List at least 3 of their achievements and explain how each of them expressed the pragmatism of the Romans. Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this value. If you include sources, cite them in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses.

Background to the assignment: As you read in chapter 11, you learned how the Roman value system was very pragmatic. Pragmatism used in the philosophical sense, is a belief system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value. It deals less with theory as well as idealism and more with practicality. This value of being pragmatic explains what the Roman people saw when they interacted with the world around them. They were interpreting their situation by applying their worldview and living their lives accordingly, just as we do today as we interpret the world around us.


Description of the assignment: List at least 3 of their achievements and explain how each of them expressed the pragmatism of the Romans. Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this value. If you include sources, cite them in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses. Submit a draft of your Learning Activity to SafeAssign for feedback a few days before the assignment is due.


Book Report on Triumph of The City

Written Report
3-4 pages – 12 pt font, double space, 1” margins
Use any of the commonly accepted style guides (MLA, Chicago, etc.) for rules of grammar
and citation.
You must cite at least 3 references other than your book (not including the book you’re
reporting on). At least one reference must be from a refereed or professional journal (aka
peer– -reviewed journal), e.g., Journal of Planning & Development, Journal of Geography in
High Education, Social & Cultural Geography, Journal of Development Economics, and
Community Development (these are only a few examples). DO NOT USE URLs AS
In the text of your book report include the following (in no particular order):
Introduce the author – provide a bio that demonstrates their credibility on the topic, but keep
this very brief.
State and summarize the major ideas of the book. Explain the various sides of its themes or
Explain if you believe this book’s topic(s) is(are) influential or detrimental (personal opinion,
but be able to back up your claims). Is what they are talking about an important topic.
Highlight what you found of most interest and explain why. Think about the opportunity cost of
the topic. If more consideration was paid to the topic would there be a positive economic
development impact?
Explain whether or not you and/or others agree or disagree with the author and explain
An “A” paper will bewell—organized, well-written and grammatically correct. It will have at
least 3 different references (more are fine), with at least one from a refereed academic
journal, and those will be properly referenced and cited. It will thoroughly summarize the
topic of the book and explain the issues covered and perspectives from other researchers
Electronic submittal ONLY to D2L.
The idea for the presentation is for you to share your knowledge of the book with the class.
Give an overview of the book and explain whether or not it was a worthwhile read and why.
If you don’t recommend it as a reading, explain why.
Keep your presentation to 10 minutes.
Have fun with it. Bring anything amusing or entertaining to light, and be creative with the
ways you present your ideas.
Some version of visual presentation is requested (e.g., PowerPoint).
5% of your overall grade will be based on your presentation. Presentations
will be made on the due date of the papers.

Discuss the nature of lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary, and the several steps taken by the president to select a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court and the steps taken in the U.S. Senate that may result in confirmation or rejection of a nominee to the high court for a lifetime position. Does this seem like a fair process? What extent does it have on the political leaning of the Court, and therefore, on United States law (specifically civil rights and civil liberties)? Cite specific examples. Consider the concepts of judicial activism and judicial restraint in your response.

In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton argued that the judiciary was the least dangerous branch of government. Many people would argue that Hamilton was incorrect and that today’s courts wield an enormous amount of power. However, Hamilton believed the courts were the least dangerous branch because they had the power of neither the purse nor the sword. The courts’ power increased with John Marshall’s establishment of judicial review.

All presidents are concerned with the legacy they leave once out of office and major influence on this legacy is the Supreme Court justices they appoint. For this reason, politics plays an immense role the nomination process. Consider the nomination of Merrick Garland by Barack Obama in 2016 to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia (an icon of conservative ideology). However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year. According to McConnell, “the American people should have a say in the court’s direction. It is a president’s constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate’s constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent.” Supreme Court picks have often been controversial but there was no precedence to ignore the nominee entirely. Scalia’s seat would later be filled by Neil Gorsuch (nominated by President Donald Trump).

