Identify an area of practice where change theory may find applicability. Provide examples to support your answer. Comment on the inherent weaknesses in change theory that may impact real-life situations or give rise to difficulties in the process of applying this theory.

Professional socialization relates to the manner in which we learn the roles and functions of being a nurse once we enter the healthcare system. What are some of the ways this socialization occurs in your place of employment, and do you believe it leads to an effective assumption of the nursing role? This socialization occurs in a patriarchal healthcare system that remains predominantly male physician-based. Discuss the impact, you believe, this has on socialization to the nursing role.

Identify an area of practice where change theory may find applicability. Provide examples to support your answer. Comment on the inherent weaknesses in change theory that may impact real-life situations or give rise to difficulties in the process of applying this theory.

Write a letter to either a Senator or a Representative from Texas listed below persuading to support (or not support) HB 855. You will need to write the letter to either: Senators from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) OR Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip OR Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – UH is located in the 18th District Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)

Assignment: Write a letter to either a Senator or a Representative from Texas listed below persuading to support (or not support) HB 855. You will need to write the letter to either:

Senators from Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz (R)
Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip

Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – UH is located in the 18th District
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)

Bill Number Author Summary Impact
H.B. 855* Sandy Davis (D) The bill restricts fast food establishments and mobile food vendors within 500 feet of school grounds or public playgrounds. If passed, this will limit the access to unhealthy foods and potentially reduce obesity among children.
*Note: This is not a real house bill.

1. First paragraph. (10 points total)
This paragraph should be between 8-10 sentences.
• In a concise manner, state the exact name of the bill and summarize the particular issue that you are addressing (Hint: read the summary above) (1 sentence) (2.5 points)
• Describe who you are and why you are passionate about this piece of legislation (2-3 sentence) (2.5 points)
• Describe who the legislation will directly impact in your life. (Are you a parent? Older sister? Godparent? Or, maybe the legislation won’t impact an individual directly, but it does impact your profession. This is a personal connection to the issue) (5-6 sentences) (5 points)

2. Second paragraph. (10 points total)
This paragraph should be a minimum of 10 sentences. Contrary to the first paragraph which focused on a personal connection, this paragraph will focus on population health (i.e. public health).This paragraph needs to be coherent and well-developed.
• Why are you concern from a public health perspective? Include facts that support your position. You will have to do additional reading on your own to write this paragraph.
• In your facts, you may want to include the following. (All of the suggestions below do not need to be included in the write up. These are suggestions that can be used help support your argument):
o The number of people this bill would affect (See Letter to Senator Assignment on BB for the number of children in Texas schools)
o The immediate impact may be viewed as limiting the presence of unhealthy food sources around schools or recreational areas. However, are there larger impacts for society? To help you think about through this consider:
 What the connection is between diet and obesity?
 What is the connection between diet and academic achievement?
 What is the connection between obesity and obesity-related diseases? How are obesity-related diseases related to medical costs?
 Will restricting fast food establishments and mobile food vendors within 500 feet of schools or public playgrounds “solve” the obesity epidemic?
 Is this bill counterproductive if the similar restrictions are not established for residential areas?
To reiterate, all of the suggestions above do not need to be included in the write up. These are suggestions that can be used help support your argument.

3. Third paragraph. (10 points)
This paragraph should be 2-3 sentences.
• Wrap up firmly, yet politely
o Reiterate your position on the bill. In other words, clearly state the exact name of the bill AND whether you support or do not support the bill (5 points)
o Include a sentence that concisely summarizes why you support or do not support the bill. (5 points)

Formatting and Page Instructions

Page 1: Format of the letter. (10 points total)
Please format your letter just like the template that has been provided for you on the next page.
• Use of template (2 point)
• Document is 1 page (2 point)
• Single space (2 point)
• 12-font, Times New Roman (2 point)
• 1 inch margins (2 point)
• Do not include in-text citations in your letter. For every in-text citation that you use 2 points will be deducted.

