Locate the American History Opposing Viewpoints Project: American Events Reading Sites within the Module 2 Course content link. The topics and their respective websites within this link include… The American War for Independence: Treason or Justified Rebellion, The Boston Tea Party: Destruction of Private Property or Justified Act of Defiance, The Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Heretical Teacher or Guardian of Religious Liberty, etc. Identify a single topic and adjoining websites from among the options most appealing to you and provide a two paragraph written review via the following paragraph model below… 

Statement of Purpose or “Why Am I Doing This?”
The ability to perform solid research is a key to success in academics and professional life. Historical websites are a popular method of introducing individuals to the past in a way that is interesting and visually appealing. While not always the standard method of acquiring knowledge, historical programming can provide an overview of a topic that stimulates further research. In the academic realm, one of the most difficult tasks is to find and narrow a topic to a manageable level. This part of the assignment will utilize historical programming to provide students with an overview of an area of interest that will be used to drive the topic selection process and initiate research.

Completing This Assignment:

Locate the American History Opposing Viewpoints Project: American Events Reading Sites within the Module 2 Course content link. The topics and their respective websites within this link include… The American War for Independence: Treason or Justified Rebellion, The Boston Tea Party: Destruction of Private Property or Justified Act of Defiance, The Trial of Anne Hutchinson: Heretical Teacher or Guardian of Religious Liberty, etc. Identify a single topic and adjoining websites from among the options most appealing to you and provide a two paragraph written review via the following paragraph model below…
o Topic Headline: The topic headline will be chosen from the selection options.
o Paragraph 1: Summary of the main points covered in the websites. Be sure to be concise in overing your thoughts. Too much detail will make your paragraph very long.
o Paragraph 2: Conclusion, including how your perception or knowledge of the material may have changed. In this paragraph, you will provide your choice of topic for continued research and your reasons for choosing it.
• You must use the template for the assignment provided below.
• When you are finished, your assignment must be:
o In a Microsoft Word (or compatible) document
o Formatted, including:
 12-point Times New Roman font
 double-spaced
 1-inch margins
o Written and proofread carefully to ensure writing follows standards of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style expected at this academic level
 First person pronouns are permitted for this assignment.
 No citations are necessary unless direct quotes are used from the topic/websites.

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.  Perception is the way you view things. Perception is easily influenced by life, specifically the life you have lived and the things you were exposed to. Some of the things you have experienced have encouraged you for instance to not be as outgoing as you typically would. Each scenario brings a new perception to a new situation. 

Respond positively, specifically and substantially with a minimum of 200 words. No paraphrasing.

Perception is the way you view things. Perception is easily influenced by life, specifically the life you have lived and the things you were exposed to. Some of the things you have experienced have encouraged you for instance to not be as outgoing as you typically would. Each scenario brings a new perception to a new situation.

Within a professional setting your perception can play a major role due to the fact that you are introduced into an entirely new form of perceptions. You more than ever have to be more open to other people and their opinions. In your personal your setting you can more so control who is within your realm of perception, where you may not have to be as guarded with emotional structure and communication. That is not the case within the work field until you have found your complete comfort, something in which many people do not experience in their jobs.

In avoiding perceptual errors anywhere you should remain open minded and listen. Listening is truly the best way to perceive perception, and if you get the chance to express your own, do so in a manner that is not demeaning of their perception but as a teach me moment, educating someone on a different way to view something, and if you agree, that can be turned into a way of learning that other people can think like you.

Virginia Woolf, “An Unwritten Novel”

PREVIEW the text. Note the title, author, publication date, and genre.

READ. The first time through read slowly, slowly enough to both understand the story and recognize connections to the ideas and information we encountered previously.

REREAD. The second time through, read quickly. In the process (and instead of outlining), document all of the instances when the narration or dialogue conveys fairly explicit connections to the ideas and information in the texts we read previously. Include enough detail so that you can refer to the documentation rather than the text itself.

REVIEW. Review the documentation. Synthesize the main or emphasized ideas and information. A paragraph should suffice, assuming the remarks are based on thorough documentation.

