problem is that the company has a membership program but not doing well and the company did not benefit from it really much. How to improve the membership program.

Identify the problem: the rules of the program are not clear. Confusing. The incentive is not appealing. Hard to identify the real royal customers.

Resources: having a lot of customers data

Step: 1. Establishing a database system by using SQL. The database will provide a clearer map on questions like: which region has better return rate. What age of customers are most often come and shop. What is the average consumption power for different age level or other group of people.


Step 2. The company can apply data mining skills to analysis data to see any relationship between those features. Furthermore, the company can set different line for each level of membership. For example: one spent over $10000 could be diamond member, over $5000 could be gold member. The line depends on the results we have form data.


Step 3. For each level of members, find out what kind of products are most popular among them and send customized promotion to target customers. Also, to different level of members, the company should prepare different gifts or coupons. We can collect feedback and pick the one which is most popular in different age group or gender group.


The plan was approved by her parents and start doing well. So far the members number has increased by 30% and overall satisfaction increased significantly. The revenue increased over 15%.



Compute the mean, median, first quartile, and third quartile of sold prices for each city using the exact position, (n+1)f, where n is the number of observations and f the relevant fraction for the quartile.     

The table below lists the prices of apartments with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms sold between January and July of 2018 in Australian state capital city centres (Sydney NSW 2000, Melbourne VIC 3000, Brisbane QLD 4000, Adelaide SA 5000, Perth WA 6000, and Hobart TAS 7000). The data are available in the website and the prices are given in thousand Australian dollars. Consider the information as sample data since some selling prices were undisclosed.

Apartments (2 bed, 2 bath) sold between Jan and Jul 2018 in Australian state capitals.
Capital city Prices Sold (in thousand AUD)
Sydney NSW 2000 3680, 1825, 1110, 1190, 1850, 1165, 940, 1399, 1075, 1445, 1900, 2000, 2550, 2350, 1810, 1265, 2300, 1550, 2380
Melbourne VIC 3000 643, 1320, 600, 615, 895, 700, 610, 801,830, 600, 550, 645, 690, 733, 610, 608, 525, 700, 534, 625, 770, 1325, 1142, 650, 585, 680, 770, 675, 650, 580, 570, 1667, 790, 690, 870, 515, 821, 825, 560, 470, 621
Brisbane QLD 4000 750, 452, 502, 542, 620, 490, 455, 600, 625, 527, 820, 650, 550, 498, 355, 997, 498, 450, 420, 1010, 345, 445, 760, 485, 412, 435, 505, 730, 900, 650, 510, 827, 380, 358, 375, 600, 595, 615
Adelaide SA 5000 620, 595, 360, 530, 610, 1415, 485, 691, 458, 578, 820, 600, 725, 615
Perth WA 6000 650, 535, 440, 365, 445, 440, 480, 440, 460, 490, 430, 480, 470, 545, 628, 815, 520, 490
Hobart TAS 7000 615, 893, 637, 730, 810


From the information provided in the table above,

  • Compute the mean, median, first quartile, and third quartile of sold prices for each city using the exact position, (n+1)f, where n is the number of observations and f the relevant fraction for the quartile.             1 mark               (Question 2 continued next page)

(Question 2 continued)

  • Compute the standard deviation, mean absolute deviation and range for each city. 1 mark           
  • Draw a box and whisker plot for the sold prices of each city and put them side by side on one graph with the same scale so that the sold prices for different cities can be compared. (This graph must be done in EXCEL or similar software and cannot be hand-drawn.)                                                                            1mark
  • Write a paragraph on 2 bed, 2 bath apartment prices of each city, number of apartments sold, and recent trends in apartment prices in the Australian capital cities after doing some research.    1 mark


If an act can have moral value even though it fails in its intended effect, what is the basis of that value? Kant’s answer is that these acts have value insofar as the person chooses them because they are the kind of acts that anyone, indeed, everyone, ought to perform in similar situations. The acts are instances of the kind of acts that form the basis for an ordered community.

here is a site for students to share thoughts about the movie. No spoilers, please. Keep in mind that for Kant the outcome of an action has no bearing on the action’s MORAL value. Kant believes a morally good act can fail and still have moral value.
Another great example of Kantianism is the novel and movie, To Kill a Mockingbird. The hero of the story is Atticus Finch, a lawyer who decides to defend a wrongly accused African American man. The story is set in the deep South during the pre-civil rights era, and Atticus’ effort has little chance of success. Atticus and his children are mistreated by the white community, and the children understandably wonder why their father is doing this. The answer given by the story is that sometimes you should do the right thing just because it is right.
If an act can have moral value even though it fails in its intended effect, what is the basis of that value? Kant’s answer is that these acts have value insofar as the person chooses them because they are the kind of acts that anyone, indeed, everyone, ought to perform in similar situations. The acts are instances of the kind of acts that form the basis for an ordered community.

**No References Needed**

Just about 1/2-3/4 page needed.

