Writing Project 3: A Theory of Writing

A “theory” is a system of explanation, a particular way of thinking that helps to explain phenomena in
the world. As writers learn, work, and grow, many of us find it helpful to construct a “theory of writing”:
a description of what we understand writing to be and how our own writing practices have worked in
the past, currently work, and might work in the future.
For your third project—and as an important part of your final e-portfolio—you will have the opportunity
to construct your own theory of writing as a way of helping you to chart, analyze, and enrich your own
writing. This theory should be developed from your literacy practices throughout the course and
In this short essay, you will reflect on your development as a reader, writer, and critical thinker and
explain how your learning has led you to a specific theory of writing. Your theory should be informed by
your literacy practices and the learning outcomes of the course. It should also suggest how your prior
experiences with writing will prepare you for successful engagement in future personal, academic,
professional, and civic occasions for writing. Your reflection and theory of writing should be supported
by concrete evidence (i.e. quotes, examples, screen shots, anecdotes, and/or other examples) from your
own work and composing practices.
Requirements and Deliverables
1. Your essay should include a thesis that makes a claim about what you understand the act of
writing to be, and your essay should be organized in such a way that a reader can follow your
thinking and reasoning from paragraph to paragraph and within each paragraph.
2. Your theory of writing should illustrate your current struggles, accomplishments, and abilities as
a reader, writer, and critical thinker.
3. Your essay should relate your writing and your writing process to one bullet point of each of the
four outcome areas of the “WPA Outcomes Statement” (i.e. “Rhetorical Knowledge,” “Critical
Thinking, Reading, and Composing,” etc.). Additionally, you should discuss how you used one of the
Habits of Mind from the “Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing” to achieve one or more
of the WPA Outcomes.
4. You should support your claims about writing with specific and concrete references to your own
work (i.e. notes, process work, passages from your essays, project reflections, Writer’s Journals,
feedback on your peer’s work, etc.). This support might take the form of quotes, screenshots,
excerpts, narrated examples, peer reviews, anecdotes, etc.
5. Within your essay, you should not merely provide support; instead, you should explain what your
support is support for and how that support works. In other words, as you offer evidence to your
readers, make sure you explain what that evidence is meant to demonstrate or prove to them.
6. Your theory of writing should conclude by suggesting how your growth as a reader, writer, and
critical thinker throughout first-year composition prepares you for future personal, academic, and
professional writing and research projects.
7. You should include 2-3 multimodal elements such as photographs, hyperlinks to relevant
materials, and so forth. You must make sure your reader understands why you are including these
elements and why including them enriches your piece of writing. Since you will be making concrete
references to your previous work, these multimodal elements could be the same multimodal
elements that appeared in your other writing projects or assignments.
8. Your completed essay should have a title and be approximately 1700 words in length.

I live in Kennesaw, Ga. I am currently a Diesel Technician controlling a radius of 50 miles around Kennesaw, Ga. I provide roadside repair and towing. I have been a mobile technician for over 5 years. I love rescuing stranded trucker on the road. My position is very important to civilization because I help in import and export in my state. Goods can move freely from north to south. My strengths are in explaining, cause and effects for rapid repair so the driver don’t lose his load pay. My moto is diagnosed right the first time with the Georgia Truck Doctor.

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.

I live in Kennesaw, Ga. I am currently a Diesel Technician controlling a radius of 50 miles around Kennesaw, Ga. I provide roadside repair and towing. I have been a mobile technician for over 5 years. I love rescuing stranded trucker on the road. My position is very important to civilization because I help in import and export in my state. Goods can move freely from north to south. My strengths are in explaining, cause and effects for rapid repair so the driver don’t lose his load pay. My moto is diagnosed right the first time with the Georgia Truck Doctor.

My goal here at Purdue University is to get my master’s in psychology. I will be able to contribute to society as a well pronounced psychiatrist. There are several areas in the study, but I chose applied behavior. I can make a great impact on society treating the social behaviors between humans.

Two specific goals I plan to overcome is my confidence to write an effective paragraph with confidence. I plan to use the help me in tools, so I can become a better writer and a better message deliver.

I have no objective with the correction of proper English. I was raised where butchers sliced and diced every word in the English book. I plan to utilize on line tutors for guidance also.

I am confident in myself, I plan to let my studies show my anticipation. I do have some mild concerns but their future concerns. What are some pointers I can use to become an effective writer this semester?

Success means a lot in life and different to everyone’s goals. Success means forward momentum also progress and admiration.

Chicken International Group

Scenario # 2: Chicken International Group
You are the CEO of a chicken-processing company. The Vice President of marketing informs you that if
you label your chicken as “free range”, you can charge 20% more and greatly improve profit margins.
You find out that all that needs to be done to legally use the term “free range” is to open the door to the
hen house for 5 minutes a day. This provides the chickens with access to the outdoors when, in fact, very
few chickens will wander out when the door is open for 5 minutes. Moreover, the term “free range” may
be used regardless of space per chicken, number of chickens, or amount of time spent outside.
1. What is the ethical dilemma or issue?
2. What are the alternatives or possible courses of action? Identify at least 3 alternatives?
3. What are your recommendations? In other words, of the several alternatives you identified,
what do you think the company should do?
4. What is your rationale for your recommendations? In other words, why do you recommend this
course of action?