REFLECT. Think back. Note the connections between the ideas and information expressed in the assigned text to those expressed in ones we have read previously. The goal here is not to compare what happens in the stories; rather, to recognize the similarities and difference between the ideas and information in the assigned text compared to the ideas and information in the ones we read previously.

“To write a proposal about how operations management and decision making are dealt with in uncertain circumstances where the work conditions and the projects settings are unclear, ambiguity is predominant making it even harder to operate”.

Proposal Topic:
“To write a proposal about how operations management and decision making are dealt with in
uncertain circumstances where the work conditions and the projects settings are unclear, ambiguity is
predominant making it even harder to operate”.
“Add that I am civil engineer working for some time in remote and post conflict locations, this subject is
important to me as it’s dealing with a relatively important subject faced in such locations for many
categories of beneficiaries: civilians, military; this subject could be applied for post conflict locations,
remote and hardship locations, locations subject to floods hurricanes fires …”
a/ Application process:
Proposal words count: 2500 words
Proposal components:
The research proposal should contain as much as possible of the following: an introduction or outline of
the proposed topic; a statement of objectives and/or specific research questions; a summary of some
of the relevant literature which supports the research objective(s); an indication of the intended
research methodology; an indication of the theoretical structure and/or conceptual outline; a
provisional timetable of the major phases of the research process; results expected from the research
e.g. practical value of the research or possible contributions to knowledge or policy or methodology. At
this stage we are not looking for a definitive document but merely an indication that you have thought
through most of the above issues. Please note that work submitted may be subject to screening via
plagiarism software.

For your final paper you will be selecting a clinical problem that both interests you and is relevant to your nursing practice. You will then be seeking a best practice, clinical guideline, or practice bundle that has been established to address this concern. For example, perhaps you are interested in the reduction of patient falls in your health care facility and you wish to implement the best interventions supported by research to prevent falls.

