Does where you live influence your behavior?

M3 – Discussion: Does where you live influence your behavior?

Broken window / CC BY-SA 2.0
The House Made Me Do It! – read the following wikipedia page entitled “Broken Windows Theory”. Does where you live influence your behavior? (Stay away from the light.)

Discussion Tips:
• Participate in this discussion by first posting a logical and thoughtful response to the questions posed by your instructor during the first week of this module. After posting your discussion to this topic during the first week of the module, you should return to this discussion area and post at least two responses to posts made by your fellow classmates during the remaining week(s) of the module.
• A posting of at least 125-words is usually sufficient.
• You should post fresh ideas that are thoughtful and well written while being sure to use correct spelling and grammar. Be sure to cite sources when putting forth opinions and facts of others.

Students will analyze the use of simulation as a teaching and evaluation strategy. In this analysis, student will examine legal and ethical issues, evaluate how simulation assists in achieving learning outcomes, and evaluate the evidence for this strategy. 

Students will analyze the use of simulation as a teaching and evaluation strategy. In this analysis, student will examine legal and ethical issues, evaluate how simulation assists in achieving learning outcomes, and evaluate the evidence for this strategy.

Assignment Criteria:
Develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:
1. Explain how simulation supports achievement of learning outcomes.
2. Discuss the use of using simulation to evaluate learning outcomes and learner performance. Include the results of at least two studies.
3. Describe guidelines for the use simulation as an evolution strategy
4. Explain the similarities and differences in use for in the healthcare and academic settings.
5. Describe the legal and ethical issues in the use of simulation.
6. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 5 to 6 pages excluding the title and reference page.
7. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
8. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
9. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.
10. Include a minimum of three (3) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
11. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

Stella Motschenbacher, Motschenbacher’s daughter and sole heir to his estate, saw the advertisement and immediately recognized the car as her father’s.  Your assignment is to assess the strength of her claim against Forsyth for violation of the right of publicity.  Your analysis must include arguments for both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Forsyth v. Motschenbacher


Revenues for Forsyth Tobacco (Forsyth) have been down for the last ten years.  Forsyth’s executives attribute this downturn to two causes:  the federal prohibition against advertising cigarettes on television, and the decline in the number of smokers in the United States.


In an effort to boost sales, Forsyth decided to launch a new advertising campaign aimed at people aged forty and over.   Market research showed this age group would be the target audience most likely to buy cigarettes for several reasons.  Unlike those under forty, they grew up during an era when cigarette smoking was quite popular and when the adverse health effects, such as the increased risk of cancer, emphysema and death, were unknown.  Once these risks were known, Forsyth concluded that no sane person would take up smoking.  So, Forsyth secretly plotted to attract older people who once smoked but had given it up.


The centerpiece of the campaign were ads designed to make former smokers nostalgic for the days when they smoked.  The advertisements featured images from the 1970’s and 1980’s, linking those images to Forsyth’s products. One such ad displayed a race car which bore a striking resemblance to Lothar Motschenbacher’s.  In an effort to avoid a lawsuit, Forsyth modified the image used by RJ Reynolds in its television ad by removing the word “Winston” from the car’s spoiler, and placing a beautiful woman in the driver’s seat.


Stella Motschenbacher, Motschenbacher’s daughter and sole heir to his estate, saw the advertisement and immediately recognized the car as her father’s.  Your assignment is to assess the strength of her claim against Forsyth for violation of the right of publicity.  Your analysis must include arguments for both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Classical Trade Theories

Question 1. Classical Trade Theories (5 points)

Each letter on the right belongs to one of the three theories on the left. Please type the letter below the correct choice.


Theory of mercantilism









Theory of absolute advantage







Theory of comparative advantage


a. The value of any good is a function of the amount of labor expended in its production, so the idea of the division of labor is a way of increasing production efficiency.


b. Government should intervene in international trade by protecting infant industries, promoting industrialization, and protecting jobs that are lower paid and require lower levels of skills.


c. The EU claims that the US subsidizes its wheat industry excessively, while the US argues that the European Common Agricultural Policy similarly favors European farmers.


d. In the area of shipbuilding, the UK was the world leader through the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, as the new economies built up their human and material production resources, they proceeded to undercut the production costs of UK shipbuilding, while maintaining the quality necessary to ship owners. Both Japan and South Korea contributed to the virtual demise of a UK industry that had dominated the world, and the riverfronts of major cities such as Belfast, Glasgow and Newcastle.


e. Government places a tax on foreign produce. As a result, the imported goods become more expensive compared to the domestically produced equivalent. Consumers are more likely to purchase goods delivered by home-country firms. At the same time, the government also benefits from duties paid on those goods.