You began your research project by reading an article from the news about a current issue or event in society. Your goal in this essay is to explain to your professor how the research and writing you have done for your research project changed your understanding of that issue or event. You will explain what changes occurred in your understanding and how those changes occurred.

Reflective Essay
Task: Explain how the process of completing your research project has affected your understanding of an issue or event in society.
Length: 800-1200 words
Sources: No minimum number of sources. Cite any sources you use in APA format.
Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment
• Organize information clearly in an explanatory essay
• Use an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph to frame an essay
• Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing

• Topic
You began your research project by reading an article from the news about a current issue or event in society. Your goal in this essay is to explain to your professor how the research and writing you have done for your research project changed your understanding of that issue or event. You will explain what changes occurred in your understanding and how those changes occurred.
Here are some questions you can consider in developing ideas for your essay:
• What changes occurred in your understanding?
o Do you know more about the issue/event now than you did before? (Probably!)
o Do you look at the issue/event from a different perspective following your research?
o Have you reconsidered opinions or assumptions that you held at the beginning of the semester?
• How did those changes occur?
o Which sources from your research had the greatest effect on your understanding?
o Did the process of writing about your topic affect the way you thought about it?
o What role did interaction with your classmates and/or professor play in your understanding of your topic?
Organizing and supporting your essay
Your essay must include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
The introduction should gain your reader’s attention, orient the reader to your topic, and state your thesis.
The body of the essay should include focused body paragraphs in support of your thesis statement. There are various ways you might choose to organize information in the body of your essay. Here are some suggestions you can consider:
• You might focus each body paragraph on a step of the research process and how that step affected your understanding of the issue/event.
• You might focus each body paragraph on your understanding at a particular time relative to the research process (before, during, after).
• You might focus each body paragraph on a particular aspect of the issue/event and explain how your understanding of that aspect developed during your research.
The essay’s conclusion should answer the question “So what?” by placing the essay’s explanations into a larger context. To accomplish this, you can consider addressing one or more of these questions:
• Will your current understanding of your event/issue affect your future actions or decisions? If so, how?
• What lessons—about interpreting current events, about your field of study, about the research process—can be drawn from the experience of completing the research project?
• Is research of the sort done in WRTG 112 a worthwhile activity? Why or why not?
Point of view
First person (I/me/my) is appropriate in this assignment, but second person (you/your) should be avoided.
Formatting your assignment
Incorporate these elements of APA style:
• Use one-inch margins.
• Double space.
• Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
o Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school.
Please refer to the Prewriting Worksheet: Reflective Essay for guidance of formatting this assignment.

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing to critique.

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing to critique. Your critique should include the following:
Research Problem/Purpose
State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
State the purpose of the research.
Review of the Literature
Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?
Theoretical Framework
Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.
What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?
What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
Were ethical considerations addressed?
Data Analysis
What data analysis tool was used?
How were the results presented in the study?
Identify at least one (1) finding.
Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.
The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.

GeoPolitics of eLearning

Read Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Instructional Approaches, Group Processes and Educational Designs with a focus on the four CSCL models for promoting a collaborative environment. They are:
Face-to-Face, Synchronous CSCL
Synchronous Online CSCL
Blending Face-to-Face and Online Collaboration
CSCL with Web 2.0 Technologies
Read The Interpersonal Interaction in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment, and reflect on the authors’ definition of CSCL, as a democratic mode of participation where everyone’s voice can be heard and is given equal standing
Choose one of the four CSCL models to champion and advocate. Share what makes this the best model for collaborating with technology and the benefits it provides when compared with the other models. Explain how you would integrate this model into an eLearning environment so that all learners’ voices can be heard and be given equal standing. Defend your choice from personal experience, a learning theory, and at least one research study (PhD, EdD, and EdS students) or dissertation (PhD and EdD students); include course resources as applicable.

Budget production

Part 2 A: (must be completed in Excel)

Analysis :

Using the budget in part 1; Use as many time lines as you need forecast all your projected savings(investments) to get each investments future value. You will have to determine your PV, I/y, N, PMT then calc FV

If you don’t have any idea on the I/y you could use 5 or 6% to be conservative. N depends on your current age and when you think you will retire.

401k or (403B) whichever you use
Home Ect…….

Once you add up all the future values from step 2 above, and do a time line to determine how much you will be able to spend each year assuming you are going to spend all your money. I.e. your future value will be 0. To calculate N, you have to make a lot of assumptions. For example, if you are planning on retiring at age 65 and think (hope) you will life until you are 90 (25 years) your N will be 25.

