Using at least two scholarly resources from the professional literature, investigate methods for developing FFDEs. The literature may include online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

In this assignment, you are to create a comprehensive, well-researched FFDE proposal based on the following scenario.


A midwestern state police department recently responded to a barricaded active shooter incident where the shooter had confined himself and his family to their home. The negotiator was able to persuade the shooter to release his four young children but was unable to persuade the shooter to release his wife or surrender. The scenario resulted in the suicide of the active shooter in front of his spouse, who remained unharmed.

You are the mental health consultant for the police department. You have been assigned to conduct an FFDE on the negotiator, a thirty-five-year-old white male. The negotiator is a seven-year veteran of the force who has three small children and is going through a divorce. Although the officer appears to be handling the stress well, a closer examination reveals that the negotiator shows signs of depression and anxiety, which were not present prior to the incident.


Using at least two scholarly resources from the professional literature, investigate methods for developing FFDEs. The literature may include online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Create a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document by addressing the following:

Design an appropriate fitness-for-duty assessment for the negotiator, which will be submitted to your client and the police department. The plan should, at a minimum, include the following:
Paperwork: You should review before you commence your evaluation. Remember that you may want to consider who is making the referral and why.
Psychometric instruments and a justification for using them.
Clinical semistructured interview questions that are sensitive to issues of culture and ethics. Consider developing rapport with the officer before you lead into the sensitive questions pertaining to the referral.
Effects of symptoms of depression and anxiety on an officer’s ability to perform his or her duties.
Any treatment, if recommended, for symptoms of depression and anxiety in a law enforcement officer.
Create a clinical fitness-for-duty written evaluation outline. Include aspects of cultural and ethical standards, valid and reliable instruments, and the recommendations of your evaluation, including, but not limited to, treatment recommendations and firearm retention.
Provide an introduction paragraph to the client and use section headers.
Apply APA standards to cite sources.

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing to critique.

Critique of Research Article

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing to critique. Your critique should include the following:

Research Problem/Purpose

  • State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
  • Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
  • Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
  • State the purpose of the research.

Review of the Literature

  • Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
  • Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?

Theoretical Framework

  • Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
  • Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
  • Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
  • If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.


  • What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
  • Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
  • Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?


  • What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
  • Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
  • State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
  • Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
  • State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
  • Were ethical considerations addressed?

Data Analysis

  • What data analysis tool was used?
  • How were the results presented in the study?
  • Identify at least one (1) finding.

Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

  • What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
  • In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
  • Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.


The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines

This paper should be a cross between expository and descriptive writing. You must include information citing the location, dates, history, and significance of the building that you choose. (The significance could be anything from being the first work by a particular architect of note, the influence of the building on future architecture, or simply that the building perfectly represents a particular style

The purpose of the report is for you to describe the building in your own words, backed up by the

material from your research. Quote your references. Be sure to endnote or footnote these

quotes as well as other ideas that come from the references. You will also need to provide a

bibliography or list of references at the end of your paper. If you have any questions about how to form your paper, consult The Chicago Manual of Style. In addition, we will post a separate document with examples of how to format and use footnotes, endnotes, and bibliography.




Font: Times New Roman

, Size 12

Line Spacing: Double Spaced

Length: 3

-4 pages plus endnotes or footnotes and references.

Style: Chicago Style is the preferred form

at for bibliography and endnotes (or footnotes).

However, if you are more familiar with APA

or another style you may use that.

Additional Information


This paper should be a cross between expository and descriptive writing. You must include information

citing the location, dates, history, and significance of the building that you choose. (The significance

could be anything from being the first work by a particular architect of note, the influence of the

building on future architecture, or simply that the building perfectly represents a particular style

– or

That it is a variation on a particular style.) Use your references to back up the factual information about

the work chosen.

Secondly, your paper should contain an objective description of the building. For this, you may choose

to write in a technical style or you may choose a more enriched, poetic style of writing. Either way, take

a moment to simply look at photos of the building. You may want to do this before you consult your

reference sources and then edit it afterwards.

Look for details as well as the overall picture. Think of

how you would describe the building to someone that has never seen it before. For this part of the

paper, you may express your personal opinions. The point of the descriptive part of this assignment is to

write in a way that allows your reader to experience the work as you see it. Be sure to describe aspects of the building with the proper architectural terms that you have learned in class.