Tuckwell’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Using the knowledge acquired through Chapters 1 to 3 of Tuckwell’s Integrated Marketing Communications referring to the three PowerPoints, please choose a Brand or Company and conduct the following analysis:

  • Explain why this Company has been successful, innovative, and effective in its marketing strategy with a particular brand, including a breakdown of the demographic, segmentation, psychographic and other profiling used by the Company to achieve its strategic and financial aims with that brand


  • Provide strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats (SWOT) to the Company’s marketing and brand positioning


  • Give a brief conclusion summarizing your analysis, including any arguments for and against using the marketing strategy by the Company


  • Assignment should be written in essay form, using full sentences, whole paragraphs, and proper grammar, including correct punctuation and spelling


  • Use 12-point font, double spaced pages, with regular typeset margins


  • All unoriginal material and thoughts should be cited and footnoted to avoid plagiarism


  • Maximum length of the Assignment is three (3) pages long and 750 words, including student name and title. Please ensure the course name and professor’s name is on the assignment along with the date.


  • Assignments beyond the 3 page limit will be penalized 10% for each additional page beyond the page limit

Learning styles

Complete “The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?”

The VARK Questionnaire

Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Appraise how this awareness of learning attributes influences your perceptions of teaching and learning.
In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise. Include the following:
Provide a summary of your learning style.
List your preferred learning strategies.
Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Discuss how the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching (those who are in a position to teach) and learning (those who are in a position to learn).
Cite a minimum of three references in the paper.
Although the topic of this assignment refers to your individual learning style, avoid the use of first person voice (words such as, “I, we, our”) in your essay.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the “Submit” button under “Final Submission” is clicked.

New Attempt
Title Attached Documents Citation Report Similarity Index Final Submission
Click ‘New Attempt’ to start assignment or attach documents

You will create a policy brief. Select one of the following topics: Smoking in a designated area Food service workers washing hands before food preparation Healthy food preparation

You will create a policy brief.
Select one of the following topics:
Smoking in a designated area
Food service workers washing hands before food preparation
Healthy food preparation

The brief:
Title: Include a title page. A good title communicates the brief’s content in a short, easy-to-remember, way
Executive summary: This section provides an overview of the problem and the proposed policy action (1–2 paragraphs).
Problem context or scope: This section provides the reader with information on the importance of the problem, as well as the need for immediate (policy) action (2–3 paragraphs).
Policy alternatives: This section provides a review of the current policy approach and proposed options. The information/argument should be fair and accurate while convincing the reader why the policy action proposed will provide the most effective solution (1 page).
Policy recommendations: This section presents a detailed explanation of the concrete steps to be initiated to address the policy issue (1 page).
Conclusion: A conclusion paragraph with a closing, persuasive argument and summary statement.
End of brief:

References (APA), if needed
Appendix section, if needed, to provide support information for the policy and strengthen the points made on behalf of the policy
Use current APA formatting to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Business Model Canvas

Key Partnerships: This is the network of suppliers and partners.  These partnerships may be with non-competitors, strategic partnerships with competitors, joint ventures to develop a new business, and the buyer-supplier relationship.

  1. Who are our key partners?
  2. Who are our key suppliers?
  3. Which key resources are we acquiring from customers?
  4. Which key activities do partners perform?


Key Activities: These are the actions that a company does to operate.  This includes production – how does the product get designed or produced, problem solving – new solutions to customer problems – training, or network – specific software or brands.

  1. Which key activities do our value propositions require?
  2. Our Distribution Channels?
  3. Our Customer Relationships?
  4. Our Revenue Streams?


Key Resources: Key Resources are the physical, financial, intellectual, or human factors.  The physical can be assets such as buildings, the intellectual may be brands or patents, the human aspect is the human resources, and the financial is cash/credit.

  1. What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
  2. Our Distribution Channels?
  3. Customer Relationships?
  4. Revenue Streams?


Value Propositions (to specific segments):  This section describes the products or services that create value for a specific customer segment.  This proposition is why customers purchase from one company instead of another.  These values may be the price, speed of service, design, customer experience, quality, performance, brand, accessibility of the product/service, etc.

  1. What value do we deliver to this customer?
  2. Which problems are we helping this customer resolve?
  3. What bundle of products/services are we offering to this customer segment?


Customer Relationships: This describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specific customer segments.  These can be personal as well as automated.  Some examples are personal assistance, self-service, automated services, online communities, allow customers to write reviews, etc.

  1. What type of relationship does this customer segment require us to make and maintain with them?
  2. Which ones have we already established?
  3. How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
  4. How costly are they?

Channels: Channels describe how a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments.  This can be communication and/or distribution of the product/service.The channel includes awareness and evaluation of the product/service, how do customers purchase the product/service, how is it delivered, and what is done after the purchase.

  1. Through which channels do our customer segments want to be reached?
  2. How are we reaching them now?
  3. How are our channels integrated?
  4. Which ones work best?
  5. Which ones are most cost-effective?
  6. How are we integrating them with customer routines?


Customer Segments: These are the different groups of people or organizations your company does or aims to reach and serve.  Some examples: mass market, niche market, segmentation, diversified, and various markets.  Starbucks usually targets young adults, they are now targeting various segments (middle age and the young) with various products (tea and pastries).

  1. For whom are we creating value?
  2. Who are our most important customers?


Cost Structure: The cost structure describes all of the costs incurred to operate.  These can be fixed or variable costs.


  1. What are the most important costs inherent to our business model?
  2. Which key resources are most expensive?
  3. Which key activities are most expensive?


Revenue Streams: This represents the cash a company generates from each customer segment.  Other than the initial sale of the product/service, there may be fees, subscription fees, lending/renting/leasing, licensing, brokerage fees, and advertising.

  1. For what value is this customer really willing to pay?
  2. How are they currently paying?
  3. How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenue?
  4. For what do they currently pay?
  5. How would they prefer to pay?