Personal Philosophy of Nursing:

Title Page
Introducing yourself- this can be personalized. The title page needs to include your name, professional status (student practical nurse), Title of the document (Professional Portfolio) (2) You can be creative on this page and include pictures, captions, or a simple paragraph introducing yourself (4)
Maximum score
Table of Contents:
Includes a list of contents inclusive of each of the sections outlined below (2)
Maximum score
Title pages for each of these sections:
Personal Philosophy of Nursing (1), Resume and former diploma, appraisals and evaluations, etc (1), PNP Reflective Practice and Evidence (Artifacts) (will include professional portfolio reflections a subsection for each nursing course: 1 main title page and 13 subsections one for each course) (14)
Maximum score
Personal Philosophy of Nursing:
Included a discussion of underlying beliefs about nursing (what kind of nurse do you want to be) (2), a minimum of three values are reflected in the philosophy (2) reflects your own perception of the primary role, goal and purpose of nursing (2), and perception of personal role in the profession and society as a nurse (what difference do you want to make) (2)
Maximum score
Former education and work experience:
Included a current Resume, and relevant artifacts certifications, diplomas, degrees, appraisals or evaluations from previous education, training or workplace (2)
Maximum score
Content is organized in appropriate sections and formatted appropriately correct margins and double-spaced as required, indent 5 spaces or 1 tab for new paragraphs, correct font – Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, reference page, artifacts are legible, etc. (6)
Maximum score
Grammar and Spelling:
Appropriate grammar and free from spelling errors ( < 3 errors= 6 marks, 3-6 errors = 4 marks, 7-10 errors = 2 mark, >10 =0)
Maximum score

Ba Beau
Box 1237
Slave Lake AB T0G2A0

Self-motivated, quick learner and good listener are reasons why I think I would be a good candidate for this
position. I am very motivated when trying new activities and retain what I learn.
● Computer Literate
● Personable
● Natural leader
● Responsible and reliable
● Flexible
● Self-motivated
Work history
Customer service manager
06/2018- current
Northern Star Hotel
Housekeeping suprivisor
01/ 2018 – 06/2018
Electronics department manager
08/ 2015- 05/ 2017
Cashier at McDonald’s
07/2014 – 09/2015
Customer service, prepare meals for service
Volunteer program assistant 09/2010 to 09/2014
Lakeside figure skating club, Slave Lake, AB
Volunteer for 8 months a year
Assisting can skate coaches with instruction
Leading groups and assisting in positive feedback to children
Being as positive role model
Volunteer wrangler assistant 10/2014 to 10/2015
Teen time of Edmonton, Slave Lake, AB
Volunteer for summer camps
Take care of horses and take out riders
Roland Michener Secondary School, Slave Lake. AB
09/2011 to 06/2016
Shilank Shilank
Assistant manager Staples
Rima Mouallem
Walmart wireless Manger

Political Socialization And Values

Answer these questions and reply to 2 post below
What or who has had the most impact on shaping your political beliefs/values (in other words, what “agents of socialization” have had the strongest impact on shaping your political values?)? Have your political values changed at all since starting this class? Is this consistent with the discussion on political socialization in your text? Before answering the discussion questions, please do the following:

1. Take this political typology quiz to get a sense of your political values and ideology. Not to worry, results are not visible to the instructor or your classmates and are completely confidential. You are free to share whatever information you learn from the quiz that you wish: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

2. Next, take a look at this interesting study done by Pew Research Center or political values in America. You can perhaps see where you match up. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Reply to these 2 post
1)While I definitely feel like my political views have changed since starting this class. I have gained a greater understanding about how to government works, how the framers intended it to work, and what that means for us as citizens.

As for the quiz, I think the questions were a little polarized, I really wanted some more middle ground questions. Most of the options I agreed with only half of the statement but with very few options I was forced to err on a more liberal side. I do consider myself more on that side of the political spectrum but those question really pushed me over to a more extreme side of the isle.

For example,

I believe that the government SHOULD help people in need, but not at the risk of going into unmanageable debt. I think there is a better balance to be achieved, a long process that over time would benefit the entire society.

The quiz, to me, actually showcases a problem that I see in our society. Everything is seen as black and white. One side or another. We don’t all need to agree, but it would be better, in my opinion, to all find common ground to start building a more amicable society. I hope to learn more about what I can do to make that future possible through this class and through being an active member of my society.

