How would the volume of air in your tires be affected by an increase in temperature? Which gas law discusses the relationship between volume and temperature of a gas?

If all other conditions remain the same,
-How would the volume of air in your tires be affected by an increase in
temperature? Which gas law discusses the relationship between volume and
temperature of a gas? (1 pt.)
-How would the air pressure in a balloon be affected by a decrease in volume?
Which gas law discusses the relationship between pressure and volume of a
gas? (1 pt.)
-How would the volume of a balloon be affected by an increase in the amount of
air in it? Which gas law discusses the relationship between amount and volume
of a gas? (1 pt.)
-How would the air pressure in a balloon be affected by a decrease in
temperature? Which gas law discusses the relationship between pressure and
temperature of a gas? (1 pt.)
-What is the Ideal Gas Law formula? What does each symbol in it mean? (1 pt.)

Chemical Quantities and Reactions

Please select a chemical reaction (for example, digestion, decomposition, or
oxidation) you observe in your daily life, attach a picture if possible. Please
include references you’ve used other than the course textbook.
-What is the chemical equation for the reaction? (1 pt.)
-What are the reactants and products in the equation? Was each of them, as
you observed it, (s), (l), (g) or (aq)? (1 pt.)
-Is it a displacement, combination, or decomposition reaction? (1 pt.)
-Using each reactant’s molecular weight and density as a
reference, approximately how many moles of each reactant have you observed
take part in the reaction? (Please show calculations.) (1 pt.)
-Using Avogadro’s number as a reference, approximately how many atoms,
molecules, or formula units of each reactant have you observed take part in the
reaction? Please show calculations.) (1 pt.)

Analyze the meaning of the key terms. E.g., if addressing the problem of evil, be sure to explain the nature of such properties as all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing, moral evil, natural evil, necessary suffering, and free will. Or, if addressing the rationality of faith in God, be sure to explain such things as the difference between believing that God exists and believing in God; the nature of sufficient evidence; what Pascal, say, takes happiness to be.

In approximately 4-5 pages, carefully (a) lay out and explain and (b) critically evaluate ONE of the following:

1. nwith Edwards’ critique of it;
2. Paley’s teleological argument for God’s existence together with Hume’s critique of this sort of argument;
3. Mackie’s two chief arguments for why there cannot exist an all-good and all-powerful God if there exists moral evil (be sure to address Plantinga’s and Adam’s critique of these arguments);
4. Augustine’s account of the nature of and source of moral evil, being sure to address in detail how he thinks the existence of moral evil is consistent with the existence of an all-good and all-powerful God;
5. Johnson’s or Rowe’s case for why there cannot (or is unlikely to) exist an all-good and all-powerful God if there exists (unnecessary) natural evil;
6. Hick’s case for why the existence of moral and natural evil is consistent with the existence of an all-good and all-powerful God;
7. Clifford’s case for why it is irrational to affirm (or deny) God’s existence without sufficient evidence (be sure to explain in detail his arguments for why one ought to never believe anything without sufficient evidence);
8. Pascal’s case for why a wager on God’s existence is forced and of infinite consequence together with why the only rational option is to believe in God (be sure to address his account of the nature of faith in God and of happiness);
9. James’ case for why belief in God is a “genuine option” and why it is rational, not only to avoid error, but also to take a chance on the truth.

In critically evaluating any one of these cases, be sure to do the following:

a. Analyze the meaning of the key terms. E.g., if addressing the problem of evil, be sure to explain the nature of such properties as all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing, moral evil, natural evil, necessary suffering, and free will. Or, if addressing the rationality of faith in God, be sure to explain such things as the difference between believing that God exists and believing in God; the nature of sufficient evidence; what Pascal, say, takes happiness to be.
b. Evaluate whether the arguments provided are valid or invalid and especially whether the arguments’ premises are coherent (make any sense), well justified or true. To do so, you may very well wish to discuss how the other philosophers would respond to the premises or arguments.

Please respond to each student with One Peer Reviewed Article.

Please respond to each student with One Peer Reviewed Article.


Van Woerkom & De Reuver, 2009 research addressed that fact that transformational leaders can be the predictors of job satisfaction among employees and predict high performance levels amongst international managers within the workplace although the research discovered that some individuals who are placed in managerial positions exhibit transformational leadership styles whiles others do not, which causes a decrease in job satisfaction.


The measure for the study is a self-reporting one and any one who has worked in addictions knows that a addict’s reliably is very low more so when they are in active detox. None of the measures are considered 100% reliable. Because there is no single perfect measure of craving, it is essential that researchers understand the limitations of each measure (Sayette, Shiffman, Tiffany, Niaura, Martin, & Shadel, 2009). My plan for the study is to run an ABAB type of experiment to simplify the procedure.


The aim of the research is to determine the impact of charismatic leaders in an organization and relationship between charismatic leadership and employee performance turnover. There have been studies on different typed of leadership, but few studies have been conducted on the effect of charismatic leadership on employee turnover. Danişman, Tosuntaş and Karadağ (2015) conducted a meta-analysis on how leadership affects organization performance.

