For this essay you will examine two concepts or items from a similar category and offer an interesting analysis of how they are similar in some ways, different in some ways, or both similar and different in some ways. One of you will focus on one subject in the category, and the other will focus on the other subject in the category.

For this essay you will examine two concepts or items from a similar category and offer an interesting analysis of how they are similar in some ways, different in some ways, or both similar and different in some ways. One of you will focus on one subject in the category, and the other will focus on the other subject in the category. You MUST work together to plan what points you will research, how you will organize them in your essay, and how you will make sure that your style, diction, and tone match (so that it seems as if only one person wrote the essay).

Here are examples of past topics.

Example 1) Research the plagiarism laws or policies and/or customs in your home country and the United States. Compare/contrast the two systems.

Example 2) Advanced topic (includes other’s opinions): There are two groups of people in the United States that have very different views on how the US government should “handle” the threat of ISIS. One side feels that the US is at least partially responsible and should help. The other feels that the US has no place there and should completely back away. Research and then compare/contrast these two reactions.

Choose your own topic (or one of the above). It must be academic and you must get it approved through me. If you need help, I have many ideas.

Now is the time to narrow it down. You want to highlight the similarities or differences or both (“It Depends”) between two concepts, physical items, systems, or other parallel and comparable topics. You only have 500-700 words and one short presentation.

You will write an essay on your choice. Here are some initial questions and instructions to help you begin:

Who is your audience? Martin is NOT your audience. Imagine a group of people who would appreciate this essay. Be as specific as possible (not “everyone” or “all people in the government,” etc). Give a reason for your choice.
You plan to target___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________(your audience)
Think about another, deeper purpose for the essay, so it is not boring (it is NOT because that’s what your assignment says to do). Consider why someone would want or need to know the information you present. You should present comparisons and contrasts that are not easily seen or noticed by your audience. For example, if you compare summer and winter there are too many obvious differences to make an interesting essay. You could, however, compare the symbolism associated with each season in British Romantic poetry. As another example, if you compare red and white there are too many obvious differences, but you could compare the metaphorical attributes associated with red between China and England. Remember, this cannot be a persuasive essay. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What point(s) do you want focus on? This should be specific and will directly relate to your audience and purpose. Example: If you examine plagiarism policies between two countries, do you want to focus primarily on what each system does well/not well? Do you want to discuss how the culture supports or doesn’t support the rules/laws? Do you want to focus on how the educational systems deal with such forms of cheating? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Which subject in your topic will you focus on? Example – I will focus on the plagiarism laws or customs in China. My partner will focus on the plagiarism laws in the USA.

What are the origins of the stigma? How did it begin? b. What is the history of the stigma? What has it looked like over time? c. What is the impact of the stigma? What are its effects on the stigmatized group?

Pick a stigmatized group
Summarize the nature of that group’s stigmatized status
a. What are the origins of the stigma? How did it begin?
b. What is the history of the stigma? What has it looked like over time?
c. What is the impact of the stigma? What are its effects on the stigmatized group?
Use the articles from class and be sure to provide evidence-based references from the scientific literature to support your points. Be sure that you have adequately addressed each of the questions.
Be sure it is at least 4 pages excluding reference page and cover page.

Psychology writing, like writing in the other sciences, is meant to inform the reader about a new idea, theory or experiment. Toward this end, academic psychologists emphasize the importance of clarity and brevity in writing while minimizing descriptive language and complex sentence structure. The best writers of psychology have the ability to make complex ideas understandable to people outside of their area of expertise.

• Psychology writing, like writing in the other sciences, is meant to inform the reader about a new idea, theory or experiment. Toward this end, academic psychologists emphasize the importance of clarity and brevity in writing while minimizing descriptive language and complex sentence structure. The best writers of psychology have the ability to make complex ideas understandable to people outside of their area of expertise.

When you write a psychology paper, you are, above all, writing to convey factual knowledge that is supported by research. You are striving to be precise, and thus you should expect every word you write to be read literally. Psychology writing can be very dense, with many references to previous research. Writers of psychology almost never directly quote a source. Instead, they distill the essence of the idea or finding, and cite the appropriate source. In the humanities, writers may repeat words or phrases for emphasis; in psychology writers rarely repeat words and phrases, and when they do so it is only to aid in clarity.
Common Types of Psychology Papers:
• Research summary/literature review
• Empirical paper or research proposal
A Note on Evidence:
• In psychology, evidence for one’s conclusions should rely on data, rather than people’s opinions. For example, in order to conclude that Americans’ attitudes toward gay rights have become more liberal, you would have to rely on empirical demonstrations of the liberalization of attitudes. You might say something like “Previous research has demonstrated that attitudes toward gay rights have become more liberal over the last two decades (Jones, 2006; Smith, 1999)” or “In a 30-year longitudinal survey, Smith (1999) found that attitudes toward gay rights became more liberal.” On the other hand, a statement like “Smith argues that ‘attitudes toward gay rights have liberalized over the last two decades’” would not be considered evidence in a psychology paper because psychologists do not consider opinions or direct quotations to constitute evidence unless they are accompanied by substantial empirical evidence.
Further reading into psychology writings style