Page 2: Please provide a list of references and a brief explanation/summary of the information in the empirical article and how that links to the argument laid out in the 2nd paragraph of your letter. The reference must be written in APA-style, double-spaced. (35 points total)
• Use of APA-style (15 points)
• Use of at least 4 empirical articles (5 points per empirical article used = 20 points for the use of 4 empirical articles)

Page 3: In 2-5 sentences explain why you chose to address the specific Senator or Representative in your letter. (5 points)
• There are many reasons for why you choose a particular senator/representative. Your explanation needs to be compelling and coherent.
o You may want to choose a senator/representative whose primarily platform is not education nor health (e.g., primary platform may be agriculture, water, and rural affairs; veteran affairs; transportation). In this case you are informing the senator/representative whose attention may not be on this bill.
o You may want to choose a senator/representative whose primarily platform is education or health but is opposed to expanding federal programs. In this case the senator/representative is probably aware of the bill; however, you are persuading why expanding the physical education is important.

• You can read about the Senator or Representative of your choosing below.

Senators from Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz (R)
Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip

Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – The
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)

Other important factors. (20 points total)
• Grammar, spelling, organization of thoughts (15 points)
Points will be taken off for incorrect use of grammar, spelling errors, and/or if writing is disorganized or unclear.
• TWO locations where the assignment must be turned in:
1. Hard copy to GAR 104 (front desk) by the due date (5 points)**
2. Upload an electronic copy to by 5:00pm on the due date (If this is not done, you will be given a GRADE OF ZERO for the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT)

In order to receive full credit for each corresponding bolded point, the response needs to accurately and clearly answer the paragraph and page requirements.
• Example of when half credit is awarded:
o Half credit is awarded when responses have the minimum number of sentences requested but the response is unclear/vague or incomplete.
o Half credit is awarded when responses do not include the minimum number of sentences requested but the response is clear and coherent.
• Examples of when zero credit is awarded:
o If non-empirical source(s) are used, no credit will be given. This can result in up to 20 points being deducted.
o If a section of the letter is not addressed, incorrectly addressed, or the minimum number of sentences are not used AND the response is unclear/vague, zero points will be awarded.

As a reminder:
• If you are unsure what qualifies as an empirical article or where to find one, please see BB.
• In terms of APA-style, assignments are NOT required to have a title page, header, nor be double-spaced.
• Assignments ARE REQUIRED to be 1-inch margins, 12-point font (Times New Roman), and single spaced.

Artwork formal analysis

Three pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins and a 12-point font.

Description: For this assignment, you will formally analyze the object you have selected for your “Essay in Five Parts.” In order to do so, you will want to pay careful attention to all the aspects of the object – material, spatial, and temporal – and your physical and emotional responses to it.

Requirements: In this paper, you will produce a physical inventory of the object, make deductions, speculate about what your object signifies, and establish a program of research. For an example, please reread Jules Prown, “The Truth of Material Culture,” pages 6-13.

This assignment requires little to no historical research – it focuses on close looking, verbal description, and critical analysis. In other words, your attention remains on the object rather than its cultural and historical contexts (that will come in the next part of the assignment, the Object File).

*Please note: we will not accept this assignment until you have completed your object seletion.

PLEASE take full advantage of the Writing Center. For most of you, this is a completely new kind of writing that will feel uncomfortable to even the most seasoned writers among you. Keep in mind that writing tutors are not editors and do not simply proofread papers, but help with any and every stage of the writing process, from brainstorming, researching and drafting to revising and citation. You can make an appointment by calling 573-882-2496. You may also submit drafts to the Online Writery at

Evaluation: This paper is worth 50 points and read with the following considerations in mind:

1. Description: Did you thoroughly describe the object, paying careful attention to its dimensions, weight, materials, and construction?
2. Deduction: Did you contemplate what it would be like to use or interact with the object? Did you discuss your sensory, emotional, and intellectual engagement with it?
3. Speculation: Did you entertain hypotheses about what your object signifies, or what it expresses about the world in which it was made and used? What tensions, complexities, ambiguities, and fears does it respond to or negotiate?
4. Program of Research: Did you think creatively about what research might be necessary to test you interpretive hypotheses? What do you anticipate looking at or reading to unpack the meaning of your object?

