Write a paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals.

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with the organization https://www.insightbhc.com/
Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization.
Write a paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. Include the following in your paper:
• Introduction
• Identify multiple cultures the organization serves.
• Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.
• Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.
• Conclusion
Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.

MODERN POPULAR CULTURE: Violence – Bullying and Cyber-bullying

For this assignment, reflect on the work I am submitting and construct a completed Final Project. In addition to revising my previous work into a cohesive paper, you will add one additional component. Select a second issue that is related to at least one of my chosen artifacts and discuss how it conveys information about this second issue, synthesizing the two issues. Topics include:

Social and economic class
Indecency/free speech

****For example, if you are working with the issue of violence and how it relates to your chosen popular culture artifacts, select one of those artifacts and discuss how it might relate to gender.

Make sure to cover the following topics:
– Discuss the history of your social issue as expressed in popular culture in general.
– Define the audience for each of your artifact categories and explore whether this audience has changed in any way. – –
– Consider whether this audience is local, global, or regional.
– Discuss what each of your chosen popular culture artifacts communicates regarding your issue.
– Analyze how at least one additional social issue relates to at least one of your popular culture artifacts.
Social and economic class
Indecency/free speech
– Analyze access and distribution limitations for each of your popular culture artifacts.
– Determine whether or not access and distribution forces control content. Explain your reasoning.
– Explain whether your popular culture artifacts send messages that define social values or provoke change.
– Analyze how your chosen popular culture artifacts connect or do not connect with your personal values.

The final paper should include:

– a full revision of the Milestones from Weeks 2, 3, and 4. Check for overall structure and appropriate transitions between sections of the text.
– the full listings for each of your three popular culture artifacts on your references page.
– Use the Final Project Worksheet from Week 1 to help with this.

– At least five additional references to the required, optional, and/or student-contributed resources.
Below is a summary of what each week’s assignments were about to make things easier: (I have a lot riding on this and am here if you have any questions – please reach out if you need anything!)

___________________________________________________In Week 1’s Assignments, I selected the following social issues:
– Violence – Bullying and Cyber-bullying
I researched how this issue is approached in the field of popular culture.

In Week 2’s assignment, I selected two popular culture artifacts from the following categories and researched the history of my artifact categories as expressed in popular culture:
– Episodic moving image (TV shows—may be broadcast or streamed) “13 Reasons Why” (Netflix) all about bullying and suicide.
– Music videos – Pearl Jam’s Jeremy bullying and suicide.

In Week 3’s Assignment I investigated access and distribution of my popular culture artifacts.

In Week 4, I selected an additional artifact and looked at how this new artifact defines or disrupts “normal” in relationship to my issue today.

Most criminal law in the U.S. is based upon individual state law. As such, not all citizens are treated equally based upon where they reside. Is this good policy in the U.S. Why or why not?

“As you read chapter 6, you should gain a greater appreciation for the intersection of crimes and business practices.

Most criminal law in the U.S. is based upon individual state law. As such, not all citizens are treated equally based upon where they reside. Is this good policy in the U.S. Why or why not? Think about this example: use of recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado, Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Yet, in the other 43 states it is still illegal for recreational use. Do laws such as this create an unfair, unequal application of law in the U.S.?”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Margin: 1″ all around

Agency Analysis

Here you should present in greater detail the essential facts about your agency as a whole and your role within it during the period of hours of experience. Some topics are presented below to guide you in making this description. Infuse some originality into the presentation and so not allow these suggestions to limit you.

1. History of Agency: When started and how, phases in growth, what and why?
2. Board of Directors: Organization, function, make-up, role of consumer group, etc.
3. Sources of Funds: Funding agencies and/or programs, budget size and allocations.
4. Location: City and neighborhood.
5. Facilities: Building office space, etc., include such items as provisions for the disable, general décor, limitations.
6. Function: Target population and the services rendered.
7. How Structured and Staffed: Formal lines of authority, division of responsibilities an organization chart might be helpful.
8. Relation to Community: Complimentary services, competing services, legitimating, and sanctioning groups. Beneficiaries of services.
9. Informal Social Structure of Agency: Interpersonal relationships, their nature and quality, how they affect agency goals and objectives, function and procedures.
10. Description of Assignment: Title, function, responsibilities, to whom and how.

Short Story Analysis

The thesis statement gives an indication of the focus of the analysis, however, there are lines in the primary source which should have been included in order to fully explain the thesis.  Further references to the secondary source would have made the analysis more effective.  The organization of the essay was acceptable and followed a logical order.  Please consult MLA guidelines for the proper method of citing lines quoted from a short story, within the text, and formatting Works Cited.  I found some errors in the writing which should have been caught and corrected during proofreading, but none were very serious.  Please check the essay for my corrections/suggestions. You can find a detailed explanation of my corrections/suggestions by clicking on Simple Markup/All Markup.