Freud’s “The Uncanny” – Key Points and Concepts
• Freud argues that the uncanny is evoked when something evokes a return of a repressed idea or experience. It re-establishes a primitive belief that has been “surmounted” or reminds one of an infantile phantasy (in the Freudian sense; relating to infantile beliefs, experiences, desires) that has since been overcome
• “Uncanny” is a word that describes a general type of dread, but still occupies a specific space (ie there is a difference between what is “uncanny” vs. “fearful”) (1)
o “. . . the familiar can become uncanny and frightening” (2)
o “Something has to be added to what is novel and unfamiliar to make it uncanny” (2)
o But that’s not the only reason (ie in Hoffman’s “The Sand-Man”) that there’s an “unparalleled atmosphere of uncanniness which the story evokes” (5)
o “. . . doubling, dividing and interchanging the self” and “recurrence of similar situations, a same face, or character-trait, or twist of fortune, or a same crime, or even a same name . . . ” (9)
o “It would seem as though each of us has been through a phase of individual development corresponding to that animistic stage in primitive men, that none of us has traversed it without preserving certain traces of it which can be re-activated, and that everything which now strikes us as ‘uncanny’ fulfills the condition of stirring those vestiges of animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression” (13)
o “Other situations having in common with my adventure an involuntary return to the same situation, but which differ radically from it in other respects, also result in the same feeling of helplessness and of something uncanny” (11)
o “Involuntary repetition which surrounds with an uncanny atmosphere what would otherwise be innocent enough, and forces upon us the idea of something fateful and unescapable where otherwise we should have spoken of ‘chance’ only” (11).
o Ie reoccuring number
o “. . . whatever reminds us of this inner repetition-compulsion is perceived as uncanny” (11-12)
o “The ‘uncanny’ is that class of terrifying which leads back to something long known to us, once very familiar” (1-2).
o Refers to Jentsch’s example of “wax-work figures, artificial dolls, and automatons” arousing “‘doubts whether an apparently animate being is really alive; or conversely, whether a lifeless object might not be in fact animate” (5)
 Brought about by the presence of the looming “‘Sand-Man’ who tears out children’s eyes” (5)
o “We must content ourselves with selecting those themes of uncanniness which are most prominent, and seeing whether we can farly trace then also back to infantile sources. These themes are all concerned with the idea of a ‘double’ in every shape and degree. . .” (9)
 Otto Rank – “the double,” Doppelgaenger
 The double as at first helping to promote ideas of immortality, but then takes on a “different aspect”: “From having been an assurance of immortality, he becomes the ghastly harbinger of death” (9)
 “The quality of uncanniness can only come from the circumstance of the ‘double’ being a creation dating back to a very early mental stage, long since left behind, and one, no doubt, in which it wore a more friendly aspect. The ‘double’ has become a vision of terror, just as after the fall of their religion the gods took on daemonic shapes” (10).
o Being too perfect (their every wish suddenly come true, suddenly no ailments, becoming “uncanny”) (12)
o Having “presentiments” (12)
o “Dread of the evil eye” (12)
o “Omnipotence of thoughts” (12)
• “If psychoanalytic theory is correct in maintaining that every emotional affect, whatever its quality, is transformed by repression into morbid anxiety, then among such cases of anxiety there must be a class in which the anxiety can be shown to come from something repressed which recurs” (13)
 “This class of morbid anxiety would then be no other than what is uncanny, irrespective of whether it originally aroused dread or some other affect.”
o “In the second place, if this is indeed the secret nature of the uncanny, we can understand why the usage of speech has extended das Heimliche into its opposite das Unheimliche; for this uncanny is in reality nothing new or foreign, but something familiar and old–established in the mind that has been estranged by the process of repression” (13).
 Regarding mortality: “no human being really grasps it and our unconscious has as little use now as ever for the idea of its own mortality” (13)
 “Since practically all of us still think as savages do on this topic; it is no matter for surprise that the primitive fear of the dead is still so strong within us and always ready to come to the surface at any opportunity” (14)
 “Animism, magic and witchcraft, the omnipotence of thoughts, man’s attitude to death, involuntary repetition and the castration-complex comprise practically all the factors which turn something into an uncanny thing” (14)
o “… our own fairy-tales are crammed with instantaneous wish-fulfillments which produce no uncanny effect whatever” (16)
 “Fairy-tales frankly adopt the animistic standpoint of the omnipotence of thoughts and wishes, and yet I cannot think of any genuine fairy-story which has anything uncanny about it” (16)
o Real-life cases, he argues, could “fit perfectly” into this
o “We–or our primitive forefathers–once believed in the possibility of these things and were convinced that they really happened. Nowadays we no longer believe in them, we have surmounted such ways of thought; but we do not feel quite sure of our new set of beliefs” (17)
 “He who has completely and finally dispelled animistic beliefs in himself, will be insensible to this type of the uncanny” (17)
o “. . . an uncanny effect is often and easily produced by effacing the distinction between magic and reality” (15)
o “As soon as something actually happens in our lives which seems to support the old, discarded beliefs, we get a feeling of the uncanny” (17)
• “Our conclusion could then be stated thus: An uncanny experience occurs either when repressed infantile complexes have been revived by some impression, or when the primitive beliefs we have surmounted seem once more to be confirmed” (17)

