Suppose you are a human resource professional helping to improve the performance management system of a company that sells and services office equipment. The company operates a call center that takes calls from customers who are having problems with their equipment.

Suppose you are a human resource professional helping to improve the performance management system of a company that sells and services office equipment. The company operates a call center that takes calls from customers who are having problems with their equipment. Call center employees are supposed to verify the problem is not one the customer can easily handle (for example, equipment that will not operate because it has come unplugged). Then, if the problem is not resolved over the phone, the employees arrange for service technicians to visit the customer. The company can charge the customer only if a service technician visits, so performance management of the call center employees focuses on productivity – how quickly they can complete a call and move on to the next caller. To measure this performance efficiently and accurately, the company uses electronic monitoring.

1. How would you expect the employees to react to the electronic monitoring? How might the organization address the employees’ concerns? (25 points, 1 page, double space)

2. Besides productivity in terms of number of calls, what other performance measures should the performance management system include? (25 points, 1 page, double space)

3. How should the organization gather information about the other performance measures? (25 points, 1 page, double space)

Discuss the four broad categories of development methods.

1. Discuss the four broad categories of development methods. (25 points, 1 page, double space)

2. Discuss why it might be beneficial to combine all of these methods into a formal development program. (10 points, half page, double space)

3. Recommend a development method for each of the following situations and explain why you chose that method. (40 points, one and half page, double space)
a. An employee recently promoted to the job of plant supervisor is having difficulty motivating employees to meet quality standards.
b. A sales manager annoys salespeople by dictating every detail of their work.
c. An employee has excellent leadership skills but lacks knowledge of the financial side of business.
d. An organization is planning to organize its production workers into teams for the first time.

Cool Widgets, Inc. Solution Proposal Audio Presentation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the lecture and the materials in the required resources for this week. Additionally, review past materials in this course to help you prepare for the final assignment. You are the Senior Business Systems Analyst (BSA) charged with analyzing CWI’s mail delivery problem and proposing a solution to address the issue. You have worked hard these past six weeks on elicitation, requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, and Agile techniques. Now, it is time to present your findings and propose a solution to help solve the issue. Your proposal takes two separate forms. The first part is a five –to 10-minute video presentation to executive and senior management, the second part is an eight- to 10-page summary paper that provides the primary findings and the details of your proposal.

Part 1

Cool Widgets, Inc. Solution Proposal Audio Presentation

Your presentation must be five to 10 minutes in duration and include eight to 10 narrated slides to executive board or senior management. In your presentation,

Explain how you formulated the business system requirements based on information elicited from users and stakeholders.
Identify the primary user requirements that were identified using context and the scope of work concept from the text.
Identify your choice of the model used for describing business problem.
Discuss the business system requirements for addressing the problem and include the elicitation techniques you used in the requirements gathering process.
Explain the primary functional differences between the current state and future state using effective communication appropriate to the stakeholder audience.
Identify diagrams for current and future states.
Explain the solution recommendations using effective communication appropriate to your stakeholder audience.
Discuss the solution and how it addresses the business problem and user pain points.
Submit your narrated slide deck to Waypoint for grading.

19th century thinker

Select two thinkers OR ideologies from the list provided in the guidelines for the research assignment (or choose two of your own).

On TWO pages (maximum)….

1.Provide a sharply focused title that reflects your purpose.

2. Write an introduction that provides both a short background and a rationale for writing about the two thinkers or ideologies. Identify the key themes that you will be organizing your comparison/contrast (e.g., “equality,” “freedom,” “government,” “justice,” “violence,” “rights”). The more focused the topic, the more manageable the research.

3. Provide a point-form breakdown of the structure of your paper (i.e., the main themes you will be developing in the assignment, along with the sub points).

4. Provide a minimum of four scholarly sources (one primary source and one secondary source for each thinker or ideology) that you intend to draw on (articles or books). Choose sources that focus on the thinkers’ IDEAS. You can use any citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago).

Discarding Old Computer Equipment. Your company has given you a new laptop to replace your current, outdated desktop. Because of the negative environmental impact of discarding the old computer in the trash, your supervisor asked you to suggest options for its disposal. How will you respond?

1. Discarding Old Computer Equipment. Your company has given you a new laptop to replace your current, outdated desktop. Because of the negative environmental impact of discarding the old computer in the trash, your supervisor asked you to suggest options for its disposal. How will you respond?
2. Dead Battery. While traveling for business, you realize that you to bring the battery charger for your laptop. Knowing that you need to use the laptop to give a presentation tomorrow, what steps will you take tonight to make sure enough battery power.
3. Cannot Share Photos. You are attempting to send photos of a house for sale in an email message to your real estate partner. Each time you attempt to send the email message, you receive an automatic response stating that the files are too large. What are your next steps?
4. Incorrect Sign-In Credentials. Upon returning to the office from a well-deserved two-week vacation, you turn on your computer. When you enter your user name and password, an error message appear stating that your password is incorrect. What are your next steps?
5. Synchronization Error. You added appointments ti the calendar on your computer, but these appointments are not synchronizing with your smartphone. Your calendar has synchronized with your smartphone in the past, but it has stopped working without explanations. What are your next steps?

