Use the web to investigate carpal tunnel syndrome. Research the carpal tunnel syndrome warning signs and risk factors. Find suggestions about proper workstation ergonomics to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Evaluate the differences among various treatment options. Does insurance typically cover treatment? Include in your discussion the average length of time of recovery. How should you change your workspace to help heal and prevent further damage? Should the company’s insurance pay for changes to your workspace? Why or why not?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
While attending college for the past two years, you have worked part-time as a data entry clerk. Recently, you began to feel a pain in your right wrist. Your doctor diagnosed the problem as carpal tunnel syndrome, which is the most well-known of a series of musculoskeletal disorders that fall under the umbrella of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). Your doctor made several recommendations to relieve the pain. You want to learn more about this debilitating injury.
Do This Use the web to investigate carpal tunnel syndrome. Research the carpal tunnel syndrome warning signs and risk factors. Find suggestions about proper workstation ergonomics to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Evaluate the differences among various treatment options. Does insurance typically cover treatment? Include in your discussion the average length of time of recovery. How should you change your workspace to help heal and prevent further damage? Should the company’s insurance pay for changes to your workspace? Why or why not?

Reading the Word and the World

Select one student to observe more closely. Look at the student’s written work, listen to the student specifically in discussions, talk to the student about how reading and literacy are incorporated into the student’s life, etc.
Create a class/student profile of 1,250-1,500-words that describes both the class and your selected student in terms of literacy traits. Address the considerations listed above and interpret . Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines Venn Diagram
Construct a Venn diagram that illustrates the literacy skills the student demonstrated at the onset of the lessons (into), those that intersected (through), and those that remain to be mastered (beyond). The time you spend with the student should facilitate this process through an investigation of the student’s prior knowledge and literacy experiences (into), a best practice activity to stimulate literacy growth (through), and an assessment of what
future literacy goals should be set. As you work with your student, consider, on an individual level, how fluency, vocabulary skills, and comprehension skills influence learning, how the differences in interacting with expository and narrative text affects this student’s understanding, whether literature motivates this student, and whether you see evidence of critical literacy in your student’s approach to text.

Research to find out more about the business applications for augmented reality. How are businesses using augmented reality to solve problems and to enhance the way they do business? How is the use of augmented reality benefiting consumers? What types of augmented reality applications have you experienced? Do you think they help businesses improve the customer experience? Explain your answers.

Research to find out more about the business applications for augmented reality. How are businesses using augmented reality to solve problems and to enhance the way they do business? How is the use of augmented reality benefiting consumers? What types of augmented reality applications have you experienced? Do you think they help businesses improve the customer experience? Explain your answers.

Discuss the many ways that Girl Scouts can accept credit/debit cards as a payment method for cookies. What apps or devices are available for Girl Scouts to use? What types of fees are associated with the various methods? Do you think the increase in sales is worth the cost of the associated fees? For a small, seasonal business such as Girl Scout cookies, do you think it is better to be a cash only business or to accept multiple payment options? Are there times when you have had to forego making a purchase because cash was the only payment option? Explain your answers.

Conduct a Database search for a recent peer reviewed journal article, published within last five years that discusses a community health problem and interventions implemented to address them.

Conduct a Database search for a recent peer reviewed journal article, published within last five years that discusses a community health problem and interventions implemented to address them.

Analyze the article and discuss the following in a narrative essay 2-3 pages in length (500 – 750 words):
1. Clearly identify the Community Health Problem,
2. Describe the Risk Factors that can be controlled through community health programs or interventions,
3. Discuss the Population group affected, extent of problem and trends of this problem,
4. Summarize the Community health programs or interventions that seek to decrease the risk factors and improve the health of the at risk population.
5. Articulate the level of prevention for the intervention or community program’s services, provide evidence to justify your choice.
6. Analyze the effectiveness of this intervention or program on this problem or issue
7. Include link to article
This paper should be 2-3 pages in length (500 – 750 words), double spaced, typed in a #12, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one inch margins and in the APA format (Title page, abstract, reference page are not included in the word/ page count). The paper is to be written in a formal tone with no slang or jargon phrases. The Article should be from a peer reviewed journal article, published within the preceding 5 years (unless a historical perspective is taken).

How to detect media bias and propaganda

You must choose one topic from the list below. You will then search your two news media sources for this topic. You may need to further narrow your topic so that both of your news media sources are discussing an important element of the topic (i.e. Gun Control might be narrowed down to background checks for gun licenses). These topics are current, so be sure to find recent information presented by your two news media sources (within the last six months). Choose ONE article/broadcast from EACH source (TWO in total).