Pre-writing Strategies
1. Take time to look your object and take notes on your observations. Consider the following questions when scrutinizing the piece:
a. Dimensions: What is the size of the object? How much does it weigh? Is it flat or three-dimensional? Does the piece look as heavy or as light as it is? Why or why not?
b. Materials or Medium: What materials did the artist or manufacturer use? What are its advantages? Its limitations? Why select these materials rather than others?
c. Visual Elements:
i. Line: Are the lines thick or thin? Vertical, horizontal, or diagonal? Are they straight, curved, swirling, continuous, or broken? Strong or delicate? Do the lines direct your attention to one place or another?
ii. Texture: Does the piece appear smooth, or does it have texture? Is it rough, coarse, abrupt and uneven? Is it fine, continuous, and subtle?
iii. Color: How does the artist use color? Do the colors contrast with each other, or is there a gentle and gradual transition? Is the color realistic or expressive? Warm or cool? Bright or muted? Calming or dramatic? And to what effect?
iv. Space: Does the space appear deep or shallow? Why?
v. Movement: Is movement suggested in the work? If so, how? If not, why?
d. Composition, Design, or Fabrication: How is the work arranged? Is it balanced or asymmetrical? What is emphasized, and what is downplayed? How do the different parts fit together? How does the eye move across the piece? How does the composition control that movement?
e. Content or Subject Matter: Are certain subjects represented on or by the object? Is it based on a literary or biblical text? A historical or mythological event? A personal or communal experience? A particular location? Or something else? How does the subject matter relate to the object’s dimensions, materials, visual elements, and composition?

Some of the tools mentioned above might not be applicable to your object; use your best judgment on which need to be addressed. For clear explanations of the above, please go to: “Understanding Formal Analysis,” The J. Paul Getty Museum,

2. Look at the notes you took when describing the object. What connections do you see between the aesthetic choices made by the artist producer and your personal response to the work? Then, consider your notes on the work’s content. How do the formal elements relate to the work’s subject matter? Now, invert the question: how does the work’s subject matter inform the work’s composition and your response to it? The relationships you see between and among the form and content of the work, as well as your responses to it, establish the foundation for your analysis of the object.

3. Organize your observations into prominent ideas or themes. These ideas or themes can serve as the topic sentences for your paragraphs. Then, use your visual evidence, the work’s subject matter, and your interactions with the object to support that theme.

4. Use your ideas and themes to develop a hypothesis about your object’s cultural significance.

5. Suggest a program of research you might follow to determine if your hypothesis is correct. This might include: comparisons with other objects; the larger aesthetic, cultural, and historical context of the object; other art, films, music, political events, or social movements that took place at the same time your object was produced or received; and/or articles and books on the subject; etc.

Practical Grammatical Tips for Academic Prose
*Avoid colloquialisms (“you know”) and contractions (“is not” as opposed to “isn’t”)
*Try to avoid the passive voice, a form of sentence construction in which the one performing the action IS NOT the subject of the sentence.
Passive constructions are easy to spot; look for a form of “to be” (is, are, am, was, were, has been, have been, had been, will be, will have been, being) followed by a past participle (a form of the verb often, but not always, ending in “-ed”). For example, replace “The old building has been torn down” with “The building commission tore down the old building.”
*Do not confuse possessive, plural, or contracted forms, especially of pronouns. Remember, for example, that “it’s” equals “it is.”
*Avoid beginning sentences with “and” or “but.”
*You can use the first person; however, use it sparingly. The reader knows you are speaking, so employ it for emphasis. Writing “I think” and “I believe” too many times weakens your argument.
*PROOF READ your paper in order to catch missing or misspelled words, as well as the words spell-check does not identify or changes inappropriately. Some suggestions: read it aloud, read it backwards, or change the font.

Sexual Issues & Discrimination

You have just been hired as the human resources (HR) manager by your company’s chief executive officer (CEO). During your interview process, the CEO indicated that in the last 2 decades, the workforce demographics of her company have changed dramatically. Although this had been occurring, both the previous HR manager as well as all of the company’s front-line supervisors have remained as they had been for years: primarily white males, now in their 50s and early 60s, from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO indicated that at a frequent rate, workplace strife had been increasing, and it seemed to be related to the changing demographics of the workforce itself. The CEO asked you to compile a training manual that consists of sections targeted at the training of the existing front-line supervisors. Later on, there will be sensitivity training as well as to help all employees understand the changing workforce and what it might mean for them.

