Research John Bowlby’s ‘Attachment theory’ Provide a paragraph of your knowledge and understanding of this theory when caring for babies and toddlers?

Assessment 1-
Research Project
You will document your responses to the questions and scenarios listed in the document. You may use a combination of the knowledge you have gained thus far in your study or research your responses. Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers and provide written answers to the following questions.

Create a poster
(A4) format that can be displayed at the centre for breast feeding mothers and families.
The poster will demonstrate your knowledge

Assessment Instrument:
1.1 Research John Bowlby’s ‘Attachment theory’
Provide a paragraph of your knowledge and understanding of this theory when caring for babies and toddlers?

Babies are born into the world pre-programmed to form attachments with others because it helps them to survive. Infants first form attachments with the person who feeds them (usually the mother) because they associate food with comfort eventually finding comfort in the mother herself. They then discover that their actions bring responses from others, such as, crying and smiling, and through this learning process they learn to repeat those desirable actions to gain the things they want. By the time the child is 10 months old and onwards they would have developed multiple attachments and study indicates that these attachments were more likely to form with the person that responds to the child’s signals and actions rather than the person that spent the most time with them. Intensely attached children are with mothers who respond quickly to their child’s actions and signals and interact with them the most. Failure to interact can result in weak attachment between mother and child.

1.2 Explain why it is important to have positive interactions with children to encourage optimal brain development in babies and toddlers.
• Include 2(two) strategies where educators can support positive interactions

1.3 Name 6(six) safe sleeping preventive measures a child care service should use to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

– Place baby on his/her back when sleeping
– Keeps babies face and head uncovered when sleeping
– Keep baby smoke/drug free
– Provide a safe sleeping environment (certified crib)
– Have the baby sleep in a designated safe sleeping place in the same room as care giver (supervised sleeping)
– Have the child breastfed
1.4 From the list below, identify what is a safe or unsafe practice when working with babies and toddlers. For each unsafe practice, suggest what you could do to ensure that this practice can be safe for the child.
Practice Safe or unsafe
Leave child on change table to find their nappy Unsafe, prepare nappy before you begin changing the baby.
Place cushions around baby who is starting to sit unassisted Safe if supervised
Place child in high chair with no safety straps Unsafe, get a highchair with straps
Offer small beads to baby to explore Unsafe if the beads are small enough to be swallowed. Give them a non-choke hazard toy to explore
Offer sturdy walker for new walkers to use Safe if supervised
Tidy the areas regularly to allow children to roll, crawl and walk freely Safe

1.5 Name 4(four) points to check to ensure that cots, bedding and equipment meet the Australian safety standards.

– Check for the label AS2172
– Check if wobbly or broken parts that make the cot weak
– Check if the sides of the cot are high enough that the toddler can’t climb up and out
– Check for sharp corner posts, bolts, knobs or holes that the child could get caught in/on

1.6 Refer to the following documents – which are used and referred to in a child care service.
Write a paragraph describing the purpose of each document.
a) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNCRC is a treaty that sets out the political, civil, social, economical, health and cultural rights of children. It defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless the age majority is gained earlier than eighteen under the national legislation.

b) Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics is the protection and wellbeing of children and the responsibilities of childhood professionals who work with or on the behalf of children and their families.

c) The Centre’s organizational standards
d) The Centre’s policies and procedures.
The centre has policies and procedure that are required under the regulations.
The policies and procedures are required in relation to the following:
– Health and Safety
– Staffing Arrangements
– Relationships with Children
– Physical Environment
– Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
– Governance and leadership
– Educational program and practice

1.7 State at least 1(one) professional website address where you can access The National Quality Framework, National Quality Standards and The Early Years Learning framework documents.

