Ideology and Social Policy Paper

Ideology and Social Policy Paper
Social welfare policies do not come without controversy and in a capitalist society, often elicit the argument on the proper role of government. Using health care, nutrition assistance, immigration, housing, or any poverty alleviation program(s), compare and contrast the arguments to influence public opinion and public policy on an issue related to public welfare from the liberal and conservative perspectives. In your paper provide a brief background of the social problem. How is the problem defined? What solutions are offered? What are the current issues, proposed change or changes, who are the possible beneficiaries and losers? (8 pages minimum).

Case study for hemotology/Immunology

Your clinical application essay should be organized as follows:

First page: The first page is the title page. The title page will include only the following:
Running head
Page number
The title of the paper
The author (without credentials)
The institution (The University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Next pages: The body of your paper. The body of the paper will include the following:
A detailed introduction providing all of the facts of the case (Note: There is no unnecessary information in the scenario. The scenario provides clues for your rationale.
Next to the last page: Include at least three teaching points. Teaching points DO NOT need references. (Show us that you can follow instructions.) The teaching points are YOUR words.
Last page: The last page is the reference page. All references should be in APA format. This textbook has authored chapters. The appropriate formatting for an authored chapter in a textbook is found on p. 204, example 25, in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.
Submit your work as a PDF through the assignment portal in Canvas. ALL assignments are due at 2300 CDT.

Below is a clinical situation that an Advanced Practice Nurse might encounter. Although this case is an obstetrical case, the pathophysiologic principles apply to patients who are men or women, young or old. In THREE TO FOUR PARAGRAPHS, assess the situation and address the questions that relate to the scenario. Be concise and clear in your presentation.

The first paragraph of the Clinical Application Essay must include a complete introduction that presents the facts of the case such that a reader not familiar with the case will understand what you are writing about. The next paragraphs should explain the pathophysiology that has caused the conditions of the case.

Be sure to check your spelling and grammar. Proper use of APA format is required. DO NOT USE REFERENCES OTHER THAN THE REQUIRED TEXTBOOK (Grossman and Porth’s Pathophysiology (9th ed.). PLEASE NOTE: YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BE CONCISE, WELL ORGANIZED AND NO MORE THAN FOUR PARAGRAPHS IN LENGTH (not including the introduction and teaching points.) Follow instructions. PLEASE SEE THE RUBRIC FOR GRADING PARAMETERS. Use the rubric as a checklist before submission.

In a separate section (but in the same submitted document), list and enumerate using Arabic numbers at least THREE teaching points that relate to this scenario. Use more if needed.

A teaching point is something that you say directly to a patient, a parent or other family member about the situation, condition or treatment to reinforce what you say to the patient during the clinic or office visit that should be remembered after the visit. (“You will need a follow-up appointment” is an instruction, not a teaching point.)

Do not use jargon-not everyone you talk with will have the same level of education that you do. (Perhaps have a non-medical 13-year-old read your teaching points to see if they can understand what you are saying.) Teaching points do not need references.

If we were discussing oral health, examples of teaching point would be:

It is important that you brush your teeth after each meal. This helps keep the teeth clean and prevents cavities and bad breath.
Flossing at least once daily is important to assure proper gum health.
Seeing your dentist twice a year is important for good oral health. Your dentist will not only check your teeth and gums but will also do a comprehensive cancer screening of the tongue, salivary glands, and other tissues in the mouth. By seeing your dentist often, small problems are taken care of before they become big problems.

“I would tell the patient that the tooth brushing is important after meals and I would explain flossing.”


(The beauty of this scenario is that it combines elements of both the hematologic and immunologic systems into one case.)

Literature Review Outline on Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Prepare an outline for the literature review. The instructions for this assignment are as follows:

Make a list of the different ideas that the authors present in their work. Organize the ideas and sources in such a way that you can build a discussion around the topic and different ideas presented.
•Organize the ideas and statements in categories. For example, if your topic is an organizational innovation to address a problem in an organization, you will first discuss the sources that describe your problem or problems similar to yours. You can then discuss how different authors have gone about solving the problem or issue you are addressing. If you are proposing a public policy change or innovation, the same principle applies.
•Discuss the pros and cons of the solutions presented. Build an argument in which you can discuss how well (or how poorly) the authors address your topic/problem.

•Present the outline as a Word document of no more than three pages.

