The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.

The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.
The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of the four domains. Although content from literature reviews completed in prior courses within this program may be included, it may not constitute the total research for the individual domains addressed within this assignment. No more than four sources from previous literature reviews completed in this program may be utilized for this integrative review.
The headings listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content. These sections include the following: a clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way; a discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis; and a conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way, the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.
• Provide a conceptual framework for the review.
• Describe how the review will be organized. The questions below may be used to guide this section.
o What are the guiding theories within the domains?
o How are the domains connected?
o Are there competing points of view across the domains?
o Why is the integration of these domains important?
o What is the history of these domains?
o What are the related theories or findings?
• Describe how the literature was identified, analyzed, and synthesized.
• How and why was the literature chosen?
• What is your claim or thesis statement?
• Provide the analysis, critique, and synthesis for the review.
• Examine the main ideas and relationships presented in the literature across the four domains.
• Integrate concepts from the four different content domains within the larger field of psychology.
• What claim(s) can be made in the introduction?
• What evidence supports the claim(s) made in the introduction?
• Evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the chosen research findings.
• How well does the literature represent the issues across the four domains?
• Identify the strengths and the key contributions of the literature.
• Have the authors omitted any key points and/or arguments?
• What, if any, inaccuracies have been identified in the literature?
• What evidence runs contrary to the claims proposed in the introduction, and how might these be reconciled with the claims presented?
• Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might influence the reliability and/or generalizability of the chosen findings.
• Did the ethical issues influence the outcomes of the research?
• Were ethical considerations different across the domains?
• Integrate existing ideas with new ideas to create new knowledge and new perspectives.
• Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist.
• Relate the evidence presented to the major conclusions being made.

This assignment is worth 15% and can be completed individually or in a group Prepare a newsletter based on recent (within last 6 months) articles pertaining to Tourism Industry both Canadian & International. The topics are to be actual and non-fictional. The write- up & content of the articles will be in your own words. Your articles should have a variety to include different sectors. 4 articles are the min. amount needed. Fillers such as advertisements, travel tips, weather reports, etc. can also be used. Sources from your topics are also to be included such as newspaper articles, internet print outs, web sites, etc. There should also be a picture for each article included in your newsletter. The newsletter will be typed and 3 pages min. The format will be a newsletter layout format. See your instructor for examples.

This assignment is worth 15% and can be completed individually or in a group Prepare a newsletter based on recent (within last 6 months) articles pertaining to Tourism Industry both Canadian & International. The topics are to be actual and non-fictional. The write- up & content of the articles will be in your own words. Your articles should have a variety to include different sectors. 4 articles are the min. amount needed. Fillers such as advertisements, travel tips, weather reports, etc. can also be used. Sources from your topics are also to be included such as newspaper articles, internet print outs, web sites, etc. There should also be a picture for each article included in your newsletter. The newsletter will be typed and 3 pages min. The format will be a newsletter layout format. See your instructor for examples.

Your assignment will be marked on content and creativity.
Marking Scheme for Sector Assignment

Depth and Relevance—articles need to be in your own words but on an actual event that has happened. Fillers can be copied. All articles and fillers must be appropriate for viewers.
Articles (2% x 4 = 8%) 8%
Actual references articles – handed in separately. 4%
Design of Newsletter. 3%