Old Testamant Theme

First, focus on what the Bible says about the theme that you chose. So if you chose creation you are trying to give a faithful presentation of what the Bible says about creation. If you chose fear of the Lord focus on the fear of the Lord, etc. Do not get caught up in extra-biblical issues, but if you want to have a paragraph at the end of the paper discussing modern implications that is fine, but the paper is about what the Bible, and particularly the Old Testament, says about the chosen topic

Second, as noted above, focus on what the Old Testament says about your topic. You can look at the New Testament toward the end of your paper, but be sure to give a thorough discussion of what the Old Testament says. In order to do this you would do well to look at, and discuss the implications of, all of the major Old Testament texts about your topic.

Third, use the New Dictionary of Biblical Theology as a helpful guide on some of the major texts and major things that should be covered.

Fourth, stay focused and on topic that you chose. Do not get distracted with things that are off topic. This is very important for this paper because if you get off topic it makes it look like you don’t know the topic as well.

Fifth, use solid topic sentences. Topic sentences are the first sentences in a paragraph. These are intended to make a point and then the rest of the paragraph is then focused on proving that point.

Sixth, use solid academic sources and avoid internet websites.

Seventh, cite anything that you quote or paraphrase. You should have a 10 reference page.

This paper should start with an introduction, and then give the argument on how the God’s promises was never failed in His argument.

Paper: 1. Introduction

2. What is a Covenant

3. The Five major covenants

4. What covenant Christians are in

5. Conclusion

The Widening Racial Chasm in America

There is a widening racial chasm in the United States. It has been latent over the years, however in the past couple of years, racial prejudice has become more apparent and increasingly on the rise. What is the cause of this racial chasm? Briefly elaborate on 5 or 10 Things that are causing this racial chasm. Cite examples from the past and current events contributing to this racial divide. What can we do to curb or eliminate it? Briefly elaborate on 5 or 10 things that we can do as a society to curb this repugnant social variation. Can there be a fix to this metastasizing variation? [NB. I want profuse citing of examples of racial incidents in the current times in the United States. Writing must be substantive but must have an easy-flow-reading structure].

Organizational Evaluation

Now that your team has a better understanding of the population served by the organization, you need to evaluate how able the organization is to serve the specific health care needs of the population identified in the Windshield Survey assessment.

Use the Internet to locate at least three academic or professional resources to use in this assessment.
Follow the same formatting instructions that you used in the Windshield Survey assessment. Your assessment should be done as a report for your team, using APA formatting for in-text citations and references.
In your organizational evaluation, complete the following:

Describe the primary health concern for a vulnerable or diverse population.
Explain how the organization currently serves this health care concern. Be sure you include information on how the organization communicates to the population.
Identify gaps in the health care service provided to the population.
Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge the gaps in health care service provided to the population.
Identify any possible barriers to implementing your strategies.
Additional Requirements
Include a title page and reference page. The completed assessment should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
Reference at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
Use current APA format for citations and references.
Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
Double space.

Thesis Statement Supported by Scholarly Literature

STEP 1: Introduction to Criminological Topic
Select an empirical, criminological, topic that interests you. The topic should be a social,
political, and/or economic problem related to criminality or penalty. For example, you might
want to write about the criminalization of Latinx, sex workers’ in St. Louis, Missouri. In one (1)
page or less, introduce your topic to the reader.
STEP 2: Thesis Statement
At the end of the introduction, make a clear thesis statement which advocates for a normative,
political, intervention. For example, you might argue that the criminalization of latinx sex
workers is the result of a pervasive, heteronormative, transphobic, worldview among legislators
and law enforcement officers. Therefore, mandatory queer theory courses should be introduced
in public high schools and police academies .
STEP 3: Support Thesis Statement with Arguments and Scholarly Literature
In 2 ½ to 4 pages, give 5 to 10 reasons why your normative, political, intervention would be
effective. Support each of your reasons with theoretical or empirical claims found in academic
literature. For example, you might write a paragraph like the following one:
“One reason I think mandatory queer theory classes in police academies would reduce the
criminalization of Latinx sex workers in St. Louis is because the police officers in St. Louis are
extra smart. Moreover, psychology Professor Quantitative Quantoid at the University of
Statistics conducted a study in 2010 and found that St. Louis police officers score higher on IQ
tests than their Detroit-based counterparts. In fact, Quantoid found that police officers in St. 1
Louis have higher IQs than 99% of police surveyed in the National Longitudinal Survey of
White Supremacist Lies. ” 2
STEP 4: Conclusion
Restate your original claim and wrap-up your arguments. Be self-critical and mention any
obvious shortcomings in your argument.

What strategies might a creative-minded leader use to implement organizational change? Why?

What strategies might a creative-minded leader use to implement organizational change? Why?


The first thing a creative leader should do is communicate the rationale behind the need for change to the employees-the employer should communicate clearly why the change is required and the benefits that come with change. This will motivate employees to embrace the change whole heartily involve employees completely or at some level especially those changes that involve how employees perform the duties. This will help in smooth change. The third point is implementation, the time line should be well communicated to the employees, for instance if the organization is changing the software the employees should be trained before the due day. Ensure follow up of change, once the change has been implemented it is good to make follow up and see how the change is working and if it delivers the desired results. Ensure to remove barriers because once change has been implemented it is wise to find ways to deal with barriers or remove them completely to make sure you have better results





Anderson, R. J., Adams, W. A. (2016). Master Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.