Strategy Report on current job and workplace

. Prepare an individual report demonstrating that you a) understand the key ideas presented in the assigned and recommended readings for Week 1 and b) can analyze critically the extent to which they are applicable in your current workplace. Your report should be 800-1000 words and must cite supporting evidence from the readings (or the Week 1 discussion). Your report should be double-spaced and use APA format. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count. You do not need to include an abstract.
2. The questions your report must address are: What business model does your company use? What is your organization’s vision and mission? What objective evidence is there that your organization’s vision, mission, and objectives is helping it gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Only briefly touch on what objective evidence, using the Three Tests of a Winning Strategy, is there that your organization’s vision, mission, and objectives support its strategy? (We will address the three tests in more detail later) Be sure to introduce your argument, explain your understanding of key terms, present your reasoning, and include independently verifiable supporting evidence.

Week 1 Reading and Materials:

The Drive for International Trade

Perfect Competition

Apply Urban Anthropological theories and notions to the analysis of an urban issue. The urban issue to be researched is modern day nomads, the economic and societal benefits and issues they cause and how they think and create space and place (from an anthropological perspective) differently from a normal person. 

Apply Urban Anthropological theories and notions to the analysis of an urban issue. The urban issue to be researched is modern day nomads, the economic and societal benefits and issues they cause and how they think and create space and place (from an anthropological perspective) differently from a normal person.

Please include the anthropological concepts of “urban space”, “public space” and “non-places” and three relevant questions to be presented for class room discussion.

Possible articles that you could use:

Berman, Marshall. “Take it to the Streets: Conflict and Community in Public Space,” in Dissent, Winter 1986, pgs.476-485

Walzer, Michael. “Public Space. Pleasures and Costs of Urbanity”, in Dissent, Winter 1986, pgs. 470-475

10 American Cities That Epitomize Nomadic Lifestyle

Crime Scene Sketching and Mapping

Article Review:


You will complete an Article Review in this module. After choosing from one area of Crime Scene Investigative techniques that are presented in the course each student will complete an Article Review. (Crime Scene Sketching and Mapping).


After reviewing different scholarly journals (must be written within 5 years), the student will select six articles and describe how they support or apply to the techniques you have selected. You should also include your opinion on how this technique is applicable to crime scene investigation.


This assignment must be written at the Graduate Level be no less than 1,200 words.  The word count includes ONLY the body of the paper.  The title page, abstract and references do not count.  All written assignments must be supported by a minimum number of three (3) authoritative sources.


Written assignments must be scholarly, not to be written in the first-person tense, and must follow the current American Psychological Association (APA) format and style (e.g., double-spaced, indents, etc.). You MUST also add the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) OR the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to the end of EVERY APA reference found on the internet.


***A score above 15% is unacceptable and will result in a loss of 10 points!


Gardner, R.M. (2012). Practical crime scene processing and investigation (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC. ISBN-13:978-1-4398-5302-3. (Ch. 7).



In a post of 500 to 600 words, systematically describe what you think is the best way to approach ethics. Your goal is to explain how we can know what makes an action moral or immoral

In this course you have spent a considerable amount of time studying metaethics, examining various ethical theories that promise to provide you with a methodology for determining right from wrong. These included a simple “list” metaethics, Virtue Ethics, Natural Law Ethics, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism, Duty Ethics, and the Revelational Christian Ethic, as well as related metaphysical views such as Social Contract Theory, Moral Realism, Divine Command Theory, and Divine Nature Theory. Now it is time for you to decide for yourself how you are going to distinguish what is moral from what is immoral. This is your chance to devise your own metaethical theory and present it to the class.