Synthesize Education Standards

Today, 42 states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) have adopted and implemented the Common Core Standards according to their own timelines. If your state has adopted the Common Core Standards, prepare an infographic that synthesizes information about the Common Core and your state. If your state has not adopted the Common Core, use other educational standards for this activity. If your specialization is not one focused on K-12 education, feel free to select a set of professional standards related to your career or career goals. In your assignment, be sure to analyze:

The definition and origin of the Common Core Standards or other educational standards selected;

The importance and corresponding goal of the selected standards;

Your state or organization’s position and implementation of the selected standards;

Possible strategies to assess the impact of the Standards on student learning;

Review the rubric for information on how this assignment will be graded.
Incorporate appropriate graphics, text, and color for your infographic.
Length: 1 page (with a separate reference page)
References: A minimum of three scholarly references

Below is an infographic example:

Example Education Infographic that includes a mixture of both text and images to convey its message

Created by Freepik

You may use any technology you wish for your infographic. Canva is a free option that you can use, or you can use PowerPoint. Your infographic should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

organizational envrionment

Organizational environment can split two part of things which are external and internal environment, and each has the most important points that I learned in this class. The economy, Technology, socio culture and political/legal trend of external environment directly makes the company changed. For example, recently less employments but more people who want to get jobs and high development of technology make the company to follow laws like limiting number of employment and policies for machineries. The internal environment is composed to some factors with an organization including competition, customers, advocacy groups, supplies, and industry regulation. Customer, competitor and supplier components help company to sell more their product and decrease the cost of making manufactures. Industry regulation is a different factor compared general regulation because it is followed the procedures of specific businesses and industries. Advocacy groups helps to advertise companies from public communications, media advocacy and product boycott. Finally, the main important points that I learned in this class are that external and internal environment are well handled with many concerns in the company because organizational environment is affect for company performance, operations and resources.


  • Do you agree with the points made; why or why not?

I agree with economy, political legal trend and customer component. The economy is always changing that means company should also change their system; otherwise they will make loss and employees.  Without following the laws, the companies will eventually fall their business. Honesty is the best policy. Finally, I think customer component is a crucial part to increase companies substantially. Knowing psychological mind of customer is related to making company profit.


  • State specific actions you will take to incorporate these learning points in your work / career.


As international business major, I will take customer, competitor and supplier component to incorporate in my work. Many companies from all over the world are very complicated, but the key to solve the complication is knowing psychological mind of customer and competitor, and making connection with many suppliers. If I build my own international business in the future, I will base on those factors and grow my companies.

Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?

Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?


How does the way the film begins differ from the text? How does that influence the way you interpret the story of Odysseus, which is distinct from either the plot of the film or the plot of the text?  Keep in mind that the Oxford English Dictionary defines plot as: “the main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.” So, the plot is the artistic order in which the author presents the events of the story within the literary work, not the chronological order in which they could be understood to have taken place would in time.


The American Christian Experience

Research Paper:
The American Christian Experience
Compose a well-structured research paper on one of the topics below related to the American Christian Experience. You should focus on creating an interesting introduction containing a narrow, clear, and arguable thesis, writing a clearly organized body with logical support and external sources for your assertions, and a conclusion that makes a reasonable and emphatic point.
Due Date and Submission:
Adhere strictly to the due date and time specified in the assignment. Turn in your completed essay by submitting it to the Dropbox on Desire2Learn.
Topic Selection:
Suitable topics for this essay include:
• The Puritan settlement and Early Colonization. Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans come to America? (I’m looking for the details of their persecution). Why did other denominations come?
• The American Religious map at the time of the War of Independence. By the end of the colonial period, what religions were prevalent in which colonies? How did they relate to the state and federal government?
• The First Great Awakening. What sparked this revival? Who were the key figures of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, and John Wesley? What did they do that was so different?
• George Whitefield was a Calvinist; John Wesley was an Arminian; both were called Methodists in their day. What do they share in common, and what are their differences?
• The Second Great Awakening. Who was Charles Grandison Finney? What did he believe? What did he do, and how did he do it?
• The Civil War and American Denominationalism. How did the various denominations react to the questions of slavery, states’ rights, and the Civil War? What happened before the war? What happened after it?
• Fundamentalism. What is fundamentalism? How does the theological (doctrinal) definition differ from what people think it means? What are the differences between fundamentalists and evangelicals?
• Liberal Theology and Radical Theology. What is Liberalism in Theology? What is Radicalism in Theology? Specifically, what are the beliefs of Feminist Theology and Liberation Theology?
• Pentecostals and the Azusa Street Revival. What was this revival? How did Pentecostalism develop from it?
• Charismatics and the Jesus People Movement. Who were the Jesus People? Who were some major figures in the movement? How does it affect contemporary American Christianity?

