A cohort study was conducted to examine cigarette smoking and the risk of oral cancer.  The investigators selected exposed and unexposed subjects so that they had exactly the same distribution of race.

In a small cohort study investigating the effect of a rare exposure ( E), the following results were found:

Table 1                                                 Disease



Yes 120


No 120











  • Is there an association between exposure and disease? Show the way you reached the conclusion. [2 points]








  • A stratified analysis by Age-groups shows the following:


Younger adults Older adults
Disease Disease




Exposure Yes No


60 180 Yes 80 160


40 160 No 60 180






What is the relative risk (RR) of exposure causing disease in younger adults  and what is the RR in older adults? [ 4 points]










c- How do you explain this result? (No more than 60 words) [4 points]

(it is recommended to use the supplementary reading by (8 points)



  1. a) Give one example of typical bias for a cohort study and explain why it creates a bias (no more than 100 words) [4 marks]






  1. b) Give one example of typical bias for a case – control study and explain why it creates a bias (no more than 100 words)  [4 marks]






Q 5   A cohort study was conducted to examine cigarette smoking and the risk of oral cancer.  The investigators selected exposed and unexposed subjects so that they had exactly the same distribution of race.  This method to address confounding by race is called:  (2 points)


  1. Restriction
  2. Stratification

            iii.  Matching

  1. Multivariate analysis
  2. None of the above



Question 6:

A study aims to determine the incidence of type 2 diabetes. A cohort of 200 people age 65 years or older who were initially disease –free participated in the study. One hundred and fifty people were examined at the end of 3 years.  Fifty other participants from the initial cohort could not be examined, including 11 people who had died. Does this loss of participants represent a source of bias? Justify your answer.  [4 points] no more than 80 word










Introduction to Epidemiology

Read the following paper, and answer the questions below:

Sundquist K., Qvist J. Johansson SE., Sundquist J. The long-term effect of physical activity on incidence of coronary heart disease: a 12-year follow-up study Preventive Medicince 2005;41:219-225

Question 1

(a) What study design does this study employ? [1 mark]

(b) What was the data source used to identify first event of Coronary Heart Disease? [2 marks]

(c) Why the authors excluded 1894 participants who rated their general health as “poor” ? [2 marks]

(d) What was the crude overall incidence of CHD ? [2 marks]

(e) Compared the relative risk of not doing any physical activity to that of “doing at least twice a week” i) low income ii) in all other ? [4 marks]

(f) How would you interpret the relative risk in the above question (e)? [3 marks]

(g) Is the relative risk for this study better described as a risk ratio or a rate ratio? Why? [2 marks]

(h) What do you think would be the major confounders that were not considered in this study? To answer this question you need to read about what are the major classical risk factors for CHD [4 marks]

(i) Why do you think the author could not adjust for these confounders? Hint: think about the way this study was designed [4 marks]

Select two competing brands in one of these product categories: Airlines, telecommunications, cars, athletic shoes, financial institutes, fast food/coffee chains, mobile phones, grocery chains, computers, universities. Do the necessary research on these two brands and answer the following questions.  

Select two competing brands in one of these product categories: Airlines, telecommunications, cars, athletic shoes, financial institutes, fast food/coffee chains, mobile phones, grocery chains, computers, universities. Do the necessary research on these two brands and answer the following questions.  


NOTE: Answers to individual questions should not exceed 800 words. Clear and concise answers are encouraged.



Question 1 (20 marks)


What are the value propositions of each of the two brands? How do these value propositions compare? Explain your answer by relating the value propositions to the consumer needs that these two brands want to satisfy.


Mark breakdown:

  • 5 marks for each value proposition (2 x 5 = 10 marks)
  • 10 marks for the comparison and explanation



Question 2 (30 marks)


Describe how each of these two brands engages customers online. In your opinion, how successful are these two brands’ customer-engagement marketing efforts?


