structure: Cholesterol – Molecule 9

Week 2:
1. Draw the structure of your molecule, on blank paper. Identify all the functional groups present in your molecule. Circle them, (or box them), and write the names beside the groups. If applicable, also remember to label groups as primary, secondary, tertiary.
2. Indicate the IR signals you might expect to see in an IR spectrum of your compound. Write these in beside the functional group labels. Refer to the handout given in class. Scan the document with information about the functional groups and IR signals and save it as a word file. Submit this as a word file with the document below to canvas.
3. In the “Tools” folder on canvas homepage, there is a molecular modeling handout/tutorial to practice building simple molecules musing Spartan software. Print it out for handy reference.
• Go to the computer lab (CCIL) in the Chemistry building, and learn how to use the Spartan software to build several simple molecules using the tutorial.
• Generate the structure of your adopted molecule, refer to the structure you submitted last week to accomplish this task.
• “Minimize” the energy of the molecule you draw. This will give you a conformation that corresponds to the minimum energy. In actuality, this task must be performed multiple times for accuracy, but you need to do it only once for this assignment. Save the image,
• Print the structure, recording the number indicating the minimized energy – you may need to write it in by hand.
• You must get the Lab Monitor’s initials on the print-out. Scan this printout, save it as a word document and then submit it in canvas. If it is not saved with a “.doc” I may not be able to open it!
4. Remember to post references for this work: functional groups, IR spectra and molecular modeling.
Some of you may not have posted your references for information gathered and posted last week. You need to add those in or your reported data will be considered unacceptable.
Add the information, as well as any other corrections you might wish to make, as a new posting- do not put it in the comment box, maybe in response to a comment from me, That can get “lost” when I’m scrutinizing for completeness and correctness of posted information.