Throughout all these topics, you may wish to focus on one or two recurrent themes in American Christianity, namely:
• The sources of denominationalism in America: why are there so many?
• The outpouring of revivalism in America: how did it develop?
Length Requirement:
600 to 800 words, as counted by Microsoft Word on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. (This is approximately 2-3 pages of text, not including the Works Cited page at the end.) Text must be double-spaced and written in 12 pt. font.
Diction Requirements:
This is a formal paper. The personal pronouns “I” and “You” in all their forms are not allowed. Contractions not are allowed. Adhere strictly to proper grammar and mechanics.
Word Processing Requirement:
The body of the paper must be typed according to MLA Style guidelines, even if you have no sources.
The paper MUST be created in Microsoft Word, either in the new .docx or the old .doc format. If you do not have Microsoft Word, you have two other options:
• Go to and download the Open Office suite. This FREE resources contains a word processor, a spreadsheet program, and a presentation program. The word processor’s native format is Open Document Text (.odt), but it can read and write in the old Microsoft Word .doc format as well.
• Go to Google Documents and sign up for an account. You can create your essay and store it on Google. When it is complete, you can download it as a Microsoft Word .doc file.
Under NO circumstances should you type this paper in Works (.wps format) or Wordpad (.wpd format).
Source Requirements:
NOTE: Do not try to cut and paste Wikipedia articles. This is plagiarism that can result in academic discipline. You cannot receive a passing grade with such a tactic.
• This paper requires at least TWO in-text citations (a quote, a paraphrase, or a summary) to be taken from at least two separate sources.
• A Works Cited page is required. It must have at least TWO separate sources listed on it.
• All sources quoted, paraphrased, or summarized must be cited in the new MLA style. An explanation of the MLA documentation style is found in Diana Hacker’s supplement posted on Desire2Learn.
o In-text citations must be indicated by the proper combination of signal phrases and parenthetical references. They must clearly point to a unique and readily identifiable entry on the Works Cited page. An index to in-text citations is found on page 3 (page 6 of the .pdf file).
o Works Cited entries must conform to MLA style. An index to Works Cited entries is found on page 13 (page 16 of the .pdf file). All Works Cited entries must be alphabetized under the first word of the entry; that is, either under the author’s last name or the first word of the title.
**The following is a link to the religion subject guide. It is located on the library page or you may use the link below to go directly to the page. The resources listed give access to articles and ebooks from valid academic resources. Also, check out the “how to tab” on how to use the resources. URL:

