Strategic Purchasing

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Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing

Don’t type- Calibre or Verdana, font size 11, with 1.5 spacing



I just want the essay to talk more like a story on how I struggle and how I didnt back down and keep trying
on pre- cal
I dont want my essay to complain about how bad the teacher is
and for the conclusion I want the essay to summary or to talk about what I learn from failing
and it is ok to fail but explain how to learn from it
and to keep trying and dont back down
but it is ok to fail ones a while
as long as u try
I want the essay to have good details
instead of easy word or simply words

This is not just any normal essay it is my collage essay. When writing this essay think about a time where you need help with a subject at school and you did your best but your fail that class cause the teacher wasn’t so good.
My essay topic is: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you and what did you learn from the experience?
Background on my essay:
My essay is about me failing Pre- Cal. My Pre- Cal teacher Mr. Uy isn’t a really good teacher because of the lack of time he use in class for talking about life lessons out of no where, bad a teaching the lesson. When I say bad at teaching I literal mean that sometimes he would only go over one homework problem for notes and thats all or either he did go over the notes but it doesn’t match with the homework. I did ask him for help when I don’t understand but its hard to understand a teacher when they don’t speak English that clear. Mr. Uy is from the Philippines so when he speak English he has some kind of accent which I don’t mind at first but soon it really gets to you. I use UH Manoa which helps with math, science, English, and writing. UH Manoa is an app from the collage University in Hawaii of Manao. The app was design to help homework. But I could go on it all the time cause I have other school work not just pre – cal. When Mr. Uy gives quizzes which is every lesson it is worth more than tests. Every day is it always learn a new lesson, homework finish up, and then quiz. I never know whats on it cause he won’t tell us. Please write my collage essay with good details and word choice to use. Think about the time you had a hard time with school subject because the teacher was bad.
I. Intro

• A. Here, talk about the situation in general. Like you failed and stuff
II. Body

• A. Main Idea 1: Class
• 1. talk about how class time wasn’t used to how you would have benefitted from it (aka the life talks that he gave).
• 2. Give example about taking notes and how he would sometimes only do one of the homework problems and that’s it and how it wasn’t enough
• 3. Talk about how despite all this, you took good notes and tried your best to take in everything that he was saying
• B. Main Idea 2: Homework
• 1. Talk about how you would go home to find out that the notes did not help you with the homework at all because it was two different things.
• 2. Talk about how you tried to do it yourself but you couldn’t understand the concept/lesson on your own.
• 3. Talk about how despite all this, you still tried to do the homework as best as you can
• C. Main Idea 3: Quizzes
• 1. Here you can talk about how you had a quiz every class and how sometimes it would be similar to the homework, which you couldn’t understand, therefore you had trouble doing the quiz
• 2. Talk about how you tried your best to answer the questions
• 3. Then mention that you would fail the quiz because you didn’t understand and how the quizzes were worth more points than the tests
• 4. Talk about how stressed you were from failing your quizzes
• D. Main Idea 4: Getting Help
• 1. Talk about how you were stressed about your grades slipping, so you decided to get help from your teacher.
• 2. talk about his accent and that you were still confused after you would leave your meeting with him
• 3. Talk about how you went to UH Manoa’s tutoring, how helpful it was
• 4. Mention that you tried to get help as much as you could from them, but you were also balancing your other assignments
III. Conclusion
• What you learn about failure?
• End with a strong ending

Latest revision commentI am writing a collage essay on failure it needs to be in GOOD detail. In this case its on Pre- Cal but how can you learn from failure and not back down or rebound back from failing. I DON’T want my essay to sound like I am COMPLAINING ABOUT THE TEACHER INSTEAD I WANT IT TO BE LIKE STORY ON HOW NO ONE IS PREFECT and HOW I TRY MY BEST TO understand the lesson and bound back and didn’t back down.

I want the introduction to start out strong and catch the reader attention. The conclusion has to end strong with a message. The body paragraph has to flow together nicely.

How can i support my teenage brothers with their behaviour

First part
Importance of reflection in the assignment
80% reflection and 20% literature review
PS. I would provide most of the reflection the writer would rewrite
Second part
Three main questions for the assignment
80% literature review and 20% reflection
Third part
Implication for practice
Conclusion not necessarily a solution but maybe other qustions i might be considering to explore in future.First part
Importance of reflection in the assignment
80% reflection and 20% literature review
PS. I would provide most of the reflection the writer would rewrite
Second part
Three main questions for the assignment
80% literature review and 20% reflection
Third part
Implication for practice
Conclusion not necessarily a solution but maybe other qustions i might be considering to explore in future.

