Self Development Project (Individual)


Assessment task 1: Self Development Project (Individual)

Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2, 3 and 4

Weight: 40%

Task: The following topics represent areas in which managers and employees can develop their self-awareness and skills for more positive individual and

workplace outcomes. This project is designed to allow you to explore and engage with the topics at a more in-depth level.

You are required you to develop a theoretical and applied understanding of ONE of the topics/issues as set out below:-

  1. Happiness
  2. Positive Emotions
  3. Resilience
  4. Emotional Intelligence
  5. Growth Mindset
  6. Mindfulness
  7. Character strengths and virtues

Your report will require you to complete two main tasks:-

PART A: (40%) Write a critical review of four to five published JOURNAL articles for your chosen topic; and

PART B: (53%) Develop, implement and reflect on a three-week program of self-development that allows you to actively engage with your topic in a way

which improves your self-awareness and knowledge.




You are required to find four to five relevant articles from scholarly journals relating to your specialisation topic. The articles should relate directly to your topic area and must be articles from peer-reviewed, academic journals.

Your review should not merely summarise the key points of your articles. Rather, your review should compare, contrast and critique the ideas adopted in the various articles. For example, compare the strengths and weaknesses of each article’s approach, assess any biases or limitations of the studies.

Compare and contrast the arguments and assumptions embedded in your different source materials (i.e. managerialism vs. Critical Management Studies or stakeholder perspectives). Approach the topic from various points of view: Whose voices are dominant or missing? What are the implications? What are the new emerging questions?

Some examples of scholarly journals to look for your articles include (but are not limited to):

Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Australian Journal of Communication, Journal of International Business, Australian Journal of Psychology, Journal of Business Psychology, Positive Psychology Journal, Journal of Happiness Studies, etc.

Full-text articles are available via the University library databases. When referencing articles from journals, please make sure that you reference the original article and not the database URL where it is located!


This section of your project allows you to apply your new knowledge to improve your own personal skills and practical understanding in this area. You may develop a program involving only yourself or you may choose to devise a program for a group of employees known to you or a group of employees you work with.

This part of your assignment has three sections:-

B1. Three Week Timeline of Activities

Develop a timeline of activities, which you plan to implement over a three week period. These activities will allow you or your employee team to improve your applied/practical understanding of your topic area. You should present your timeline graphically or in a table. It should show clearly what activities you will engage in and at what times over the three weeks. Some examples of activities you might choose which develop your understanding and/or skills on the topic will be provided on UTS Online. These are only examples, you should be creative in thinking about other options!

B2. Implementation

Implement your plan over a three week period, keeping an online journal (on UTSOnline) of reflections, notes and observations

B3. Summary and Reflection

Write a summary and personal reflection on your three-week implementation. Specifically, consider:

What have you learned about this topic that might be of use to you as a future manager?

Did your experiences resonate or conflict with anything you read in the literature (reviewed in Part A)?

What did you learn about yourself through this exercise?

What lessons about your topic do you think are critical for managers and employees to learn?


Important Notes Regarding Format of Final Report

Your final report should include:

A table of contents, including main headings in the report and page number

A separate title page for each of the two parts of the report (ie part A and part B)

Your article summary/critique, for part A

Your response to part B – including a graphical/tabular timeline of activities and a URL to your online journal

Reference list for your articles, in Harvard UTS format

Appendices showing your skill development journey: your online journal pasted in from UTSOnline including date stamp. May also include for example,

photos, short course enrolments, surveys or any other evidence of your activities

Note – Word count does not include the online journal, table of contents, reference list or Appendices. Your report need NOT include:-

An introduction, executive summary or abstract

A bibliography

A conclusion

Any footnotes

Format the report using Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.

Headings should be in Title case, bold but not underlined – main headings centred, sub-headings left justified

Any evidence of plagiarism (attempts to reproduce or copy the published work of others) will not be accepted and will be dealt with according to the appropriate University disciplinary procedures.

Emailed versions of the assignment will NOT be accepted unless a special arrangement has been made with the lecturer or coordinator.