Trends and Issues in Nursing and Health Systems

It is becoming increasingly important for registered nurses to assume a leadership role in a changing health care system. Hence, registered nurses must be able to assess and act to fulfill their own learning needs in order to work to their full scope of practice. To complete this assignment, consider an issue or trend in nursing or health care and choose one of the options from the bulleted list below. Your papers must be scholarly in presentation, reflective of course content, and although they may be related to one another, they must not be duplications.
Please refer to the Resources for guidelines and resources in completing this assignment.
Note: There is a 10 page limit for all written papers excluding title and reference pages. Project page limits are listed next to each project:
• a case study of a real or imagined nursing or health care issue or situation, with a description of the options for resolving the issue in the case study.
• a position paper related to course content; be clear as to difference between a position paper, discussion paper, and an issue paper. [See definitions below]
• a discussion paper related to course content; for example one could frame a question and then proceed with discussion of the answer.
• an issue paper related to course content that follows the framework from your textbook – Framing and Analyzing the Issue.
• a literature review related to course content
• an analysis of several (5-7) interesting Web sites that relate to a particular issue and or take a position on that issue. Critique the verifiability of information in each web site including the authority of the Web site. Compare and contrast how the issue is presented, and provide an executive summary of each Web site.
• a beginning professional portfolio. Portfolio should not exceed a 15 page limit including title page and any appendices.
• Case Study: presents a description of a problem situation; contains sufficient detail to enable the writer to recommend a solution.
• Position Paper: presents an arguable position on an issue with the goal of convincing the audience that this position is valid.
• Discussion Paper: discusses a situation or dilemma representing a variety of views; consists of a reasoned defense of the recommendations.
• Issue Paper: presents a balanced view of a situation or dilemma in which both sides of the situation are clearly articulated.
• Literature Review: is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers; the purpose is to convey to what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, including the strengths and weaknesses.
• Website Critique: is a formalized, critical appraisal of a website; the goal is to turn critical reading into a systematic evaluation in order to deepen insight into that website.
• Professional Portfolio: is a convenient system to tell the story of one’s career. It might include: original documents (e.g. resume/curriculum vitae, professional association memberships, license/board results), supporting materials (e.g.letters of recommendation, publications, presentations, certifications, job descriptions, evaluations), and collateral pieces (e.g.thank you letters, articles and books you have read).

Lifespan Developmrnt

Below is a list of options from which you are to select a topic for the Week Two assignment. These same topics will be featured in subsequent weeks. Make sure that the topic you select for this week is different from the topic you intend to select for the Week Three assignment and the topic you intend to utilize for the Outline of the Final Paper and the Final Paper (Weeks Four and Five, respectively). Examine one of the following topics on lifespan development connecting research and life.
• What do twin and adoption studies tell us about the effects of nature (i.e., genetic influences) and nurture (i.e., environmental influences) on human development? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (i.e., physical, cognitive, or social-emotional).
• How much credit or blame do parents deserve for the way we are? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (physical, cognitive, or social-emotional) for your answer.
• To what extent are the lives of adolescents and young adults shaped by parental and peer influences?
• Why do we have a need to belong (to affiliate with others)?
• How do our bodies and minds change from early to late adulthood?
• What are the factors that affect our well-being as middle aged and older adults?
• Why are some people attracted to members of their own sex whereas others are attracted to members of the opposite sex?
• How do memory and intelligence change as we age?
• Does an infant’s temperament shape his/her cognitive and socio-emotional development?
• Are babies pre-wired for survival?
• Are adolescents more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than older adults?
• Can physical exercise affect cognitive performance in old age? Consider the time of occurrence of physical exercise (i.e., earlier in life or during old age) in your answer.
• Are there personality traits related to longevity?
• Does bilingualism improve brain functioning?
• Why do students in the United States tend to under-perform in math and science?

Once you have chosen your topic, examine the various theories of human development learned in the course and choose one or two that best assist you to understand the issues involved in your topic.

For this assignment address the following:
• Examine various theories of human development, describing relevant terminology, and addressing how the theory assists in the understanding of issues involved in the selected topic.
• Identify and describe at least two domains of human development (physical, biological, emotional, cognitive, and/or social) and how they are impacted by the chosen topic.
• Identify and describe the stages of development that are affected by the chosen topic.
• Describe the cultural and historical perspectives of the chosen topic, demonstrating an understanding of how the topic has been perceived over time and by other cultures. Provide relevant examples.

Writing the Assignment

The Assignment:
1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages), and formatted according to APA style
2. Must include a title page with the following:
a. Title of paper
b. Student’s name
c. Course name and number
d. Instructor’s name
e. Date submitted
3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
a. Begin with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be discussed in the paper.
b. For example, if you select “How do memory and intelligence change as we age?” as your topic, you will need to define the terms memory, intelligence and aging.
4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
a. Conclude with an answer to the selected question. Did the evidence you surveyed answer the question satisfactorily? Including your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence.
b. If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers to the selected question are less than conclusive.
6. Must use at least two scholarly sources, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library or Google Scholar.
a. It is important that you ask yourself if the articles specifically address the selected topic. It is not always easy to find the right articles. Thus, give yourself some time to search before you finalize your selection.
b. You may reference your textbook and other required materials from the course; however, these will not fulfill the resource requirements.
7. Must include an annotated bibliography which briefly summarizes each article including the purpose of the investigation, its methodology, and results.
a. If possible, select peer-reviewed articles that summarize the evidence available in a given field of study (e.g., meta-analysis combines the findings of different studies to uncover trends, commonalities and differences).
b. Order the articles in the way you think you will discuss them in your paper. Then develop a summary of the scientific evidence that answers the question you selected.

c. The reference section will be the final page of the paper.