Thesis: Thesis statement indicates stance, with some idea of direction toward analysis.
Development: Offers a pretty strong approach toward analysis and development of points. Good initial close reading of quotes, but could use some elaboration while focusing on demonstrating thesis statement. Integrates material from the secondary source. Meets page requirement.
Organization: Contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.  Most points distinct from each other, with some revising needed; however, the flow of points is pretty sound.
MLA Format: Quotes and sources are properly formatted and cited. The document contains many of the following MLA formatting details: double-spacing, headers with page numbers, paragraph indents, correctly cited and formatted works cited page.
Annotated Bibliography: Meets many: Offers thorough descriptive summary of the sources used in essay in 4-5 sentences; explains how it follows criteria for academic research. Provides correct citation following MLA guidelines. Correctly formatted, with a hanging indent, double-spacing.  Primary text must be included in the Annotated Bibliography.
One Paragraph Summation: Summation offers developed and clear insight into writing process and analysis. 1 paragraph long.
Grammar, Style, Mechanics: Writing is mostly polished. Clear writing mostly observes correct grammar, effective and clear style (use of concise and formal language; use of third person only), with no typos.


Can Supply Chain Finance Close Africa’s Trade Financing Gap

I need a research outline for a possible research paper for a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). My area of interest is intra regional trade so I want to explore whether Supply Chain Financing can be used as a tool to boost intra regional trade and thus close Africa’s trade financing gap. I want to explore whether there is merit in a financial institution setting up a supply chain finance unit. Below is some information about what the outline should cover.Hello, many thanks for accepting my job. Please find below a few notes on what the research outline needs to cover.
1. A short introduction, a couple of paragraphs
2. Some background scholarly literature relevant to the research question (this is just to demonstrate that relevant literature exists)
3. A paragraph or so on aims and objectives

4. One major research question (you can add subsidiary research questions but they should explore aspects of the main research question)
5. Section on methodology, methods, data that will be used including whether permission/ cooperation from third parties would be required. Because this is a DBA rather than a PHD the research methodology should be the phenomenological approach plus interviews and questionnaires.
A list of references cited in the background literature
Ultimately I want to be able to demonstrate that a bank should set up a supply chain financing unit because supply chain financing can boost intra regional trade and thus close the trade financing gap that currently exists in Africa.

rapid critical apprisal

  1. Are the study findings valid? Support your thoughts by addressing one of the following:
    1. Were the subjects randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups?
    2. Were the follow-up assessments conducted long enough to study the effects of the intervention fully?
    3. Did at least 80% of the subjects completed the study?
    4. Was random assignment concealed from the individuals who were first enrolling subjects in the study?
    5. Were the subjects randomly assigned?
    6. Was the control group appropriate?
    7. Were the subjects and providers kept blind to the study group?
    8. Were the instruments used to measure the outcomes valid and reliable?
    9. Were the subjects in each of the groups similar on demographic and baseline clinical variables?


  1. What are the results of the study and are they important? Support your thoughts with supplied treatment effect or confidence intervals.


  1. Will the results help me in caring for my patients?
  2. Are the results applicable to my patients?
  3. Were all clinically important outcomes measured?
  4. What are the risks and benefits of the treatment?
  5. Is the treatment feasible in my clinical setting?

Theory Project: Theory Critique

Select one of the models listed on the table in Meleis (Table 10-1, page 177) and critique the theory you have selected to present.

Address all criteria presented in the model you select. For Barnum that includes the Internal Criticism and External Criticism, Chinn and Kramer includes Description of Theory and Critical Reflection, Fawcett you should complete Analysis & Evaluation of Nursing Models if you are using a model or Analysis & Evaluation of Nursing Theories if you are using a theory which most of you are using, and Whall you should complete Criteria for Practice Theory, Criteria for Middle-Range Theory or Critieria for Conceptual Models which every is appropriate for your theory.

Assignment Details:
•Maximum length five (5) pages
•APA format

Note: For project details, refer to the Theory Project Overview.

Similarity Score
•After submitting your assignment, select Submission Details to view your similarity score.
•Your similarity score will appear as a percentage next to your submitted file.
•It may take up to 24 hours to view your similarity score

The body by Stephen King

Choose a “short story” from the list, “The 50 Best Short Stories of All Time.”
 Compose a formal documented research essay (a literary analysis) according to
MLA style.
 Design a webquest Electronic Poster on the author of your story.
Sign Up Genius:
Please create an account and
sign up for a story so that
everyone has a different story @
Class @ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4faaa62da0fa7-engl
Read and annotate the short story so you can refer to the text quickly in order to support
or refute or exemplify/illustrate your critic’s assertions if necessary.
 You can save your story as a Word Document and use the New Comment
feature (you can find it in the Toolbar) to annotate the text, or you can print the
text and make your annotations in the margins of the text.
 You can use this method for your criticism also. It is a very effective way to
gather important information about your text and have it visible at all times during
the writing of the paper.
 As you read and annotate your text, you are actually writing small segments of
your paper, which will help you, later on, to compose your final draft.
You will write a literary analysis, around 450 words, according to MLA style, using a
minimum of one criticism (the Works Cited page is excluded from the word count). You
can find a sample of an MLA style paper on OWL @ Purdue Writing Lab page
@ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20091250615234_747.pdf