2)My political views or values have always remained the same, even since I started this course. When I was in the Marines, I would always get questions from civilians wanting to know what I am, republican or democrat. I would also be asked if I was an Obama supporter and I would just respond, “My president is my president and I just do what they say to do”. I don’t really define as a republican or democrat, instead, I define as being independent. The quiz results were fairly accurate for me. I can be very stubborn in some topics when it comes to issues in this nation. Even though my political views never changed, I have learned a lot already about our government, which is what I had intended to.

currency and banking situation in South Africa

We normally think of currency and banking risks as being something confined to third world or developing countries. But events in the past few years such as the Euro crisis or the financial crisis in the United States have shown that not even wealthy, developed countries are without risks on the financial side. So it is important for any company doing business in your country to carefully consider the risks that they face.
After you’ve done some research about financial issues in your country, write a 2- to 3-page paper covering the following issues:
The currency of your country: Is it stable? Does your country have fixed or floating exchange rates? Does the exchange rate fluctuate a lot?
The banking system in your country: How safe is this system? Any recent banking crisis in your country?
Overall, does the financial system in your country make it easy or difficult to do business? What kind of steps would you recommend for a company doing business in your country to hedge or minimize its financial risks? Refer to at least one of the required readings from the background materials in your answer.

Use these references:
International business finance. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions.
New York, NY.
International trade and finance. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions.
New York, NY. [Pay special attention to the last half of this tutorial on
exchange rates. The first half is not as important.]

Shackman, J. (2015). The economic and financial environment of
international business. Trident University International, Cypress, CA.
After going through the tutorials, get into more specifics and details with the following required readings:
Goyal, A. (2013, September 19). Dealing with currency volatility. Businessline. [ProQuest]

Agarwal, O. (2009). Chapter 5: Foreign exchange risks. In International
Financial Management. Mumbai, India: Himalaya Publishing House. [Ebrary].
The following book chapter is especially important for the discussion about managing marketing and production operations in response to changes in exchange rates at the end of the chapter:

Avadhani, V. (2010). Chapter 7: Management of international transaction exposure.
In International Financial Management. Mumbai, India: Himalaya Publishing House. [Ebrary]

Analyze the opportunities and risks relevant to your proposed economic initiative.

Business Case for a New Economic Opportunity
This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Business Case for a New Economic Opportunity assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do not turn in this document as your assignment submission.
Part 1: Risk and Mitigation Analysis
Analyze the opportunities and risks relevant to your proposed economic initiative.
• What are the opportunities that will be created by your proposed economic initiative?
o How will these opportunities be beneficial to your care setting?
• What are the risks associated with your proposed economic initiative?
o How could these risks pose a threat to the financial security of your care setting?
• How do the potential economic opportunities compare to the potential economic risks?
Propose ethical and culturally sensitive solutions to address the risks associated with your economic initiative to ensure the future security of your care setting.
• Which risks that you identified are potentially the most problematic for your care setting?
• How could each risk be mitigated?
o How could you modify your proposed economic initiative?
o How have other care settings and experts in the field dealt with similar risks?
o What other alternatives could you pursue to reduce the risks associated with your proposed initiative?
• How have ethics and equality factored into your proposed solutions (are your solutions not unfairly burdening or disadvantaging any specific groups)?
• How will this proposal affect community health care delivery outcomes?
o What makes this a great opportunity for economic growth?
o What might be potential issues to consider?

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership? Describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower. Why is this relationship important for organizations that are attempting to do the right thing? Based on your readings (both the articles provided and Terris’ text), what is the role of the Chief Ethics Officer and how does the role of this person relate to the success of the ethics related endeavors within large organizations?

In this assignment you will be asked to consider the role of organizational leaders with respect to ensuring companies work to create an ethical workplace culture. It is important for all upper level leaders to ‘walk the talk’ so to speak. In addition, many larger companies have a Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer who provides leadership and oversight to the company’s business ethics related endeavors. Recall that Lockheed Martin has such an executive level position. However, not all companies have such a position. In this assignment you will be asked to discuss the contributions of executive leaders and of the Ethics Officer with respect to building an organization that values workplace ethics.
What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership?
Describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower.
Why is this relationship important for organizations that are attempting to do the right thing?
Based on your readings (both the articles provided and Terris’ text), what is the role of the Chief Ethics Officer and how does the role of this person relate to the success of the ethics related endeavors within large organizations?