What you should look for: your goal is to create a “mini-history” of what it is that the research (or literature) has to say about your topic. This is why it is especially important that you are using peer-reviewed articles primarily, with some support from other secondary sources-you want the most credible and up-to-date information on the topic that you can find. Among the items you should be looking for in the research:

Similarities between sources (what do all the sources have in common? What is accepted as “the gospel?”)
•Differences between sources (where do the sources/research differ from one another?)
•Important theories, ideas, etc.
•Events, key breakthroughs, etc that influenced the research.
•Gaps-is there anything missing in the research? Anything that researches may not have considered?

Once you have done this analysis, it is time to start your outline. An outline is a list of bullet points in which you describe the connections among the different sources you have identified in the annotated bibliography and how you plan for it to look when you eventually write the chapter (note: your literature review will become your future capstone’s Chapter 2, so take your time with this assignment-creating a strong outline will give you a strong tool to write from).

contrast and compare the current anti-obeah legislation of the Bahamas and Jamaica.

Jamaica was the first Anglophone Caribbean colony to outlaw obeah, starting in 1760 with the “Act to Outlaw the Evils arising from the Irregular Assemblies of Slaves. “The country retains a nineteenth century act outlawing obeah. Many other Caribbean countries retain anti-obeah legislation, often modeled on Jamaica’s laws—as we have seen, there are several Bahamian laws that illegalize such practices as fortune-telling or professing to heal or harm through the use of supernatural means. Write an expository research essay of 5 – 6 pages in which you contrast and compare the current anti-obeah legislation of the Bahamas and Jamaica. Your goal is to answer this question: “What can the differences between how obeah is defined in both countries and how obeah-related aspects of life are punished in both countries tell us about the type of harm and the level of harm obeah is understood to pose in Bahamian society?” [5 – 6 pages; include at least 3 scholarly sources in your paper.]

Chomsky vs Foucault Debate

Transform the theme (or thematic) into a question (a problem) to which you seek an answer. This will be done gradually as you read and reflect.


This dissertation is a written presentation that argues a controversial issue (the answer is problematic, not self-evident, not obvious, raises debate)


The structure of this dissertation must include the following 4 parts:

  1. The Introduction: An introduction that briefly outlines the theme, more precisely a problematic (as formulated by you), indicating the meaning of the question and how the answer is not self-evident (or the issues and difficulties)

Length: maximum 0.5 page (on 6 pages)


  1. Development: Analysis of various aspects of the problematic, by identifying and structuring the premises (presuppositions including implicit, unformulated or unspoken), the relevant theses and arguments (etc.) of each author

Length: about 4-5 pages (on 6 pages)


  1. Taking a personal position that is justified also in a reasoned way: it is not a question of simply saying what one thinks, but more importantly why one thinks it (= arguments), and that in direct relation to the premises, theses and arguments analyzed in the section ”development”

Length: about 1-2 pages (on 6 pages)


  1. A brief conclusion that balances and indicates what you get from this analysis and the possible continuation of the debate

Length: maximum 0.5 page (on 6 pages)


This paper is corrected on:

(1) Formulation of the problem (introduction to the question)

(2) Presentation of the ideas and arguments of the texts (quality, relevance)

(3) Personal position (quality of arguments, originality, critical sense)

(4) Consistency of the whole (sequence of ideas), clarity, precision of the subject

(5) French (I got to a french university so when I get this paper I will translate it)

(6) Quality of the presentation (respect for the rules, general appearance)

(7) Use of material (citations, references to concrete data)


Tips to respect by the prof:

  1. Always address yourself to a “universal reader”, who you must assume does not know at all the problem you are dealing with, to whom you must explain the issues of the debate and, in the “personal statement” section That you are trying to convince yourself of the validity of your position, without assuming that it is immediately sympathetic to your cause. (In other words, the reader is not a good friend who already shares the same values, the same common vocabulary (spoken language) or the same ways of seeing things as you do.)


  1. Always promote as much clarity as possible and accuracy in the use of the terms you use. It is often useful to quickly define for the reader the precise meaning of the concepts you use (or used by the thinkers you present), since it is not uncommon for there to be more than one possible definition for a single term or concept.


  1. It is important, while writing, to put your ideas in schematic form (“in point form”) to see more easily if they are consistent (non-contradictory) with each other, and if they are follow in a good logical order. The coherence, the unity of a text is essential to its quality, that is to say to its rigor and its power of persuasion.