This report is to be submitted on TURN-IT-IN on the UTS ONLINE site. Hard copies will not be accepted.

High marks will be awarded to students who show evidence of high-level analysis and critical thinking with respect to their chosen articles and engaging, creative approaches to chosen activities. Reflections should show evidence of deep thinking and personal learning. Creative approaches to chosen activities. Reflections should show evidence of deep thinking and personal learning.

You must keep a spare hard copy and electronic copy of your work in the event that it becomes lost or stolen.



  1. On UTS Online, Click on Assignments
  2. Click on Assignment One
  3. Enter your surname, first name and a title for your assignment
  4. Click Upload
  5. Preview your paper and click SUBMIT

Length: 3500 words (+/- 10%) (this does NOT include title page, table of contents, Online Journal, references or appendices) `


Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Public Service:
#Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

This is a college admission essay for Harvard University. The main themes will be HUMILITY I found in doing Public Service that I have done. I will message/email about the public service that I have done. Please pay attention to the following:
1.)Relate the use of the word problem to which of the two choices offered in Common App #4 you are trying to address–a problem solved or a problem you would like TO solve

2.)You want to drive home the education you receive, the work you did, the education you provided in turn, and how it informs your college application, though that last one indirectly.

3.) Please be reflective and use amazing diction. make each sentences powerful

I uploaded the essay that’s not completed yet.
Please, look at the essay example. Please write an admission essay that’s powerful and condensed with powerful words. Try to make it as creative as possible that can set it apart from other essay. feel free to add one or two short dialogue or any other spices as long as it can make the essay better, more cohesive, and powerful.

please build up a setting quickly(since there is word limit) but still able to create a vivid imagery and powerful scene. then reflect on it to show that I am really growing and learning from that event. Show the humility I found, show the process of critical thinking that I went through for the event/scene on the essay, show the education I RECEIVED, and education I PROVIDED in turn through my Non-Profit organization: rafflesia foundation ( (yes, I have a non-profit organization ) Show that the work that I did was the embodiment of my passion and humility that I learnt from Irshad Manji(an activist that i met; read the attachment) I am originally from Indonesia, but studying in USA since 2015(freshman year) and did public service/held an event in mEXICO AND Indonesia of Planting 2,000 trees togther with MEXICAN government.

1. What are some risks and liabilities that that GC could face that would be associated with the agency contract between GC and George Tacy? 2. What are possible consequences of each those risks and liabilities?

General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates

Create a new thread for each posting.

Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed.

Use assigned course materials to complete discussion responses.

Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used – an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation.

Post responses here in public discussion forum.

Put the following in the subject line:  Discussion + your name.

Address each classmate by name, and sign your name to each posting, please.

Write in depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing – refer to the “Winning Discussion Responses” module in Content for examples.


Discussion:  Part 1 due Thursday, 11:59 pm ET; Part 2 due Sunday, 11:59 pm ET

Part 1:  

You and Winnie and Ralph are discussing GC’s plan to hire George Tacy as an agent for recruitment and hiring cleaning employees.  You all recognize some possible risks associated with agency agreements.

  1. What are some risks and liabilities that that GC could face that would be associated with the agency contract between GC and George Tacy? 
  2. What are possible consequences of each those risks and liabilities?


Non medical prescribing level 7

Learning Outcomes


Outcome 1


Provide a critical account of a specific diagnostic tool used to assess patients in your specialist area of practice.



Outcome 2


Undertake a thorough history, including medication history and current medication (including over the counter, alternative and complementary health therapies) to inform diagnosis*


*You should append a written patient consultation which includes patient history, physical examination (where appropriate), investigations, differential diagnosis (not included in word count). Write a 500 word account explaining how you reached your diagnosis and ensure clinical reasoning is clearly evident and related to the consultation.



Outcome 3


Apply the relevant legislation (not accountability) to your prescribing practice.





Outcome 4


Critically appraise the sources of information/ advice and decision support systems in your clinical field.