An annotated bibliography is simply a list of consulted sources followed by a summary of each source. The point of these assignments is to familiarize yourself with new children’s books.
Your list should be comprised of 10 books with correct MLA citations and summaries. 1. Choose a genre of interest/topics areas and an age group from the below and select ten (10) books related to the topic from the same approximate reading level. Topic Areas to Choose from: • Native American Life and History • African-American Life and History • Women’s History, Suffrage, Feminism • The history/life of another specific ethnic group • LGBTQ+ issues • Social Activism • Social Justice • Mixed or Untraditional Families • Anger (or other emotions). **I am open to other topics as well as long they are not the typical basic instruction books on the usual topics. Please email me for approval.
2. You must choose any age group to focus your reading list on • Picture Books (Babies-Toddlers-Preschool) • Early Readers/Chapter Books (6-10) • Middle Readers (8-12) • Young Adult (12+). 3. Read each book. 4. Write MLA works cited entry of each book **check our NCC library website for more info: or 5. Write short (about 100 words) annotations of each book paying special attention to the way each story captivates readers of the specific reading level. Annotations include conceptual summaries of the book, which means you will have to read each of the books on your list. HELPFUL TIPS
As in an MLA works cited page, your list should be organized alphabetically, by author’s last name. After each citation, the summary should follow. Then write the next citation and summary.
In your 100 word summary, you must provide the following: 1. A conceptual summary of the book (identify the theme; describe elements of plot such as character, tone, conflict etc.; discuss author’s style; consider ultimate goal of the book and how the author got there) 2. Identify the specific genre of the book (beyond “picture book”, is it fantasy, science fiction, historical realism?) 3. A brief discussion of how illustrations and text work together in the book to create meaning.
Before your summary, you must provide a correct MLA entry of the book itself (as it would appear on a works cited page). Make sure to refer to the 2009 MLA format. If you need to refresh your memory on MLA format, check out the Purdue University MLA website: Example of one annotated bibliography entry: Leaf, Munro. How to Speak Politely and Why. New York, Universe, 2005. Munro Leaf’s book, How to Speak Politely and Why, is an instructional picture book that aims to teach children proper speech and grammar. Leaf provides examples of improper speech and common usage mistakes, and explains the correct forms of expression. He addresses various faulty uses of speech such as erroneous word pronunciations, impolite forms of expression, issues of tense and common grammar mistakes while maintaining an uplifting, non-pedantic tone. Personification of words is one method Leaf employs in this book to draw in readers and help them understand the purpose or misuse of certain words. The use of simple stick figure illustrations maintains the practical mood of the book while adding an element of silliness to it which may appeal to children.

This will be a theology paper, but there is no theology in the subject area. This essay will be on a film based on a short story (Babette’s Feast) by Karen Blixen. Please go to this link as provided my professor to see the summary or for the preparation for viewing the film

This will be a theology paper, but there is no theology in the subject area.

This essay will be on a film based on a short story (Babette’s Feast) by Karen Blixen. Please go to this link as provided my professor to see the summary or for the preparation for viewing the film
(The first website is the one)

MOREOVER, he said, “In this essay please address the following issues and questions:
1. What is the biographical background of the author? What other works has she written? (Please note that a separate set of notes will be distributed in class.)
2. In what significant ways, if any, does the written version of the story differ from the film version?
3. Since this is a course in sacramental theology and celebration, how do you think the overall story is related to sacraments in general and, more particularly, the Sacrament of the Eucharist in terms of the following three themes: meal, sacrifice, and grace? (Where is meal/dining, sacrifice, and grace manifested in the story?
4. How is Babette a type of “Christ-figure”?
5. Why and how is the story clearly “gospel-related” especially in light of Jesus’ teachings and practices about the nature of the “kingdom/reign of God” especially as it is manifest around the dining of people at meals (especially those who were considered sinners, impure, outside the Law/Torah)?
6. With which one of the characters do you most and least identify?



Question : In Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own what belief is implied in the “old gentleman’s statement that it is “impossible for any woman… to have the genius of Shakespeare?

Question : In Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own what belief is implied in the “old gentleman’s statement that it is “impossible for any woman… to have the genius of Shakespeare?

Question : In Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own what belief is implied in the “old gentleman’s statement that it is “impossible for any woman… to have the genius of Shakespeare?

Question : In Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own what belief is implied in the “old gentleman’s statement that it is “impossible for any woman… to have the genius of Shakespeare?

My Life Vision Essay

Over the course of this term, you will be building a portfolio that captures and describes the vision you have for your life. Your portfolio is private in that it is only seen by yourself and your instructor. It is rated according to the following: How specific is it? How well does it demonstrate synthesis of ideas? How reflective is it? and How meaningful is it?

You’re now ready to create the first entry for your portfolio. You will complete a short reading and then must write two pages on the topic given in the reading.

