What does citizenship mean?

In this essay, you are required to write a 2,500 word response with references to be kept in Harvard style. Make sure to seek some nuance in your answers and understand what the question is trying to imply first.

Points from discussion:
– What does citizenship mean?
-What value does it hold?
-why the concept of terrorism is at odds with citizenship?

2) the idea of state and sovereignty vs the notion of terror

-Criticise on thick line between terrorists and state, as in many instances a terrorist for one state, is a saviour of another

-why citizenship be stripped of:
1.could still hold on to idealogies and ideas behind being a terrorist; they only fell for it because they resonated with it more and felt it was better than their current state

-Why citizenship should not be stripped of:

Identify THREE customers who would use your HR services. You are also required to explain why they might need your services; giving a specific example for each customer.

Activity 1

Using the CIPD Profession Map as a reference, write a report in which you:

  • Briefly summarise the CIPD Profession Map (i.e. the two core professional areas, the specialist professional areas, the bands and the behaviours).
  • Consider your role as a HR assistant; looking at one professional area of the CIPD Profession Map (at either Band 1 or Band 2), identify the knowledge, skills and behaviours that you would consider essential to your new role as an HR assistant.


Activity 2

The HR function in your organisation is centralised and therefore you are responsible for providing a wide range of services to a variety of internal and external customers. Sometimes your customers will request things to be done all at the same time and it is your responsibility to prioritise their requests, whilst still ensuring that you maintain excellent customer service. Continue your report from Activity 1, and:

  • Identify THREE customers who would use your HR services. You are also required to explain why they might need your services; giving a specific example for each customer. You should then explain how you would identify the conflicting needs and prioritise the three requests.


  • Considering the THREE customers above, explain how you would effectively communicate with each. You should include THREE different methods of communication and the advantages and disadvantages of each.


  • The nature of the HR function can result in you dealing with some emotive customer issues. Describe how you would endeavour to establish positive working relationships and deliver an efficient and effective service. You should consider how you would:

o Manage your time

o Manage your workload

o Address problems and complaints

o Communication

o Exceed customer expectations

o Review of HR services


Activity 3

As an HR practitioner, you are required to; log, monitor, and update your continuing professional development (CPD).

  • Define CPD and explain its importance from the perspective of the employer and the employee.


  • Referring to the CIPD Profession Map, assess yourself against the professional areas at Bands 1 and behaviours relating to your own role or a role that you aspire to. Identify any areas that you need to develop to reach the top of the band.


  • Using a template, such as http://www.cipd.co.uk/cpd/guidance/examples-templates.aspx, devise a personal development plan (PDP) to meet at least FOUR of your development needs, including those identified above, and the achievement of your CIPD qualification. The plan should be for a minimum of 6-12 months.


  • You will need to evaluate the options available to you to achieve at least TWO of your chosen development needs, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each


Activity 4

During the period of your studies, reflect on your performance against the plan. This includes learning gained from each unit of your qualification, and add reflective comments to the plan, or as a separate reflective statement, as the course progresses. As you progress, identify any further development needs and revise your plan accordingly.


Evidence to be produced:

Activities 1 & 2 Report of approximately 1500 words

Activity 3 A written piece including a personal development plan (PDP) No word count

Activity 4 Written records of on-going reflection and, where appropriate, revision of the plan to include further development needs and solutions. (Note: Activity 4 will not be complete until the end of the programme.

This is a paper that creates the instructions of any given technology (shoes, baking, toys, computers, etc. YOUR CHOICE).

This is a paper that creates the instructions of any given technology (shoes, baking, toys, computers, etc. YOUR CHOICE). Within the paper, there MUST be a definition of some sort. This definition can be parenthetical, extended or one sentence. At the beginning of the paper (the very first paragraph) an audience must be detailed; meaning, if the paper is geared towards ninth graders, you’ll detail their characteristics. This first paragraph is described as the audience category. *Note that the tone of the entire paper must match the characteristics described in the first paragraph* The tools required, as well as an overview and/or introduction, can be included. This is mainly in essay format, but bullets, bolding, and subheadings are parts that should be incorporated accordingly. *Also note that the paper should be written with technical language, and as such, it should also include headings, bullets, and so on that make sense to the papers overall professionalism*

Critically analyse and explains the pathogenesis of the patient’s condition or deterioration

Base on Case study of an acute life threatening and /or traumatic complex health condition.