Gun Control
NSA Surveillance/Wikileaks
Pre-emptive Strike (and/or Drone Strikes)
Same-sex marriage
The National Budget/Debt
Iran’s Nuclear Program
Legalization of Marijuana
Russian Interference in Elections
Net Neutrality
N. Korean Nuclear Program
Healthcare Acts
Immigration policy
Abortion/Planned Parenthood
Tax Reform

Mood Disorders: Depression & Bipolar

Below is a series of questions designed to have you think along the lines of applicability.

Your client asks you to describe how genetics and brain chemistry could be influencing their depression. Prepare a one paragraph response that you can rely on in such situations (called a ‘canned response’) and share it with the class. You will need this kind of dialog ready when yu encounter this question: frequently.
A client reports they are terribly afraid that they’ll become addicted to medication if they start taking it for the depression. What can you tell them?
The same client, who scored 24 on the CES-D reports that they use cocaine throughout the evening nearly every Friday and Saturday. What’s your advice? How you present it to them?
Take your copy of the CES-D inventory and compare each item to the criteria for a major depressive disorder found on page 160-161 of the DSM 5. What seem to be the core concepts of depression that the instrument is operationalizing? What criteria are in DSM that the instrument is glossing over or not measuring at all?
In just a couple of line please state what specifically is the basic difference between bipolar 1 bipolar 2?

In 2-3 pages offer a close reading of a poetic form or feature depicting, invoking or drawing upon any aspect of nature or ideas of the ‘natural’ in Shakespeare sonnet

In 2-3 pages offer a close reading of a poetic form or feature depicting, invoking or drawing upon any aspect of nature or ideas of the ‘natural’ in the poems or plays studied to date. You might choose to write about a symbolically dense image or phrase and unpack its textures by considering its historical, mythological, or other discursive resonances. You might consider the resonance of seemingly innocuous or inconspicuous words or phrases that nonetheless strike you as suggestive in unobvious ways. Your purpose in this short paper should focus on showing how close attention to a particular linguistic, structural or otherwise formal element –in a single instance (or passage) or a sequence of instances that echo one another – sheds light on key interpretive issues in the poem(s) or play, calling these into focus in ways that are, perhaps, not as clear elsewhere or otherwise.

Process: Type out your passage before you begin to draft. Include this at top of your submitted assignment (doesn’t count towards page limit). Do not cut and paste.

Closely examine Shakespeare’s choice of words, imagery, and metaphors. What formal qualities, features, or rhetorical/poetic devices can you identify at work here?

Be on the lookout for:

Figurative language

Figures of repetition (thematic and sonic)

Patterns (consistencies and inconsistencies) in rhyme, meter, etc.
Consider the effects of these devices and ask yourself what service Shakespeare seems to put them to. What does scrupulous attention to the text in this place and moment do to reveal aspects of the poem or play (its emotional impact, dramatic structure, historical resonance, etc.) that might go unnoticed on first pass? What new interpretive problems and/or possibilities emerge for our reading of Shakespeare’s natural worlds through this exercise and the close reading of your chosen passage? Instead of looking for evidence to prosecute a ready formed argument, see what new and unexpected insights this close reading yields for you. Having found these, relate them in a well-structured account of this discovery.

Be very specific both in your own word choices and your selection of text. Go deeper and do more with less text! Revise, proof-read for clarity and correct form. Use MLA style for citing your sources.

Rhetorical Analysis of a News Event

This is a short, 800-1250 word analysis of a current news event of your choice. Rhetorical analysis is a form of close reading that requires textual support for your claims, so your paper will include lots of short quotes from the news stories to support your analysis, as well as some external source support for your claims about the agendas of the news outlets.
Context: we know that both implicit bias and deliberately selective presentation of images and information influence public perceptions, and ultimately shape policies and institutions. Implicit bias shows up due to the unchallenged assumptions of the journalist, and may influence how they do/not report on issues. This problem is now greatly exacerbated by the suppression of information by the current administration, as well as their presentation of “alternative facts” as news.
Implicit bias influences every aspect of daily life. Research has shown that medical providers are less likely to prescribe painkillers to black patients, including children. Women are forced to wait longer than men for emergency care. Research conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that job applications with comparable credentials that varied only by stereotypically white or black names resulted in fewer callbacks for the stereotypically black names. The significance of the difference was such that “…a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience.” Negative callback rates also resulted from names that were stereotypically female, as well as those from applicants that appeared to be from residents of low-income areas.
Content: to conduct your analysis I am asking you to focus on a current news event (that is being actively reported right now, by multiple news outlets) and examine the ways it was/not reported. Look at reports from a minimum of three different media platforms, including ones that represent different political agendas, and include analysis of both texts and images from the stories. Things to discuss:
-How prominent is the story coverage? Was it a top story/above the fold in one and hidden deep in others? Was it covered by all of the outlets?
-Look at the language of the headlines—is it sensationalist in some and matter-of-fact in others? Is there anything potentially misleading?
-Examine the images. How were the events and/or people involved portrayed? You must include images from each story in your paper, and provide some detailed analysis about each image.
-What information is not included? Is important context included in some but missing in others? Is the information supported with credible stats/links?
-Look at language and tone. This might mean overtly biased language or it may be subtle shifts in tone. Provide examples.
Details: You should start your paper with a paragraph that provides a brief overview of the news event, and your title should reference that event. Discuss the credibility and perceived political slant of each news source, providing some external support for your claims. Do some homework about the news outlets, including the Pew Research article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. we will read for class, stats from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., or general research about the outlets. Cite your sources in text, and include a Works Cited page. State your citation style in the header of the paper.
Audience: The presumed audience for this paper is an academic, expert audience. This means that your tone should be relatively formal.

