The United States saw waves of immigration and several changes in immigration law from the mid-1860s to the late 20th century. Discuss the impact immigration, immigration laws, and the backlash to immigration had on the social and economic development of the United States. Consider ethical arguments and civics in your discussion of immigration and reaction to immigration. Also analyze change over time in your response. 

The Essay Prompt
PROMPT: The United States saw waves of immigration and several changes in immigration law from the mid-1860s to the late 20th century. Discuss the impact immigration, immigration laws, and the backlash to immigration had on the social and economic development of the United States. Consider ethical arguments and civics in your discussion of immigration and reaction to immigration. Also analyze change over time in your response.

Hint 1: Consider the impact of laws contracting and expanding immigration. Consider who the immigrants were in the various waves, where they went when they arrived in the US, and what they did when they got there. Consider also how immigrants influenced American society and culture and also why there was often a backlash to immigrants. Once you have jotted down your facts, choose the strongest points and supporting evidence to write your essay, making sure you address the prompt fully. Be sure to consider evidence from the entire time period of the prompt in your essay.

Hint 2: Make sure that you integrate your discussion of Change over Time and Ethics/Civics throughout your analysis, not just in one paragraph. This means that Change over Time and Ethics/Civics WILL NOT be key points in your rule of three thesis statement


ACL Return to Sport after Injury Scale

The purpose of this survey is to gain consensus on how to deal with the psychological impact of ACL injuries. The rating scale will be 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 5 (Strongly Agree).

  1. After ACL injury are you confident that you can perform at your previous level of sports participation?
  2. Did you experience any psychological impact on re-injuring your knee by participating in sports?
  3. Are you nervous about participating in the sport you engage in?
  4. Can you take part in your sport without having a concern about your knee?
  5. Are you finding it frustrating to have to consider your knee concerning your sport?
  6. Are you fearful of re-injuring your knee while playing sport?
  7. Do you have a fear of going through ACL surgery and can it bar you from engaging in your sport?
  8. Do you have confidence and the ability to achieve the best in your sport after returning to sports ACL surgery?

Compare and contrast what Socrates says about justice in book 1 of Plato’s Republic with what Thrasymachus says about it earlier in Book 1. Discuss the following points in your analysis.

Compare and contrast what Socrates says about justice in book 1 of Plato’s Republic with what Thrasymachus says about it earlier in Book 1. Discuss the following points in your analysis.

Discuss Thrasymachus’s central claims about justice. Discuss how Socrates responds to his claims.
What are the implications for the relationship between advantage and justice? for the relationship between law and justice?
Do either (or both) speakers believe justice to be a virtue? How? Why or why not?
Does this explain why it can seem so hard to find good political rulers?
The main source you should use for this paper is Plato’s republic. You may cite other sources to supplement your argument if needed but the main source used in this paper should be the text of the Republic. Do not use quotations, rather summarize the arguments in your own words. Be sure to include footnotes and a bibliography.

Criminal justice

Dealing with Drugs
Sarah has been using illicit drugs since she was a young girl. She first tried marijuana at a middle-school dance. She has progressively advanced her illicit drug usage, and today at the age of 24 she regularly uses cocaine, marijuana, PCP, and other “recreational” drugs. Sarah argues that she is not hurting anyone, not even herself, with her illicit drug usage. She believes the misuse of drugs is a moral question rather than a legal one.

One night Sarah is coming home from a night of partying and is involved in a minor traffic accident. The police are called, and they find a small bag of cocaine on the passenger’s seat of Sarah’s car at the scene of the accident. Sarah is arrested for possession of an illicit drug. At Sarah’s arraignment, her lawyer argues that Sarah has a drug problem. Sarah refuses to accept this and argues she should not be considered a criminal for doing so. After all, she has never sold drugs and what she does with her body is her personal choice.

You are an intern working for the defense attorney, and she has asked you to prepare a written report that details key aspects of education and treatment for illegal drug use, as well as information related to legalization and decriminalization. Your report will include defining current legislation related to treatment versus imprisonment, as well as what a drug court is. You must also define the terms legalization and decriminalization and provide five (5) arguments for legalization and decriminalization of illicit drug use on a personal basis. It is her hope that this information will aid the court in deciding what action to take in Sarah’s case.

Deterring Crime

You have learned about the Classical School and the Positive School of Criminological Thought. Each school has major propositions about the causes of crime. For this question, focus on the Classical School and the two famous writers, Bentham and Beccaria, who espoused many of the classical school principles.