Overview: Rhetorical Analysis of Professional Article


Students will read and reread an educational article of their choosing and write a one page summary of the text, along with 4-5 page analysis of the rhetorical strategies of the document. Note that you have two separate parts to this assignment: summary and analysis. Students will analyze the background, audience, purpose, development, organization, persona, and style of the text. This project aims to help students take a more in-depth look at the writing conventions of this professional discourse community, meanwhile offering them strategies that they can adapt to their own writing. This analysis of a professional piece of writing will serve as a nice contrast to the group project that follows in which they analyze the conventions of theoretical pieces from the academic sphere.I. Academic Free-Standing SummaryThroughout the course of your college career, professors will call upon you to summarize texts for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, you will need to summarize, verbally, an author’s ideas in order to participate in a class discussion or support a point you want to make. At other times, you may be required to incorporate summaries of research into a larger synthesis in an essay. Likewise, in order to conduct a successful rhetorical analysis of a reading you must be able to summarize the text for an audience that is potentially unfamiliar with the piece. Conventions for an Academic Free-Standing Summary:1. Title: Simply title your summary with the author’s name, the title of article in quotation marks, and the words “A Summary.” Example: Margaret Sanger’s “The Cause of War”: A Summary.2. Begin your writing with a one-sentence summary of the central claim of the text (i.e. thesis that you identified in the close reading assignment during week four). Summarize the main points that the author (or authors) makes by employing action verbs (argues, explains, points out, discusses, asserts, details, concludes, etc.). Don’t just tell your readers that the author talks about this or that; explain what analytical or argumentative point (thesis) the author is making. Differentiate between examples and points. A summary aims for the complete gist of the article and cuts through much of the supporting evidence and examples to present only the main points of an author’s argument. Remind your own readers throughout the summary that these are the author’s ideas; you can achieve this by bringing in references to the author.3. The summary should be no longer than one-fourth the length of the source article. Paraphrase the author’s text. Use quotes only when absolutely necessary, and be sure to document any direct quote with a page number. Offer transitions between major thoughts and paragraphs. Sentence combining will help you tighten your prose and offer your reader more information in less space. The summary should be coherent and should “flow.” **Note, most experts recommend that quotes are used sparingly; that is, no more that 10% of a paper should be directly quoted. If your paper is 1200 words, then no more than 120 words should be from direct quotes. 4. Finally, write the summary from the author’s point of view. Do not judge. This is not an analysis, but a summary. You need to be objective and provide your reader with a succinct summary of the source text.
II. Rhetorical AnalysisIn the rhetorical analysis for the project, you will practice the work of reading texts critically by analyzing [the article you chose] for what it reveals about the rhetorical choices—as well as the assumptions and beliefs—of [the author].Getting Started: This assignment will require you to explore {the article] as a text on three levels: 1) as an attempt by someone to communicate something important; 2) as a document that has intentionally been written and structured in such a manner as to lead readers to think, feel, and react in specific ways; and 3) as a cultural artifact that embodies (at least on some level) the values, attitudes and beliefs of a certain group of people at a particular moment in time.Thus, in order to do this project well, you will need to carefully re-read this text several times, analyzing the work on each of these different levels. That is, in your paper you will need to be able to discuss what you think [the author(s)] are trying to say in [the article], so you will want to spend some time carefully considering what you think the main ideas of the text are. But the bulk of your paper will require you to analyze and engage how the authors are attempting to get their points across, and why they have done so in the manner that they have. So, using rhetorical concepts such as purpose, audience, genre, stance, media/design, ethos, pathos, logos, syntax, structure, language, voice, etc., (choose carefully and do not think of these items as a list of things to fulfill) you will want to spend some time carefully reconsidering what [the author(s)] are attempting to do stylistically and structurally as writers, and why. Finally, you will want to explore the work as an historical and cultural document, looking carefully not only at the text itself, but considering the wider context in which it was written, and to speculate on the connections between its audience, context, and the wider culture and values of the period. Rhetorical Considerations: Your purpose in this project is to make an argument (provide a clear thesis) about some aspect of what [the author(s)] are trying to say and do as writers in [the article}. In the process of discussing this, you should offer some analysis of the cultural and/or historical context in which the text was written. Example Thesis: Colleen Ruggieri employs a subtle rhetoric and sense of urgency to convince educators that the time for change in instructional practices, from a testing focused methodology to research-based strategies, is now.Your audience for this paper is someone who may know some basic rhetorical concepts, but who has little familiarity with [the author] or [the topic]. Thus, the bulk of your discussion will want to focus on providing your reader with specific examples and clear explanations of how the text is working and why. In other words, do not assume that your readers will have [the author]’s text to refer to as they read your paper. You must be able to explain and support your points through summary, paraphrase, and quotation.Putting It Together: There are a number of different organizational strategies you might use to structure your paper, but keep in mind that your ultimate aim is to lead your reader through an orderly discussion that focuses on a few main claims about [the author] and rhetoric. You must also provide
evidence to back up your claims, which in this context means specific examples from the text in the form of summary, paraphrase, and/or direct quotation. Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins. Your paper should be 5-6 pages (that is, you’ll have a one page summary and 4-5 pages of analysis); (approximately 1250-1500 words).

Multimedia Forum & Vicarious Experiences

–The tips and requirements are in the attachment with the readings.

Question 1 Multimedia Forum
It is assumed, generally, two modes (or more) are better than one. For example, in most cases having visuals and text increase cognitive processing/learning. Provide an example of an artifact that utilizes more than one mode of communication. Please apply information from the readings in your statements.

Something cool I would like you all to try if you have a smart device – Disney has something called “Appisodes.” This is a voice interactive episode of a Disney program where the action will not move on until the child responds to the device. Very interesting… It does still pass with an incorrect answer… but the neat thing about this also is that there is some help needed from the child with a swipe or tap to move objects… talk about an advancement in children’s television! Check it out! There are some free episodes to try. This would utilize audio, visual as well as haptic responses.

PSY-380 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Project 3

Answer each question completely, showing all your work. Copy and Paste the SPSS output into the word document for the calculations portion of the problems. (Please remember to answer the questions you must interpret the SPSS output).
1. A researcher is interested to learn if there is a linear relationship between the hours in a week spent exercising and a person’s life satisfaction. The researchers collected the following data from a random sample, which included the number of hours spent exercising in a week and a ranking of life satisfaction from 1 to 10 ( 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest).
Participant Hours of Exercise Life Satisfaction
1 3 1
2 14 2
3 14 4
4 14 4
5 3 10
6 5 5
7 10 3
8 11 4
9 8 8
10 7 4
11 6 9
12 11 5
13 6 4
14 11 10
15 8 4
16 15 7
17 8 4
18 8 5
19 10 4
20 5 4

a. Find the mean hours of exercise per week by the participants.
b. Find the variance of the hours of exercise per week by the participants.
c. Determine if there is a linear relationship between the hours of exercise per week and the life satisfaction by using the correlation coefficient.
d. Describe the amount of variation in the life satisfaction ranking that is due to the relationship between the hours of exercise per week and the life satisfaction.
e. Develop a model of the linear relationship using the regression line formula.