As we have progressed through this course we have reviewed and evaluated different aspects of the community-oriented policing system and have gotten a good idea of where we are now. But what of the future? Where are we headed to? If there is one thing we have learned it is that we are always evolving.

As we have progressed through this course we have reviewed and evaluated different aspects of the community-oriented policing system and have gotten a good idea of where we are now. But what of the future? Where are we headed to? If there is one thing we have learned it is that we are always evolving. For this week’s assignment consider the future of community-oriented policing. A good place for some information to start with is here: What changes are being suggested? What are the strategies that communities and law enforcement agencies are not using now that might be successful in the future? Evaluate possibilities and make suggestions as to how our communities can keep up with the times and continue to work with law enforcement to solve problems and improve the quality of life in the neighborhoods.

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation that contains at least 8 slides which outline your community-policing approach in the future.

In your presentation, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format.

Only one of the references you use may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the library (this includes EBSCO Host and the Gale Criminal Justice Collection).

Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an electronic records management (ERM) system. Explain why an ERM is a senior management issue and not simply an IT issue?

This Module Review assignment requires you to answer complex questions that are related to the topics presented in the module readings and have been designed to develop your critical thinking skills.
Use the course textbook AND outside primary sources to obtain data that supports your answers. Follow the guidelines in the Module Review Questions Requirements section, including using current APA style and pasting the questions in bold before each answer.
1. Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an electronic records management (ERM) system. Explain why an ERM is a senior management issue and not simply an IT issue?
2. Describe each of the four V’s of data analytics: variety, volume, velocity, and veracity.
3. Identify the primary functions of a database and a data warehouse. Explain why enterprises need both of these data management technologies.

An analytical paper is a research paper that critically examines a work of literature from a specific point/problem. Analytical topics look at contextualization of a literary work (you could look at the Hawthorne’s representation of religion and society, James’ Continental Americans, etc.) and, through primary and secondary materials and the work itself, investigates this problem in-depth.

An analytical paper is a research paper that critically examines a work of literature from a specific point/problem. Analytical topics look at contextualization of a literary work (you could look at the Hawthorne’s representation of religion and society, James’ Continental Americans, etc.) and, through primary and secondary materials and the work itself, investigates this problem in-depth. You could draw on your literary “map” in order to find ways of discussing the work of literature (cultural, historical, authorial, etc.). Draw on your text and your sources (quote, summarize, paraphrase) in order to make the connections between the “problem” and the literary work in question. Make sure you are aware of how you reference the text (make sure you cite all your sources and any quotes, paraphrases, etc.).

You will need a clearly articulated thesis statement that will oversee the entire arch of your essay. This thesis will help you focus your argument and maintain direction.

Formal research papers assert a specific TONE. Watch for “I,” “me,” “you” statements. Watch for profanity and judgment/opinion/value statements. You should know the standard way of quoting specific works: if you quote a poetic work, know how to correctly quote a work of poetry, etc.

Research papers should be in MLA format: they should be type-written, double spaced and within standard margins. Your quotes and citations should also be in MLA format. Know when and where to use “block” quotations. Your pagination and headers should include simply your last name and the page number at the top RIGHT of the page. Use a CREATIVE/ORIGINAL title and a “hook” sentence that catch your audience’s attention.