Behavior Modification

The behavior that was chosen is Anxiety influenced Anger.

You will be able to learn firsthand about behavior modification. For this exercise, you have to select a behavior you would like to change. You will be required to keep a behavior log provided to you in class. There will be opportunities for you to talk about the behavior change during class times. Your instructor will facilitate these discussions. For the assignment you have to reflect on the behavior modification, critically analyze the process and dynamics and apply a theoretical framework. This is a professional paper; it should be at least 10 – 12 pages in length (not including the cover page or references), typewritten, one and a half spacing and in APA style of writing. Please address the following sections:

1. Abstract
2. Introduction of the behavior
3. Short literature overview of the type of behavior you aim to change (use at least 10 articles)
4. Identify the theoretical framework and apply it to the behavior
5. Explain all aspects of behavior modification as relevant to your behavior change
6. Summary:
-Identify strengths and barriers to behavior change
-Discuss social work implications to behavior modification
7. Provide the completed behavior log

Health Policy Analysis Project – Policy Options and Recommendations

. In this workshop assignment you will identify policy options, the intended outcome of the options, the criteria by which options are evaluated, and make your final recommendation.
To develop the policy options portion of the analysis, you will provide at least 3 alternatives for consideration. This section is not just a recitation of various choices; it provides an analysis of each option by stating the positives and negative aspects of pursuing each path. Your text provides some major actions policymakers use to deal with policy issues. Use these to prompt your thoughts. Make sure to keep the outcome of the proposed alternative in mind as you conduct the analysis.
In this section, you will also layout the decision or evaluation criteria you will use in making your recommendation. The text provides sample criteria for consideration in Box 14-2 on page 286.
Alternatively, Collins (2005) presents five criteria from the work of Rodriguez-Garcia (2000). These are:
Relevance: Does the intervention contribute to the health needs of the target population? Is it consistent with policies and priorities?
Progress: How do actual results compare with projected or scheduled results?
Efficiency: What are the results in relation to resource expenditure of the intervention?
Effectiveness: To what degree does this particular intervention attain its objectives?
Impact: What is the effect of the activity on the overall health and related socio-economic development?
Finally, you should choose one of your options as your recommendation. The recommendation section should begin by clearly identifying which option is favored and why the option is the preferred alternative. This section is not intended to repeat the information in the analysis, rather it explains why, despite any drawbacks, this is the best action going forward. Therefore, the section also identifies what, if any, actions can be taken to mitigate or overcome any negative aspects of the recommendation (Tietelbaum & Wilensky, 2015).
• Bible
• Textbook: Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2015). Essentials of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning
1. Review Chapter 14 of Essentials of Health Policy and Law.
2. Carefully review the previous assignments and grading rubrics for the Health Policy Analysis.
3. Review information gathered for the Annotated Bibliography assignment in Workshop Two.
4. Prepare a 4-6 page paper addressing the Policy Options, Intended Outcomes, Decision Criteria, and Recommendations for the policy under consideration.
5. In the paper address the following:
a. A minimum of 3 policy options designed to address the problem statement.
b. Provides an analysis of each option by stating the positives and negative aspects of each.
c. Address the potential outcome(s) associated with each intervention.
d. Identify the decision criteria which you will use to evaluate each of the policy options.
e. The policy recommendation, including why the policy option was chosen, and ways, if any, to mitigate negative aspects of the option
6. Be sure to consider the audience in the formulation of this Policy Options, Intended Outcome, Decision Criteria, and Recommendations section.
7. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting.

It is not unusual for use to contemplate the changes we would make to healthcare policy if we were in charge.  Indeed, criticism of our leaders and their actions has become a bit of a sport.  In this assignment you are given the opportunity to critically reflect on changing the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and its supporting regulation. 

It is not unusual for use to contemplate the changes we would make to healthcare policy if we were in charge.  Indeed, criticism of our leaders and their actions has become a bit of a sport.  In this assignment you are given the opportunity to critically reflect on changing the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and its supporting regulation.  This is not a forum to repeat talking points from the various pundits.  Rather, it is expected that this reflective paper would prompt broad, critical, creative thinking to resolve what may be the most important policy and legal issues of our time.  This is an opportunity to be part of the solution.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Evaluate the political and legal process by which health problems are addressed through public policy.
  • Integrate biblical principles into the ethics and policies of healthcare payment and delivery.
  • Design policies that address community and national health needs in the context of economic health and stewardship.


  • Bible
  • Textbook: Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2015). Essentials of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Video on reflection papers located at


  1. In your textbook, Essentials of health policy and law, read Chapters 8, 10, and 11.
  2. Prepare a three to four page reflection paper, not including the title page and references.  The paper should follow all APA guidelines.
  3. Remember a reflection paper focuses on your thoughts about the topic rather than just writing a summary or description.  If you have never written a reflection paper, a short 5 minute video with some guidance can be viewed at
  4. For the assignment you are completing the sentence “If I were President…”; providing your reflections on needed changes and solutions to weaknesses in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010.
  5. Some questions to prompt your reflection are:
    • Which policies and regulations from the ACA were/were not working?
    • What population needs are not adequately met?
    • What changes could be made to improve the legislation or meet the needs of the population?
    • What would be the economic impact of your proposed changes? How will we pay for them?
    • Will the changes impact the rights of individuals?
    • Will the changes improve the quality of care?
    • Will the changes improve the efficiency of the system?