Thinking about these writers and their focus on deterrence, analyze a community’s use of surveillance cameras as a way to deter crime. For example, recently four youth were caught on tape vandalizing a fishpond in front of a teacher’s house. The fish were all killed because the boys put some toxins in the water. In addition, the property around the fishpond was destroyed. The camera, located in a neighbor’s yard, had been installed to keep speeders from speeding through the residential area. Clearly, however, the camera was installed to act as a deterrent (e.g., a crime prevention strategy).

How would you rate the effectiveness of the video camera as a deterrent?

In explaining your answer, you should explain what Benthan and Beccaria said about deterrence, the three main components of deterrence, and the two types of deterrence. Then analyze this information in relationship to the surveillance camera.

Networked public

you will select one significant networked public*** you interact with through social media and name it. The name you give this public can be your paper title. First you will introduce this public. Then you will describe the culture of this public and explain why it is important in your life. Next, you will imagine how someone like you might have interacted with this public (or a similar public) in history, before the existence of social media. Last, you will conclude by re-summarizing and offering new insight on why this matters.

Requirements: 3 full double-spaced pages minimum per paper. Use four core concepts in each paper from the beginning of textbook chapters. In each paper, use effectively and cite two sources including one source from our class readings or textbook links, and one source you find on your own. One of your two sources must be a scholarly source.* Citations should be in APA** format.

It appears that Louise Mallard is a woman who feels oppressed and trapped in her marriage. Discuss this theme of oppression as it is explored in Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour.”   You should have at least three specific textual examples for support.   This textual support should be correctly incorporated and documented according to MLA guidelines.

Choose one of the following essay prompts and write a thoughtful, critical, literary analysis of approximately two typed pages (minimum of 5 paragraphs).


  1. It appears that Louise Mallard is a woman who feels oppressed and trapped in her marriage. Discuss this theme of oppression as it is explored in Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour.”   You should have at least three specific textual examples for support.   This textual support should be correctly incorporated and documented according to MLA guidelines.


  1. After some serious contemplative thought about Calixta in Kate Chopin’s short story, “The Storm,” write a character analysis of her. You should have at least three character traits that can be supported with the text.  Again, your documented textual support must follow MLA guidelines.


  1. Discuss Kate Chopin’s use of symbolism in her short story, “The Story of an Hour.” You must use ­­three specific examples/symbols.


  1. A possible theme for Eudora Welty’s short story, “A Visit of Charity,” is the treatment of the elderly. Discuss the significance of the setting in the exploration of this theme.  (you may want to read the section on setting beginning on page 195)


  1. Discuss the theme of resistance to change as it is explored in William Faulkner’s short story, “A Rose for Emily.” Be sure to provide at least three examples from the text to support your discussion of this theme.


  1. Discuss the theme of abuse as it is explored in Zora Neale Hurston’s short story, “Sweat.” Be sure to consider three types of abused explored in the text.



  • Be sure that your essay has a clear and interesting introduction, which includes a thesis (some point you want to make). Your introduction should captivate your reader’s attention and make him/her want to read your essay.
  • Be sure that you indicate the author, genre and title of the work you are analyzing in your introduction.
  • Be sure that you have clear and sufficient textual support for your thesis. This means that you must be sure to cite from the text (using MLA parenthetical documentation) to support your point/s.
  • Be sure that you develop your ideas clearly and effectively.
  • Be sure to use the present tense when discussing literature.
  • Be sure that your essay flows in a coherent and logical manner.
  • Be sure that you use clear transitions between paragraphs.
  • Be sure that you have a conclusion that adds a sense of unity to your essay.
  • Be sure that your essay has: a title/cover page (with a creative title), an outline, is double-spaced and has proper margins and is typed using Times New Roman–12. Do not use italics or bold print.
  • Be sure to indicate which essay prompt you are responding to on your cover page.
  • Be sure that your name appears only on your cover page.
  • Keep in mind that the titles of short stories and poems are enclosed within quotation marks. Such titles are NOT underlined or italicized.
  • Be sure to print your essay on one side of the paper one.