1.8 Refer to the document above in resources EYLF – Belonging, Being & Becoming
Read Principles/Practices and the Learning Outcomes.
For a) and b) provide 3(three) examples
How can you:
a) Create genuine partnerships with families
– Families and childhood educators should be able to trust each other
– Families and childhood educators should be able to communicate freely with each other
– Families and childhood educators should be able to engage in shared decision-making
– Families and childhood educators should be able to value each others knowledge of each child

How can you:
b) Promote children to feel safe, secure and supported

1.9 What could be the impact (effects) on children when they start at a service and educators change their routines and environments? Provide 2(two) examples.
– Feeling of anxiety from separation of their usual care giver
– Feeling overwhelmed or unsure when learning to adjust to a new routine

1.10 Research – Department of Health$File/0-5yrACTIVE_Brochure_FA%20SCREEN.pdf
What are the National physical activity recommendations and times for:

• 0-5 years

• 5-12 years

1.11 Below is the schedule the Department of Health recommends for the immunizations for young children. Research this schedule and insert the correct ages and record in the space provided.

Age Vaccine

• Hepatitis B (hepB)
• Hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenza type b, inactivated poliomyelitis (polio) (hepB – DTPa – Hib-IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (13vPCV)
• Rotavirus
• Hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae type b, inactivated poliomyelitis (polio) (hepB-DTPa-Hib-IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (13vPCV)
• Rotavirus
• Hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenzae type b, inactivated poliomyelitis (polio) (hepB-DTPa-Hib-IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (13vPCV)
• Rotavirus b
• Haemophilus influenza type b and meningococcal C (Hib-MenC)
• Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
• Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough)
• Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chickenpox) (MMRV)
• Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough) and inactivated poliomyelitis (polio) (DTPa-IPV)
• Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) (to be given only if MMRV vaccine was not given at 18 months)

Risk Assessment

objective: This assignment will give you an objective risk profile. You are to take the assessment and then answer the questions below

1. Go to the following website and complete a risk profile questionnaire:

2. After taking the risk quiz, write a minimum of one page answering the following questions:

• What is your risk score/level?

• What factors were used to determine your risk profile?

• Are you in agreement with the results presented? Why or why not?

• Based on your profile, discuss how you would currently invest a lump sum that you recently inherited? Be specific.

o Use outside research to identify investment options.
o How did you determine these investments would match your risk profile
o Using the last 12 month average what would the lump sum be worth in 20 years?
o Using the last 5 year (or longest average available in history of investment if created less than five years ago) what would the lump sum be worth in 20 years?

• Do you anticipate your risk appetite to change during your lifetime? Why?

Discipline your Children, what is more effective physical or non-physical punishments. How do your children behave after being expose to both for a limited time?

In the Proposal, you will begin documenting your intended observation of social behavior and submit it for review before engaging in the actual observation to make sure you are on the right track. The proposal should be written in future tense as you will not yet have engaged in the observation and should be about two double-spaced pages long.

  1. Literature Review Sample:Copy and paste one abstract from social psychological literature relating to your intended observation, and explain how it helps form the research question or observational methodology for your observation. *Please read the Literature Review section of the Final Paper instructions for more information on choosing an appropriate abstract.
  2. Introduction & Proposed Research Question: Identify the general social psychology principle you will be looking for in your observation, describe how the abstract you’ve included in your Literature Review section relates to your observation, and provide your ultimate research question(s). Make sure that your research question is capable of being answered through observation alone. You have not done all the research necessary to fully develop these concepts yet, but explain what you are thinking at this proposal stage.  You will develop these topics further in the Final Paper; at this point, I just want to make sure that you are on the right track.   Note:  You should read ahead in your in-class readings if you intend to investigate a topic that comes at the end of the class. Remember to include APA-style in-text citations where appropriate, including any references to things you have learned from your class readings. *See the “How APA-Style Citations and References Can Help You Prevent Plagiarism” section at the end of the syllabus (which was referenced in the Plagiarism Tutorial & APA-Style Citations/References Discussion). And please read the Introduction and Research Question sections of the Final Paper instructions for more on what kinds of information to include for these topics.
  3. Proposed Subjects & Setting:Identify the proposed subjects and setting for your observation.  These may change after you do more research, but again, I just want to make sure you are on the right track.  *Please read the Subjects and Settings sections of the Final Paper instructions for more on what kinds of information to include for these topics.
  4. Proposed Observational Methodology: Describe how you plan to conduct your observations.  Include as much information as you can at this point.  You can modify this information before conducting your actual study; this is just to see if you are on the right track.  *Please read the Observational Methodology section of the Final Paper instructions for more on what kinds of information to include for these topics.
  5. References: Finish your proposal with a proper APA-style reference for the abstract you included above and any other external sources you have included in your proposal. *See the “How APA-Style Citations and References Can Help You Prevent Plagiarism” section at the end of the syllabus.