There is no requirement for you to answer all the above questions.  Just use them to guide your thoughts and assess in critical evaluation.

Social work students are required to learn various aspects of the law and the legal system before qualifying as a registered social worker.” To what extent do you agree with the statement above regarding the relationship between law and social work? What are the three most important aspects of the law and the legal system do social workers need to know? Give reasons to support your answer.

Social work students are required to learn various aspects of the law and the legal system before qualifying as a registered social worker.”

To what extent do you agree with the statement above regarding the relationship between law and social work? What are the three most important aspects of the law and the legal system do social workers need to know? Give reasons to support your answer.

Individual Paper – Assessment Criteria
The main aim of this essay is to enable students to link the knowledge learnt to analyse a specific topic critically. The assessment criteria are as follows:
• Ability to identify and address clearly the main question(s) and the subsidiary or embedded aspects
• Ability to engage with issues and themes based on comprehensive understanding of relevant concepts
• Ability to make good use of literature and knowledge to support the argument
• Ability to analyse the topic area in a critical manner
•Ability to write an essay that is well presented and well structured, with appropriate citation and referencing
Individual Paper Formatting
To avoid losing marks, essays must be:
• typed (12 pt font), double-spaced, double-sided A4 paper, and include a Bibliography.
• length should not exceed 1,200 words
• properly formatted (eg., page numbers, paragraphs)
• stapled at the top left-hand corner: no plastic covers or folders
• proof-read for poor presentation (eg., poor grammar and spelling errors).


• Orients the reader to the organization of your paper and the nature of your argument.
• Provides an indication of why the topic you are writing about is important and worth considering.
Argument and Discussion:
• Comprehension and treatment of issues at hand.
• Evidence of systematic thinking.
• Appropriate use of examples to support argument.
• Appropriate use of academic citations to support argument.
• Critical consideration of the data/literature.
• Is value free.
• Summarises arguments.
• Discusses significance of arguments.
• Raises problematic or unresolved issues for future deliberation or research.
Referencing, writing and presentation:
• Easy to read, fluent and appropriate style.
• Correct spelling and grammar.
• Consistent and accurate use of a recognised referencing system.

Operations Management

Write a report answering below questions by reading “Why Giants Change Their Minds” and by watching documentary “A Japanese Supplier”.
There are 3 groups of questions: Introductory, Decision-Forcing, and Challenge.
A. Introductory Questions help you understand the case. If you can answer all of them, you are ready to take further analysis of this case. DO NOT answer them in your case report.
B. Decision Forcing Questions help you analyze Matsushita’s and Sony’s problems and solutions You MUST answer these questions in your case report.
C. Challenge Questions help you evaluate Matsushita’s and Sony’s different supply chain management strategies. You MUST answer these questions in your case report.

1) Introductory Questions ***DO NOT answer in the report***
a) What bad news had Mr. Yukio Shohtoku (managing director of Matsushita) been hearing?
b) What is the “eradicating and creating” strategy of Matsushita?
c) Why does Mr. Yoshihiro Taya (vice president of Sony MECS) worry about the “cycle time” of Sony’s digital camera and camcorder products?
d) How did Sony reengineer its supply chain to reduce the lead-time of its digital camera and camcorder production?
2) Decision Forcing Questions ***Must answer in the report***
a) What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s products?
b) What are the differences between Matsushita and Sony’s supply priorities?
c) Why did Matsushita and Sony’s former supply chains mismatch their product characteristics with their supply priorities?
d) What are the advantages of manufacturing in China? What are the disadvantages of manufacturing in China?
3) Challenge Questions ***Must answer in the report***
a) Whose supply chain reengineering strategy is a short-term solution and whose is a long-term solution?
b) What are the pros and cons of these strategies?

Exploring Strategy

Topic: Exploring Strategy

Company: The Ritz-Carlton Millenia, Singapore

Strategic Planning of the above business

  • Business Definition

The growth? Any awards? Annual Report recently in that business

  • Environmental Scanning

Which of PESTEL (politics that gives the business an opportunity? At least 2

  • Competitive Situation

Watching nearby hotels around Ritz-Carlton Millenia, threats of the closes competitors do

  • The business weaknesses

Shortage/lack of that business, and why

  • Resources & Capabilities

The business strengths, the uniqueness of the business that no other competitors can copy using their resources (fund, talent, branding, infrastructure)

  • Analysis from business definition to resources & capabilities

What are they doing well? What are they not doing well? Justify

Please provide in-text citation and references at the last page, using Harvard referencing. Remember that this is talking about the business level (Ritz-Carlton in Singapore). Not the corporate level (Ritz Carlton Hotel). Look through the picture guideline carefully.