Compare and contrast behavioral and physiological measures employed in cognitive psychology, providing appropriate examples.

1. Compare and contrast behavioral and physiological measures employed in cognitive psychology, providing appropriate examples.

2. Describe the causes and types of agnosia and explain how this neuropsychological disorder is related to the processes of pattern recognition, using appropriate examples.

3. (1.) Briefly differentiate anterograde and retrograde amnesia and their relationship to the brain’s hippocampus. (2.) Explain the importance of the hippocampus in the process of long-term memory consolidation, including the role of sleep, using one or more appropriate examples.

4. In a brief and concise manner, outline and describe the main components of long-term memory, to include declarative, episodic, and semantic memory on the one hand and the two categories of nondeclarative memory on the other hand. Provide simple examples of each component.

5. (1.) Define the concept of prospective memory, providing examples, and briefly describe the basic neural pathways involved in prospective memory. (2.) Illustrate why prospective memory is important in the workplace, using examples.

You are to find three (3) articles that support the article’s position and three (3) articles that provide an alternative position to the target article. Articles that are acceptable for citation must be from scientific journals or scholarly texts (see sample references for formatting). Popular press and web site articles are not acceptable for reaction papers.

  1. This paper is to be approximately five (5) pages in length, not including the references. The text of the paper starts on page one with; a) the title of the paper, b) the author(s) name(s), date of publication and c) your name, course number and name, department, university, and the due date (see sample paper). The text starts immediately after. The paper must be in APA format and typed using MS Word with a font size of 12 pt (please use spell checker and grammar checker).


  1. You are to find three (3) articles that support the article’s position and three (3) articles that provide an alternative position to the target article. Articles that are acceptable for citation must be from scientific journals or scholarly texts (see sample references for formatting). Popular press and web site articles are not acceptable for reaction papers.


  1. The paper should include: a) the article’s position; b) evidence supporting the article’s position; c) evidence for an alternative position; and d) what position you take and the evidence that convinced you to take that position. To enhance critical thinking, advance reasoning, and writing skills, your arguments must be based on empirical evidence and the scientific literature. Opinions and speculations should be kept to a minimum. Faith based arguments, such as the bible or god, are not acceptable arguments for your reaction papers.

Marketing Environment Application

In this module’s Case Assignment, you researched marketing forces using quality academic and professional sources. It is time to apply what you have learned using the product/service you chose in your Discussion assignment.
Real-World Application
• Analyze why & how each of the three marketing factors will impact the chosen product/service.
• Explore strategies to overcome the threats and/or capitalize on opportunities to product life cycle with regard to your target product/service. Be sure to consider branding.
NOTE: All or nearly all of your research will come from the articles used in this module’s readings. The focus of this assignment is application and critical thinking. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.
See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” on the TLC portal. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.
Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT301 SLP1) to create your submission.

Complete a value chain analysis of the organization you are currently with or you can choose an organization from KSA.

Complete a value chain analysis of the organization you are currently with or you can choose an organization from KSA.

For this assignment, complete the following:

Explain the concept of value chain. Identify and discuss value chain strategies in your present organization or any organization of your choice is KSA.
Explain why the value chain of your choice may or may not deliver the value expected.
Define how the organization of your choice might guarantee success in that area of value chain.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title page or reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Williams claims that the cultural and sexual economies of tourism in Bahia are linked together. In the first section of your paper, explain Williams’s main argument about the specter of sex tourism and the ambiguous entanglements that it generates. Select two key insights about anthropology that you have gained from lectures, films, and readings thus far (weeks 1, 2, and 3), and apply them to your discussion.

Write a 500-700 word paper responding to the following prompt:

Williams claims that the cultural and sexual economies of tourism in Bahia are linked together. In the first section of your paper, explain Williams’s main argument about the specter of sex tourism and the ambiguous entanglements that it generates. Select two key insights about anthropology that you have gained from lectures, films, and readings thus far (weeks 1, 2, and 3), and apply them to your discussion. Williams writes that she has been influenced by “feminist anthropology, queer studies, and activist anthropology” (Williams 2013, 9). Connect one of these theoretical approaches to your analysis of the anthropological nature of Williams’s study.

In the second section of your paper, explore the range of actors who participate in the touristscape of Bahia. Conclude by discussing one methodological challenge that Williams faced in conducting her research.