1200 words



  • Critically analyse and explains the pathogenesis of the patient’s condition or deterioration. Selects a hight priority nursing strategy, including the rationale.


  • Critical analysis of diagnostic result (ABG) relating to the underlying pathogenesis.


Use the case study:


Diagnostis: 24 hours later with UTI with severe Urosepsis, septic shock. How did he get it? Primary focus


Q1: How the UTI (urinary tract infection) leads to severe sepsis. And what happening in the body and how does the body response.

Why his Respiration high? Why is he using accessory muscle?why saturation low? Why his BP low? Why is he tachycardia?what happening to him to increase his temperature and his GCS only 13?

How did he gets the symptoms,

What is the body mechanism to compensate for them related this answer should relate to the patient in the case study


Identify what is the highest nursing intervention:...

A to G

Septic pathway


Critically analyses and discus all the factors of the arterial blood gases diagnostic result. ABG

Explain why PH low?

Discuss about why the lactate high, HC03, and all the diagnostic factors in there related to the pathogenesis of the patient condition  and any abnormalities

cytokine level?

Ethical/legal dilemma faced by a nurse


  The paper is to be based upon an ethical/legal dilemma faced by a nurse. (See grading criteria)   It should clearly describe a scenario (case study) that includes the reason for the ethical dilemma.  This case study must be a documented case study found in the literature.  The scenario should not come from the Burkhardt or Levine textbook.  The ethical dilemma must be clearly stated. The positions of other involved members of the healthcare team should be clearly stated when appropriate.  Cultural implications should be considered.  Options for resolution should be presented and justified.  Legal implications for each possible option must be included.  One option for resolution should be chosen with justification for choice, and probable outcomes identified. The paper is to be typed, using correct APA style, 6th edition, which includes spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.   First person should not be used in this paper.  All sources of information must be documented.  A copy of the grading criteria must accompany the paper.  The paper must have headings used appropriately to organize the paper.  There should be a minimum of two references, and one should come from a nursing journal.

Behaviour Modification Program

Assignment proposal – 

The first component of this assignment is to prepare a proposal which outlines the specific details of your behavioural modification program. There is no set word count for the proposal, but you should address each question in a clear and comprehensive manner. You can see an example of a behavioural modification program proposal on your PSY3060 Study Desk page.


  1. Briefly describe your Behaviour Modification Plan (BMP) in plain language (e.g., “teach my dog to sit”, “stop my daughter biting her nails”, “increase my friend’s exercising frequency”) 1 mark.
  2. Describe the learner. If a human being, identify by initials (e.g., A.L.) for privacy, and state relationship to you (e.g., son, partner, self).  If an animal, identify species/breed, age, and health status.  Include any additional information relevant to your BMP.  Include signed, completed Informed Consent (if a human) or completed Animal Ethics (if an animal). 2 marks.
  3. Describe the behaviour you will be influencing (clearly state whether you are strengthening, weakening, or establishing a new behaviour). Be very specific.  Estimate how often the behaviour occurs, or will occur if implementing a new behaviour (e.g., number of times per day).  What is the antecedent (i.e., cue, SD, or context) for the behaviour to occur? 2 marks.
  4. Why have you selected this behaviour? (i.e., what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of this behaviour – provide a rationale for your intervention) 1 mark.
  5. Describe (exactly) the relevant reinforcer(s) which currently maintain (or will maintain) the target behaviour. State why you believe the reinforcer(s) is/are (or will be) effective. These may be existing reinforcers (if you will be using extinction or negative reinforcement) or planned (if using positive reinforcement). 2 marks.
  6. Describe the contingency you will implement. State whether you will be using simple reinforcement (+/-), shaping, chaining, or extinction to establish, strengthen, or weaken the target behaviour.  How and why will you use this contingency?  (e.g., what schedule of reinforcement will you use, and why?) 2 marks.
  7. How will you measure the behaviour? Include relevant periods / times of day, recording method (be very specific), scale of measurement, full count or sample, observations / judgements, and expected type and range of the data you will collect.  If using a form or data sheet, provide a copy. 3 marks.
  8. State the design and duration of your behavioural modification program (e.g. ABAB; AB; ABA). State the duration of each separate component as well as total duration of project (and justify your choices).  Describe exactly what you will do/not do in terms of the contingency during baseline period(s), including any issues with use of cues or behaviour measures. 3 marks.
  9. What additional measurement factors do you need to consider (e.g., intensity, duration, speed, latency, interval recording, topography, errors etc.)? If you have no other measurement factors to consider, explain why this is the case.  Describe how you or any others will ensure data are recorded at the appropriate times. 1 mark.
  10. How will your data be presented (i.e., Table, Figure) and why have you chosen this method? What type of analysis will you be using on your data – so that you will be able to establish whether or not your behavioural modification was successful?  Are there any conceptual or methodological concerns you have already thought about which might affect your results, or your ability to carry out the plan successfully?  If using ratings in observing behaviour, what steps will you be taking to reduce the likelihood of bias? 3 marks.