Outcome 5


Discuss the influences that can affect your prescribing practice. Consider how you could manage your prescribing practice in an ethical way. Discuss issues of equality and diversity where relevant.






Outcome 6


Using one drug, apply your knowledge of the drugs action to prescribing practice. Link the action to patient education / information.



Outcome 7


Discuss the roles and relationships of others involved in;



Administering medicines


Outcome 8


Discuss prescribing safely, appropriately and cost effectively. Consider using the ‘stepwise approach (pyramid)’

A ‘mock’ prescription should be appended.


Outcome 9


Demonstrate professional accountability and responsibility.



Outcome 10


Develop a Clinical Management Plan (CMP) for a specific patient using the template below. Discuss the development of this CMP, legislative  requirements should be considered.



















Section 7

The Practice Case Study


This is a critical account of the care delivered to a patient/client in your area of prescribing practice (max 2,000 words).


Your account should include the following:


  • a brief account of the patient/client assessment


  • an exploration of the relevant pathophysiology and pharmacology


  • the legal and ethical framework underpinning your practice


Your account should draw on professional, policy and research literature.



Students who will be prescribing for both adults and children are required to relate outcomes 1 to 10 to prescribing for adults and the case study to children. Included in the case study for a child should be demonstration of the ability to take an appropriate history, undertake a clinical assessment and make an appropriate diagnosis, having considered the legal, cognitive, emotional and physical differences between children and adults.  In addition the essay should demonstrate where relevant the ‘recognition of the unique implications and developmental context of the anatomical and physiological differences between neonates, children and young people’ (NMC 2006, page 6). The NMC (2006, page 7) also states that ‘only nurses with relevant knowledge,




Section 8

The Structured Assessment in Practice; the Msaf (LIV-MAAS)

Instructions for use

The assessment below contains selected, validated questions from the LIV- MAAS1 checklist that have been adapted here for use in the assessment of independent/supplementary prescribers.


The assessment which takes the form of a patient consultation may take place at any time in the practice placement period but must be successfully passed by the time the practice portfolio is submitted.


Student’s whose scope of practice will include prescribing for both adults and children should complete two observed assessments; one for a child and one for an adult. Please copy and paste so that there are two LIVMASS templates and indicate in the LIVMASS sumamry section which assessment was for an adult and which for a child. In keeping with the existing NMC (2006) Standards of Proficiency for Nurse / Midwife Prescribers any assessment should take place within the context of the students work setting, wherever that might be. A medical practitioner who is experienced and competent in prescribing for children should confirm the demonstration of competence.


Sections not applicable to the student’s area of practice can be discounted. The assessment is divided into three areas; communication and interpersonal skills, the structure of the consultation and prescribing.


The percentage should appear at the end of each section and an overall % score recorded in the box provided at the end of the assessment.

student should obtain at least 75% in each section and have an overall average score of at least 75%. Please ensure all sections are completed.


A fail grade must be recorded if any action on the part of the student or any advice given would constitute a danger to the health of the patient or of others.


Video recording where available or tape recording of the consultation may be helpful in completion of the assessment. It is the responsibility of the student and designated medical practitioner to ensure that informed patient consent has been obta


Organisational Management in Healthcare



Important: You must show all calculations and explain how you got all your answers. For example, suppose a question asks what the breakeven point will be and you put “50,000”. Even if this is correct, you will receive no marks if you do not show how you got the answer.

There is no need for footnotes or references unless quote from a reference. It is essential that the work is your own.


Please do NOT include the question as part of your assignment. It is not necessary and all it does is increase your turnitin similarity index. Just put your answers in your assignment response.


Question 1 (15 marks)

Below are the forecasts of income and expenditure for the Ryde Day Surgery.