Research papers should be between 5-8 pages in length.

After watching the video and resources above related to crime, how has violence changed or stayed the same in our society? • What are some contributing factors the impacted your choice. • Please do some additional research and provide evidence of other cases in society that relate to this topic.

• After watching the video and resources above related to crime, how has violence changed or stayed the same in our society?
• What are some contributing factors the impacted your choice.
• Please do some additional research and provide evidence of other cases in society that relate to this topic.

Discussion #6
Elderly Victims
• What is being done in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to protect this vulnerable population?
• With this, do you think enough is being done? Who are the most likely victimizers for this population?

Assignment: Video Summary of Elderly Abuse
• After watching the Abuse & Exploitation video, please summary the video 1 page.
• Identify three important points from the video that were new to you.
• Please share why they were significant to you.
• What else would you like to learn about this topic?

Discussion #7 W#11

Human trafficking
• What is human trafficking in your own words.
• After reviewing the resources and any additional information you find, how extensive is this problem?
• Who are more impacted and effected by this problem?

Compare and contract victim facilitation and victim provocation • Now that you have a better understanding of the two, give us your opinion on both

• Compare and contract victim facilitation and victim provocation
• Now that you have a better understanding of the two, give us your opinion on both
Discussion #2
• What is your own understanding of victim precipitation?
• How do you think this negatively impacts the victim?
• How do societal attitudes contribute to this theory?
Assignment #1
Phase #1: Introduction of the Problem Paper
• (1-2 Pages)
• Identify at least three problem areas

• Provide a hypothesis
• Make a solution-based statement concerning the problem

Discussion #3 W#5
• Explain the role of a victim advocate.
• Do you think it should be mandatory in law enforcement to provide victim advocates?
Assignment: Local Response to Victim Advocates
• Do some research in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in relation to victim advocates. What are some of the initiatives that are in place to protect victims in your community? Does your community require victim advocates?
• Explain your findings in 1 page
Phase #2: Research Paper: Historical Overview Paper
• In this 2 page paper, start to conduct research on the historical overview on the topic you chose for your research paper. Consider including the following:
o Background of the topic
o Contributing factors to the topic
o Timeline of topic progression
o Scope and extent of the problem
• Include 7-10 sources in APA format
• 2 pages does not include reference page or cover page

Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership

assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide. Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Quotes should always be rare and properly cited. Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions. Use your own words.

Assignment – Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership

Prepare a presentation as if you were a leadership instructor. You are to prepare it so you will be able to teach a lesson to a class. Using the five approaches/theories of leadership we have discussed in the first three weeks of class, document what the approach or theory is based on, how it is different than the others, and when it is best used. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Give examples of when each theory would work best. For example, consider different positions like a construction plant manager or a school principal or a nurse. What approach would work best for different positions? Incorporate that into your lesson. Your goal is to have your audience (students) understand the five approaches and when to use them.

Do not copy definitions from the book. Use your own words to get your students to understand the different aspects of the theories. Use the 12 – 15 slides for the five approaches/theories, approximately two- three pages for each one.


Title Slide – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, & date.

Introductory Slide – Include a short introduction of your agenda/topics.

Length – 12 – 15 slides plus the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 150 words in the note section of each page. Do not include any quotes in your notes.

Reference Page – Include at least two outside sources in addition to your textbook and other course articles on a separate reference page. Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your paper. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.

Proof read your work well to ensure spelling/grammar/punctuation and sentence structure are in good order.

Review the Grading Rubric attached here for detailed information about the grading criteria.

Share information about the printers you researched, describe their features, and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Identify any additional questions you might have for the employer, such as needs for wireless printing and printing from mobile devices. Which printer you would recommend? Why?

Printer Comparison You work for a local real estate agency as an IT consultant. The agency needs a new, networked printer it can use to print high-quality, custom color brochures for the homes it is showing. Each brochure is printed double-sided on glossy paper, and the agency prints an average of 200 per week.
Do This Form a three-member team. Refer to Figure 7-26 in this chapter, which lists several questions to consider when choosing a printer, and divide the questions among your team. Each team member should answer each question according to what the employer needs. Then, each team member should use the web to research at least two printers that meet the requirements. Meet with your team, and discuss and compile your findings. Share information about the printers you researched, describe their features, and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Identify any additional questions you might have for the employer, such as needs for wireless printing and printing from mobile devices. Which printer you would recommend? Why?