In groups of 4-5, students are supposed to choose a company and propose an integrated marketing communications (IMCs) plan

structure and rubric
Overview of Assessment Task 3
 In groups of 4-5, students are supposed to choose a company and propose an integrated marketing communications (IMCs)
plan through which the company can: enhance its current position in the market, introduce a product / brand into a current /
new market, or manage a marketing crisis of any sort. The context (market) can be any relevant place (domestic /
international market). It should be a real-life scenario.
 Students choose the company / brand / market / context.
 No two groups in one tutorial can choose the same company / brand. Once a group has chosen the company / brand, the
rest of the groups should choose a different one.
 Group formation will take place in week 1 – first tutorial. Students can also choose their company / brand in week 1. All
groups and their choice of company/brand should be finalised by week 3. The sooner, the better.
 Students need to provide their tutor with their group details (full name of each student, student number, and
company/brand and the context they have chosen).
 This assessment task is split into two parts:
o Assessment task 3a: group oral presentation.
 Students are to present their IMC plan in their tutorials in weeks 9, 10, and 11 (no video recordings will be
 All students in the group are required to present.
 The time of each group’s presentation will be allocated by the tutor as soon as the groups are formed.
 The oral presentation of the IMC plan will be an opportunity for students to receive comments / suggestions
from their tutor and other students on their plan, which can be then implemented in their written report
(assessment task 3b).
 A hard copy of the script of the presentation is to be submitted to the tutor before the presentation starts.

o Assessment task 3b: group written report.
 The written report will be a final version of the IMC plan.
 It will be due on Friday at 5pm of week 12.
 The written report is to be submit it through the Turnitin

 One student submits on behalf of the rest of the group members.
Assessment Task 3 proposed structure
Executive Summary (5%)
This summary is equivalent to a conclusion (it is not an introduction). It is normally 1-1.5 pages long. It should include:
 An overview of the report.
 Key findings from your analysis about the company: its current situation, opportunities, threats, etc.
 A summary of your major recommendations and key outcomes: how the company can use its IMCs to seize opportunities
and / or avoid threats.
NOTE: This is the last section to be completed; however, it should be displayed at the beginning of the report before Table
of Contents.
Table of contents (1%)
It should include sections, sub-sections, and page numbers.
Introduction (2%)

It should provide the reader with an understanding of the purpose of the project, its scope and structure – sections and
sub-sections. Do NOT discuss the company and the IMC plan in detail in this section.
Situation Analysis based on market Research (10%)
This section can be split into two parts:
1. An overview of the company (5%)
 History.
 The market(s) it is in (Australia, an overseas market, regional, international).
 Brands.
 Product(s) it serves.
 Description of its target customers / segment(s).
2. Situational analysis (5%)
It can be any of the following (not necessarily all of them):
 Launching a new product / brand
 Company’s intention to reposition its current product / brand? Why?
 Or are you suggesting to the company to reposition? If yes, why?
 Any controversies the company is currently dealing with? Any sustainability issues, socially irresponsible issues?
 Decreasing sales / market share: due to competition, change in consumer preferences.
 What is the context of the situation? Australia, an overseas market(s), or a global issue?
 Anything else you have found?

This can be split into two parts:
Note: Students do not need to include all these objectives. They should include only those which are relevant to their company and
its context.
1. Marketing objectives (5%)
 Increasing sales / market share / revenues.
 Responding to competition: competitors are stealing company’s market share.
 Introducing a new product / brand.
 Increasing brand awareness.
 Entering a new market / segment (locally, internationally).
 Defending current position in the market(s).
 Targeting a (new) segment(s) which may require repositioning the product / brand.
 Dealing with sustainability / ethical issues: social issues, child labour, working conditions, fairtrade, environmental
(ecological) issues, consumer safety / welfare.
 A number of objectives can be combined (responding to competition through introducing a new brand in a new market).
2. IMC objectives (5%)
 Brand awareness (introduction stage).
 Product (and its attributes) awareness – Informing people about a new product launch (introduction stage).
 Persuasion, comparison against competitors’ offerings (growth stage).
 Reminding (maturity / decline stages).
 Crisis management (dealing with a controversy which is threatening sales / market share / brand’s image).