Experience 1 My Life Vision
This is your first My Life Vision entry. Based on the reading below, write a minimum of 2 pages on the topic of “Who Am I?” Please submit your work in the google doc that is provided for you.

Who Am I?
Exploring the qualities and characteristics that make up who you are as a person is a valuable exercise. Each person has positive and negative qualities and characteristics. If you find that you have qualities that may hold you back from achieving your goals, you can make changes that will positively affect your future.

An important part of who we are is determined by the characteristics or qualities that we possess, qualities like humor, intelligence, strength, warmth, self-assurance, anxiety, shyness, etc. Many of these qualities are inherited from our parents, but some evolve out of our experiences and upbringing.

We also have both positive and negative characteristics—no one is perfect—and it is important to be aware of them both. If people focus too much on their negative characteristics and are not aware of their positive qualities, then they can begin to lose their self-esteem. Low self esteem can have negative effects, such as depression, drug and alcohol abuse, lack of motivation, poor grades in school, etc. On the other hand, if people are unaware of certain negative qualities, they may not take responsibility for the effects these negative qualities may have on others. For example, if a person is a complainer all the time, his complaining will most likely negatively affect the moods of those around him. Without the understanding that he is a constant complainer and that his complaining brings down his friends and co-workers, he will never change. In another example, if a person is extremely shy, she may not want to venture far from home, she may not want to go to college for fear of the new surroundings, she may not want to try new things, etc. She is holding herself back because of her shyness.

Therefore, knowing who you are is important. Understanding that you are a valuable, worthwhile person who possesses a great many positive characteristics is essential to your emotional well being. But working on those characteristics that may prevent you from reaching your goals and developing healthy relationships is also necessary to your future success.

You should start your My Life Vision entry for this experience by picking out some nouns or adjectives that describe your qualities or characteristics. For example, I might pick out these nouns or adjectives to describe some of my qualities: exaggerated, grumpy, funny, intuitive, worried, strong, caretaker. The adjectives or nouns should be both positive and negative. Then you will develop each of these adjectives by discussing how and why they describe you. For the adjectives or nouns that you are not so crazy about, you should write about why you think you have these qualities—what you think makes you the way that you are—and how these characteristic have affected your life up until this point. Then you will discuss how you might try to make changes in those parts of yourself.

In The Body in Pain, Elaine Scarry argues that “there is no language for pain… it (more than any other phenomenon) resists verbal objectification” (12). Scarry sees this inaccessibility in two ways: the individual in pain cannot effectively express their pain in language; the people around the individual struggle both to understand that the individual is in pain and to gauge the dimensions of this pain. This misunderstanding has various implications—it can prevent a patient from receiving proper pain management; it can also prevent politicians from effectively addressing the pain of certain groups, such as opioid addicts or poor people. For this prompt, use Burner’s “Mastectomy Letter” and write a paper that analyzes how this work addresses pain’s resistance to language. Please note that the work may explore pain’s resistance to language and/or how individuals overcome this resistance.

In The Body in Pain, Elaine Scarry argues that “there is no language for pain… it (more than any other phenomenon) resists verbal objectification” (12). Scarry sees this inaccessibility in two ways: the individual in pain cannot effectively express their pain in language; the people around the individual struggle both to understand that the individual is in pain and to gauge the dimensions of this pain. This misunderstanding has various implications—it can prevent a patient from receiving proper pain management; it can also prevent politicians from effectively addressing the pain of certain groups, such as opioid addicts or poor people. For this prompt, use Burner’s “Mastectomy Letter” and write a paper that analyzes how this work addresses pain’s resistance to language. Please note that the work may explore pain’s resistance to language and/or how individuals overcome this resistance.
a. A clear, contestable thesis. Please see the “Thesis Writing” handout for further information about writing a thesis.
b. Some engagement with the critical source (i.e. Sontag, Scarry, or Samuels) and/or with the class discussion (for prompt d).
c. Robust literary analysis that supports your thesis. Please see the “Close Reading” handout for further information
d. Strong, clean prose that is free of grammatical, surface, and citation errors. Please see the “Grammar Handout” for a list of common grammar errors and how to fix them.