Discuss the nature of lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary, and the several steps taken by the president to select a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court and the steps taken in the U.S. Senate that may result in confirmation or rejection of a nominee to the high court for a lifetime position. Does this seem like a fair process? What extent does it have on the political leaning of the Court, and therefore, on United States law (specifically civil rights and civil liberties)? Cite specific examples. Consider the concepts of judicial activism and judicial restraint in your response.

consider the title, scope and content of each exhibition, analyze elements of exhibition design, including, but not limited to, use of space and overall structure; entry, paths and exit; lighting; sight lines; crowd control; label location and information (including ownership); mannequin style and display; supporting objects, if any

As you consider the title, scope and content of each exhibition, analyze elements of
exhibition design, including, but not limited to, use of space and overall structure;
entry, paths and exit; lighting; sight lines; crowd control; label location and
information (including ownership); mannequin style and display; supporting
objects, if any. Keep in mind curatorial and general viewer perspectives, and
support all subjective statements with specific objective points.
Below are excerpts from A Short Guide to Writing about Art, 8th Edition by Sylvan
Barnet. Please use it as a reference.
A review usually includes:
● Description
● Analysis
● Evaluation
A description tells readers what something looks like: A description in a review tells
us how big the exhibition is, how the works are displayed, and it tells us what some
of the works look like.
An analysis tells readers how some aspects of the exhibition work and what all
parts of the exhibition add up to.
An evaluation tells readers whether the exhibition was worth doing, how well it has
been done, and whether it is worth seeing – and of course these judgments must
be supported with evidence.
When drafting your review, keep asking yourself: What do my readers need to
Structure of Review:
● A title that engages the reader.
● An opening paragraph that informs the reader of the subject, the time period
and subject matter covered. By the end of the opening, the reader should
also sense the reviewer’s thesis, the main point.
● A paragraph that goes into further detail about the theme, purpose, or idea,
or scope embodied in the exhibition.
● A paragraph about the setting and the installation. Reviews often comment,
too, on whether the installation of the material helps or hinders the viewer’s
experience. You will probably consider the lighting and the wall texts and
brochures. Remember: The curators and exhibition designers have shaped
the exhibition by choosing certain works and displaying them in a certain
● A paragraph on the strengths. Single out the works you find especially
● A paragraph on the weaknesses.
● A concluding paragraph in which the reviewer in effect summarizes (but in
fresh language) the point, the thesis, that has been established throughout
the review.
Some final tips:
● Read any texts that are on the walls.
● If a brochure is available at the exhibition, take one and read it.
● Take pictures (unless prohibited by the museum) and notes while you are at
the exhibition.

How removing the scope-of-practice barriers from advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) affect or influence career trajectory. How will it benefit ARNP’s and society? What changes must be made to current healthcare architecture to achieve this goal. What are the disadvantages and challenges? Advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Topic: How removing the scope-of-practice barriers from advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP) affect or influence career trajectory. How will it benefit ARNP’s and society? What changes must be made to current healthcare architecture to achieve this goal. What are the disadvantages and challenges? Advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Please refer to rubric below and follow criteria below

Rubric for paper:
1. Project Proposal (20%):
a. Purpose of the Project Proposal: This will be your initial proposal for the project you will be completing in this class. The purpose of the proposal to is to ensure the student is choosing a project that will enhance their understanding of nursing issues and trends and how this may affect or influence their anticipated career trajectory. This proposal will be an introduction to the ideas you have regarding the project you would like to complete for this course. The project will be executed in the form of a comprehensive literature review.
b. Guidelines for Completing the Proposal: The proposal will be reviewed and graded by the faculty. After review, the proposal will be granted approval, approval with revisions, or denial and assigned a grade.

The proposal must be written in an APA formatted paper (about 5 pages) and it is suggested you use the following criteria as section headers. A proposal, in essence, in a brief description of the project you wish to undertake. The proposal must include the following information:

Introduction to the project:
Explain the project you are planning to complete for this course. Describe the idea you have for a project. For the purpose of this assignment, this should be a brief description. You are trying to sell the faculty on the idea of this project being beneficial to your learning in this course. What will you be investigating in your review of the literature?

Applicability to nursing practice:
Describe the applicability of the project topic you are considering and the project itself to nursing practice. This section should focus on graduate level nursing practice.
Applicability to anticipated career trajectory Describe your career trajectory and the relation of your project to your anticipated career after graduating from a graduate level nursing program.

Description of a nursing issue and/or trend:
Describe the nursing issue and/or trend that you will be focusing on in this project. Include a brief review of the literature/evidence-based practice on this nursing issue and/or trend. A minimum of five (5) sources are required for this section.

Identification of a conceptual framework:
Describe the conceptual framework you have chosen as your guiding force in this project and why this is applicable to your project/topic.

Expected outcomes:
Describe the outcomes you expect to gain from completing this project. What is your overall goal and purpose of completing this project?