For your final paper you will be selecting a clinical problem that both interests you and is
relevant to your nursing practice. You will then be seeking a best practice, clinical
guideline, or practice bundle that has been established to address this concern. For
example, perhaps you are interested in the reduction of patient falls in your health care
facility and you wish to implement the best interventions supported by research to
prevent falls. After you identified this concern, you would then seek a clinical guideline
to guide you in the implementation of the evidence based change you would like to
make. You might use the Falls prevention clinical guideline developed by the RNAO. Or
perhaps you are interested in the clinical problem of catheter associated UTI’s and you
wish to implement the CAUTI prevention bundle. You will then develop a paper that
addresses the clinical concern, discusses the guideline you chose, and critically analyzes
three (3) research studies that support the change in practice. Following this you will
present the clinical setting and discuss how you might implement the guideline within
that setting. You are not required to implement, just formulate a plan.
Steps toDevelop the Paper:
1. Select a Clinical Problem for the Focus of Evidence-Based Practice Paper
Review recent research literature and select a clinical concern that is of interest to you
and nurses in your current practice area. A way to identify an area of interest may be to
ask yourself or colleagues questions such as: Is there a better way of doing
something? Would another intervention be more effective and improve patient
outcomes? What research-based intervention exists to improve current care in terms of
patient, provider, and health care agency outcomes? Look in the literature for
answers. Try to identify something for which you really want an answer. Be certain
that it is a clinical concern that you feel would improve patient outcomes in your clinical
area and most importantly, be certain it is a clinical concern that is addressed through
NURSING interventions.
Review a variety of web sites such as:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality http://www.ahrq.gov
National Guideline Clearinghouse http://www.guideline.gov
FINDING THE EVIDENCE http://hsl.uw.edu/
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Best Practice Guidelines http://www.rnao.org/Page.asp?PageID=861&SiteNodeID=133
RCN Clinical Guidelines http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/practice/clinicalguidelines
Nursing Best
Practices http://www.nursing.uiowa.edu/hartford/best-practices-for-healthcareprofessionals
Look for guidelines that will provide the solution and evidence based interventions for
your identified clinical concern and that will provide the support for the development of
your evidence-based paper. The important deciding factor is whether the intervention is
something registered nurses have decisional control over. Be careful NOT to choose an
intervention that is a medical intervention that is simply carried out by nurses. You need
to find a guideline that supports nursing actions and nursing sensitive outcomes.
1. Establish the Research Support
Using the existing protocol, clinical guideline, or best practice that you chose for your
evidence-based practice paper, identify at least three (3) research articles from
references of the protocol, clinical guideline, or best practice. Look for meta-analyses,
integrative reviews of research, clinical trials, and quasi-experimental studies related to
your topic.
Once you find the research studies, you will examine EACH study and describe the
will be quite easy to do as it should be clearly identified in the study. Fill this in the
Then note the levels of evidence for each study. The table follows. USE THIS TABLE
Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence/Levels of Evidence
Level I
Evidence for a systematic review or meta-analysis of all
relevant RCTs or evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
based on systematic reviews of RCTs.
Level II Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed RCT
Level III Evidence obtained from one well-designed controlled trials
without Randomization
Level IV Evidence from well-designed case-control and cohort studies
Level V Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative
Level VI Evidence from single DESCRIPTIVE or QUALITATIVE study
Level VII Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of
expert committees
* Table from Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek and Ellen Fineout-Overholt. Evidence-based
practice in nursing and healthcare. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005:10.
Note that when you determine the LEVEL OF EVIDENCE, YOU MUST JUSTIFY WHY YOU
CHOSE THAT LEVEL. Please do this carefully as this will reflect your understanding of
levels of evidence. Following the completion of the review of the three articles, you will
complete this assignment by writing a narrative summary of the levels of evidence of
the studies. This represents the “body of evidence” supporting your proposed clinical
change. Summarize how strong you feel the evidence is to support your proposed
change. Thus, you will submit three completed forms, a brief explanation at the end of
each signifying the strength of the evidence, and ONE paragraph at the end
summarizing the BODY OF EVIDENCE supporting your proposed change. These three
forms are to be included in the body of the paper and should NOT be submitted
Application of the Guideline, Protocol, or Best Practice to the Clinical Setting
During this section of the paper you will describe the clinical setting in which you
propose to implement the guideline and you will address how you will accomplish this
taking into consideration the agency, administration, staff, and desired outcomes of the
intervention. You will specify how you will plan this change and utilize a specific theory
of change (Lewin works best for this) to support your plan.
Synthesize the content of the paper with a full summary of the paper and provide at
least four significant summary points.
End the paper with a thoughtful reflection on the experience of seeking the evidence for
a change in clinical practice and the planning it takes to implement this change. Has
this experience broadened and strengthened your understanding of evidence based
nursing practice? How do you see yourself moving forward and using the understanding
and skills you developed through this assignment? Note that this is the only section of
the paper where you will use personal pronouns.
Provide full APA formatted references for all research studies and be sure that you have
provided citations for all the sources in your paper as well as full references for these
citations. It is expected that the content of the paper will be well supported with
support from credible and scholarly nursing sources.
Criteria for Paper:
APA format to include title page and reference page

Group observation project

observe/ attend two (2) group sessions in the community. i.e. – Open AA, OA, NA, grief group at hospices, etc. One (1) group observation can be an AA or NA group. If not an open group, secure permission from the group leader before attending. Check online, hospitals, etc.
2. Characteristics of Observed Group
i. Name of group
ii. Type of Group
iii. Objective of the group
iv. Date and start time and length (time) of group
v. Number of members present
vi. Structured or unstructured
vii. Facilitated by one leader or rotated to members
viii. Topic for this session
3. Perception of group leader (i.e. – leadership style)
4. Perception of group members
5. Your experience of the group process
6. What did you learn?
7. What were the differences and similarities of the two group sessions?
 Describe each session individually, and answer question #7 at the end of the second observation paper. Observations should each be 2-pgs typed and double spaced.

Group observation project- either 2 different groups can be observed
or the same type group at different times or location etc. See types of groups:
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Other substance-specific groups
Religious and culturally based support groups
Groups for women
SMART Recovery
Transitional living groups
Treatment program alumni groups
Depression, Anxiety,
Sex Offenders
Group Attendance and Journals – (100 points – 50pts each) (Group Process)

Students are required to submit a journal answering the following questions:
□ Explain your experience, feelings, and concerns related to the group session.
□ What did you learn about the group process?
□ What did you learned about yourself?
o Attendance in the Group process in mandatory
o All journals are confidential.
o Journals are based on participation in the group process; Each journal should be 2 pages.