Months Patient consultations Purchases of consumables Wages Marketing expenses Administrative expenses Office expenses
2017 Nov. $30,000 $15,000 $3,000 $1,150 $1,060 $500



$35,000 $20,000 $3,200 $1,225 $1,040 $550
2018 Jan. $25,000 $15,000 $2,500 $990 $1,100 $600
Feb. $30,000 $20,000 $3,000 $1,050 $1,150 $620
March $35,000 $22,500 $2,400 $1,100 $1,220 $570
April $40,000 $25,000 $2,600 $1,200 $1,180 $710


Additional information is as follows:


  1. Patients pay two months after they are treated.


  1. A loan repayment of $10,000 in due in April.


  1. The waiting room will be renovated in January 2018 for a cost of $5,000 which will be paid in January 2018.


  1. Payment for consumables is made two months after they are received.
  2. Monthly lease payments of $2,000 for a new car will begin in March 2018


  1. Wages are paid on the 1st of the next month.


  1. Other expenses are paid one month after they are incurred.
  2. Balance of cash in hand on 1st January 2018 is $15,000.


  1. Prepare a cash budget for the months January 2018 to April (5 marks)
  2. What is the estimated cash balance at the end of April 2018? (1 mark)
  3. From January 2018, the Day Surgery will collect money from patients in the same month as they are treated. Also from January 2018, the suppliers of consumables want to be paid in the same month as they deliver the consumables. What impact will both changes have on the Surgery’s cashflow? What will be the estimated cash balance at the end of April 2018?

(4 marks)

  1. Write a report to the manager outlining the Day Surgery’s forecast cash position and explain the financial impact of changing the collection and payment conditions as outlined in part c above. You need to compare the new situation with what would have occurred if neither of these changes had occurred. Would the Day Surgery need to borrow money if these changes occurred? Explain your answer. (5 marks)

***Words :400

****Excel need covert to work table in report,only use word file not excel.

**** Don’t use general explanation, report need detail of amount and answer each

**** CashflowTemplate only  example not necessary  have to be exactly same like this template.

Question 2 (15 marks)


It is now June and you have been asked to do a budget for The Flu Shot clinic as the flu season will soon begin.  The clinic will operate for the months of July and August. As the hospital has no spare space it will rent a room in a nearby shopping centre for the clinic.  The clinic will also employ a nurse to give the injections and a receptionist to assist with arranging vaccinations. Vaccines are expected to cost $15 per patient. In addition, the clinic will give each patient either regular or glow-in-the-dark band aids. A regular band aid is budgeted at $2, while a glow-in-the-dark band aid is budgeted at $3. Children always request glow-in-the-dark band aids. It is anticipated that the clinic will be paid $45 for each child and $30 for each adult that receive vaccinations. During last year’s flu season, the clinic saw 400 adults and 700 children each month and operated for 2 months.

The nurse is paid $10 per child and $5 per adult and the receptionist is paid $700 per month. Rent and utilities are $500 per month.


  1. Using this information do a budget for the clinic for July and August. You are told to assume that there will be a 10% increase in the number of both children and adults wanting vaccinations this year. (4 marks)
  2. The actual results for this clinic are shown below. Management want to know why the budgeted result and actual results for each month are different. Do a budget variance analysis for each month to identify what caused the actual and budgeted amounts to be different. You are told that in July the clinic saw 500 adults and 900 children, and in August the clinic saw 300 adults and 600 children. (7 marks)
  3. Write a brief report to your manager summarising your findings and give recommendations for how to prepare the budget for next year. (4 marks)


Actual results



      July   August



      60,000   39,000
Vaccines       28,000   18,000
Band aids       4,600   2,400
Rent       500   600
Receptionist       700   900


      14,000   9,000
Total cost



      47,800   30,900
Net Profit/(loss)       12,200   8,100



***Words :400


**** CashflowTemplate only  example not necessary  have to be exactly same like this template.


Critical Response

Paper should be between 5 and 10 pages, double spaced, exclusive of footnotes. All quotations from the plays will be for you to compare translations of Greek and Roman literature to identify the essence of a character.

The paper is essentially a critical response to an issue, not a regurgitation of the official criticism of great experts’.