This assignment is designed to reinforce the idea of how free markets organize economic activity, and also to introduce you to opposing views on the effectiveness of free markets in this organization.

This assignment is designed to reinforce the idea of how free markets organize economic activity, and also to introduce you to opposing views on the effectiveness of free markets in this organization.

Relevant Podcast: “How Can This Possibly Be True” – Freakonomics with Stephen Dubner              Relevant Reading: “Why Prices Are Good” – Chapter 8 of The Armchair Economist by Steven Landsburg

Assumptions and Agreements:

  1. This assignment must be completed individually.
  2. Your submission is due on Moodle on Sunday, Sept. 16th by 11:55pm
  3. Late submissions will receive a maximum of half credit.
  4. Your submission will graded according to the following rubric:
0 Points 5 Points 8 Points  

10 Points

You did not submit an assignment. Any of the following are true:

– Your response does not show a significant understanding of concepts discussed in the podcast.

– Your descriptions of the market you chose in #1 are not factually accurate. – Your analysis related to the handout fails to display comprehension of the main economic arguments.

Any of the following are true:

– Your response fails to display a nuanced understanding of concepts discussed in the podcast.

– Your descriptions of the market you chose in #1 are factually accurate, but do not coincide with the concepts discussed in the podcast.

– Your analysis related to the handout fails to display a nuanced understanding of the main economic arguments.

Your response displays a nuanced understanding of concepts discussed in the podcast. Your descriptions of the market you chose in #1 are factually accurate, and are well aligned with the concepts discussed in the podcast. Your analysis related to the handout displays a nuanced understanding of the main economic arguments.


Listen to the podcast with Stephen Dubner on the “How Can This Possibly Be True” (available through from the 6:00 mark through the 21:20 mark,1 read Chapter 8 of the Armchair Economist: “Why Prices are Good,” and respond to the following prompts. As you are listening to the podcast or reading the handout, don’t focus on looking for a specific answer to each prompt. Instead try to follow the big picture ideas. The prompts are not designed to ask you to find and repeat arguments made in the podcast or handout.

  1. Milton Friedman (1912-2006), a Nobel Prize winning economist, is quoted in the podcast as follows: “The miracle of this pencil isn’t that nobody knows how to make it. The miracle of the pencil is: how did it get made?” In 4 to 6 sentences, describe the difference between these statements. Why is the second statement deeper than the first?
  2. Choose a consumer good other than a pencil. List eight to ten separate parties involved in the production and distribution of this good to the final consumers.
  3. At the end of the podcast (roughly the 21:10 mark), Tim Harford describes the process of creative destruction: that a free market makes innovations through a very large number of experiments (most of which are unsuccessful).2 For each of the following sub-questions (#3a. – #3c.), use the consumer good you chose in #2.
    1. In 4 to 6 sentences, describe two ways in which creative destruction has impacted this market. What parties benefited from the process? What parties were negatively impacted?
    2. In 3 to 5 sentences, describe two ways in which government intervention has helped facilitate the process of creative destruction in this market.
    3. In 3 to 5 sentences, describe two ways in which government intervention has impeded the process of creative destruction in this market.
  4. In the handout, Landsburg argues that if the last bushel of wheat produced by Farmer A costs $15 and the last bushel of wheat produced by Farmer B costs $5, this is an inefficient outcome. In 4 to 6 sentences, describe why this is inefficient. Are there any conditions under which this is the efficient outcome?

Landsburg argues that the problems associated with air pollution could be mitigated not by reducing markets, but rather by increasing market activity. In 4 to 6 sentences, provide an example of a problem typically associated with markets that could be or has been solved by increasing market activity (e.g., creating new or more markets). Your example should not be one described in the handout.