Use these references:
Terris, Daniel. (2005) Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation. Brandeis University Press. Waltham, MA. Retrieved from ProQuest ebrary.

Gnazzo, P. J. (2011). The Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer: A Test of Endurance. Business & Society Review (00453609), 116(4). Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Mihelic, K. K., Lipicnik, B., & Tekavcic, M., (2010). Ethical leadership. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 14(5), 31-41. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Oates, V., & Dalmau, Tim,. (2013). Instilling ethical leadership. Accountancy SA, 38-41. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2017). Wells fargo’s fake accounts scandal and its legal and ethical implications for management. S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 82(2), 4-19.

Venezia, C. C., Venezia, G., Cavico, F. J., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2011). Is ethics education necessary? A comparative study of moral cognizance in Taiwan and the United States. The International Business & Economics Research Journal, 10(3), 17-28.

You are to critically evaluate the substance of a scholarly criminal justice article. In this assignment, you will carefully read the content of a scholarly article and make your own assessments about the merits of the research and the argument.

You are to critically evaluate the substance of a scholarly criminal justice article. In this assignment, you will carefully read the content of a scholarly article and make your own assessments about the merits of the research and the argument.

For this assignment, you need to identify and evaluate a contemporary criminal justice research article on one of the subjects. Social Disorganization.

Then, write a 5–6 page paper, summarizing and evaluating the content of that article and discussing how it relates to the course material (Neighborhoods and Crime, Theory and Crime, Rational Choice Theory)

Use the instructions below to complete this assignment.

  1. Search for a criminal justice research article from the year 2010 or later on one of the following theories: social disorganization.
  2. Make sure that the article that you have chosen for this assignment is scholarly and peer-reviewed.
  3. Make sure that you have found a reputable article.
  4. Provide 2 peer review sources or periodicals.

Part 2: Reading the research article

Thoroughly read the research article. This requires that you read the paper several times.

  1. Read the instructions on how to read a scholarly article from the following websites:
  2. Take notes on your article as you read it.

Part 3: Writing a Draft

Draft a 5–6 page paper that answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of this study?
  • How does it contribute to existing research?
  • What exactly is the empirical study testing?
  • How are the main theoretical constructs measured? (You do not have to describe all of the variables in detail, but discuss how the most important abstract ideas from the theory have been operationalized and measured with concrete data.)
  • What are the main conclusions of this study?
  • What are the strengths and limitations?
  • What knowledge does this article add to the theoretical tradition that is being studied?

Part 4: Revising and Writing the Final Paper

Revise your draft into a final paper that is thorough, accurate, well organized, and interesting to read. Proofread your work carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes. Seek help with your writing before the paper deadline.

  1. Cite your sources properly using APA style(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  2. Do not plagiarize. Carefully read the information provided by the Library about what constitutes plagiarism(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. at Ask if you are unsure.
  3. Seek help with your writing well before the deadline.(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Writing quality is an important part of all graded assignments. In addition to using proper spelling and grammar, the words you choose and the tone of your writing should be the same as you would use in a business environment. You should use sophisticated vocabulary and avoid “text-speak” at all costs. You should also maintain a professional tone and avoid phrases that are too casual or colloquial for the business world.

Part 5: Formatting your Paper

Properly format your paper. It should be 5–6 pages long, using double spacing, 12-point font and 1-inch margins. All sources must be cited properly in the text and in the references using APA style. Read your paper several times to check for errors.

For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors


You are an expert analyst who has been asked to brief the newly appointed director of your unit on a specific policy issue that you feel warrants his/her earliest attention.