Log into KSU Library website @ http://library.kennesaw.edu/ to search for criticisms.
 Select at least one literary criticism; read and annotate the text so that you
can pull out a thesis statement easily. The labels in the margin will help you
determine what the thesis statement should be–what the critic is analyzing:
characters, time period, literary elements…
 Since this is a very short paper (around 450 words), you need only a one-part
thesis statement. That way, you will be able to provide a more rounded
discussion on the issue that the critic is analyzing and incorporate his
assertions into your analysis.
 Next, the thesis will help you write your outline; it is essential that you prepare
an outline to make sure that in your body paragraphs you are covering the
issue stated in your theses statement.
 Then you can move on and prepare your rough draft, and, at the end, your
final copy.
 Everybody has a different writing process. Once I write my thesis statement, I
like to write the body of the paper first to make sure that I am justifying my
thesis statement with summaries, paraphrases, and short quotations from the
criticism and the story; and then I go back and write my intro. and conclusion.
 Use your best writing processes.
Remember: This is a short essay, so budget your words so you can compose a
short, well-developed essay:
Introduction (at least 100 words): provide a very brief story line so that the reader
can become acquainted with the characters and the main conflict in the story;
end your intro. paragraph with your thesis statement—one-part thesis statement.
Body: use your criticism and compose two good paragraphs (150 words each),
analyzing the main issue stated in your thesis statement. Make sure that you
provide internal documentation (last name of critic or last name of the author of
your short story) when you are using your critic’s words or when you are referring
to excerpt from the story.
Conclusion: pull everything together and state your own evaluation of the story
(at least 50 words).
Works Cited page: at least two sources: the criticism and the story.

Choose 2 of the following short stories to compare and contrast in your essay: • “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson • “The Destructors” by Graham Greene • “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence • “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne • “The Prodigal Son” by St. Luke

The “Writing about Literature” section of your Perrine’s Literature textbook (pp. 1–54) and the “Writing” section of Harbrace Essentials (pp. 1–12, 15–16, 18–21, 22–28) provide helpful pointers for writing your literary essay and for academic writing in general. Be sure that you have read these sections before doing any further work for this assignment. Take particular notice of the examples of fiction essays on pp. 38–43 of Perrine’s Literature textbook.
Choose 2 of the following short stories to compare and contrast in your essay:
• “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
• “The Destructors” by Graham Greene
• “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence
• “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
• “The Prodigal Son” by St. Luke

Also, at least 1 of these elements of fiction must be the focus of your essay:
• Conflict/Plot/Structure
• Characterization
• Setting
• Theme/Authors’ Purposes
• Point of View, and/
• Tone/Style/Irony/Symbol/Imagery
If you need help focusing your essay, ask yourself questions that correspond to your chosen element(s).
Conflict/Plot/Structure (This is not a summary of the stories)
• What are the basic conflicts? How do these conflicts build tension and lead to major, complicated incidents and climactic moment(s)?
• What are the ways in which each major character experiences conflict (either with self, with other characters, or with the social and/or physical environment)?
• How are the conflicts resolved? Do the protagonists succeed in achieving their goals?
• Which character receives your deepest sympathy and why?
• Who are the main characters in the stories?
• What are their outstanding qualities? Does the author give any indication as to how or why the character developed these qualities?
• What are the characters’ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors? What do these indicate to the reader about the character?
• Can the characters’ motivations be determined from the text?
• Where and when do the stories take place (remember to include such details as geographic location, time of year, time period, if the setting is rural or urban, etc.)?
• Do the settings make the stories believable or credible? How does setting impact the plot of the story, and how would the plot be affected if the story took place in another setting?
• Are the characters influenced by their setting? How might they behave if they were in a different setting?
• What atmosphere or mood does the setting create (for example, darkness may create a mood of fear or unhappiness while light or bright colors may create one of happiness)?
• Is the setting or any aspect of it a symbol, or does the setting express particular ideas?
• Does setting create expectations that are the opposite of what occurs?

Theme/Authors’ Purposes
• What is the major theme (or themes) of each story?
• Are the themes of the stories similar or different?
• How does the author convey the theme (or themes) to the reader?
• How do the stories’ themes relate to the authors’ purposes (some examples of author purposes are to entertain, to satirize, to realistically portray life’s problems, to analyze emotions and responses, and/or to communicate a moral message)?
• What unique style, techniques, or devices do the writers use to communicate their themes?
• How would you describe the tone of the piece?
• Does the tone correspond with the action occurring in the plot?
• What style does the author use (for example, one way an author might satirize is by including a lot of irony, hyperbole, and unrealistic scenarios)?
• How might the story be different if the tone or style were to be changed?
• Does the writer use irony or symbols to communicate the message?

NOTE: These questions are a means of ordering your thoughts while you collect information for your essay. You do not need to include the answers to all of these questions in your essay; only include those answers that directly support your thesis statement need to be included.