You have recently been elected the Governor of Texas. You built your successful campaign around promises to address four issues that are significant to the voters of Texas: controlling immigration from Mexico, upgrading the state’s roads and highways, making sure the death penalty is applied fairly and improving k-12 education. Please discuss each of these issues

Congratulations! You have recently been elected the Governor of Texas. You built your successful campaign around promises to address four issues that are significant to the voters of Texas: controlling immigration from Mexico, upgrading the state’s roads and highways, making sure the death penalty is applied fairly and improving k-12 education. Please discuss each of these issues and focus on the following:


  1. Write a paper that answers the questions below.
  2.  In explaining how you will vote on the bill, be sure to explain the following:
  • Why these issues likely helped get you elected Governor (refer to Campaign message and campaign strategy from Unit 2)? (Unit 2 Written Lectures, Slide 24)
  • Discuss the formal and informal powers of the Governor Texas? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 5-9)
  • What is at least one formal power (do not use the same formal power all of the issues) that you can use to get each policy passed by the legislature? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 5, 6 & 7)
  • What is at least one informal power (do not sue the same informal power for each of the issues) that you can use to get each policy passed by the legislature? (Unit 6 Written Lectures, Slides 8 &9)

3. The paper should include subject headers (ie. Campaign Issues, Formal Powers, Informal Powers, etc

Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information

  1. Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information (P6)

Explain how Barclay’s policies deal with operational issues in relation to the use of its business information.


  1. How do Barclays ensure the security of information (DPA 1988)?
  2. Explain 3 purposes of creating backups.
  3. Describe why it is important for Barclays to comply with The Health and Safety Act (1974).
  4. How do Barclays comply with the Health and Safety Act 1974?
  5. What other organisational policies has Barclays created?  Give 2 examples and explain what these policies are for?
  6. Define ‘Business Continuance Plan’ and explain what Barclays must prepare for.
  7. Explain the cost and impact for a business of new developments in technology.
  8. Define ‘technical obsolescence’.


Use the organisation’s corporate website to investigate how they control information and their corporate communication strategies.





LEAN Project Application Paper

Topic: Lean Project due week 6 (reference page 231 Six Sigma and Process Improvement by Gitlow, Melnyck, and Levine and page 111 Lean QuickStart by Sweeney)
In this paper, you may develop a lean project for your current company. If you do not currently work your strategy could be something that is needed to achieve for professional or educational purposes. Example for finding a project is on page 238 in Six Sigma and Process Improvement, where the authors use ABC Hospital.
Development of a A3, Control Chart, Run Chart, Pareto Chart, Flow Chart, Cause and Effect Diagram, Histogram, and Scatter Diagram are required elements in the Lean Project.
Additionally, completion of Lean Project is based on the readings and understandings in Six Sigma, Lean QuickStart Guide. Focus on Adjust, Plan, Check, and Do.
Purpose of the Application Paper:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the main principles of Six Sigma Lean.
2. Develop/improve written communication skills.
Introduction/Purpose (focus of the strategic development)
Grasp the Situation, Target Graph, Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Chart, Action Plan, A3 chart, Control Chart, Run Chart, Pareto Chart, Flow Chart, a Cause and Effect Diagram, Histogram, and Scatter Diagram.
Summary & synthesis of applications and analysis
Paper will include at least 3 peer reviewed references
Paper will be at least 5 pages in length-not including the title or reference pages

Projected Expenditures

It’s very important to determine how much cash your new business will need to open and operate smoothly. Therefore, you must know how much capital you will need in order to cover all business expenses until you will reach the break-even point.  Note that your business should have enough cash to cover all projected expenses for at least six months.

In this assignment, you will create a list of all your projected expenditures. The following steps can help you get started:

  • First Step– List of all needed assets (equipment, furniture, fixtures, supplies, software) and people needed to start and operate your business
  • Second Step– List startup costs for inventory, marketing, sales, permits, needed market research, licenses, certificates, initial investment, legal fees, or professional charges
  • Third Step– Compute your monthly (min. 6 months) fixed expenses such as rent, insurance, utilities, phone, lease, health insurance, loan payments, taxes, Internet, shipping and other services,
  • Last Step– Estimate your salary, employees or hired contractors

This assignment will also help you to develop some sections of your Business Plan (Start Up and Running Costs sections).

Please note, the startup costs will depend on the type of the business and industry that you are planning to enter.