1. Focus on at least one particular issue, scene, or character or even a topic.

2. Avoid grand vacuities like “Woman of ancient drama” Yes, there are female characters in the plays we have been reading, so what? This is not even a workable PhD thesis. I want you to focus instead on is there a particular woman in a particular play? What makes her fascinating? How does she compare with other treatments of woman in plays? With treatments of men? What particular scene caught your attention in the first place? How does that scene work? Do you want to analyze the dynamics of the character? The difficulty in plotting, staging or performance? The way in which a common plot has been revitalized by the playwright? The way in which a scene has been translated in our texts as compared to others may point to subtleties in the original language/ (the Loeb classics with give a serviceble translation beside the original Greek or Latin for the most ambitious)

3. Above all make sure that you write about something that you would like to present (for example something you yourself would say to a new class) and not something you (inaccurately) imagine is what i want to see/

4. Can you compare a character’s treatment by different authors (classical or their later imitators)? Can you compare a character’s situation in a classical drama with a comparable situation in contemporary life? Would Oedipus have asked his pollster’s about the plague situations? Clytaemnestra never worries about her status as a woman, but Antigone and Ismene discuss the subject in some detail. Does this mean that Aeschylus had different views from Sophocles? Aristophanes occasionally mentions the war. Does a particular passage or scene say something about the war and it’s influence on Athentian society? and drama?

Feel free to choose whatever you like to write about. The choices of the plays are

Oedipus Rex

The oresteian Trilogy




Servant Leadership in Diverse Context

While servant leadership is often associated with Christianity and the Bible, one could argue it is compatible with most religions and philosophies and that it transcends cultures. This assignment presents you with an opportunity to explore other cultures, philosophies, and religions and asks you to think critically about how servant leadership practices are apparent in other religious and cultural values.
Select one cultural context and one religious viewpoint (other than Christianity, its denominations, or something already discussed in the textbook) and examine how the principles of servant leadership are evident in that culture and religion.

In a 1,250-1,500-word essay, identify similarities and differences between servant leadership’s philosophies and the values evident in the selected cultural context and religious viewpoint. Be sure to provide specific examples of practices and/or values in your discussion.

You are required to locate two articles that examine servant leadership from a different cultural perspective and two articles that examine servant leadership from a different religious perspective. Be sure to select academic articles from reputable sources that are 10-20 pages in length. Include information from the articles in your discussion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

What is the relationship between levels of CD4 lymphocytes and the likelihood of clinical complications from AIDS?

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Case Studies

The patient, a 30-year-old homosexual man, complained of unexplained weight loss, chronic diarrhea, and respiratory congestion during the past 6 months. Physical examination revealed right-sided pneumonitis. The following studies were performed:

Studies Results

Complete blood cell count (CBC), p. 174

Hemoglobin (Hgb), p. 259

12 g/dL (normal: 14-18 g/dL)

Hematocrit (Hct), p. 256

36% (normal: 42%-52%)

Chest X-ray, p. 1014

Right-sided consolidation affecting the posterior lower lung

Bronchoscopy, p. 587

No tumor seen

Lung biopsy, p. 738

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP)

Stool culture, p. 855

Cryptosporidium muris

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) serology, p. 297

p24 antigen


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)


Western blot


Lymphocyte immunophenotyping, p. 306

Total CD4

280 (normal: 600-1500 cells/mL)


18% (normal: 60%-75%)

CD4/CD8 ratio

0.58 (normal: >1.0)

Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) viral load, p. 297

75,000 copies/mL

Diagnostic Analysis

The detection of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) supports the diagnosis of AIDS. PCP is an opportunistic infection occurring only in immunocompromised patients and is the most common infection in persons with AIDS. The patient’s diarrhea was caused by Cryptosporidium muris, an enteric pathogen, which occurs frequently with AIDS and can be identified on a stool culture. The AIDS serology tests made the diagnoses. His viral load is significant, and his prognosis is poor.
The patient was hospitalized for a short time for treatment of PCP. Several months after he was discharged, he developed Kaposi sarcoma. He developed psychoneurologic problems eventually and died 18 months after the AIDS diagnosis.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What is the relationship between levels of CD4 lymphocytes and the likelihood of clinical complications from AIDS?