Here are some tips for doing this assignment well:

Stay on topic and engaged with the text. Organize your paper around a main point: craft an “argument” and provide evidence that supports your argument. This is a response to the reading; your personal view can be included but must be supported by discussion of the text. This is not a summary of the text—engage in analysis!
Respond to the prompt. The prompt provides guidance on the content you should engage. Ensure you include transitions from one set of ideas to the next, and tie your points together throughout.
Include citations and evidence of engagement with the reading. Remember to cite properly and include a works cited list! You should use Chicago style (author year, page) for your in-text citations. For an example, see the style I used above in the prompt. I recommend paraphrasing ideas (you must still include a citation!) rather than relying on long quotations. Paraphrasing saves space and demonstrates that you have understood the text. Also, choose relevant examples. For more information on citational etiquette, please see the syllabus.
Be sure to edit your response carefully for correct essay writing conventions including: full sentences, proper grammar and spelling, adequate paragraphing, and well-organized points. I recommend crafting your paper in a word processing program for proofreading before uploading it to the discussion forum.

In selecting an issue consider types and mechanisms of power, oppression, and privilege. Look for a particular group of people who are being discriminated against or who are vulnerable or being oppressed.

Step 1: Find an article related to a current issue concerning diversity/race from one of the following reputable news
sources (New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal,, Newsweek, Time, The Atlantic,
PBS, The Los Angeles Times). The article must have been written within the last 6 months.
Step 2: Read the article.
Step 3: Find other articles that relate to the issues presented in the primary article.
Step 4: Read at least 3 extra articles on the issue. You may also wish to consult a website devoted to the issue such
Southern Poverty Law Center
Poverty USA
United States Census Bureau
Race Forward
Step 5: Present the issue in one of the following ways:
• Make a video
• Create and record a powerpoint or Prezi WITH AUDIO
• Write a 3 page paper
• Make a photoessay
How you choose to present the issue is up to you. Be thoughtful and creative. However, there are key elements that
should be in your paper/presentation.
• You must show that this issue is bigger than the one article. Show support for the points by using other
sources of information.
• Discuss why this issue relates to the themes of this course
• Be explicit about the social justice aspect of the issue.
• What is your response to the issue? How does this issue affect you or your thinking? What have you learned?
What would you still like to know more about?
You must have at least FOUR references in addition to the textbook. Use APA 6th edition style.

How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world?

Essay Question: Modern writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Kate Chopin and contemporary writer Zadie Smith were reacting to an increasingly complex and changing world; there was a sense that “new ideas needed to be expressed in new ways,” and often their stories were told in “…very gritty or realistic ways” (Kirszner&Mandell 126-127). How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world? Hint: what are the “new things” they write about, or what is being communicated in a very “gritty, realistic way”? What kinds of changes are they suggesting? Length: 3-4 pages. You must generously cite from the primary sources, as well as selectively cite from at least two critical readings per author and you must include a works cited page

Topic: How do Hemingway, Smith, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world?

Book used: Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing 9th ed. Cangage Learning.

Hemingway, “Hills like White Elephants”
Kate Chopin, “The Storm”
“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Write a clear, well-developed Classification essay of at least 1000 words. Final essays which do not meet the minimum length requirement can earn no better than a grade of “D,” which is not passing. In the first essay assignment, you described a memorable picture from your Life Map. As explained in Control Theory, such “needfulfilling” pictures are what make up our “Quality World,” our vision of how we would like the world to be.