Disruptive Technology

Choose one of the disruptive technologies from the McKinsey Global Institute report. Describe how this technology has “the potential for massive impact on how people live and work, and on industries and economies” (Manyika, et. al., 2013). Then, detail how it might impact the manufacturing industry.

Choose one of the disruptive technologies from the McKinsey Global Institute report. Describe how this technology has “the potential for massive impact on how people live and work, and on industries and economies” (Manyika, et. al., 2013). Then, detail how it might impact the manufacturing industry.

Choose one of the disruptive technologies from the McKinsey Global Institute report. Describe how this technology has “the potential for massive impact on how people live and work, and on industries and economies” (Manyika, et. al., 2013). Then, detail how it might impact the manufacturing industry.

Partnerships of Arthritis Queensland

Hi, I need to make two slides about how arthritis Queensland,
One slide needs to be about how the organisation engages with the community and clinicians. The second slide needs to be, using a literary resource for support, what possible ways could arthritis Queensland improve engagement with clinicians?
Attached is a document with resources and more information about this project and some notes I have taken after speaking to a member of this organisation.
Also in the notes of the powerpoint could you please put a little script for a brief presentation. Marks are also given for visual aid, with appropriate, clear, readable and well designed slides. Thank you, Jack

Jane is an 40 year old woman who over the past 5 years has been experiencing periods of weeks at a time where she has difficulty getting out of bed but not being able to sleep and she worries “about everything”. She reports feeling as though she is moving really slowly. She no longer “hangs out” with her friends. She reports having a “short fuse” and getting annoyed at little things. She then has periods of weeks where she feels on top of the world but feels “a bit out of control”. She does not need more than a few hours of sleep. Her girlfriend Rose reports that Jane’s sex drive is “out of control” during these states and she fears she may have cheated on her. Rose also reports that during these times Jane speaks “so fast she could be an auctioneer”. On a few occasion’s Jane has been observed having a conversation with someone who is not there. Rose states that this only happens when she is “up”. Rose also reports that Jane makes a “weird smacking noise with her mouth”. This started about a month ago and is pretty constant.

ou must have a title page on your case. If you do not have a title page, your case will not be graded.

Paper is due by 11:59 PM on due date

This case may NOT be more than 5 pages long. The assignment will be deducted -1 point for every page over 5.


Jane is an 40 year old woman who over the past 5 years has been experiencing periods of weeks at a time where she has difficulty getting out of bed but not being able to sleep and she worries “about everything”. She reports feeling as though she is moving really slowly. She no longer “hangs out” with her friends. She reports having a “short fuse” and getting annoyed at little things. She then has periods of weeks where she feels on top of the world but feels “a bit out of control”. She does not need more than a few hours of sleep. Her girlfriend Rose reports that Jane’s sex drive is “out of control” during these states and she fears she may have cheated on her. Rose also reports that during these times Jane speaks “so fast she could be an auctioneer”. On a few occasion’s Jane has been observed having a conversation with someone who is not there. Rose states that this only happens when she is “up”. Rose also reports that Jane makes a “weird smacking noise with her mouth”. This started about a month ago and is pretty constant.

Jane is currently in an inpatient facility because a week ago she was pulled over for speeding and the officer observed her acting erratically and was not making sense when asked questions.

Jane’s medications are as follows:

Prozac -80 mg/day (2 years)

Pristiq- (1 week)

Abilify-30 mg/day (2 years)

Ativan- 1mg PRN (1 year)

Oral Contraceptives

Using your now extensive knowledge of medications and your class notes, book, research, address the following issues:

What is Jane’s likely diagnosis?
What are the red flags involved in this case? There are many.
What are the possible side effects of these drugs?
Which side effects do you believe Jane is suffering from?
If you were prescribing her medications, what would you change? Which drug would you take her off of (if any), which would you put her on instead (if any)?
What other treatments would you recommend for Jane?

Case 1
Case 1
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Red Flags
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Possible Side Effects
1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Side effects client is suffering from
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome What would you change
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome What treatments do you recommend
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA and Grammar
1.0 pts
Total Points: 10.0