Whistleblowing: An Exception to Employment-at-will

Research and analyze one additional law or regulation related to the topic you selected. The information may require research of federal and/or state laws, as well as administrative agency laws.  Summarize the information about the law or regulation you found and explain how it applies to your topic.  When you combine this section with Week 3, you will have a minimum of two laws or regulations.  Depending on the topic, you may compare the laws of two states For example, if you are writing about gender discrimination, compare the federal law with law from one of the states that also provides protection at the state level. States often provide more protection than the federal law.


Research at least two additional published cases (lawsuits) related to the topic you selected.   Summarize the cases in your own words and explain how they are related to your topic.  Provide a summary that includes the name of the case, state or federal court, issue, summary of events and ruling.  Explain whether you agree or disagree with the court’s decision.  Combine the case from Week 3 with this section for a total of three cases.


  • As an ending to your paper, summarize what you have learned. Assess and communicate what you believe the future holds as it relates to your topic.
  • If applicable, discuss how you might apply what your learned to your personal or professional life.
  • Add the parts from Week 3 and submit your final paper in accordance with the formatting instructions provided.

Formatting Instructions

  • Submit a 10 to 14-page paper about the topic selected.
  • The paper should consist of a cover page, short introduction, explanation of the legal issue, literature review, analysis of related laws or regulations, reviews of cases, summary of information learned and application to your professional life, and a separate reference page.
  • Use APA format for the paper. Review the APA materials located in the Library Research Guide.

Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with examples.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Elevating Cancer levels In the Fire service In comparison to the past

Argument/Hypothesis: Cancer is more prevalent now than in the past. (Looking to prove this argument and provide solution towards the end of paper)
–> talk about why cancer has increased, what types of cancer are most common in the fire service, how firefighters are affected (financially, mentally, physically), how fire departments are affected (staff, financially, workers compensation, etc…),
–> make the correlation between increased cancer levels to increased firefighter exposure to carcinogens, reduction in staffing levels (city to save financially), and any other reasons as to why cancer would be increasing.
– cancer levels in the past compared to now within the fire service

Chapter three is the research and findings chapter.  In this chapter you will need to compile the information you have collected to test the hypothesis.


There should be a brief introduction to the chapter which restates the hypothesis for the paper.

The following subheadings should be in the paper:

Research design

  • In this section you will discuss how you collected your information on the topic. There will be secondary research which you found in articles, books and internet sites.  You will also have some primary research where you collected new information (interviews, data from departments, or some other not previously collected data)

Data Analysis

  • In this section you can use charts/graphs or text to describe the data you collected.


  • The findings will indicate whether your data supported or did not support the hypothesis you were testing.


The chapter should be 5-7 pages in length.  Remember you are aiming for a 35 page paper when all chapters are complete.

Why is proper inventory valuation so important? Why does an understated ending inventory understate net income for the period by the same amount? Explain and provide examples.”

“Why is proper inventory valuation so important? Why does an understated ending inventory understate net income for the period by the same amount? Explain and provide examples.”

Please include citations from either the resource I’ve attached here and/or any other resource you may use.

Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner.
Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors.

Length: 1 page of content
Font: Times New Roman size 12pt

Write a 2 pages double spaced essay (but have little on pages 3) on one of the following topics:  Command system economy vs. Market economy The “Invisible Hand” Price ceilings and Price floors Price elasticity Externalities Coase theorem Theory of Consumer Behavior

This is a research paper and you must have at least three sources. You need to use MLA, style formatting. You must cite all quotations and sources. Please include a works cited page or bibliography

Write a 2 pages double spaced essay (but have little on pages 3) on one of the following topics:

  • Command system economy vs. Market economy
  • The “Invisible Hand”
  • Price ceilings and Price floors
  • Price elasticity
  • Externalities
  • Coase theorem
  • Theory of Consumer Behavior

Your essay will be graded on:

  • Logic and Organization: How well your ideas are developed and organized
  • Language: Effective use of sentence structure and correct word forms.
  • Spelling and Grammar: Correct spelling and grammar.
  • Development of Ideas: Explores ideas and supports points fully reasons effectively.
  • Purpose: The writer has made good decisions about focus, organization, style, and content so as to achieve the purpose of writing.


Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.

Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.

Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet.

Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including:

  1. Biographical data
  2. Past health history
  3. Family history: Obstetrics history (if applicable) and well young adult behavioral health history screening
  4. Review of systems
  5. All components of the health history
  6. Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis)
  7. Rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis.
  8. A wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client, using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified.

Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors. Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

The Mongolian Empire

Produce a primary-source compilation and analysis. You will compile from the internet a set of 4 primary sources which shed light on the theme you and your teammate have chosen. These sources can be documents, images, or artifacts (such as objects on display at museums).

At least 75% of the sources/artifacts, etc., will come from digitized state archives, museums, or libraries. This will get you engaged with high-quality sites.

After having chosen your primary sources, you are to write a Sources Introduction document for the sources. The Sources Introduction analyses each source and includes two to three discussion questions as well. The Sources Introduction should center on providing the historical context for each primary source as well as analysis on how the Source can be interpreted to add to our understanding of the larger historical theme. Historical context should blend information gleaned from assigned course readings as well as information provided by the Source’s host institution. Number of sources used: minimum of 4
Types of sources: written documents, images, and/or objects from the time period being studied.
Restrictions: 75% of your sources must come from digitized state or national archives, museums, or libraries. No sources already presented in the textbook may be used.
Citation: cite sources according to Chicago-Style citation. You can use The Chicago Manual of Style Online for reference.

Is torture a violation of human rights that can never be justified? Substantiate your argument with discussion of relevant examples.

Politics of International Human Rights Law
Research Essay Questions (Choose 1)
Maximum length 2500 words excluding references

1. Is torture a violation of human rights that can never be justified? Substantiate your argument with discussion of relevant examples.

2. ‘International refugee law is designed to protect the political interests of states, rather than the human rights of refugees.’ Do you agree?

3. ‘Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect norm has been guided by politicised interests rather than human dignity and rights, bringing its legitimacy into question.’ Do you agree?

4. ‘Although the International Criminal Court is intended to punish crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, in practice it has become an instrument of Western interference in the developing world.’ Discuss, referencing the court’s history in your response.

Introduction (example above):
1. What the paper is about? Restate the question in a way that resolves any ambiguities:
“The key question addressed is…”
2. Explains the logic of the argument / Outline your central argument. “This essay will argue that…because… (summarise the logic of your argument here).
3. Outlines the structure of the essay/ Map the essay structure. “E.g., First I will assess X, then I will explore Y and finally I will demonstrate…”

1. Three-part structure: Intro; Body; Conclusion.
2. Assess the underlying issues and interpret material in response to the question
3. Put forward an argument/ take a position (agree/disagree), do not sit on the fence
4. Do not just summarise the reading.
5. Explain why you have taken that position.
6. Balance, by raising and assessing opposing perspectives. Acknowledge weaknesses in your case (and rebut them to good effect).
7. Set out arguments in your own words. Every paragraph should help advance your argument.
8. Evidence: what examples support your case; how can you make best use of them.
9. Avoid:
a. blanket absolute claims;
b. Platitudes and cliches;
c. Polemics;
d. Nominalizations (nouns derived from verbs –e.g. investigation from investigate)

1. Harvard referencing, more than 15 references
2. Sources must be academic sources such as journal articles, books, papers.

Define nursing according to nursing literature and how this definition has changed. Share your opinion of Christian nursing and how it is or is not different from other nursing

Define nursing according to nursing literature and how this definition has changed. Share your opinion of Christian nursing and how it is or is not different from other nursing.

The definition of nursing has gradually evolved over time. Understanding the influences and changes which have helped to shape our profession are important. Nursing encompasses the ministry of compassionate care for the whole person in an attempt to foster optimum health (shalom) and bring comfort in suffering and death for anyone in need. Nursing is servant work, and is sometimes dirty work! Christian caring is hands-on, patient-centered, physical, psychosocial and spiritual intervention to meet the needs of a patient regardless of how the nurse feels

Each student will discuss:

The definition of nursing according to nursing literature. Who are we, what do we do?
How has the definition of nursing changed, and why do you think this has happened?
Is “Christian nursing” different from any other nursing? Why or why not?