Diversity Training Manual: Overview

The content of the final complete manual will need to cover diversity issues, specifically the following forms of discrimination:

There also must be information regarding the following information:

Recent trends
Forecasts about the changing general population
Legislation covering these type issues
There will need to be subsections that deal with the following information:

Customs and values of each group
The need for sensitivity to differing values and customs
Legislation affecting supervisor regulations
Diversity Training Manual: Part I

Given that the training manual will be dealing with several diversity issues, prepare the table of contents and write the first part of the manual, which should deal with some useful background for the company’s supervisors and managers.

The first parts that the CEO wants completed are as follows:

A preliminary outline of the entire manual (this may change as you work on the project)
The table of contents
The following sections regarding the demographics of the U.S. population should be included:
o Current statistics
o Recent trends
o Forecasted trends
Using the Web sites listed, present information about trends in the U.S. populations regarding the following information:
o Immigrant versus native
o Religion
o Age
o Race

Use the following Web sites:

Web site 1
Web site 2
Web site 3
Diversity Training Manual: Part II

As the new human resources manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of a diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic percentage of the workforce) and how the supervisors should address them. The goal is to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among employees of different races.

Part II is to be titled, Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them.

This section should discuss the following:

Different races now or likely to be in the workforce of the future, based on the U.S. populations racial demographic changes
Particular issues that create tensions among the different groups
How supervisors need to address these issues that could potentially cause tension
Diversity Training Manual: Part III

As a continuation of the diversity training manual, you (as the new manager of human resources) should now create portions that specifically address gender issues and are targeted at training and raising the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding potential gender issues. It should include a section on how the supervisor should or should not handle certain gender-based workplace issues. For example, can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement?

This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:

A few general facts about the U.S. population’s gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce should be included. Make sure to include all sources of information.
The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed. Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case.
Describe how the supervisor should state minimum job requirements when he or she requests new employees to be hired into the department.
Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team.

Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971). Retrieved from the FindLaw Web site:

find a recent article about nursing shortage. you write the summary about it and the citation on apa style.

Annotated bibliography 5 lines summary

  1. Martin, C. J. (2015, March). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(2), 4-6.


  1. MacKusick, C. I., & Minick, P. (2010, November/December). Why are nurses leaving? Findings from an initial qualitative study on nursing attrition. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(6), 335-340.
  2. Feldman, H. (2003). The nursing shortage: Strategies for recruitment and retention in clinical practice and education. Retrieved from

This book is from 2003 If you find a different book about nursing shortage with a recent editing date I will appreciate it. If you do please write the citation on APA style.

  1. Jacobson, R. (2015, July 15). Widespread understaffing of nurses increases risk to patients. Scientific American. Retrieved from
  2. Ledbetter, J. (2015, November 3). Why is the U.S perpetually short of nurses? The New Yorker. Retrieved from
  3. Ulrich, B. (2003, August). The nursing shortage and potential solutions: An overview. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 30(4), 364-376. Retrieved from

If you find a recent article about nursing shortage. I would appreciate if you write the summary about it and the citation on apa style.

  1. Please look for an article about nursing shortage in PA and do the same. 5 line summary of the article or paper and 5 lines why I will use the it in a research project about nursing hospital in a local hospital.
  2. Find one field source, media source, or government document and do the same exercise.
  3. Examples of field or media sources: An interview you conduct, whether in person, by email, by phone, or by personal letter; a lecture you attend, other than lectures delivered by your current or former professors; a performance you attend; a survey you administer; an instructional brochure; a professional newsletter; a DVD; a film; a television broadcast; a radio broadcast; a musical recording
  4. Government documents are issued by a wide variety of government agencies, entities, offices, and individuals at the federal, state, county, and municipal levels. They are available on the appropriate government websites.
  5. How researchers cite field sources, media sources, and government documents will depend on the bibliographic style employed.


compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that describes a problem you have faced in your professional career or your educational journey.

compose an analytical essay of between 500 and 875 words (2 to 3 pages) that describes a problem you have faced in your professional career or your educational journey. Write an essay in which you describe the problem, tell how you addressed it, and evaluate your attempted solution. Be sure to explain why your attempted solution worked or did not work to solve your professional or academic problem.
Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. A comprehensive conclusion should restate the thesis and end with an effective general statement about the problem/solution.
Remember to present a strong thesis statement in your introduction with relevant supporting details throughout the body. Include transitions to connect ideas in a logical format. End with a comprehensive conclusion restating the thesis.
Review the online writing sites as needed.
Before submitting your work, please proofread it for correct spelling, grammar, complete sentences and paragraphs, and clarity of expression.
Use the Add Submission button below to submit your assignment.


The assignment will be 2000 words (+/- 10%); the content will support the development of your Health Promotion Resource (The assignment is about PROSTATE CANCER HEALTH AWARENESS PROMOTION ). It will reflect the learning outcomes of the module in association with your chosen area of Health Promotion. It is expected that the theoretical elements discussed during the seminars will be applied and examined in relation to the client group within your resource. Critical analysis will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the public health interventions associated with your chosen subject for the resource, along with the skills required by the nurse to implement the public health agenda of the resource. This part of the assignment is to be completed individually. You need to achieve a PASS mark for this piece of work.
Within this assignment you will be expected to address the marking criteria –
Note all these points should be mentioned about in the Assignment

1. The rationale for the health promotion resource is evidence based and addresses the wider political, social, economic and cultural determinants of health
(LO 2 and 4)

2. The role of the nurse in implementing the resource is clearly identified from an individual, group, community and population perspective
(LO 1 and 3)

3. The communication of the resource fits the purpose of the health promotion strategy and employs collaborative strategies to address the needs of the identified population
(LO 3)

Note all these points should be mentioned about in the Assignment
• Appraise the rationale for your chosen public health topic and client group (1)
• Critically analyse how political, social, economic and cultural determinants influence your chosen Public Health resource (1)
• Support the discussion using relevant theory from the areas of Sociology, Social Policy, Public Health and Health Promotion.(1)
• Apply the evidence base throughout (1, 2 and 3)
• Apply the resource to practice (2)
• Evaluate the impact of the resource on your chosen client group or clients with your chosen condition regarding the potential improvement in their wellbeing with regard to relationship centred care. (2)
• Appraise the role of the nurse and how specific personal skills will enable collaborative working during the implementation of the resource. (2 and 3)
• Through your assignment you will demonstrate:-
a) Your knowledge, understanding and skill in implementing the health resource.
b) How the effectiveness of the resource after implementation can be assessed at individual, group, community and population levels
• Refer to the health promotion resource throughout the summary. This link should be clear and explicit.(1, 2 and 3)
• Present the work in accordance with APA referencing conforms to SHU Harvard principles

NB – The numbers (1) relate to the numbers in the marking criteria.

Technology Based Learning Methods

Each learner will write a thorough, in-depth literature review paper on one of the major topics from this course. The subject may be any of the major topics of the course (e.g.: principles of curriculum, principles of instruction, learning productivity, program or instructional design in corporate, non-traditional, or distance learning environments, evaluation, mobile learning, technology based learning methods, informal learning, mico-learning, gamification, etc.). Feel free to provide your own “angle” or point of view, but the paper must be research-based and thorough. If you are contemplating an education-based dissertation, this paper can serve as a good portion of your literature review (Chapter 2).

Please turn in a one or two paragraph description of your proposed topic via email not later than . The write-up can be very brief—I just want to know what you plan to work on. It is important to share your topic with me and decide on it early so that we can make sure it is appropriate for the course and that the scope is about right (a topic can be so broad that a thorough review of literature might take over a hundred pages or so narrow that there are only a small handful of articles about it). We also need to decide on the topic early enough that you will have time to conduct your research, read all of the relevant articles and books, and write your paper.