Literature review for full paper. Locate five appropriate abstracts from social psychological literature relating to your observation. Copy and paste these abstracts in this section of your paper; below each abstract, explain how this article helped form the research question or observational methodology for your observation.  Note that an abstract is one of the first elements included in professionally published articles; it serves as the summary of the entire article.  In most cases, the articles you will consider will be research based (meaning that the authors actually conducted an experiment), but you may also choose articles that are more theoretical in nature as long as they have an abstract.  Many websites contain unprofessional “stories” that do not contain abstracts; this makes them inappropriate for this assignment. [Formatting notes: Clearly number and label the beginning of each abstract with an appropriate APA-style in-text citation (i.e., the author’s last names and publication year); e.g., Abstract 1: Smith & Jones, 2015.  Also clearly label your interpretation of how the abstract contributes to your research question by using some appropriate subheading (e.g., Contribution:, Evaluation:, etc.]

I am 22 years old, happily engaged and a mother to a handsome, loving 3-year-old. Also, as of Aug 23 we have opened our arms and door to a 17-year-old friend who was making the wrong decisions for his future

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.

I am 22 years old, happily engaged and a mother to a handsome, loving 3-year-old. Also, as of Aug 23 we have opened our arms and door to a 17-year-old friend who was making the wrong decisions for his future. My family and I currently reside in Saint Petersburg, Florida but plan to move out of state within the next 2 years. For the past 3 years I have worked in both childcare and nursing, however I am switching up the plan and going back to school for social work. Both jobs helped me realize that I love working with all types of ages and making an impact in a person’s life, but my personal experiences assisted me on which road I wanted to get on to help all individuals.

We all have had different stages in our life from hobbies to interests, one of mine was wanting to become a famous writer. Since a child I have always had so much to say but I never knew the right way to write it down for others to read. I would read so many books and mentally put a book together but whenever I tried to put it down on paper it would be a devastating fail. When I read the first question in Linda Talley’s article I immediately knew it was meant for me. “Why is it so easy to say you’ll set goals but difficult to actually set them and achieve them?” I have pondered this question at least a million times a year on every goal I have tried to set but never fell through with it. The article helped clear a lot of that question up. I believe 1 of my biggest problem with writing is that, just like when I talk, I ramble from one thing to another and then my paper is everywhere from the beginning to the end and then some. The second issue would be writers block. I have such a hard time forming the right words to make sense and still sound formal.

My question to all of you is what do you think would help my writers block and how could I avoid rambling?

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.

oh my lanta I just realized that I am turning 30 this year. I live in Marion, Iowa with my husband and 4 children, Serrenitee she is 9, Gavinlee he is 8, Leevigh he is 5, and Weslee he is 3. We also have 12 pets, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and 5 ferrets. We love to spend time outside as much as possible, as you can imagine I can be busy with everyday life and some might even call me crazy for returning to school and completing the nursing program.

In the nursing program I would assume writing is important. I have not always been good with writing or reading, if I’m honest; but I really haven’t been put in the position that I would need these skills. I have high anxiety about posting pretty much anything because of my lack of knowledge and I look forward to increasing my overall knowledge in writing. In today’s high-tech lifestyle, it is way too easy to write the way we speak or text sometimes, which as we all know is not proper, grammar is typically out the window is spelling is shortened as much as possible. I would like to improve on this and be able to write a paragraph with confidence.