2. Insomnia has become an epidemic in the United States. Much research has been done in the development of new pharmaceuticals to aide those who suffer from insomnia. Alternatives to the pharmaceuticals are being sought by sufferers. A new relaxation technique has been tested to see if it is effective in treating the disorder. Sixty insomnia sufferers between the ages of 18 to 40 with no underlying health conditions volunteered to participate in a clinical trial. They were randomly assigned to either receive the relaxation treatment or a proven pharmaceutical treatment. Thirty were assigned to each group. The amount of time it took each of them to fall asleep was measured and recorded. The data is shown below. Use the appropriate t-test to determine if the relaxation treatment is more effective than the pharmaceutical treatment at a level of significance of 0.05.
Relaxation Pharmaceutical
98 20
117 35
51 130
28 83
65 157
107 138
88 49
90 142
105 157
73 39
44 46
53 194
20 94
50 95
92 161
112 154
71 75
96 57
86 34
92 118
75 41
41 145
102 148
24 117
96 177
108 119
102 186
35 22
46 61
74 75

3. A researcher is interested to learn if there is a relationship between the level of interaction a women in her 20s has with her mother and her life satisfaction ranking. Below is a list of women who fit into each of four level of interaction. Conduct a One-Way ANOVA on the data to determine if a relationship exists.
No Interaction Low Interaction Moderate Interaction High Interaction
2 3 3 9
4 3 10 10
4 5 2 8
4 1 1 5
7 2 2 8
8 2 3 4
1 7 10 9
1 8 8 4
8 6 4 1
4 5 3 8

4. Is there a relationship between handedness and gender? A researcher collected the following data in hopes of discovering if handedness and gender are independent (Ambidextrous individuals were excluded from the study). Use the Chi-Square test for independence to explore this at a level of significance of 0.05.

Left-Handed Right-Handed
Men 13 22
Women 27 18

5. A researcher is interested in studying the effect that the amount of fat in the diet and amount of exercise has on the mental acuity of middle-aged women. The researcher used three different treatment levels for the diet and two levels for the exercise. The results of the acuity test for the subjects in the different treatment levels are shown below.
Exercise <30% fat 30% – 60% fat >60% fat
<60 minutes 4 3 2
4 1 2
2 2 2
4 2 2
3 3 1
60 minutes 6 8 5
or more 5 8 7
4 7 5
4 8 5
5 6 6

a. Perform a two-way analysis of variance and explain the results. (Show all work to receive full credit)
b. Find the effect size for each factor and the interaction and explain the results. (Show all work to receive full credit)

Martin Luther King jr and civil rights


—1-3 excerpts from the book for each example
at least 5 in total
—a well-constructed thesis
—cohesive and flowing structure


Preface: I prefer to purchase an outline for the essay rather than the whole essay if possible (see bottom).

The class is ‘Global Protest Movements’ focused on the year 1968. Email assigning essay is pasted below:
Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement he helped to lead emerged an international context. Using the Honey collection, give three or four examples of how it represented global concerns and sought to have an international impact.

Length should run 3-5 pages (that is that it should be at least three pages—not two pages with a couple of lines on a third page). Standard format (generally 12 points) and double-spaced.
The Honey collection is referring to a book and I have the pdf of the said book. This is an undergraduate course, the teacher is laid back, and I am an engineering student, so the paper cannot read at a graduate history student level.

I would prefer to have just an outline so I am able to put information into my own words because the lecture often turns into a class discussion.
The outline should contain AT LEAST:
—1-3 excerpts from the book for each example
at least 5 in total
—a well-constructed thesis
—cohesive and flowing structure

There are 4 more essays assigned for this class and if completed exceptionally I will return for the others, with less of a time constraint.

challenges in sexual health

Analytically examine knowledge and critical thinking that informs contemporary sexual health care.

Critique and evaluate underpinning theoretical perspectives and their relationships with evidence based practice.

Deconstruct and debate the concept of professionalism and decision making within sexual health care.

Critically explore the concept of moral reasoning as a critical thinking tool within sexual health.

Analytically examine knowledge and critical thinking that informs contemporary sexual health care.

Critique and evaluate underpinning theoretical perspectives and their relationships with evidence based practice.