Grading Rubric
Introduction to the project 15 points
Applicability to nursing practice 15 points
Applicability to anticipated career trajectory 15 points
Description of a nursing issue and/or trend 15 points
Identification of a conceptual framework 15 points
Expected outcomes 15 points
APA and grammar 10 points
Total Grade 100 points

Solitude Retreat and Reflection Paper

you will take a personal mini-retreat in time of solitude with the Lord. This should be at least a 4-hour, solid block of time in a location of privacy. The purpose of this retreat is to seek God’s face and to prayerfully examine your own leadership in light of what you have been learning in this course. This is not the occasion to read ahead for this course. Rather, spend the time on reflection, reading Scripture, in prayer, in silence, or the like.

After you have completed your solitude time, write a paper reflecting on your experience. Begin by describing your solitude experience. How long did you spend in solitude? Where did you go to get away from distractions? What were the best parts of this time? What were the most difficult parts? Did God communicate anything to you during this time?Is there anything you will need to change coming out of this experience? Did you find the experience to be beneficial? Is solitude a practice you would like to continue? Your response should be between 500 and 1000 words.


7. You must place the complete citation of any works used in the writing of your paper on a Reference Page.
8. This is not a course to write summaries of other persons work; this is a course where you must demonstrate the ability to think critically and to apply models and theories to real world situations.
9. For each model or theory assigned, you are to do and write about the following:
• Find a scholarly, peer reviewed journal, full text that pertains to the model or theory in the chapter assigned. Search for the model or theory by name.
• Explain why this particular model/theory was selected to be used for this health promotion situation. Do not write an abstract. Write and identify the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph in the last sentence-include an outline for each paper.
• Write how the model/theory constructs are applied in the writing of the article read.
• Critique the model/theory application as written by the author of the journal article.
• Your paper is to follow APA format and style-write no less than 3 and no more than 5 pages.

Compare how Coca-Cola Myanmar and Pepsi Cola Products Myanmar Ltd. (MGS) use the various elements of the 7Ps marketing mix.

Scenario You have been appointed as the new Marketing Manager forCoca-Cola Myanmar. The first objective you have been set is to research the competition and produce a marketing plan based on your findings. This assignment has two parts: Part A: Compare how Coca-Cola Myanmar and Pepsi Cola Products Myanmar Ltd. (MGS) use the various elements of the 7Ps marketing mix. This will be submitted as a briefing paper for the marketing team. The briefing paper will explain how the marketing mix and marketing process is used to achieve business objectives, relating to the two chosen organisations. This research will inform your situational analysis and enable you to formulate marketing goals and objectives for your organisation based on the comparative findings. Part B: Produce a marketing plan to meet marketing goals and objectives. The marketing plan should include all elements of the 7Ps marketing mix, with an action plan and measures for monitoring and evaluating progress and meeting of goals and objectives. P3 Compare the ways in which different organisations apply the marketing mix to the marketing planning process to achieve business objectives. P4 Produce and evaluate a basic marketing plan for an organisation. To achieve M3, Evaluate different tactics applied by organisations to demonstrate how business objectives have been achieved. To achieve M4, Produce a detailed, coherent evidence-based marketing plan for an organisation. To achieve D2, Design a strategic marketing plan that tactically applies the use of the 7Ps to achieve overall marketing objectives.

Briefly summarise the different fields of Media Law applicable within the South African Film Industry.

1. Briefly summarise the different fields of Media Law applicable within the South African Film Industry.

2. Explain how the Law of Copyright is applied within South African law and its effects on you as a working professional within the Film Industry.

3. How is a valid contract formed? How would you ensure a last minute agreement to work on set is legally enforceable when a contract was not provided but merely a phone call asking you to come and work for X amount of money.

4. What would you do as an Independent Contractor who has not been paid by a production company for services rendered? Explain the method of collecting your salary in the most cost effective manner.

You are Vice President of Supply Chain Management in a major organization. What processes and procedures would you implement to maximize the efficiency and minimize the costs of the transportation portion of your company’s supply chain ?

You are Vice President of Supply Chain Management in a major organization. What processes and procedures would you implement to maximize the efficiency and minimize the costs of the transportation portion of your company’s supply chain ? What metrics and benchmarks would you establish to measure success ? The length of your response to this question should be at least 550 words. Be creative. If you choose to do so, you may respond using an outline type of format.

All papers should meet the following criteria:

· Follow APA formatting and style guidelines (6th edition)
· Follow all instructions for each assignment
· 12 inch standard font such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri
· 1 inch margins
· Double-spaced