Part 2 B: (must be completed in Excel)

Scenario Analysis:
Run at least 3 different scenarios to see the impact of decisions. Some examples may include:
What happens if you delay start of Savings for 5 years?
What happens if you work 3 more years?
What if the interest rate is higher/lower?
What if you have more to save after student loans are paid off?

Part 3:

Once you are completed with the three sections above write a page or two on what you learned from this project. This is open ended but I expect at a minimum of 1 page as a write up. Reflection could include but is not limited to the following questions:

What did you learn?
Was there anything unexpected?
What changes will you be making as a result?
How do you plan on investing their funds – why? How often will you review the Plan?
What benefits are there to budgeting?
What specific changes will you make as a result of this assignment?

Please note: APA formatting required for all outside sources.

Required: In no more than 1500 words, critique the use and practice of budgets within organisations.

The budget has historically played center stage in most organizations’
systems of management control.
Libby, T., & Lindsay, R. M. (2010). Beyond budgeting or budgeting reconsidered? A survey
of North-American budgeting practice. Management Accounting Research, 21(1), 56-76.
In no more than 1500 words, critique the use and practice of budgets within
Marking schedule for question two:
Introduction 5 marks
Formulates and describes the issue and highlights the importance of the
Gives a brief overview of the structure of the essay.
Literature Review 10 marks
Provides a critical analysis of recent and relevant literature from a range of
Forms the basis of essay debate and discussion.
Issues and Debate 15 marks
Informed and logical argument developed and supported throughout.
Focuses on the main themes of the essay.
Relates topics and theories within and beyond class readings to the main
themes of the essay.
Presentation and Grammar 10 marks
Logical structure and concise with an appropriate linkages between
Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, varied sentence structure and
appropriate word choice.
Referencing 5 marks
Proper citing and referencing using the APA Referencing Style.
Citing and referencing at least three articles from peer reviewed journals
along with other references as appropriate.
Structure or discussion not discussed in other literature.
Conclusion 5 marks
Conclusions arise from the analysis and are linked to the purpose of the
Summarising and providing implications or future direction.

Should the government mandate vaccination for all US citizens?

Professional nursing requires a balance between evidence based knowledge, skills, and attitudes and professional confidence, maturity, caring, and compassion. In this global society, patient populations are increasingly diverse. Therefore, essential to the care of diverse populations is the need for evidence based knowledge and sensitivity to variables such as age, gender, culture, health disparities, socioeconomic status, race, and spirituality. Altruism (the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others), autonomy (freedom from external control or influence; independence), human dignity (equal and inalienable rights of all members), integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness), and social justice (justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society) are professional values of the caring, professional nurse. Nurses, guided by these values, demonstrate ethical behavior in patient care (AACN, Faculty Tool Kit: Essentials of Baccalaureate Education, 2009, p.8)

• Choose one (Should the government mandate vaccination for all US citizens?
)of the following topics in public health and write a 4-page paper highlighting how the principles of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, or social justice can be applied to the topic you chose. Provide background on the topic, choose a stand on the topic and support your stand of the topic with a minimum of four (4) peer reviewed, scholarly sources throughout the paper.

Page count does not include cover page and references. Paper must be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and follow APA guidelines for margins, cover page, running head, and references.
• Should the government mandate vaccination for all US citizens?

Ruby is 2 ½ years old. She finds it challenging to socialize and use her words with the other children and will often disrupt their play. Amar (3 years) is playing in the sandpit with the trucks when Ruby comes and takes a truck from Amar. He says “Stop! Stop! I was playing with that.” Ruby ignores him and starts playing with the truck. Amar becomes distressed and emotional.

13 Scenario – ‘Socializing, no language and I’m upset /emotional ’
Ruby is 2 ½ years old. She finds it challenging to socialize and use her words with the other children
and will often disrupt their play. Amar (3 years) is playing in the sandpit with the trucks when Ruby
comes and takes a truck from Amar. He says “Stop! Stop! I was playing with that.” Ruby ignores him
and starts playing with the truck. Amar becomes distressed and emotional.

1.13a How will you support Amar’s distress feelings and Ruby’s continuous disruptions to others?
Provide 1 (one) example of support for each child.

1.14 Scenario – ‘wearing a sun hat’
While the babies/toddlers are playing outside, Sienna (9 months) and Travis (20 months) constantly
pull off their hats. Each time you put her hat back on Sienna pulls it off and laughs. Travis throws his
hat by the shed and when asked to put it back on he refuses.

1.14a What strategies would you provide for the babies/toddlers to support sun protection? Consider the centre recommendations/policy and procedure and relevant authorities.

1.15 Poster – Supporting Breast feeding

Create a poster (A4) format that can be displayed at the centre for breast feeding mothers and families.
The poster will demonstrate your knowledge of:
• The importance of breastfeeding
• The approved standards for cleaning of utensils
• The safe storage and heating of expressed breast milk.
• How you can provide a supportive environment for a mother of a baby in care to continue breast feeding.
Please ensure the poster is of a professional standard and proof read or edited by another person for spelling and comprehension.