Write a clear, well-developed Classification essay of at
least 1000 words. Final essays which do not meet the minimum length
requirement can earn no better than a grade of “D,” which is not passing.
In the first essay assignment, you described a memorable picture
from your Life Map. As explained in Control Theory, such “needfulfilling”
pictures are what make up our “Quality World,” our vision of
how we would like the world to be. In the second essay, you will
classify, or put into categories, other experiences from your Quality
World to see what essential elements they have in common, and then
consider what they say about you.
Due date: Final essay due by 11:59 pm Tuesday, October 2
Reading: First, read the explanation of Classification in SCC, Ch. 3.3,
98-100, and the example essay by Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue,” 100
(link to the online essay).
Also read, “My Mother Speaks Through Me,” by Deborah
Tannen, published by
some other way to classify your experience. For example, I chose to
classify experiences that met my need for Power/Significance into
reading experiences, writing experiences, and travel experiences.
Once you have at least three categories, list the experiences/
pictures from your map that fit into each category. Do not list every
experience, just those that fit into one of your categories. Try to list each
experience in only one category. If the categories overlap too much you
will not be able to divide your experiences, so you need to refine the
categories to make them separate.
Next, try to summarize in a few sentences why the items in each
category are important to you, what they have in common, and how they
are different from the items in the other categories. How do these
categories and examples relate to your Quality World? For example, I
might list the things I like to read – fantasy, ancient history, archaeology
– and think about how those readings relate to places I like to travel to –
museums, archeological sites, historic places, and also to what I like to
write about. From these comparisons I might conclude that exploring
through reading, writing, and travel gives me knowledge of the past and
a sense of my place and significance in the world.
Plan/Organization: When you have enough ideas from your invention
writing, make a plan for your essay like the following:
Introduction – Introduce the topic (your Quality World) and the
categories into which you have classified your experiences, then
state what you have learned about yourself by comparing them
(your thesis).
Body paragraphs – Discuss each of your categories in at least one full
paragraph. Begin with a topic sentence stating why those
experiences are important to you, then give a few detailed
examples and show how they relate to your thesis. You should
have 3-5 body paragraphs.
Conclusion – Tie together your observations about each category and
show what you have learned about your goals and your needs, as
described by Control Theory.
Drafting & Revision: For help in writing your essay, read SCC, Ch. 1.4,
Writing Thesis Statements, Ch. 1.5, Methods of Organizing Your
Writing, Ch. 1.6, Writing Paragraphs, (20-44), and Ch. 2, The Writing
Process, (Prewriting, Outlining Drafting), 44-68.
Submission Format: Follow the instructions for submitting the final
essay in the Module. The essay must be typed following MLA format
conventions: double-spaced, one inch margins, headings at upper left
corner, title centered on the next line below the heading, last name and
page number at upper right corner. Please use 12-point Times New
Roman (or something similar and plain) for your font style and size.
Failure to use MLA format will result in a failing grade. Submit your
essay to Canvas in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe Portable
Document (.pdf) as these formats allow me to make comments on your
essay and give you feedback. Other formats are not acceptable.
Plagiarism: Each essay assignment is submitted to Turn It In, a
plagiarism checking service used by many colleges across the country. If
a significant portion of your essay is a match to sources found online or
to essays turned in previously to Turn It In, your essay will be tagged as
possibly plagiarized. Your essay must be original work for this class, and
cannot be work you have submitted previously for other classes! Please
read the Plagiarism lecture in the module and be aware of these
Grading: The final essay is a required assignment, and must be
submitted to earn a passing grade in the course. Essays are graded with
the ENGL 1013 essay rubric posted on Canvas under the Syllabus tab.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you do not
understand any part of this assignment! Please mail me through Canvas.

a small or lar a culture shock scenario that you had at any point in your life.

In just about any circumstance in life, one has the potential to experience culture shock, either on a small or large scale.  Think about a culture shock scenario that you had at any point in your life.  Examples of culture shock that are appropriate for this assignment can include migrating to a new country, going on vacation, trying a new cuisine, converting to a new religion, or going to college, just to name a few.  Sociologically analyze your culture shock experience by incorporating several sociological concepts/theories from Chapters 3 and/or 4.  Write a 3-to-4 page paper by following the outline below.


  1. Background (½ to 1 page):
  2. Briefly explain one culture shock experience you had. Include the setting, people involved, and main event(s).  Include enough details so the reader can vividly imagine what is happening, but do not go beyond the 1-page requirement.
  3. Make sure you include a well-developed thesis statement which informs the reader in one sentence what the paper is about. The thesis should be placed at the end of the Background section.  Go to this link for assistance:


  1. Analysis (2 to 3 pages): This is the “meat” of your paper.  Make sure this section is very well-developed, well-organized, and well-written since your grade depends mainly on your sociological analysis of the culture shock experience.
  2. Analyze your culture shock experience by using at least five sociological concepts/ theories learned from Chapters 3 and/or For each concept/theory, you will need to provide correct and appropriate examples of your culture shock in order to illustrate that you can use the course material to reach a greater depth of understanding.  You must go beyond just describing your culture shock experience.  Concepts/theories must be bolded or underlined in your paper, or they will not be counted in the quota.
  3. In addition, examine the outcomes of your culture shock. What was your reaction to this experience?  Were you ethnocentric or culturally relativistic, and how?  Also, why you were ethnocentric or culturally relativistic?  Be sure to apply your sociological imagination when responding to these questions.  Include specific examples or illustrations.
  4. Hint: Concepts/theories can be any of the terminology found in the required chapters of the textbook that you learned because of this course.
  5. Include an engaging and stimulating conclusion paragraph that summarizes your paper. Demonstrate evidence that you can make connections between all of the main ideas.



Grading Rubric:  This grading rubric is designed to help you understand what a college-level paper entails.  This writing assignment is worth 100 points.  Before submitting your assignment, go through this checklist to make sure you have adequately addressed the following criteria.