In the Set and Achieve Goals article point two and four are things that I already do. I write my goals down and even write every step that I need to complete to achieve that goal, I guess that would be my plan! Even with this class, on Sunday when they opened for preview I wrote down what is due when and I wrote out a plan of what I am going to do when for the entire term. When I don’t hit a goal that I have my mind sent on, I don’t give up I push harder and revise my plan taking my errors into consideration, so that I can strive to be my absolute best.

I think that the writing center is going to be a big help, unitizing the tutor center when needed and the review option will be big helps for someone like me, not confident in their writing ability. I look forward to learning all that this course has to offer!

write a discussion paper where you explore the ways in which the lessons learned from this case study may be applied to practice in your own community. This may be in response to a specific issue in your community or in a broader, more developmental, sense, but should reflect the reality of your chosen community. This discussion should demonstrate both your ability to extract relevant information from the case and to adapt that information to allow its application in a local context.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Case Study Analysis Aligned subject learning outcomes • become familiar with a number of models and theories of community work practice and the ideological and value positions associated with them. • develop a critical appreciation of strategies and roles for developing sustainable communities • develop a critical understanding of the concept of community; the nature of community work and community development and the relevance of these to contemporary societies and social welfare practice • develop an awareness of the knowledge and skills necessary for effective, progressive community work practice • Be able to apply and adapt the knowledge and skills necessary for effective and progressive community work practice Aligned professional standards/ competencies • The ability to select and organize information and to communicate it accurately, cogently, coherently, creatively and ethically, • The ability to read complex and demanding texts accurately, critically and insightfully • The ability to deploy critically evaluated information to practical ends, • The acquisition of coherent and disciplined sets of skills, knowledge, values and professional ethics from at least one discipline area Group or individual Group and individual Weighting 60%
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: DESCRIPTION Submission: First part presentation in class and the second part through safe assignment This assignment involves analysing a case study (based on your learning from across this subject) and then applying the lessons from that case study to a local situation. The assignment has two components, a group presentation and an individual paper, each of these components is worth 30% of the overall subject mark. Together, they represent 60% of the overall result for the subject.
1. Group Component. You will be allocated into a small group of students. As a group, you will be allocated a case study. Produce a critical analysis of this case study drawing on the conceptual material covered in the subject. For example, this may involve discussion of the way in which the idea of community is conceived in the case; the model of community practice employed; the role of the state or partnerships; decision-making and leadership; practice frameworks employed, etc. Your analysis should serve to demonstrate your understanding of the material covered in the subject. Page 11 of 18 Present your analysis of the case study to the Workshop. At the time of presentation please submit the following to the lecturer • A pdf document of the slides used formatted to two slides per page • A short essay of 1500 words summarising the key points presented. This must be written with proper academic rigor and must be substantiated with proper references.

2. Individual Component. Individually, write a discussion paper where you explore the ways in which the lessons learned from this case study may be applied to practice in your own community. This may be in response to a specific issue in your community or in a broader, more developmental, sense, but should reflect the reality of your chosen community. This discussion should demonstrate both your ability to extract relevant information from the case and to adapt that information to allow its application in a local context. The individual paper length is 2000 words, and should be submitted electronically via the LearnJCU SafeAssign drop box. This paper should be appropriately structured and use references appropriately.

Event Study

This is an individual task that is designed to build your research, analysis and writing skills. This project will require you to use online databases to search and obtain announcements by companies, share price histories for companies and market wide information.

You will also utilise the key business desk top analysis tool, “Excel”, to manipulate the data you obtain to calculate, analyse and produce graphical representations of the key information.

You may like to refer to the course textbook by Horngren Accounting (8th Ed.), giving emphasis on the contents of Chapter 18 Financial Statement Analysis, to evaluate and put into context the factors behind the profit results announced by the company.


Suggested Structure of Report

1. Title page

2. Objectives of the report

3. Overview of industry and company.
• A brief overview of the industry and your company is required to ‘set the scene’ for the reader.