Deconstruct and debate the concept of professionalism and decision making within sexual health care.

Critically explore the concept of moral reasoning as a critical thinking tool within sexual health.

Deconstruct a sexual health scenario and critically examine the challenges identified.

Deconstruct a sexual health scenario and critically examine the challenges identified.

Natural Disasters

Term Paper: Students will research a specific natural disaster relating to one of the course topics (My topic is the 2017 flood in Bangladesh) and apply the 5 fundamental concepts to their event (pg. 12-13 of textbook). I have attached page 12 & 13 as pictures as well so you can refer to it. Students shall write a 400 – 600 word, double-spaced, term paper on the natural disaster, as will be covered in their annotated bibliography. I will also post the rubric so you can use that as well.

Embedded Citations Annotated Bibliographies, & Term Papers must all include at least 10 different, APA-style citations. At least 5 citations must be from “vetted” material. Vetted materials include peer-reviewed journals,, government “white pages”, National Geographic, books, ebooks, and newspapers. No more than 5 sources may be from any one source. Wikipedia citations may not count toward the 10, but it is a wonderful place to start looking for references. Google Scholar has access to peer-reviewed papers and government “white papers”. You shall use APA citations for your citations. These websites are reasonably straight forward: and

Annotated Bibliography part: (10%): Students will research the same natural disaster, as will be covered in their term paper. The Annotated Bibliography will be at least 10 different, APA-style citations with 5 to 15 bullet points (at least 100 points) that will summarize, not quote, the information from that source. Also, the embedded form of each citation will be listed, the type of source (e.g. vetted textbook, vetted peer-reviewed journal, non-vetted blog, etc.), and the strength of the citation (i.e. poor, fair, or good). Bibliography has to have a cover page.

The bibliographical form of references must have a “hanging” paragraph indentation of 0.5”.

Cause and effect over topics of either: globalization, Trump’s presidency, concussions and football, rising college costs, consumer spending and debt, or climate change)

In this essay you will provide a close examination of the causes behind, the effects of, or a combination thereof one of the following topics:

Donald Trump’s presidency
Concussions and football
Rising college costs
Consumer spending and debt
Climate change

Students will base their essays on facts and research, bearing in mind that personal opinion might either affirm or contradict the findings. When in doubt, follow the facts and research. Successful essays will be thesis-driven and seek to say something significant about the factors that led to one of these subjects and/or the aftermath, both immediate and distant.

The essay’s text will be three to four pages long and include a Works Cited page. Students are expected to incorporate into their papers a minimum of two scholarly sources and cite them both within the essay and on the Works Cited page following the most recent guidelines of the MLA. Students unfamiliar with MLA should consult Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) for its MLA style guide.

While one Internet/open web source may be used, all other cited research will need to be either in print or accessed from a database via the college library.

2) Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.


Organizational Evaluation

1)  Please use the following as subheading, address/answer them below the subheadings in paragraph format.Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, APA formatting, and mechanics.

  • Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.

3)  Identify gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.

4)  Explain how a health care organization serves the primary health care concerns of a vulnerable or diverse population.

5)  Identify barriers to implementing evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.


Critically assess the extent to which the Cultural Theory of Risk helps us understand why people disagree about climate change and what this means for policymaking.

Coursework Essay: You are required to complete one 3,000 word essay, choosing from the six
essay titles below. You are not at liberty to alter the title. You should treat these essays as a critical
review of the published literature relevant to the question being asked in the essay title, supported
by additional evidence as appropriate. You may use tables, graphs and/or illustrations in your
essay as appropriate.
A. Critically assess the extent to which the Cultural Theory of Risk helps us understand why
people disagree about climate change and what this means for policymaking.
– Include at least 18 references.
– Include Harvard referencing
These are some recommended texts for the essay if you wish to include anything from them:
Recommended Texts:
Hulme, M. (2009) Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and
opportunity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 393pp.
Hulme, M. (2014). Can science fix climate change? A case against climate engineering.
Cambridge: Polity.
Kenis, A. and Lievens, M. (2015). The limits of the Green Economy. From reinventing capitalism to
repoliticizing the present, London/New York: Routledge, 188pp.
Smith, J., R. Tyszczuk and Robert Butler [eds.] (2014) Culture and Climate Change: Narratives.
Shed, Cambridge, UK, 128pp [Print and online]. Available at: http:// (Accessed 21st December 2017).