Therefore, the amount of projected expenses in the various categories may also very across industries.

Submission Format

  • Include a table with all projected monthly expenditures for at least 6 months.
  • Briefly explain your Start Up Costs items to include at least one source.








Projected Start Up Costs Sample

Business Start Up Costs/ Month January, 2017
Cash $   11,000
Inventory  $   5,600.00
Equipment  $   2,800.00
Auto  $15,000.00
Other assets  $          0.00
Subtotal $       34,400
Rent  $ 1,500.00
Lease deposit  $ 1,700.00
Marketing  $ 2,500.00
Legal fees  $    700.00
Consulting fees  $    500.00
Miscellaneous  $ 1,100.00
Total Start Up Costs  $ 8,000.00
Financing (Owner’s Equity and Liabilities)  
Owner Initial Investment  $ 12,400.00
External Investment  $   3,000.00
Total Equity Financing  $ 15,400.00
Bank Loan  $   9,000.00
Line of Credit  $   2,000.00
Total Liabilities  $ 11,000.00
Total Equity Financing and Liabilities  $ 34,400.0


The Wyeth Case

For the Discussion Board this week, you will be reviewing the information in the textbook about the basics of the American legal system. Go to the following site and read the information on Wyeth v. Bruesewitz .

Source: Bruesewitz et al v. Wyeth LLC, fka Wyeth, Inc.: Supreme Court of the United States. Retrieved from

You may also look up another source on this case for further information. In 200 words or more, respond to the three questions listed below.

1.In your own words, briefly summarize the case and describe the issues in this case.

2.In reviewing the Wyeth case, discuss the legal duties that were breached. Include in your initial post, the parties to this case and possible defenses to the allegation of breach.

3.Lastly, consider the implications of the decision in this case to healthcare providers and drug manufacturers. Do you agree or disagree with the reasoning of the court in this case? If you were the judge, how would you have decided this case?

Research Problem Paper

The Week 2 Assignment should be written in correct APA style and should include the following::
Thoroughly review the instructions from the Week 2 Writing Assignment. Include –
A title—a sample problem statement
A few sentences to introduce the problem and provide background
Straightforward and unambiguous sentences (1–2) that clearly state the problem (Note: Make it specific and precise.)
d. About 2–3 paragraphs that synthesize the evidence from research literature that this is a current, meaningful problem in the educational discipline
Statements substantiated by evidence from research (Note: Every statement must be substantiated by evidence from research.)
A short paragraph describing who would benefit from addressing this problem and in what ways they might benefit
Reference list of literature, in APA format, supporting this proposed study
Should be 3–6 pages in length, not including the title or reference pages
Open the Week 2 Assignment file that your instructor returned to you in the gradebook.
Read the feedback that your instructor gave to you.
Revise the paper. Be extremely careful to address every comment your professor gave to you.

Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Chapter 8, “Developing a Regular Writing Routine” (pp. 127–147)

Critique the evidence base for screening tools and strategies in the assessment of perinatal depression and anxiety.

Guidelines These guidelines provide the student with information regarding the presentation of the written assignment. The following sections provide guidance on the structuring of the assignment. It is recommended that the assignment should be presented under the following structure.

Introduction The introduction is concerned with introducing the topic. Here an overview of the key concepts under discussion and definitions of terms must be provided. The introduction should be succinct and introduce the reader to the layout of the assignment, which should be presented in a logical and structured manner to ensure clarity and ease of reading.

Main Content Here factual data, points of view and statements concerning the topic are presented and discussed. Each aspect of the topic is critically discussed under an appropriate heading, demonstrating the capacity to engage in critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the reviewed literature and current research findings. This part of the assignment must have a logical structure which demonstrates clarity of thought. The student develops his/her arguments based upon factual data and statements about the topic. It should be clear to the reader how a particular conclusion was arrived at.