  1. Do not abuse quotes, and prefer short quotes to long ones. Always ask yourself if this quote brings something new to what you say (relevance to the subject), or if it serves to support the arguments. In all cases, clearly indicate that it is a quotation and always give the reference to the author, the book and the page quoted in the footnote. Any quotation not identified by quotation marks is tantamount to plagiarism, which is a serious misconduct


  1. A good job is a job that demonstrates the ability to make connections between various ideas (be it links of resemblance or opposition). Most important, in fact, is to demonstrate to me (a) that you read the relevant texts and (b) that you have thought about them. As Montesquieu wrote (1689-1755) with a point of exaggeration: “It is not a question of making read, but of thinking.” I would say, more exactly, more soberly: “It is a question of making read to make think”.


  1. So be sure to avoid vague, irrelevant comments, commonplaces, abusive generalizations and other forms of sophistry (appeal to authority, feelings, clan, etc.), which denotes the absence of personal reflection

Select a department within an organization or organization segment that you currently work: Infrastructure and CyberSecurity The goal of this paper is to analyze the current status of the Infrastructure and CyberSecurity department as to if it can or cannot be considered a learning organization.

Select a department within an organization or organization segment that you currently work: Infrastructure and CyberSecurity
The goal of this paper is to analyze the current status of the Infrastructure and CyberSecurity department as to if it can or cannot be considered a learning organization. Incorporate the following in your analysis:
Analyze the organizational segments within each of the five disciplines: Systems Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Building Shared Vision, and Team Learning.
Identify and describe potential learning disabilities that exist within this organization segment: squad and Tribe are focused on Personal mastery approach
What are your conclusions?
Please note that this is strictly a current, positional analysis. You are not to develop or propose the actions steps that you feel are required to implement a learning organization within this organization segment
Include a very brief introduction to let the reader know what they can expect to see,
Create a logical build and flow of your research topic and analysis in the main body of the paper, and
Include a brief summary at the end including a couple of key take-away that you absolutely want the reader to remember

Peter Senge and the learning organization

You are the incident commander at a train crash, which has occurred during peak hour in an outer metropolitan area. As a consequence, ambulance media are unable to attend and the ‘press pack’ who have descended on the scene are demanding answers about casualties. provide a media briefing on the incident. You should cover the major elements of a media briefing, as outlined in the crisis communication and managing the media . You can make up patient numbers etc.

The scenario:

You are the incident commander at a train crash, which has occurred during peak hour in an outer metropolitan area. As a consequence, ambulance media are unable to attend and the ‘press pack’ who have descended on the scene are demanding answers about casualties.

provide a media briefing on the incident. You should cover the major elements of a media briefing, as outlined in the crisis communication and managing the media . You can make up patient numbers etc.


read the information below which will help you to write the speech  

Crisis Communication – Six easy strategies


  1. Don’t over-reassure.

Over-reassurance pushes ambivalent audiences toward the alarmed side of the seesaw; it diminishes credibility and leaves them alone with their fears. If you have to get it wrong, better to err on the alarming side.


  1. Acknowledge uncertainty

Sounding more certain than you are rings false, sets you up to turn out wrong, and provokes debate with those who disagree. Better to say what you know, what you don’t know, and what you are doing to learn more. Model the ability to bear uncertainty and take action anyway.


  1. Treat emotions legitimately

In a crisis, people are right to be fearful and miserable. Both emotions are at risk of flipping into denial, or escalating into terror or depression, or receding into apathy. To help us bear our feelings, respect our feelings.


  1. Establish your own humanity

Express your own feelings; if you seem fearless, you can’t help model how we should master our fear. Express your wishes: “I wish we could give you a more definite answer.“ Tell a few stories about your past, your family, your reactions to the crisis.


  1. Offer people things to do

Self-protective action helps mitigate fear; victim-aid action helps mitigate misery. All action helps us bear our emotions and thus helps prevent denial. Where possible, offer a choice of actions, bracketing your recommendations with less and more extreme options.





  1. Stop worrying about panic

Panic is rare. Efforts to avoid panic – for example, by withholding bad news and making over-reassuring statements – tend to backfire. People sometimes disobey in a crisis, but that’s not panic. Worry about denial, worry about apathy; don’t worry about panic.


Five keys to effective crisis communication

  1. Clarity – Because people are stressed.
  2. Repetition – People may not take message on board first time.
  3. Honesty – People will be more likely to trust you if they think you are being honest about what you do and don’t know.
  4. Empathy – Because people are afraid or angry.

Select and research a project selection method using credible and scholarly sources. In a minimum of 200 words, explain the method and provide a detailed example that demonstrates how it would be used to evaluate a project you have selected. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the method? How can the drawbacks be mitigated?