Mark breakdown:

  • 8 marks for the description of each brand online customer-engagement marketing efforts (2 x 8 = 16 marks)
  • 7 marks for the assessment of the success of each brand online marketing engagement efforts (2 x 7 = 14 marks)




Question 3 (20 marks)


Discuss the impact of the macroenvironment forces on the product category of these two brands, and identify four environmental developments that are, or can become, opportunities and threats for them in the next three years.  Use facts to explain your response. How can each of the two brands deal with the opportunities and threats previously identified?


Mark breakdown:

  • 1 mark for each major marcroenvironment force (6 x 1 = 6 marks)
  • 5 marks each relevant macroenvironment development well explained
    (4 x 1.5 = 6 marks)
  • 2 marks for each relevant dealing with an identified opportunities and threats
    (4 x 2 = 8 marks)



Question 4 (15 marks)


Describe an advertisement or provide a copy of an advertisement for each of the two brands, and use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to identify the consumer need that this advertisement wants to trigger. Explain your selection with facts.

Mark breakdown:

  • 5 marks for the identification of a relevant need
  • 10 marks for the explanation



Question 5 (15 marks)


The excerpts from the CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice set some guidelines about ethical marketing principles, including the following: truthfulness, campaign limitations, and accuracy of representation.


  1. Provide an example of a company that has gone too far in its communications to the extent that one may believe that they do not comply with, at least, one of the above three principles or are just at the acceptable limit. Describe what you see as almost “unethical” in these communications. Note: The company you choose for this question does not need to be either of the two companies used in the previous questions.
  2. Explain the potential long run consequences of these communications for the company.


Mark breakdown:

  • 8 marks for a well described example 
  • 7 marks for the explanation

write a 3–4-page analysis in which you distinguish between communication and gendered communication.

For this assessment, write a 3–4-page analysis in which you distinguish between communication and gendered communication. Your analysis should address the following:
• The difference between “communication” and “gendered communication.”
• How communication theories can impact the workplace and our personal and professional relationships.
• The role gender plays in the communication process.
• How gender played a role in two different communication issues in your own personal or professional experience. Be sure to describe in detail the situation and the role of gendered communication in both examples.
Use the library to locate current journal articles on male and female communication styles. (See the Course Library Guide in the Resources.) Reference at least four resources, most of which should come from the library, to support your analysis. Note: If you use Internet sources, they must be credible. For example, Wikipedia and YouTube are not credible resources.
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced. Use Microsoft Word.
• Number of resources: 4 or more.
• Length: 3–4 pages

select a topic; acquire resources on the topic chosen for your speech; craft notecard, purpose and idea statements, and a visual aid, if applicable; prepare annotated bibliography; present a great speech

Your second speech is a Discovery speech. In it you will accomplish two tasks. First, you will “discover” a new topic from a limited set of topics I present to you. Second, you will prepare a brief speech on this new information. [Optional: You will create and use a visual aid during the presentation according to the guidelines provided in class/textbook/Blackboard. This is NOT an electronic aid – you will not be using Power Point, or other computer-assisted devices. Any visual aid usage will be graded; this creates a videography concern – does the video show the visual aid during the speech – that students must account for. The use of a power point or other electronic aid will result in zero points for the DELIVERY caption.]


The Discovery speech will be 4 to 6 minutes in length. Your evaluation is broken down into three large sections: visual aid design and usage, if used; preparation and presentation of content; delivery skills.