2. Why does the United States Public Health Service recommend monitoring CD4 counts every 3 to 6 months in patients infected with HIV?

You have been employed in the supply chain management organization of Coles for the past two years. You are very excited when you are asked to join a team being formed to address serious inventory management problems often associated with the introduction of new products.

Reducing New Product Stockouts at Coles

You have been employed in the supply chain management organization of Coles for the past two years. You are very excited when you are asked to join a team being formed to address serious inventory management problems often associated with the introduction of new products. Too often, customers who make a trip to Coles to purchase a highly advertised new product are disappointed to find the store is out of stock of that particular item. Such stockouts result in lost sales for both Coles and the product supplier and the potential loss of customers as shoppers look elsewhere to find the new product. The resulting loss of customer goodwill can have a longterm effect on sales. Solving this problem will require a balancing act; the company needs to carry sufficient inventory of new products to meet customer demand while avoiding excessive inventory levels that increase costs.

The team you have joined consists of nine people representing the finance, marketing, and supply chain management organizations at both Coles and two of Coles’ largest suppliers. The team is charged with looking at a wide range of solutions, including improved analytics and forecasting systems, customer-loyalty analysis tools to provide insights into customer buying patterns, and improved distribution methods to cut costs and delivery times.


Critical Thinking Questions

  1. The leader of the team has asked that each member share a brief personal background paragraph that outlines the individual’s knowledge and experience relevant to solving this problem. Create a paragraph for a team member who is a well-qualified, but relatively inexperienced representative of the Coles supply chain management organization.
  2. What actions would you recommend to minimize potential start-up issues for this virtual team? each student is also to explain Why they recommended the particular actions that they did to minimize potential start-up issues for the virtual team in question.
  3. a) During the first week of the discussion forum assignment, students are required to post a comment to each discussion area as per parameters provided by the instructor.
  4. b) Your original post needs to be a minimum of 200 words. I am looking for around 230 words for full points as this should be enough to state a fully developed idea or opinion. You must have a reference cited to support your opinion. The reference cannot be the textbook.
  5. c) You will find it easier to get the word count and to configure the References and citations if you do it in MS Word. This also allows you to use the grammar and spell check features.
  6. d) References and citation posting should be single spaced but in APA format.

Paper Review Sheet 2

Please answer each question in the same exact format as given.

1. Read your paper OUT LOUD. Listen closely. In places where you stumble, make a note to smooth out passage later.

Have you read paper out loud?

2. What is the topic of the thesis?

3. Is a CLAIM being made? (for this paper, claim means that the thesis answers the question in italics on topic sheet)

4. What is the claim? What is the why/what/how? (A basic reason why does need to be present in thesis).

5. Is thesis too broad? Narrow? Make thesis more manageable.

6. Make the language in your thesis more specific. Cross out any words, phrases that will help clear up the meaning and/or add words, phrases that help, etc.)

7. Is the thesis interesting? Does it fall back on “canned” ideas (so unoriginal it seems as if it comes from a can)? How can it be made more interesting?

8. Could someone argue the opposite/alternate of your thesis? If the answer is no, something needs to be fixed before you go on. Come up with a suitable alternate/opposite and write it below.

BODY Paragraphs

9. What is topic (main idea) in the first body paragraph? What will be discussed?

10. Write the topic sentence (for 1st body par.) below.

11. In the 1st Body Paragraph, does everything in the paragraph correspond to the promise made in the topic sentence (unified)? Cross out any portion (phrases/entire sentences) that doesn’t belong.

12. Do you achieve coherence in the 1st body paragraph? (Remember that coherence is about the reader understanding, not you.)

What words or phrases in the paragraph move the reader through ¶? Write them below. Make suggestions as necessary.

13. List two supporting details (evidence from the essays in book or personal examples) that support the topic sentence in the first body paragraph.

Do all the details help make prove thesis?

14. Find at least one piece of additional evidence (quotation or example) you could use to cement the claim made in the first body paragraph– Write it in the space below.

15. REPEAT 9-14 for the 2nd and all remaining paragraphs.