In a post of 500 to 600 words, systematically describe what you think is the best way to approach ethics. Your goal is to explain how we can know what makes an action moral or immoral. In doing this you must interact with the ethical theories that you have studied in class. You are not required to adopt one of these theories; you may make up your own or use one that you have come across in your research from other assignments/readings, but you can adopt one of the theories that you have studied if one of them seems best to you. Alternatively,​ you can combine theories if you think certain aspects of various theories work and complement each other, but be careful that you do not adopt theories that contradict one another.

In your thread, explain your theory and give a rationale for why you think yours is the best approach. Your argument(s) for your approach must be carefully-considered, logical arguments, not just “I feel like that would be best” or “that’s what I was raised to believe.”

Women Health- case study. Nurse Practitioner

See the Assessment Overview for administrative details (e.g. word count). If you have any questions about the assignment, please post a reply in this thread.

This case describes two encounters with the same client over a period of time. Read the case below, and answer the questions in order to demonstrate your clinical approach to caring for this patient population.

Rosalind is a Jamaican-born 31 y.o. female who moved to Canada approximately ten years ago, when she married her Canadian husband, Patrick. She presents in clinic today for a well-woman exam. It has been three years since her last encounter with the clinic. During your history assessment, she tells you that she and her husband have been trying to conceive for at least a year, with no success. She says that her sisters back in Jamaica also had problems with fertility, but she doesn’t know why.

Describe what further information you would want to ask during this visit? (history and review of systems) (15)
How would you approach pre-conception counselling at this point? (include the cultural aspects of care, fertility, primary health promotion) (15)
What interventions would you do today? Provide rationale (10)
It is now two years later, Rosalind is 33 years old. She is currently twelve weeks pregnant after a successful treatment with IVF on the third attempt (G3, P0). She is seeing an Obstetrician, but she and the specialist would prefer to have Shared Care with you as her Primary Care Provider.

What additional risk factors does invitro fertilization present? (5)
At this point in her pregnancy, what screening should be done? Describe how you would explain these tests to Rosalind? (15)
What prenatal teaching will you provide to Rosalind today? (15)
Describe your plan for Shared in this situation? (role of PCP and OBS) (5)

Scholarly Writing and Critical Thinking (20 marks)
Paper should be a maximum of 3000 words, excluding title page, references and appendices
Structure should be as per APA format with a title page, abstract, introduction and the body of the paper organized by the appropriate number and level of headings. A conclusion, references and appendices should also be present
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct
Ideas are clearly articulated and organized with effective communication of interpretations and conclusions Information is well organized such that logical links are evident within paragraphs, within sections and among sections of the paper
Relevant scholarly evidence is used to support statements and is accurately cited and referenced
References document the sources of information used in the description of the project
Evidence of critical thinking including analysis, synthesis, integration of theory and personal experiences and original thinking

GlobeSmart Reflection Paper

  1. You will take the GlobeSmart Cultural Assessment. Please register with your NEU email address at and follow the instructions to take the assessment.

Begin by clicking the tab titled “GlobeSmart Profile” at the top left.

Complete the survey. Don’t game the system – be honest with your responses.

Once the survey is complete, review each of the five dimensions of culture and where you fit within each one.  How do you compare relative to the five dimensions (Independent vs Interdependent, Egalitarian vs Status, Risk vs Certainty, Direct vs Indirect, Task vs Relationship)?  Do you agree with the assessment results?

Click the “Overview” tab at the top and read the explanation for each dimension.

Click the “Compare” tab and relate your profile against your home country and at least about 4 other countries. Two of these countries should be geographically near your immediate home country and the other two should be located on the opposite side of the world. For instance, if you live in China, you might select India, Vietnam, Australia, South Korea, or Japan in the set that most resembles your home country.  You should then consider selecting Britain, United States, Canada, Brazil, or Peru in the other set.

  1. Seek information from GlobeSmart on how your style aligns with the various countries in your comparison list.
  2. If you were to be assigned to work in any of the four countries you investigated, what adjustments would you need to make to your leadership style? Create a Personal Leadership Profile that will best support your work in any of these countries or help you to work at home more effectively with expatriates from these countries.
  3. What conclusions can you draw about your global leadership skills after completing the GlobeSmart Assessment?
  4. Your paper should be 4 – 5 pages (APA format, double-spaced, 12 font) excluding coversheet and references.