Students are required to prepare a ‘policy brief’ on a specific area of international policy of your choosing
(look through the unit guide for ideas, or speak to your lecturer). The policy brief is to be 1500 words
(between two (2) and three (3) pages of analysis, with up to one (1) page of appendixes of additional,
supporting information if required. Feel free to use headings, bullet points, tables, and/or graphics as you
see fit).
The setting:
You are an expert analyst who has been asked to brief the newly appointed director of your unit on a
specific policy issue that you feel warrants his/her earliest attention.
This director has not had any previous interactions with you. Whilst they command significant knowledge
of your general area of policy, in general, you know that directors do not appreciate the complexities of
specific issues as deeply as might a policy analyst.
In particular, directors might be missing the current ‘facts’, or the latest ‘thinking’ on how the current
situation might be addressed.
What the director is expecting
Based on a conversation with one of the director’s former colleagues, you know that the director is
expecting his/her expert analysts to both:
i) Identify and interpret the major elements of a specific area of public policy in international relations
(e.g. governance reforms to address the financial crisis); and
ii) Consider the relationships between the major actors, institutions and processes of public policy by one
country toward its neighbours (e.g. the Iran nuclear dispute) or within the international community (e.g.
climate change negotiations).
This former colleague also suggests you precisely identify the issue at hand, provide any relevant
background information up front, and close with two or three recommendations/observations so that the
director may take it forward.
Remember, you choose the policy setting, and you brief the director.
Final Policy Brief: Week 8 (for the final, written briefing report via
Length and/or format: Final Policy Brief: 1,500 words (approximately two (2) to three (3)
A4 pages, with up to one (1) page of appendixes of additional,
supporting information if required
1. To test the student’s ability to locate relevant information and
2. To test the student’s capacity to critically assess and
analyse/synthesis that information
3. To test the student’s ability to clearly and systematically
communicate that information in writing
Learning outcomes assessed:
i. demonstrate an understanding of different events and forces
that shape the international system (GA2, GA4, GA5, GA6,
ii. compare and explain how key theories of international relations
relate to and differ from each other (GA4, GA5,GA8)
iv. describe the role that individuals can play in world affairs (GA1,
GA2, GA4, GA5, GA8)
Assessment criteria:
Students will be assessed for how well they:
(1) Identify and interpret the major elements of a specific area of public policy in an international
setting (e.g. the problem of global poverty);
(2) Consider the relationships between the major actors, institutions and processes of public policy
by one country toward its neighbours (e.g. the Iran nuclear dispute) or within the international
community (e.g. climate change negotiations); and
(3) Present that information and the ideas that they have developed in a clear and convincing

Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun control, immigration reform, violence in the media, and the limits of free speech. Do NOT use any sources in this paper, since it is YOUR argument (Safe Assign will show me if you use other materials). In case you look up some facts and statistics you may need for your argument, keep those to a minimum, but make sure you specify where you got that information.

Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun control, immigration reform, violence in the media, and the limits of free speech. Do NOT use any sources in this paper, since it is YOUR argument (Safe Assign will show me if you use other materials). In case you look up some facts and statistics you may need for your argument, keep those to a minimum, but make sure you specify where you got that information.

Identify the controversy and the problems that arise in relation to the issue. Give a definition of your own to the concepts you are using, to lead the reader better toward an understanding of what the issue or problem is (best in the first body paragraph). You should use a combination of personal experience and your own reasoning to write this paper. You will then proceed to explaining what problems you see as part of the issue you have picked, and find: what you think are the causes and effects of the issue you picked; examples; solutions that do not work, and solutions that you think will work.

You will also think of at least one strong point that the opposition makes, and argue against it. This should constitute at least one full paragraph in your paper.

1. Introduction: presents what problem(s) you will discuss in relation to the topic you chose, narrows down the general topic to a specific area of interest to you, and very briefly announces the reasons you will give to take a particular side: causes, consequences, solution(s) (whichever applies), or whatever else you want to point out in your essay. Remember that sometimes it is best to write the final version of the introduction after you have completed the paper. You can start with a hook by presenting a disturbing example, briefly, then write your thesis statement.

2. Body paragraphs: the first one, ideally, will give some extensive definition(s) of what happens in the world or in your immediate vicinity in relation to that issue. Then, in no particular order, you will: discuss how it happens, why it happens, to whom it happens, what are its consequences, give examples, what are some solutions that do not work, and solutions that work, according to you (or that will work in the future). 3-4 paragraphs should be in support of your point of view, but at least in one additional paragraph you will also bring up what opponents of your position would say, and respond to them to show the weaknesses of their argument. Do not count your body paragraphs, but make sure you have enough reasons and examples developed into paragraphs. Your strongest point should be presented last, before the conclusion.

1. Conclusion: it shows what will happen in the future in your opinion; or, it draws some generalizations; or it summarizes what you have talked about and explains the overall importance of your essay or of addressing the issue the way you suggested; etc.