Part of an effective program management or project management system is the use of a project selection method that will optimize a company’s resources to achieve sustainable results. Companies often have an abundance of projects they can work on; however, with resource limitations they need to have a prioritization system to select projects. There are several project selection methods available that include checklist models, scoring models, the analytical hierarch process, profile models, and financial models (discounted cash flow analysis, net present value, and internal rate of return).

Select and research a project selection method using credible and scholarly sources. In a minimum of 200 words, explain the method and provide a detailed example that demonstrates how it would be used to evaluate a project you have selected. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the method? How can the drawbacks be mitigated?

As you review the postings of fellow classmates, do your best to further the discussion by offering up examples, extending the explanation, and asking thoughtful questions to at least two of your classmates.

Case Application #3 Tasting Success

The Coca-Cola Company (Coke) is in a league by itself. As the worldʼs largest and number
one nonalcoholic beverage company, Coke makes or licenses more than 3,500 drinks in
more than 200 countries. Coke has built 15 billion-dollar brands and also claims four of the
top five soft-drink brands (Coke, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite). Each year since 2001,
global brand consulting firm Interbrand, in conjunction with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, has
identified Coke as the number one best global brand. Cokeʼs executives and managers are
focusing on ambitious, long-term growth for the company—doubling Cokeʼs business by
2020. A big part of achieving this goal is building up its Simply Orange juice business into a
powerful global juice brand. Decision making is playing a crucial role as managers try to
beat rival PepsiCo, which has a 40 percent market share in the not-from-concentrate juice
category compared to Cokeʼs 28 percent share. And those managers arenʼt leaving
anything to chance in this hot—umm, cold—pursuit!
Orange Juice and the 1 Quintillion Decisions needed to deliver it! Youʼd think that making
orange juice (OJ) would be relatively simple—pick, squeeze, pour. While that would
probably be the case in your own kitchen, in Cokeʼs case, that glass of 100 percent OJ is
possible only through the use of satellite images, complex mathematical algorithms, and a
pipeline solely for the purpose of transporting juice. The purchasing director for Cokeʼs
massive Florida juice packaging facility says that when youʼre dealing with “Mother Nature,”
standardization is a huge problem. Yet, standardization is what it takes for Coke to make
this work profitably. And producing a juice beverage is far more complicated than bottling
Using what it calls its “Black Book model,” Coke wants to ensure that customers have
consistently fresh, tasty OJ 12 months a year despite a peak growing season thatʼs only
three months long. To help in this, Coke relies on a consultant experienced with revenue
analytics, who has described OJ as “one of the most complex applications of business
analytics.” How complex? To consistently deliver an optimal blend given the challenges of
nature requires some 1 quintillion (thatʼs 1 followed by 18 zeroes) decisions!
Thereʼs no secret formula to Black Book, itʼs simply an algorithm. It includes detailed data
about the more than 600 different flavors that make up an orange and about customer
preferences. This data is correlated to a profile of each batch of raw juice. The algorithm
then determines how to blend batches to match a certain taste and consistency. At the
juice bottling plant, “blend technicians” carefully follow the Black Book instructions before
beginning the bottling process. The weekly OJ recipe they use is “tweaked” constantly.
Black Book also includes data on external factors such as weather patterns, crop yields,
and other cost pressures. This is useful for Cokeʼs decision makers as they ensure theyʼll
have enough supplies for at least 15 months. One Coke executive says the companyʼs
mathematical modeling means that if a weather catastrophe (hurricane or hard freeze) hits,
the business can quickly regroup and replan in a very short time frame: as little as 5 or 10
minutes. (Robbins 116)
Robbins, Stephen P., Mary Coulter, David DeCenzo. Fundamentals of Management, 10th
Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 10/2017. VitalBook file.

An employee comes to your office and says he wants to anonymously make a complaint to the US Occupational Safety and Health Act. He doesn’t want his identity known to his supervisor, who told a group of employees that he would make life difficult for anyone who complained about working conditions.

An employee comes to your office and says he wants to anonymously make a complaint to the US Occupational Safety and Health Act. He doesn’t want his identity known to his supervisor, who told a group of employees that he would make life difficult for anyone who complained about working conditions.

Right a memo to your boss:

1. Summarize the basic employee right to file a complaint with OSHA.

2. Does the employee have a right to file an anonymous OSHA complaint?

3. As the HR director, specifically address how your boss should handle the complaint about the supervisor’s actions. Be specific.

Please use the following references:



Whistleblowing at Work