Cyber Issue Paper

Your final assignment is where you will weave the first two elements (the Cyber White Paper
and Cyber Research Proposal) together, and incorporate your research analysis, to create a
coherent issue paper that is 13-15 pages in length. While it is inappropriate (not to mention a
violation of university policy) to cut-and-paste from past assignments in old courses into new
ones, this research project is evolutionary and builds itself up from a research proposal to a
completed product. For this reason, in this class it is permissible to paste the information (as
appropriate and as it makes sense) from the first two assignments assigned in this course into
your final assignment.
Format. Your research paper should include a title page, body, and reference page. Your paper
should have a 1-inch border on all four sides, use Times New Roman-12 point font, be double
spaced, and not have an extra space in-between paragraphs. (You may need to turn this off in
MS word by going to “paragraph” and clicking “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same
style). Since this is an INTL course you need to use the Turabian parenthetical citation style with
a references page.
You are encouraged to refer to Belcher, Wendy Laura. 2009. “Editing Your Sentences” In
Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks. A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Sage. This
resource has an excellent step-by-step process for enhancing your writing.
Your research paper should include the following sections:
This section should be written last and should pull from some of the elements of your research
proposal. You will need to clearly provide an overview of the topic you are writing about, a
concise synopsis of the issues, state your research question, and discuss why the situation is
important to investigate. Writing the introduction last is helpful in ensuring that you’ve
incorporated any changes that may have taken place over the course of your research. This
section should be 1 page in length.
Literature Review.
Your literature review section is a synthesis of the sources that you identified in your second
assignment in addition to other sources that you have identified to support your research. This
section should be 3-4 pages in length.
This section will pull from, and expand upon, your research design section within your first
assignment. Methodology sections are another standard element in research papers as they
provide the reader with a clear understanding for how the research was carried out. In this
section you should discuss your case study methodology and explain the validity of your
approach. In your explanation be sure you explain how you chose the case to investigate, your
data collection method, your data analysis (i.e. the questions you asked to help guide your
research and thus answer your primary research question), and any potential data limitations and
biases that pertain to this specific project. In your discussion of the studies limitations you should
keep in mind that it is always best to end on a positive note, so be sure you discuss your plan to
mitigate the limitations and biases, if any. This section should be 1-2 pages in length.
Analysis and Findings.
This section and the conclusion discussed below are essentially the two newest components of
your research project. Your analysis and findings section should provide a narrative of your
research and the analytical arguments that you will make as a result of your findings. In this
section you will discuss the different information processing errors that occurred within your
chosen situation and explain how they lead to or are leading to errors in analysis and/or decisionmaking.
Within this section you should provide the evidence that proves or disproves your
research hypothesis. This section should be 5-6 pages in length.
This section will contain the concluding analytical arguments based on what the research has
revealed. Here you will discuss some of the techniques and strategies that can be used to help
mitigate the information processing errors and/or decision-making errors that occurred during the
situation under investigation.
Like any conclusion, it should provide a synopsis of the project, the strategy, the results, and
what the research adds to our body of knowledge. Within your conclusion you should also offer
suggestions for avenues of future research for other scholars as all knowledge is evolutionary.
This section should be 1-2 pages in length.
This section will contain all of the references that you have cited within your paper. They should
be listed in Turabian References format and arranged alphabetically. Entitle this section as
“References”, each source notation should be single spaced with one space between each source.
At this level your references should fall within the 18-25 sources range and be made up
primarily of peer-reviewed content