You will get comments from me, then you will write a second draft. The paper is in MLA format (double space, Times New Roman font, size 12; name, professor, course, date ALL in upper left corner, one under the other, on first page only; and add your last name under Header and number the pages). Use Format link for further MLA information.

Note: Do not use very informal language. This is an academic paper, so do not address the reader as you It is ok to use I but do not overuse it. Do not use chat room spellings such as u for you or thru for through.

Please read the following articles and write a critical thought paper according to the guideline,the paper has to be formal

Please read the following articles and write a critical thought paper according to the guideline,the paper has to be formal
– Psychology Today. (2015). Aging. Available online at:

– Jin, K. (2010). Modern biological theories of aging. Aging & Disease, 1(2), 72-74. Available online at:

– Dong, X., Milholland, B., & Vijg, J. (2016). Evidence for a limit to human lifespan. Nature, 538, 257-259. (attached)
*****You CAN NOT quote anything from the readings
Please pick one or two questions to answer to write a critical paper according to the readings above:
 Did something you learn from the reading surprise and/or interest you? If so, what? Why was this information surprising and/or interesting?
 How does this surprise and/or interest change the way you think about aging?
 How can you relate (apply) the knowledge you learned from the reading to the real world?
 Why would this application of knowledge be important or useful to the real world?

comparative political science

This paper asks you to identify three countries with an associated issue that is of interest to you.
The issue can be:
• Democratic rollback
• Any of the issues covered in the second half of the course: Immigration, Policing and
Incarceration; Drug Prohibition; Internet & Freedom of Speech; Climate Change;
Taxation; Human Rights Violations
• With permission of the instructor, another key world issue which has important lessons
for the US (I prefer a democracy here; but am open to non-democracies as well).
Selecting which Countries to Study: You should select countries and issues which you find
interesting – but which you also think have some lessons to teach the rest of the world:
• these lessons can be cautionary (don’t do what xx country has done or else democratic
rollback is likely!);
• or these lessons can teach us positive lessons: (Germany has effectively promoted green
energy as a response to climate change and we could all learn from this!)
Instructions for this Paper:
In this paper, you will:
• Develop a research question for each of your three country/issue pairings. Your research
question should be either:
o How and why is democracy being rolled back in x country?
§ Remember: “democracy” and “democratic rollback” are subjective
concepts! An erosion of liberty (human/civil rights); participation
(criminalizing protests, worsening repression during elections) and/or
competition (checks and balances).
o How and why is x country addressing a pressing world issue?
§ How: This is straightforward: Ex: How and why is Australia imposing
new restrictions on immigration?
§ Why: Take your first shot at answering this question: briefly summarize
and relate the relevant information pertaining to the issue that interests you
in each country. Such information might include (among other things):
What are the challenges and what are the successes? What are the
positions of political parties and social movements regarding the issue at
Outside research is required for this assignment:
Minimum number of sources required: two scholarly sources per country (i.e. a total of SIX
sources). Note—this is the minimum; more sources, including non-scholarly sources, are welcome,
and would serve you well for three next assignment, which will build upon this assignment and
obviously necessitate a more robust information-base.
* To find scholarly articles, try; or see the “Political Science” resources at the
following links:
*A bibliography, in addition to your footnotes, is required.
Formatting: Papers should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman (size 12) and one-inch,
justified margins. Please put page numbers at the bottom of each page. All papers of more
than one page should be stapled together. Double-sided printing is acceptable.
Purpose of Assignment:
This paper will serve as a preliminary survey of potential topics for your final paper; one of
the countries you examine here will be expounded upon in future assignments, ultimately becoming
a stand-alone 12-15 page paper. This assignment also provides an opportunity to foster research
skills, practice citing sources, and hone the ability to effectively summarize key information.
To keep in mind…
• You will later be selecting one of these three country/issue pairings to analyze more
closely in your next two papers.
• In Paper 2 you should discuss how the building blocks of democracy – competition,
participation, and liberties – shape the way a country responds to an issue or democratic
For example, if you research question is: How and why has Australia moved to limit
immigration, you would analyze:
• The form of competition (What positions have their courts, social
movements, and political parties advocated for re: immigration?
Have policies been made quickly or been delayed because of the
type of government they have (President vs. Prime Minister?
Majority vs. Proportional Representation?);
• The way their citizens politically participate (who gets to vote?
Have there been pro- and anti-immigrant marches?)
• or the rules and norms around citizen and non-citizen liberties