Target audience (5%) and positioning (5%)
 Customers /segments (demographic, psychographic, etc.), government, non-government organisation(s) (NGOs), political
 Coverage / reach: geographic, local (within a particular country), foreign, etc.
 Show how your IMC plan will contribute to brand’s positioning or re-positioning.
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 4 pp. 113-123 (market Segmentation by Consumer Groups) and pp. 125-129 (product
positioning) + chapter 4 slides.
Theories which can be discussed in your objectives and target audience
 What consumer needs is (will) the company be focusing on – use Maslow’s hierarchy
 Segment(s) you are targeting: demographics, psychographics, geographic, behavioural, benefit, usage.
 Product positioning: product attributes, competitors, use or application, price-quality relationship, product user, product
 Product life cycle: at what stage is the product you are promoting: introduction, growth, maturity, or decline?
 Are you repositioning the product?
 Consumer attitude: are you using cognitive or affective appeals in your promotions? Cognitive maps, means-end theory.
Develop an IMC plan to budget (15%)
This can be split into three parts:
Types of budget (5%)
 Percentage of sales.
 Meet competition.

 What we can afford.
 Objective and task.
 Etc.
Hint: check what budget the company is already setting annually. If information cannot be found, make reasonable assumptions
based on company’s size, its objectives, what competitors with the same size are doing.
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 4, pp. 129-131 / chapter 4 slides.
Use three IMC variables (10%)
 Traditional marketing
 Broadcast: TV, radio, etc.
 Print: magazines, newspapers.
 Social media: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
 Sales promotions: coupons, contests and sweepstakes, sampling, bonus packs, etc.
 Alternative marketing: buzz marketing, stealth, guerrilla, product placement, etc.
 Personal selling: direct mail / email, telephone.
 Public relations: cause-based marketing, green marketing, sponsorships, event marketing, etc.
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Discuss the rationale of your selected three IMC variables (5%)
How do the selected IMC variables fit with your marketing/IMC objectives and your STP strategy?

Develop a creative strategy and Mock-Up (20%)
 Design a creative mock-up of your broadcast, print or internet/interactive media campaign.
 Explain the content of your advertisement / commercial / billboard / brochure / sales promotions, etc.
 Detail and explain the rationale for your selected creative strategy (based on your IMC objectives, target audience,
(re)positioning, etc).
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 6 pp. 181-191 (Types of Advertising Appeal) and the relevant lecture slides
Media scheduling and timeline (15%)
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 4, pp. 131 / chapter 4 slides.
No. Media class Actual media
vehicle / where
to advertise
Scheduling tactic When to
Timing Duration / size
Reach / scope
of the segment
Frequency / degree of exposure / continuity
1 TV/Radio/
newspaper/digital, instore displays,
alternative marketing
(billboards, lifestyle,
guerrilla, product
placement in movies),
direct marketing using
mails/email, etc.
shopping centre
/ store name in
which the
display will be
used, any
countries, cities,
roads, places
for alternative
Flighting, or
(see page 131 of
the textbook,
Chapter 4 lecture
For how long
(days, weeks,
months, years?)
You can give
actual period (in
2019, 2020, etc).
During this time,
how often will it
Every day,
specific days,
At what time will
it appear?
Tied to the timing
of the show /
program? Specific
times during the
day / night based
on who watches
what at a specific
At the beginning,
For how many
seconds / minutes?
What size will it be
in the print media,
in-store (displays)?

marketing such
as displays,
posters, flyers,
To be
areas, to whom
to advertise
always there (as
maybe the case
with company’s
website, social
media), during
specific events,
specific TV show
/radio programs.
middle, or end of
the program, etc.
If using print
media, in what
part of the
newspaper /
Local news /
business, sport,
if using in-store
displays, where
about will it be
displayed? Pointof-purchase, or
anywhere else?
2 Same as above

Campaign evaluation (5%)
 Compare company’s performance pre- and post-the communication campaign.
o What desired difference is it going to make?
o This should be tied to the situation analysis and marketing / IMC objectives discussed above.
MKT3ADV 2019 – Assessment Task 3a and 3b – Proposed report structure