  1. Background (35%) – The focus of this section is to showcase your ability to write an engaging introduction to your paper by being as detailed as possible without exceeding the length requirement. Your introduction must also have a well-developed thesis statement.
  2. Analysis (50%) – The focus of this section is to demonstrate your ability to correctly and thoroughly apply at least five sociological concepts/theories to explain your culture shock experience. There should be detailed evidence that you understand the material and can apply it to your situation.  There should also be a conclusion paragraph in your paper.
  3. Organization, Length, and Mechanics (15%) – The paper should be logically organized in well-constructed paragraphs/sentences, have relevant content, and be easily understood. Even if your paper is well-written, you will not receive credit for your work if it does not meet the objective(s) of the assignment.  Also, the paper should not exceed or fall below the length or page limit.  The minimum is 3 full pages, and the maximum is 4 full pages.  Your ability to articulate your ideas in the required length demonstrates your ability to “tell your story” in a fairly brief manner.  Lastly, there should be few or no errors in format, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.  These errors should not hinder comprehension of your writing.  The paper should include elements of a standard college paper: computer-typed, double-spaced, 1” margins top/bottom and left/right, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and in-text citations and a References page (if applicable).
  4. Documentation (deal breaker) – In accordance with the Montgomery College Code of Conduct, there is ZERO tolerance for plagiarism, so always cite the original source if you are “borrowing” information. If you are citing sources, there must always be in-text citations and a References page in APA style (see category E above).  Sources must be in ABC order on the References page.  For assistance on APA style, refer to these websites:


If you are unsure when to cite sources, refer to this website:

Your task in this module is to identify a partner who is willing to be coached by you over the course of the term. Set up an initial meeting and establish rapport. Do not attempt to get into the later stages of coaching; we will get to them in later modules. Focus on the process of establishing rapport only.

The purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching and developing your skills as a coach. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.

Although the case assignments involve a coaching experience, the focus is on you as the coach. You will be learning how to prepare for a coaching session, what questions you should ask, and what behaviors are most effective. The case involves a coaching relationship with one person and is continued in stages across all four modules, so be sure to focus on the exact stage covered in each module and do not get ahead of yourself.

The goal of the coaching process is to expedite the growth of the coachee’s understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses. Through the coaching process, the coachee gains an appreciation of his capabilities for growth and builds self-confidence. Thus, before you begin this exercise in coaching, you must first find someone who is willing to go through this exercise with you as a coachee. This can be a friend, a colleague, or a co-worker. It does not have to be a situation tied to your job. The only requirement is that you must be able to identify a contracted piece of work based on a shared concern (if no shared concern can be found, find another coachee).

Johari window

In MGT501, you were introduced to the Johari window as a tool for increasing awareness of how one is perceived by others and to improve communication. This case is designed to enlarge your “open” area and reduce your “blind” area, so you can be more effective as a coach. At the same time, you will learn to use coaching techniques as a way to correct problem behaviors (“blind area”) and help coachees realize they have untapped potential and open the possibility for growth through unused capacities (their “hidden” areas”).

Read: Johari Window (n.d.) Crowe Associates LTD. Retrieved from

The structure of the Live Case

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report

Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages)
Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session
The bulk of the report is on how it went: successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages)
What are your goals for the session?
What actions do you plan?
How will you know if you are successful?
(1-2 pages)
Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).
Report on the session. Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).
How do you feel the session went?
Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.
What new knowledge did you gain?
What would you do differently next time?
Case Assignment
The first step in the coaching process is to build rapport with your coachee. This is where you establish a trusting relationship by demonstrating your credibility, helpfulness, and honesty. To build genuine rapport, you must believe in the potential of the person you are coaching – this cannot be faked.

Some excellent methods for building rapport can be found in the following readings:

Building rapport: Establishing bonds (2014) Mindtools. Retrieved from
Bluckert, P. (2005). Critical factors in executive coaching – the coaching relationship. Industrial and Commercial Training, 37(6), 336-340. Retrieved from
Remember: Shared success is the key to great coaching!

Hands, Puzzle, Share, Items

Shared success means that the outcome works for both the individual and the organization, because it meets both individual and organizational needs. Coaching is a tool where we are able to create that connection between the person and the organization.

Your task in this module is to identify a partner who is willing to be coached by you over the course of the term. Set up an initial meeting and establish rapport. Do not attempt to get into the later stages of coaching; we will get to them in later modules. Focus on the process of establishing rapport only. Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below. Turn in your final 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45- to 50-minute session. Remember that your focus for this case is on the process of building rapport with the coachee.
What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
What skills will you use?
How will you go about doing this?
What questions will you ask?
Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
Write up your post-coaching reflection.
Report the facts of the coaching session.
What went well and what did not?
What did you learn about coaching from this session?
What would you do differently next time?