Please follow the group plan as stated below
Group Plan (200 pt.)
 The Group Plan is meant to help you develop a written plan for a specific population on a specific topic.
 Plan should include the following:
i. Statement of purpose (10 pts)
ii. Setting – school level, grade level, location (10 pts)
iii. Target Population – including why this population was selected, needs of this group, age, grade, gender, homogeneous/heterogeneous (10 pts)
iv. How members will be selected (10 pts) – teacher, counselor or parent referral or needs assessment
v. Logistics – time, length of the sessions, place/location of sessions (10 pts)
vi. Leader skills – discuss the skills the leader should have to facilitate this group.(i.e. Test taking strategies) (10 pts)
vii. Plan for each sessions – Plan should be at least 8 sessions – total – 100 pts
1. Objective for each session – 5 pts
2. Texas Counseling and ASCA Standards – 5 pts
3. Icebreaker – 10 pts
4. Agenda for session- explaining how you will facilitate the group session – 40 pts
5. Closing activity for each session – 10 pts
6. Copies of all activities -20 pts
viii. Final closing Activity for the entire group process – 10 pts
ix. Evaluation Tool (20 pts) (i.e. – pre-post tests, grades, etc.)
x. Any forms – (5 pts)
1. permission letter
2. letters to teachers, flyers, passes, needs assessment, etc.
xi. Reference Page – (5 pts). cite all activities/ice breakers and reference page
xii. Presentation of plan – colorful, organized, bound – (10 pts)

DISCOVER Process of Creative Real-world Problem Solving: 1) What was the real-world problem that you or your team addressed and why was it challenging to solve? Answer: (I choose skin integrity and pressure ulcer issue so I want you to write on this topic)

DISCOVER Process of Creative Real-world Problem Solving:

1) What was the real-world problem that you or your team addressed and why was it challenging to solve?
Answer: (I choose skin integrity and pressure ulcer issue so I want you to write on this topic)

Skin integrity issues are real world nursing problem. Pressure ulcers and other skin breakdowns are among the most significant adverse events causing duress for patients and compromising patients’ recovery from illness or injury……. CONTINUE WITH THIS IDEA…

DESIGN Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

2) What were the approaches to the problem that you or your team identified, considered, analyzed, and evaluated, and why did some of those solutions appear stronger than others?
ANSWER: Weakly skin assessment is best tool to monitor the skin closely. HYDRATION. COORECT SITTING POSITION, dementia patient cannot express their needs etc…. Continue with ….

3) What were the creative solution(s) that you or your team selected and developed for addressing the identified real-world problem?
National pressure ulcer prevention etc………

4) Why should your or your team’s proposed solution to the real-world problem be considered creative, reasonable, and powerful?

DELIVER Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

5) How did you or your team present the proposed solution for the real-world problem?

Answer:: As a charge nurse of nursing home, I proposed a solution to my Director of Nursing (DON) to emphasize on weakly skin assessment, care planning and patient’s education. A through skin assessment gives important information about potentially serious disease, especially in older adults who are vulnerable to skin breakdown…????

6) Describe the audience to whom your presentation was made and their receptivity to your proposed solution.

Staff member of nursing homes (DON, LPN, CNA) were receptive to the proposed problem and solutions…..????? continue to write
REFLECT Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

7) What new learning or insights did you or your team gain about your DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DELIVER skill levels of creative real-world problem solving from this experience?

8) What would you or your team do differently to improve your DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DELIVER skills of creative real-world problem solving in the future?


9) How would you evaluate the overall problem-solving ability of you or your team?
• Do not forget to add your references to your report

What are the molecules that control apetite? (hint: next sentence) How do the orexins, leptin and ghrelin work together to control appetite? Which cells are responsible for producing these molecules and what are the molecular pathways that are activated? Identify the targets and how the signaling pathways are regulated. Which molecules oppose appetite and how do they suppress the craving for food? You may need to consider not only the signaling pathways but the neural pathways as well.