4. Overview of the announcement and expected impact
• Introduce the announcement, give a succinct summary of the key financial and, if applicable, non-financial elements.
• Provide a justified expectation of the impact of the announcement on your company’s share price (up or down, good news/ bad news etc). Be sure to discuss what YOU THOUGHT should happen based on the announcement and not a rationalisation of what did happen

5. A discussion and analysis of the actual stock market reaction and calculation of residuals.
• What actually happened around the date the announcement was released to the share price of your company and its competitors.
• Use your residual calculations to support your observations.
• Explain what the residual graph is presenting to the audience.
• This section will include the presentation of your cumulative residual graphs with a discussion on their importance and usefulness.
• If not what was expected, what are some reasons for the difference?
• Does the industry your company and its competitors operate affect the residual results or expectations?
• You can include information from company announcements, reports, news articles, graphs etc. to support your discussion.
• Any graphs that appear within the body of the report require appropriate formatting and labels.
• You do not need to include tables of formulas from Excel in your written report.

6. conclusion
• Your conclusion should address your report’s objectives and be fully supported by your report content. Do not introduce new ideas in the conclusion.

Other factors affecting your grade include:

7. References and appendices
• APA style is preferred. Referencing guides can be found at:
• Your attention is drawn to the faculty’s plagiarism policy, which is accessed through the Bond website.
• Appendices are graphs, tables and other supporting data that are supplementary to the main discussion but do not belong in the main body of the report.

8. Presentation and writing style
• Is your report appropriately formatted, written and presented (for example, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing)?
• Does the report have a suitable flow and structure?
• Have you used the correct terminology and vocabulary in context?
• Are your graphs, tables, pictures and/or figures readable, labelled and used appropriately?
• Have you corrected minor errors in your report during the proof reading process?
• Exceeding the word count may result in penalties.

Scholarly Finance paper

Using a minimum of 3 peer reviewed journal articles, discuss financial factors that influence health care today. Include funding sources, reimbursement methods, economic factors, business influences, and the cost containment including the role of the nurse. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length (not counting cover sheet or reference page) and be in APA format. This paper is a comprehensive view of the business of healthcare.
Some questions to consider when writing your paper:
 Is there a relationship between socioeconomic status and health/health outcomes?
 Is health care a right or a privilege?
 Is the Affordable Care Act the answer for Americans?
 What is the fiscal responsibility in the role of the nurse today?
 In an ideal world, what would your health care vision for America look like?

Benchmark – Social Psychology

Benchmark – Social Psychology
This assignment has two parts, the first part will require an exploration of the Social Psychology Network and the second part will require an examination of the research.
Part 1:
Choose one study from the Social Psychology Network website.
To access the online research:
1. Look under the header on the left side of the page labeled “Social Psychology Pages.”
2. Click on the link labeled “Online Psychology Studies”
3. Participate in a study
In 750-1,000 words, review research related to the topic area of the study chosen (some articles can be found in the Social Psychology Network site, others will require outside research). Identify the type of research (survey, experiment, etc.) used with the study and evaluate the appropriateness of that methodology. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as a means of collecting data in psychological research. Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns noted while participating in the study.
Use three to five scholarly sources in addition to the social psychology website, your textbook can be used as one of the resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 2.1: Utilize sociocultural factors to inform/influence scientific inquiry.

Aggregate Planning Supply Chain Management

Aggregate Planning is the Mathematical Approach to the business process we call Sales and Operations Planning.  This is the place where the Executive Team Collaborates to identify the best Demand and Supply and Financial Plans at an Aggregate Level with the goal to optimize performance based on all the trade-offs and inter-dependencies involved.
In order to explore the challenges a little from a Teamwork Perspectives, in this Discussion Forum let’s take a little walk in Someone Else’s Shoes. To do this, consider yourself wearing different hats so to speak: Marketing, Supply Chain (including Production and Distribution) and Finance.
Think about each of the key business functions as if you are the person responsible for that function.  For each Role:
Make a List of things that you might value / objectives you might have for your role.  Describe each one in full sentences.
Make a list of things that drive you crazy.  Describe each one in full sentences.
Consider and elaborate on the potential conflicts that can occur between the different functions based on the insight you gained in this exercise.
Share your ideas for enhancing collaboration in the Aggregate Planning Process for Demand, Supply and Financial Planning.