Reflections Criteria – Personal & Career Development

General information 1. Your name
2. The title of the event
3. The date of the event
4. The organiser & presenters of the event
5. The location of the event
Description Details of the event/development activity
1. What happened
2. What was the experience
3. What was your role
4. What did other people do/What did you do
5. What was the purpose
Self-analysis Your thoughts before the event (YOU)
1. What were you thoughts/feelings/values/attitudes/reactions/assumptions
2. What was the reason/thinking behind you taking part in this activity
3. Why is it of relevance to your personal development- YOUR PDP? MUST LINK TO PDP
4. Assumptions on Self-Assessment Tests prior to completing them
– Post analyses – Changed Opinion Positive/ identified weaknesses of test & researched same
5. Reactions
– Do not agree with result. Justify using examples as this could reflect weakness of test or lack of self-awareness
– Agree with result. Provided example/story to explain own ability to relate result to life example
Analysis of learning
The learnings from the event or activity
1. What did you learn?
2. What generalisations/conclusions (about your learning) can you draw from the experience?
3. Use literature to derive understanding
Tip: Keep a learning log if the event is over a time period (6 week course, Day 1/Day 2/ Day 3)
Application in context Those learnings relevant to you (YOU)
Application in Context- General
1. How does it link to previous knowledge, experience, learning, assumptions
2. How does it link to theory, frameworks?
3. How and why you think there is a link. The importance of the link. Show that you understand the relationships you perceive to exist- it can’t be implied or superficially done, it must be articulated in detail
4. How does it help you explain or understand (or not) previous knowledge, experiences?
Personal, Career, Professional Development/Goals
5. Link to previous knowledge, experience, learning, assumptions. Link to theory, frameworks? How does it help you explain or understand (or not) previous knowledge, experiences?
6. What about your current context e.g. looking for job, in transition, new career? How do results reflect this context? What does literature/studies say you should have done/should do (using test results/POD’s) given this context?
7. What is your career goal? Is there a connection made between results/analyses & these goals?
Critical analysis of those learnings
1. Evaluate/discuss/debate the learning
2. Critically evaluate area (both sides or angles)
– Was the experience/event/learning good or bad?
– Did you agree/disagree and why?
– What are your conclusions or constructive criticisms?
– How does it test or require you to re-interpret or re-consider what you already knew/previously did know
Reconstruct self-concept
After evaluation, how do those learnings change you (YOU)
1. What changes can you make
2. What changes will you make or what has changed
3. What would you do differently or will you do differently next time as a consequence of this event?
Action As a result of those learnings/ change in self-concept, what have you done or plan to do to put that into practice (action/application)
1. How did you apply that learning
2. Give an example/evidence of i) understanding the learning from the activity and ii) you putting the learning into practice
3. What worked/ what didn’t work in your efforts to put the learning into practice and why
4. What are your plans for future actions to apply this learning

Demonstrate critical thinking and reflective practice while providing individualized, culturally competent, person-centered care • Integrate nursing theories, conceptual frameworks and evidence based practice while planning care of individuals

• Demonstrate critical thinking and reflective practice while providing individualized, culturally competent, person-centered care
• Integrate nursing theories, conceptual frameworks and evidence based practice while planning care of individuals
Learning Objectives
• Please see the syllabus for learning objectives in modules 3 and 4
1. Review the chapter 17 in Astle et al, 2019. Pay careful attention to the information on the communication. You may also want to review the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) module on Relational Practice (CLPNA, 2018) which is available on their website
2. Reflect on an interaction you have had with a health care provider in the past and consider the following question
• In your opinion was the interaction with the health care provider positive, negative or neutral?
• What is therapeutic communication and how is it used?
• What are the techniques of therapeutic communication? Were any of these techniques used in the interaction?
• What are some aspects of non-therapeutic communication? Were any of elements of non-therapeutic communication used in the interaction?
• If you were the health care provider in this scenario how would have you used techniques of therapeutic communication to build a relationship?
3. Write a reflection summarizing the interaction with the health care provider
4. Submit your assignment via Brightspace electronic drop box
Rubric/Marking Criteria
Criteria containing an asterisk (*) indicates an exceptional thought and effort
Criteria Weighting/Rating
Interaction summary
Summary of a health care interaction 1
Summary adheres to the principles of spelling and grammar 1
Identifies the interaction as positive, negative or neutral Explains if the interaction was positive, negative of neural. 2
An explanation of therapeutic communication is given and supported with current literature 2
Three techniques of therapeutic communication are discussed and supported with current literature 3
Identifies if techniques of therapeutic communication were used in the interaction 1
Three aspects of non-therapeutic communication are discussed and supported with current literature. 3
Identifies if techniques of non-therapeutic communication were used in the interaction 1
Indicates three ways how they would change the interaction to incorporate techniques of therapeutic communication 3
Reflection demonstrates exceptional comprehension, deep thought and is meaningful 3*
Minimum of three different sources are used 1
Resources are referenced in correct APA format 1
Research on the topic was thoughtful and academically rigorous 3*
Total for learning activity /25
Percentage in course 30%

International Marketing post #4

Choice #4: Chapter application: Ch. 6. iPhone (designed by Apple in California and assembled in China by Foxconn) is a major global brand in the mobile phone market and maintains a good market share in the U.S. and beyond. Please compare and contrast “iPhone X’s” prices in three countries by using the following format:

Country name, price of iPhone (in local currency and U.S. dollar)
Top three selling brands in the country (branding issues)
Country-specific issues; population, per capita income, market size, market demand, potential market penetration in country, etc. (see textbook pp. 193-196); reasons and major segments buying iPhones
Chapter-specific applications
Note: Suggested sites:


* Yahoo Finance

* Google Search

* For ‘Country-Specific Data’, see The World Bank