What are the molecules that control apetite? (hint: next sentence) How do the orexins,
leptin and ghrelin work together to control appetite? Which cells are responsible for
producing these molecules and what are the molecular pathways that are activated?
Identify the targets and how the signaling pathways are regulated. Which molecules
oppose appetite and how do they suppress the craving for food? You may need to
consider not only the signaling pathways but the neural pathways as well.
Creating a Discussion Outline
1. Once you have a list of facts, the next step is to put together an outline of your
2. Be sure to look at the question you are trying to answer. Frame your arguments
(data/facts) in
an order that makes logical sense.
a. Look for holes and find more references
b. Move things around so that you tell an interesting story.
c. Check to see that you have a beginning, a middle, and an ending.
3. Once you are satisfied with the flow of the discussion, create an outline for
submission and one
that you will actually use. See example:
a. Idea/assertion #1
i. Facts 1, 2, 3 etc. (list them though, I’m making this short)
1. Any sub-facts you already know you want to use., etc.
b. Idea/assertion #2
i. Facts 4, 5, 6 etc.
4. Create an outline for your discussion with the ideas and facts that you plan to use

For this interactive assignment, you will take on the role of a media outreach representative for either a law enforcement agency or a correctional organization. You have been called upon to create a marketing and advertising campaign aimed at improving public perception of your respective organization.

Marketing and advertising are not only staples of the business world but are also essential to the fields of law enforcement and corrections. Numerous studies have shown that community outreach, media portrayals, and public educational programs can be valuable tools for enhancing perceptions of law enforcement and corrections (see the required articles for this week).
For this interactive assignment, you will take on the role of a media outreach representative for either a law enforcement agency or a correctional organization. You have been called upon to create a marketing and advertising campaign aimed at improving public perception of your respective organization.
Create a PowerPoint presentation containing at least five slides detailing your media campaign. You must take into consideration the importance of branding, marketing, and advertising in your campaign. Tailor your efforts to focus on members of the general public.
In order to create cleaner slides, you may make use of the speaker’s notes section in each slide to draft what you would say if you were presenting the information. To make your presentation more interesting, include visual enhancements in your slides such as appropriate images, distinctive fonts, animations, or active transitions from content piece-to-content piece and slide-to-slide. Students may wish to use the Where to Get Free Images guide (available in the online classroom) for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.) It is recommended that you access Garr Reynolds’ Top Ten Slide Tips
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
that provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.
Your media campaign presentation must include the following:
Explain the elements of public finance and budget management as applied to your selected organization and how marketing and advertising is best accomplished within your organization.
Discuss how various marketing strategies can be used to increase public perception of the organization while considering both advantages and disadvantages of the technical aspects of budgeting and finance.
Explain the financial constraints that arise in budgeting due to marketing and advertising demands.


  1. Examine one’s self-concept and describe the influence it has on identity management and formation and how it shapes the perceptual process.
  2. Identify and apply the theories, models and principles of interpersonal communication in diverse contexts.

Communication and Identity Assignment Goal: The goal of the assignment is to explore your identity and how this influences interpersonal communication.

Assignment Specifics:

Part 1) Identify two social identities in the form of race, class, ethnicity, profession, gender, religion, family, subculture or other group identity. (e.g. Chinese, Accountant, Gay, Catholic). Briefly define, explain and describe each social group. (1 page)

Part 2) Identify the concrete, tangible, three dimensional signifiers of each identity including symbols, clothing, imagery, sound and documents of each identity. Then, identify the abstract values, attitudes, beliefs, norms and underlying assumptions of each identity. (1-2 Pages)

Part 3) Apply 3 course concepts from chapters 1-5 or from course lectures that explain or illustrate the development of your identity. Identify the concept, define it explicitly, and then cite the source or lecture of your concept or theory by page, author or date. (1 Page).

Part 4 Finally, briefly argue whether the social values, attitudes, beliefs or behaviors for each identity are positive or negative, and whether they should be sustained, abandoned or used differently, in addition to whether these attributes are positive or negative in managing interpersonal relationships with others.(1 page).


An “A” paper is well written, clear, follows assignment guidelines, is unique and thoughtful in its approach, stays focused on the topic, enhances others’ knowledge and is completed on time.