A family health history is a written record of a family’s health. The history contains information about a family’s medical conditions, where and how family members grew up, family members’ lifestyle habits (for example, whether anyone in the family has smoked), and family members’ activities to promote their own health. It’s like a family tree for health. You can look online for examples of family health trees/portraits to see how you can create your own. Your family tree/portrait can be presented in a table format.

A family health history is a written record of a family’s health. The history contains information about a family’s medical conditions, where and how family members grew up, family members’ lifestyle habits (for example, whether anyone in the family has smoked), and family members’ activities to promote their own health. It’s like a family tree for health. You can look online for examples of family health trees/portraits to see how you can create your own. Your family tree/portrait can be presented in a table format.

The first step in creating a family health history is to talk to your blood relatives. The most helpful information comes from ‘first-degree’ relatives — parents, brothers and sisters, and children. Information from ‘second-degree’ relatives — nieces, nephews, half-brothers, half-sisters, grandparents, aunts, and uncles — as well as less close blood relatives can also be used.

Questions to Ask:

To start, make a list of relatives to contact. See if there are any existing family trees, charts, or baby books. Important questions to ask your blood relatives include the following.
•What is your age or date of birth?
•Do you have any chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure?
•Have you had any other serious illnesses, such as cancer or stroke? (If you know of a specific disease or illnesses in your family, ask about them, too.)
•How old were you when you developed these illnesses?
•Have you or your partner had any problems with pregnancies or childbirth?
•Do you engage in any unhealthy behaviors (e.g.,smoking)?
•What activities do you engage in to promote your health?
•Identify one goal for improving your health

Other questions to ask are:
•What countries did our family come from? (Knowing this can help because some heritable diseases occur more often in certain population groups. Also, different diets and living environments can influence the risks of developing certain diseases.)
•Has anyone in the family had birth defects, learning problems, or developmental disabilities, such as Down’s syndrome?
•What illnesses did our late parents or grandparents have? How old were they when they died? What caused their deaths?

Discuss why a theoretical framework is important for a research study and in developing a literature review.

Creswell (2009) described the theoretical framework as a rainbow arc, bridging the dependent and independent variables to provide an overarching explanation of how and why the independent variable may predict [or affect] the dependent variable.

It will help to review Creswell’s definitions of dependent and independent variables To further explain Creswell’s rainbow arc metaphor with an example: If the independent variable in a relational research question is types of classroom educational practices and the dependent variable is student success in learning, envision how a theory like Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences could be the theoretical framework or rainbow arc a researcher might use as a possible explanatory link for how one variable predicts the other. In this case, the theoretical perspective is that multiple intelligence theory applied to classroom educational practices could impact student success in learning. Since there are many possible theories that could connect these two variables, can you see how focusing on a single theory might focus this research question?
Another example from your recent article critique: Consider how Langer (2002) used theories about the concept of reflection, under his heading, “The Concept of Reflection in Learning,” as a theoretical/conceptual framework, or lens, as a way to frame the concept of journals as a learning tool for adults (p. 338), citing definitions of reflection from different researchers. He could have taken quite a different approach with different theories, for example, adult learning theories, for his ‘rainbow arc’ to connect the variables that framed the research question for his study.
As you read the literature on your own research topic, look at the different variables researchers have used in their research questions, and note how they have connected relevant theories to focus or frame the relationship between the variables. These are theoretical or conceptual frameworks at work!

The reading assignment for this week includes Chapter 3, “The Use of Theory,” in Creswell (2009), where theory is defined and framed, based on its uses in different kinds of empirical research, i.e. quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Reviewing this carefully can help to give you a useful context for the concept of theory and theoretical framework, as well as his brief definitions of dependent and independent variables [p.50], as mentioned above.

By the due date assigned, post your response directly to the Discussion Area, considering the following ideas about the nature of a theoretical/conceptual framework.
• Discuss why a theoretical framework is important for a research study and in developing a literature review.
• What were the key variables in Langer’s study and how did having a clear theoretical framework help Langer (2002) focus his study more effectively?
• Using the article you critiqued in Module 3 Assignment 2, identify the theoretical framework the\author used to connect the key variables. Keep in mind that you should typically be able to find the theoretical framework in the literature review section if it is an empirical article.