  1. View the topic list on the other side of this sheet. Select one topic.
  2. Research THREE (or more) documents that assists you in discovering information about the selected topic. These resource document(s) must be current within the last 2 years (if possible; if not, student must justify, in their speech, why they are not using current resources. Create an annotation for each – an annotation is a 25- to 50-word summary of the “central idea” and relevance to your speech. You will submit the annotated bibliography via SafeAssign (Module 6). You will also “fact check” yourself and create an “additional source materials” section to the bibliography. These sources may not be complete (ie, good sources, but no author or date of publication), or they may be used because you need additional information on your primary expert (because your other sources do not include that), or for confirming the validity of things mentioned only in one other source.
  3. Create a “general purpose” statement (“to inform…”) and “central idea” statement (complete sentence; thesis) for your presentation.
  4. Note in 25-50 words the exigency you experienced – why did you choose this topic? what discovery or inspiration did you encounter? You should use this as a central theme in your speech.
  5. If you choose a person…you are NOT doing a biography of a person listed on the topic sheet. You are using that person as an inspiration for your discovery of knowledge. If you chose a place…you are NOT giving a travelogue.
  6. Using your acquired knowledge from the introductory speech assignment, create notecards (one max, plus 1-2 for quotations you use) for yourself that provides a cheat sheet for your speech.
  7. Optional: create a visual aid that can be used to enhance/supplement what you are saying. Please follow in-class and textbook guidelines for effective visual aids. No electronic or computer-assisted aids, please.


Summary:  select a topic; acquire resources on the topic chosen for your speech; craft notecard, purpose and idea statements, and a visual aid, if applicable; prepare annotated bibliography; present a great speech


Post withdrawal of AASB 1031, would this harmonise/bring uniformity to auditors’ assessment of materiality misstatements or would this bring disparity to auditors’ assessment of misstatements? What other influence this would bring to the auditors’ judgment on misstatements?

In February 2012, the Australian Accounting Standards Boards decided at its meeting to propose the withdrawal of AASB 1031 Materiality. There were several reasons for this proposal which includes: there is no International Reporting Standard equivalent and it does not look like there will be, since 2005 there has been the gradual withdrawal of additional Australian guidance from a number of Australian Accounting Standards, and there is now an updated guidance on materiality in the IASB Conceptual Framework.

The major impact of the withdrawal of AASB 1031 is the removal of the specific quantitative guidance for materiality. The withdrawal of AASB 1031 became effective to annual reporting beginning on or after 1 July 2015


Post withdrawal of AASB 1031, would this harmonise/bring uniformity to auditors’ assessment of materiality misstatements or would this bring disparity to auditors’ assessment of misstatements? What other influence this would bring to the auditors’ judgment on misstatements? Discuss your answer and rationale. (Support your answers with the relevant Australian Accounting Standards and Australian Auditing Standards as well as published Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Articles.)

Military History Paper on Morrison Field of West palm

This paper is actually going to put in a reserch project for a military histroy class. Make sure your introductory paragraph offers a complete overview of the airfield. If this first paragraph is not compelling and well-written, users won’t read the longer section. And that is a shame-the best part y. The first paragraph should be at least four or five complete sentences and offer all the basic information your reader will need to move on to the next section which will offer 5 full paragraphs that offer a more detailed history.
This paper will be used to go into Theclio.com which is a website where people can go see historical spots. Since this class is Military History I picked Morrison Field which was a WW2 Airforce base in West palm. Currently the airfield is being used for West Palm International. I just need a good attention getting with the overview of the place in the first paragraph, and the resst as said the earlier details, of 5 paragraphs giving more details.
I also need a works sited page of where you got the info, like websites and such that i can use.

Do not write in the first or second-person (I, me, you, we, us). Be sure that every entry is professional and objective—avoid judgmental words like “best” and “greatest”—simply tell the reader about the event, monument, museum, etc. Discuss the efforts to create a monument or museum and let the facts speak for themselves. Entries should not

you could compare the role of women in Gilgamesh and Sophocles’ Antigone.  What do these texts tell us about the way each culture viewed the position of women in society?  

Your task is to write a 4-5 page analytical essay in response to the following prompt:    Choose two of our first four readings and write a paper in which you compare and contrast the Weltanschauung (worldview) represented by these texts.  To do so, you will need to focus on a particular theme (or set of related themes).  These could be (but are not limited to):

 Nature    Religion  Politics  Art  Gender/Sexuality  Race

For example, you could compare the role of women in Gilgamesh and Sophocles’ Antigone.  What do these texts tell us about the way each culture viewed the position of women in society?