4 Conclusion The conclusion provides a summary of the discussion. Conclusions formulate key recommendations /observations. New information or ideas should not be contained in the conclusion.
Referencing Use Cite it Right Referencing guidelines for the citation of references. Refer to University of Limerick guidelines for referencing, Guidelines on Presentation 

Must be typed using 12 point font Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing.  All margins should be 2cm  The pages should be numbered consecutively  4. References 5. Appendices  Adhere to academic writing this includes syntax –structure, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Ensure work is proof read.   Ensure that all references used in the text are listed in the reference list
Please ensure correct spacing etc above

Discussion Outline- Appetite

Appetite. What are the molecules that control appetite? (hint: next sentence) How do the
orexins, leptin and ghrelin work together to control appetite? Which cells are responsible for
producing these molecules and what are the molecular pathways that are activated? Identify
the targets and how the signaling pathways are regulated. Which molecules oppose appetite
and how do they suppress the craving for food? You may need to consider not only the signaling
pathways but the neural pathways as well.
Creating a Discussion Outline
1. Once you have a list of facts, the next step is to put together an outline of your discussion.
2. Be sure to look at the question you are trying to answer. Frame your arguments (data/facts) in
an order that makes logical sense.
a. Look for holes and find more references
b. Move things around so that you tell an interesting story.
c. Check to see that you have a beginning, a middle, and an ending.
3. Once you are satisfied with the flow of the discussion, create an outline for submission and one
that you will actually use. See example:
a. Idea/assertion #1
i. Facts 1, 2, 3 etc. (list them though, I’m making this short)
1. Any sub-facts you already know you want to use., etc.
b. Idea/assertion #2
i. Facts 4, 5, 6 etc.
4. Create an outline for your discussion with the ideas and facts that you plan to use. Not only will
this speed up the process of writing the paper and help you organize and see your central thesis
and supporting evidence, it will also help you see the flow of your paper and help you see where
the strengths and weaknesses might be.
a. More detail is better, don’t just do the bare minimum. This is not busy work, but instead
trying to get you to think ahead to produce a strong paper.

Surgical Clearance

Use the Patient information at the bottom and a Operative note for the case to do a “pretend history and physical for your patient”. Then Use that information and the care plan from the module handouts to create a care plan for an ASA level 3 patient with the problems identified in the patient information below.

1.Create a Sample Clearance preop chart history and physical including a nursing care plan:
2.Chose a case from the list below.
3.Next, discuss with your surgeon how the case would be different with a patient having that procedure who has an ASA level of 3 or higher.
4.Using the sample surgical clearance forms in the Module or you can use those from your hospital; complete a sample evaluation and assessment clearance process for the surgical case including the History and Physical/SOAP plan.
5.Next complete the surgical plan using the examples found within the module or the surgical care plans used at your hospital. Complete the nursing care plan using the examples found within the module. Using the chart, fill out the sample forms or you may use your own facility forms if they are more thorough than the ones provided. Use the guides found within each one to determine what special considerations need to be made for your patient. Create your own Nursing care plan using the PNDS and sample care plans.

Use the guides found within each one to determine what special considerations need to be made for your patient.

Upload the forms to the drop box and discuss in the textbox what you learned from this assignment.

List of Case Choices- Choose a case you do not know well, so you can learn the details to prepare you for the certification exam:
•LAVH or other major GYN case
•Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy or Colon Resection or other major general case
•CABG or other Major vascular case
•Orthopedic Procedure – Arthroplasty (Shoulder, Hip, Knee) or ACL/Bankart/SLAPII/Rotator Cuff Procedure
•Major ENT such as Radical Neck
•Abdominoplasty or other major plastic surgery
•Other cases as approved…
PATIENT INFORMATION: Patient’s description for your chart: 58 year old Hispanic/M with V/S 150/90; 98.5 F; 84, reg. bounding; S1S2, NSR; 24 resp. 97% pulse oximetry; Lungs clear; BS all four quadrants; Local professor with Master’s Degree; Scar RLQ/oblique; recent history of stroke treated with Activase. All parents deceased, family history of stroke, hypertension and CA of colon.

Chemical Equilibrium/Quantities and Reactions

Please copy and paste your original posts from both your Chemical Quantities
and Reactions and Reaction Stoichiometry discussions. (All information may be
useful for this discussion question.) Please quote all references other than the
course textbook.
– What would be one way (for example, increase/decrease temperature,
pressure, or volume of the container in which the reaction takes place) to make
the reaction go faster? (1 pt.)
– What biological or non-biological catalyst(s) would make the reaction go
faster? (1 pt.)
– What engineering solutions (examples may include increasing reactant surface
area, agitating the reactants, or changing container shape) would make the
reaction go faster? (1 pt.)
-What would be one way to measure (for example, disappearance of products
and/or reactants being formed) how fast the reaction happens? (1 pt.)
– Would removing one or more of the products as they form cause more
products to form overall? Why? (1 pt.)