Using your city or county public health department (Miami-Dade). Identify an epidemiological and surveillance data related to population based communicable illnesses. Choose 3 population-based communicable illnesses and prepare an analysis discussing how these 3-communicable illness affect your community and how they were identified and a plan of action to contained them base on healthy people 2020.

. Go to and review the Healthy People 2020 initiative. Pay close attention to the objectives, goals and the indicators.

2. Using your city or county public health department (Miami-Dade). Identify an epidemiological and surveillance data related to population based communicable illnesses. Choose 3 population-based communicable illnesses and prepare an analysis discussing how these 3-communicable illness affect your community and how they were identified and a plan of action to contained them base on healthy people 2020.

DISEASES THAT I CHOSE: Influenza, MRSA, and Mosquito-borne diseases from



• Presentation must be in APA format word document
• Arial 12 font attach to Turnitin with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page)
• Minimum of 3 evidence based references no older than 5 years are required.
(If electronic references use, must be from reliable sources such as CDC. Once again, the assignment will be posted in turnitin under the tab epidemiology assignment to verify originality).

This is a quantitative dissertation using structural equation modeling (SEM) for its analysis

• This is a quantitative dissertation using structural equation modeling (SEM) for its analysis
• Use SmartPLS 3 statistics software for the analysis (I would like a copy of that file you created)
• Use the formatting of the attached BestEssay_Daseline.doc
• For References, please try and use the ones already provided in the BestEssay_Daseline.doc; however, if you need to use additional ones please provide them in the references section.
• BestEssay_Daseline.doc
 Please use this as a baseline for chapters 1-3 for this dissertation
 I will be making modifications to these chapters concurrently while you are working on chapters 4 & 5. Please make sure that you include the following:
• Use past tense for all references to research, I already collected the raw data
• I modified the data collection. I originally spent 2 weeks collecting data distributing a survey to the two LinkedIn groups using a survey that I created in Survey Monkey. After those two weeks, I didn’t receive a single usable response. I changed the data collection method and decided to use Qualtrics to collect response. I asked for 200 responses, and I was provided with 208 useable response.
• For Chapter 4, please follow the data analysis section by providing the charts/graph that is listed in your final paper. For example “For the proposed study, the use of descriptive statistics will serve to characterize the sample of participants, their organizations, and the chosen production line projects. Like the data analysis methods and procedures employed by Tyssen, Wald, and Heidenreich (2014), exploratory data analysis using graphical and quantitative data analysis techniques will serve to examine variables and test for normality on the dependent variable (Kolmogorvo-Smirnov test), linearity (Scatter-Plot Test), no multicollinearity (Partial Least Squares Test), and homoscedasticity (Scatter-Plot Test) (Osborne & Waters, 2002), and ensure the validity of the parametric statistical analysis of SEM based on collected data. Testing for normality on the independent, mediating, and moderating variables (Kolmogorvo-Smirnov test), will also serve to describe the study data. For these variables, even if the assumption/requirement of normality is not meet, it would not disqualify the use of a parametric statistical analysis of SEM.” (p. 113)

• Survey BestEssay.pdf
 This is the survey that I created in Qualtrics that was used for this research. I am providing it for your reference.
• Survey Response Best Essay.xlsx
 This is the raw (un-cleaned) data
 When you respond with your finished chapter 4, can you please provide me with the clean data that you used for your analysis.
• Dissertation Example Using SEM.
 This is an already published dissertation that uses performs a SEM analysis, that was already approved by the school. I have been using this as an example of the direction I want my dissertation to head down.