 Respondent behaviour evaluations (count customer actions, store visits, actual purchases), change in sales / market share /
revenues, brand / product awareness, loyalty, affective responses.
 Online metrics: views, click-throughs, likes, comments, product reviews, etc.
Useful material: (not limited to) chapter 15 (textbook and lecture slides)
Scholarly pursuit: Presentation, Grammar, Spelling and Referencing, Appendices (7%)

 It may be useful that one student in the group proofreads the report – checks the grammar, punctuation, spelling,
presentation, etc.
 All claims must be referenced in the body of the report (in-text citation) using the surname of the author or name of the
organisation, and year of publication, e.g. (Smith, 2018). The cited reference should be included in the end-of-report
reference list. Please use Harvard referencing system.
 Students are encouraged to use recent references.
Students are advised to begin with their assignment as soon as possible. Tutors can allocate the last 5-10 minutes of their tutorials
for student inquiries.

Post an explanation of the importance of quality measures using the clinical performance measure you identified as an example.

As nurse practitioners continue to expand their role in delivering health care, it is imperative for NPs to provide the data and evidence to demonstrate the impact of NP care on patient outcomes. There are several challenges that advanced practice nurses face to provide quality care and meet productivity goals of an organization. This week it is important to explore the connection of quality care and performance measures. Some questions to consider as we discuss this topic are:

  • Why are quality measures important?
  • What is the difference between quality measures and performance indicators?
  • What performance measures are used for NP productivity?
  • Why are incentive plans used in clinical organizations?

To prepare:

  • Read the article, An Incentive Plan for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Impact on Provider and Organizational Outcomes, by Catherine A. Rhodes, Mavis Bechtle, and Molly McNett (2015)
  • Explore quality measures and identify at least one clinical performance measure, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Paper is

Post an explanation of the importance of quality measures using the clinical performance measure you identified as an example. Then, identify the performance measures used for NP productivity in Rhodes, Bechtle, and McNett (2015) article. Finally, share your opinion on incentive payment for care, including external motivators and at least one business model.

Attend and summarize one research seminar at the UW, or a partner institution.

Criteria for choosing a talk: The topic and the department do not really matter, as long as
the talk relates to a topic important in public health, and is a scientific research talk. If you
get to your talk and realize that it isn’t a research seminar…you will have to find another
one. For example, a panel discussion on public health policy is unlikely to cover research in
depth enough for this assignment.
Where to find a list of talks: The Student Affairs Weekly email contains many seminars.
Additional talks are available on Canvas to help you find a seminar that interests you.
II. Assignment structure: Provide a brief summary of the talk you attended. Including the
following sections:
a. Title, speaker, date and location of seminar
b. Research topic and/or question: Summarize the specific research topic and/or question
of the talk.
c. Significance: State the health problem and public health relevance.
d. Methods: Provide a brief description of all research methods used. Include study design,
data collection/laboratory methods, analysis methods. If a single study was presented,
SPH 480 – Public Health Research Methods
you can provide more detail. If multiple studies were presented, briefly describe all
methods used in less detail.
e. Results: Summarize the main research findings. Include data (quantitative or qualitative)
to support these findings.
f. Implications: In your own words, provide a few sentences to:
– Summarize the relevance of the findings: Provide a few sentences to summarize the
researcher’s thoughts on the relevance of their work.
– Your thoughts on the research as presented: Does the study address a significant
public health topic? How may the research impact the public health problem? Did
you notice particular strengths/weaknesses in this study? Use the lessons from SPH
480 to analyze the talk. Please note that vague thoughts such as “This was a very
interesting topic”/”I never thought about this topic” will not receive credit.
– Unanswered questions: Did the presentation leave you with questions? What else
needs to be studied to understand the implications of the research?

Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level?

Preparing the Assignment

  • Professionalism in Communication: The post presents information in logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence, and is clearly relevant to the discussion topic. Grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate.
  • Wednesday Participation Requirement: The student provides a substantive response to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course faculty (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.
  • Total Participation Requirement: The student provides at least three substantive posts (one to the initial question or topic, one to a student peer, and one to a faculty question) on two different days during the week.



This graded discussion will explore the impact of systems theory on a practice problem or issue. Please provide an initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59pm MT and two interactive dialogue responses no later than Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of WEEK 5. The discussion is worth 75 points. Please refer to the discussion grading rubric for additional criteria.

Discussion Question:

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level? How would you address this issue? What impact might your solution have on the other levels of the system? In what ways could interprofessional collaboration be used to resolve the issue?