Wine Cups (Callirhoe involucrata)

Research information about the Chihuahua Desert plant, Wine Cups (Callirhoe involucrata).
Things that you can include in your information:
Scientific name
Common name(s)
Geographic distribution
Life history
Conservation status
Use (food, medicine, alcohol, ornamental, forage, house development),
Include figures: Maps, Images
Latest research on that species

Font: Times new roman
Letter size: 12
Double space

Research information about the Chihuahua Desert plant, Wine Cups (Callirhoe involucrata).
Things that you can include in your information:
Scientific name
Common name(s)
Geographic distribution
Life history
Conservation status
Use (food, medicine, alcohol, ornamental, forage, house development),
Include figures: Maps, Images
Latest research on that species

Font: Times new roman
Letter size: 12
Double space

Incoming Mail Procedures

Procedures in small and large companies, Confidential Sorting and Distributing Mail, Separating and Annotating Mail, Prioritizing and Routing Mail, FOCUS ON Protecting Confidential are the topics to use in the table of contents

Procedures in small and large companies, Confidential Sorting and Distributing Mail, Separating and Annotating Mail, Prioritizing and Routing Mail, FOCUS ON Protecting Confidential are the topics to use in the table of contents

Procedures in small and large companies, Confidential Sorting and Distributing Mail, Separating and Annotating Mail, Prioritizing and Routing Mail, FOCUS ON Protecting and Confidential are the topics to use in the table of contents

US History 101: Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)

Please write at least 1 page answering this question: you should be able to identify the accomplishments of the Reconstruction Era (1865-1877) and why it finally failed. Write an entry addressing the political, social, and economic sources of its demise.

Please provided a well reasoned argument with examples and/or evidence for your views. There is a difference between “I think. . ” and “I argue that. . .”Please write at least 1 page answering this question: you should be able to identify the accomplishments of the Reconstruction Era (1865-1877) and why it finally failed. Write an entry addressing the political, social, and economic sources of its demise.

Please provided a well reasoned argument with examples and/or evidence for your views. There is a difference between “I think. . ” and “I argue that. . .”

The Marxist Theory of the State

Reconstruct the argument by Karl Marx on the Theory of the State, present it in an original way and offer thoughts on its reception throughout the ages

At least one or more primary sources (original works by Karl Marx) as well as at least three secondary sources (books, articles, journals, other scholarly publications)

Introduction should provide the general presentation of the topic as well as an overview of the essay

Conclusion should sum up the main ideas presented within the essay

Pages must be numbered

References should be included at the end of sentences (Authors name (year of publication), page number)

Bibliography at the end of the paper

Thank you!!

An online library may be daunting and confusing. There are many databases, journals may appear in multiple databases, and sometimes search terms don’t generate expected results—and then the articles may be a challenging read at first. Searching academic libraries is a skill, and like many skills, it may take practice.

An online library may be daunting and confusing. There are many databases, journals may appear in multiple databases, and sometimes search terms don’t generate expected results—and then the articles may be a challenging read at first. Searching academic libraries is a skill, and like many skills, it may take practice.

To help you complete the journal article search for this Assignment, you will need the Searching the Literature Worksheet document, found in the Learning Resources. This tool is designed to help you plan your search strategy.

To begin using the worksheet, start filling in the appropriate boxes. Next, take your research question and add it in the first row across all columns. Create at least five synonyms for each column under your research questions terms. Take the different synonyms and create different combinations of search terms. For example, if you are searching violence prevention programs, you might create different searches that look like this:

The first search may look like this: violence prevention AND youth AND boy’s girl’s AND violent behaviors.
Another search may look like this: prevention programs AND partner violence AND violent attitudes and behaviors.
These different searches will yield diverse results. In this Assignment, you try different combinations of synonyms to help you find the best evidence.

To prepare: Follow the instructions for, and complete, the Searching the Literature Worksheet document, found in the Learning Resources.

By Day 7
Find five (5) journal articles that will best answer your research question. Among the five articles, try to find:
A systematic review
A meta-analysis
One to two (1–2) experimental designs
Randomized control trial
A qualitative study
Submit your completed Searching the Literature Worksheet document.


Due: 4/23/19 by 4pm.
Choose ONE of the following prompts. Respond completely in at least 1,500 words. You must submit your final draft to the Portal by 4pm on Tuesday, April 23, 2019. You must cite at least three sources in proper MLA formatting. Refer to the syllabus for the grading scale.
1. Describe the arguments for and against social responsibility. Utilize at least three examples for each to adequately support your findings.
2. Identify the impacts of technology on a firm of your choosing since the time it was founded.
3. Choose up to three laws below that had an impact on marketing. Explain why each was needed and the grander purpose it served. Include at least two applicable examples for each legislation.
a. Federal Food and Drug Act of 1906
b. Federal Hazardous Substances Act of 1960
c. Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968
d. Public Health Smoking Act of 1970
e. Natural Environmental Policy Act of 1970
f. Child Protection Act of 1990
g. Aviation Security Act of 2001
h. Do Not Call Law of 2003
i. CAN-SPAM Act of 2003
j. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
4. Identify and explain the five ways of entering the global marketplace. Discuss risk and return for each method. Cite examples.
● Cite your sources. Please include a minimum of three (our textbook can be one source) in proper MLA formatting.
● Refer to the Syllabus for further instruction on criteria for written assignments, as well as grading rubrics.

Book Review: The Strategist

Book Review – The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs, by Cynthia Montgomery

Address the following:
• Thesis – identify the central lesson the author is trying to teach
• Central pillars – define and discuss at least three major learning outcomes
• Discussion – reflection on the book’s impact on the future business manager

Use bold subheadings to segment the narrative. No cover page, outside sources, or bibliography needed.Book Review – The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs, by Cynthia Montgomery

Address the following:
• Thesis – identify the central lesson the author is trying to teach
• Central pillars – define and discuss at least three major learning outcomes
• Discussion – reflection on the book’s impact on the future business manager

Use bold subheadings to segment the narrative. No cover page, outside sources, or bibliography needed.