Don’t just list similarities and differences.  You should have a solid point to make, articulated in your introduction in the form of a thesis.  Each section of the essay body should then explore a particular sub-topic or sub-thesis.  Your evidence should be concrete, specific, and textual.  Provide MLA citations with page numbers for reference.


Some Helpful Advice:

 Your discussion should be analytical, not summary.  Assume that your reader has read the text.  Stay focused.  It’s a short paper.  Explore the details, subtleties, and nuances of your topic.  Organize your paper according to a certain logic.  In other words, there should be a reason for why you discuss your sub-topics in a particular order.  It should not be random.  Use effective transitions and topic sentences.  Don’t argue through abstractions.  Use key quotes and describe specific moments in the texts.  Avoid long, block quotes like the plague.  Only use them when absolutely necessary and devote roughly the same amount of space to analysis.  Don’t leave me asking: So what?  Be bold.  Take risks.  Use your intelligence and imagination.    Revise and proofread.  I’ll say it again—revise and proofread.

ENG 309: Midterm Paper Instructions  Page 2 of 2

Essay Requirements:

 Approximately 4-5 pages (no cover page)  1-inch margins, double-spaced (2.0), 12-point Times New Roman    MLA style with in-text citations and a “Works Cited” page (not included in the page count)

Argument Analysis

Argument Analysis Outline

Identify: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/ED2976A61F5DE56B46F07A1CE9EA9F9F/S1355514600002479a.pdf/emotional_and_physical_health_benefits_of_expressive_writing.pdf

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform individuals of positive impact expressive writing can have and to educate individuals on who can do it, how they can do it, and why they should do it. The article is very effective and compelling.
  2. Main Claim/Thesis: The main claim of the article is that individuals who actively write expressively everyday can have emotional and physical health benefits.
  3. Community/Discipline in which it is written: This paper is written for the psychology and psychiatry disciplines. It features contentions on how expressive writing affects the psychology of patients and how it can be used as a psychiatric treatment.
  4. Target Audience: The target audience is psychiatrists, psychologists, and patients struggling with emotional, stressful, and traumatic events in their lives.


  1. Reasons/Grounds provided for the main claim: It has health, social, and behavioral benefits. These include, but are not limited to, fewer stress-related visits to the doctor, reduced blood pressure, improved liver function, reduced absenteeism from work, and improved working memory.
  2. Warrants: There are many underlying assumptions in this paper. One such assumption is that the condition you are in is causing you problems with either your health or your behavior. Another is that you are literate in your condition and can write expressively.
  3. Evidence/Backing of the claim: The paper provides a plethora of evidence in the form of case studies, research results, and examples of precedence.
  4. Any concessions and/or counterarguments: None


I will reference From Inquiry to Academic Writing and the Easy Writer sections on creating an effective argument as well as their lessons on logical appeals and persuasion.


I will cite the textbooks and article I used in MLA format.


Use evidence from different industries to evaluate the benefits actually achieved
from using any of the following SCM concepts:
 Partnerships
 Outsourcing operations
(not including logistics)
 Third-party logistics
 Whole-chain planning
 Portals and virtual organisation
 Vendor-managed inventory
 Electronic information integration
Some ideas:
What benefits are promised from the use of this concept? Do the literature sources
indicate where/when this technique should be applied?
How do your chosen cases demonstrate different competitive requirements?
Do the differences in competitive requirements explain their different approaches?
Compare your industry findings with the promises of literature.
Are some approaches useful in some industries but not in others? What can go wrong?
What future research is suggested by your findings?
Use on-line journals and other reference sources to identify theoretical ideas and to
deepen your understanding. You are expected to base your work on the research done for
the group presentations, plus further research.
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Remember your opinion counts for nothing unless you can support it with evidence. You
should discuss, compare, and evaluate what is said in journals, books, etc. Short
quotations up to one or two lines or a table / figure can be included in the text, and sources
must be fully referenced in the Harvard style. Any longer passages must go in an
appendix. Do not imagine that everyone who publishes something is right – look for
agreement and disagreement, and show your ability to criticise.
Word Limit: Maximum length 2500 words.