The paper will be graded on the quality of research, thoroughness, and quality of writing. A good review of literature should review all of the most important research on your chosen topic. There is no page requirement, only a thoroughness requirement. Therefore, you should select a topic that you can thoroughly review in approximately 15 pages and should consider at least 20 scholarly articles or books on your topic. If you end up with a broader topic that requires more pages than that, it is perfectly acceptable.

Additionally, each student will deliver a brief, high-level overview of his/her topic and why this topic is important in the field of education or adult learning on (our second face-to-face meeting). This informal, oral presentation should be a maximum of 10 minutes (including questions and discussion). Consider sharing any initial findings and issues, and do so in a way that sparks your audience’s interest. Use what you know about andragogy to craft an engaging presentation.

Empirically Based Article vs Magazine Article: What’s the Difference

What is this assignment all about?
The requirement is to COMPARE and CONTRAST the two VASTLY different types of materials provided to you (on an EMPIRICALLY-BASED SCHOLARLY article with the other being CURRENT/CONTEMPORARY MAGAZINE-type article). You are comparing and contrasting the two types of materials, not the information within.

To effectively compare/contrast the two different types of materials and articles, you will be required to provide a summary/review of the articles that you read, then compare and contrast the material (of reading magazine-type material with reading scholarly material. You will also be required to include personal insights about the materials that you read. Which did you enjoy more? Why? Which did you get more out of? Why? Which would you recommend, and to whom? Why?).

Your Summary/Review must, at a minimum, address the following seven critical thinking questions, while summarizing the material that you read:
1. What is the main purpose of the article? (state as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article or for doing the research)
2. What is (are) the important question(s) the author of this article is trying to address? (figure out the key question(s) in the mind of the author when s/he wrote the artcile)
3. What kind of study was done? (Case study, survey, observation, etc., if any at all…if none, discuss what a lack of study means)
3a. JUSTIFY the above answer as to why you think it was that type of research, or what the lack of research may mean.
3b. What are the dep/independent variables?
3c. Who are the subjects?
4. What facts, data, evidence, or experiences does the author use to address the important question of the article?
5. What are the main inferences/conclusions in this article? (Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article)
6. Do the author’s conclusions follow for the data/evidence presented? Why or why not?
7a. What are the implications if we take the author’s line of reasoning seriously? (what consequences are likely to follow if people take the author’s line of reasoning as fact?)
7b. What are the implications if we fail to take the author’s reasoning seriously? (what consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the author’s reasoning as fact?)

Personal insights MUST INCLUDE at a minimum: Why you think these two articles were chosen for you, what you thought about as you read the articles, whether or not you learned anything from the articles (why or why not), and whether or not you would recommend the articles (why or why not). Address BOTH the content and the type of material that you read!

DO NOT WAIT to get started on this! Reading/understanding scholarly articles can be TOUGH!

This paper must be 3-5 pages of TEXT, typed, and double-spaced. APA allows for Times New Roman…only in 12 point font. DO NOT use other fonts. Do NOT create fun and pretty cover pages. You are required to have a Title page, your text pages, and a References page. You may try an abstract (it will NOT be counted against you), if you want to get used to writing one (for those of you going on in the Soc/Beh Sciences or Nursing)! In-text citations are also required.
(Use the LINKS in the Writing stuffs resources, and the Writing Book that I created)

WORD TO THE WISE: If you cite it, you must have a Reference for it. If it is in your reference list, you must have an in-text citation for it. General rule of thumb is 2-3 citations per source to avoid plagiarism, and no more than 20%, total, of your paper is to to be quoted. AND…be sure that you READ and USE the RUBRIC!

Write a letter that is suitable on posting on a website or social media (not Twitter) identifying a social issue that is important to you.

Letter on Social Media:
Write a letter that is suitable on posting on a website or social media (not Twitter) identifying a social issue that is important to you. Preferably a current issue that is in the news is ideal. In your letter provide your opinion why a social program should be continued, stopped or increased. Provide the history and rationale for your position.
This exercise has several purposes. One is that it requires students to succinctly and cogently gather and present information about a position on, a social welfare issue. Another is that it enables students to combine their expertise as professional social workers with their citizenship duty to participate in civic affairs. I hope that this assignment will, in many cases, become a lifelong habit.