Utilitarian Method

For our Discussion 3 this week, we want to apply the utilitarian method to the article on Charlottesville (on BB). Let’s try to list ALL the positive and negative consequences of people outing participants of the white suprematist rally on social media. Then weighing all the possible consequences in terms of Bentham’s criteria, we should be able to come to a conclusion regarding the rightness of wrongness of these actions.

Jeremy Bentham, the 18th-century philosopher who explicitly developed this theory, gives us 7 different criteria to judge consequences: intensity (of pleasure or pain); duration; likelihood/certainly (of a consequence to happen or not); proprinquity (how close or far away a consequence is in time and space); purity (how much of its opposite does it contain); fecundity (will it produce more of the same); number of people affected.


This Assignment consists of 2 components; in the first component of this assignment, assume that you are the HR manager and that your organization requires you to provide a plan and a set of recommendations that would identify parameters and protocols for design and development of an HR DBMS.

This Assignment consists of 2 components; in the first component of this assignment, assume that you are the HR manager and that your organization requires you to provide a plan and a set of recommendations that would identify parameters and protocols for design and development of an HR DBMS.


Your organization is going through a high growth phase and needs to recruit and train  about 500 employees in the next 12 months. It also needs to identify the performance and skill profiles of present employees for later possible redundancies. The central question that you need to consider: What characteristics should a credible HR Data base for the high‐growth industry have? In other words, if you are to design a DBMS for your company, what functionalities would you integrate into your DBMS. Once you have outlines of the design parameters, you need to rationalize your choice and need to highlight the need for functionalities in the context of the case organization and the job/job category you are focusing on.



The design parameters of the DBMS of your case organization should be directly applied to at least 2 of the functions below in your organization:


Recruitment and selection

Training and development

Career planning

Performance review

Occupational health & safety


Finally, you need to address the manner by which IT can assist in your addressing the above factors.



Your organization should be one of the following;

An Airline with a recent modernization strategy in place where a new fleet has replaced the older planes and hence new crew with new set of skills and ongoing training requirements are employed.

An Australian mining company with mining outposts in the Northern Plains of Western Australia.

A tertiary educational institute that has applied for accreditation from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Accreditation of AACSB required mandatory training and audit of skills of the academic staff. In addition the directive regarding the teaching load, research and community service should be abided by, audited, reported and be available in a transparent manner to the AACSB.


In preparing the first component of this assignment, assume, you need to make certain the following directives are adhered to:

1)The organisation of choice needs to be a real company with operations in Australia and/or overseas.

2) Your paper will need to identify how HRIS is currently being utilised in your chosen HR functions, and how the unique characteristics of your choice organisation are reflected in the design parameters of its DBMS.

3) The two HR functions you choose to analyse should be amongst functions such as;  recruitment, selection, induction, training, career planning, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, etc.

4)It is recommended that you select a specific job and/or job classification within your choice organisation and apply points 1, 2 and 3 to that specific job and/or job classification. For e.g. If your choice organisation is Rio Tinto (one of the largest mining companies in the world), then the DBMS could be designed to address two HR functions for mine engineers who will be posted to the outpost for 3 weeks shifts and are responsible for daily HR functions of the mining site.

You may find it helpful to undertake some research prior to making a final decision on which HR functions you choose.

Would the proposed Voluntary Mediator Certification Program offer a voluntarily certified mediator who also maintains a private mediation practice an opportunity to have the same credibility as a CDRC mediation in the general public’s eye?

To successfully mediate within the known Standards, training is provided to incoming practitioners of mediation in a Community Resolution Dispute Center. However, there have been significant talks of legitimizing the profession by providing a certification process to becoming a mediator.
The focus with this discussion is now on the mediator, whether they are an independent mediator or associated with a nonprofit CDRC.
For this discussion post, please read the following report:
Southern California Mediation Association ad Hoc Committee on Mediator Regulation or Certification Report [PDF, file size 81.9 KB]

Respond to the following:

Question 1
Would the proposed Voluntary Mediator Certification Program offer a voluntarily certified mediator who also maintains a private mediation practice an opportunity to have the same credibility as a CDRC mediation in the general public’s eye?
Question 2
The proposal suggests that there would be requirements for a certified mediator (CM) to maintain their certification, which only discusses continuing education. Should there be some type of observation or mediation evaluation required for one to maintain their CM status? Please Explain.
Question 3
Should there be an Oversight Board to determine if a CM should have their Certification suspended, decertified, or removed for conduct unbecoming for a mediator, while mediating disputes?
If yes, please give examples of such conduct that would rise to a level for an Oversight Board to act.
If no, explain how the public would know of mediators who are bad actors?
M5D2: Reframing
Reframing a mediation or conversation is turning a negative into a positive. It is easy to let the parties bring down the mediation to match how they may be feeling about the dispute. As the mediator, it is imperative the direction of the mediation change towards more positive feelings and, in turn, more positive outcomes.
Reframe the following statements to set a more “problem-solving atmosphere” for the mediation.

Question 1
“I want things to change, but with all the problems we have now, it’s impossible for it to get better.” Explain your reason.
Question 2
“I think that is a normal thing to do. Wouldn’t you do it that way, too?” Explain your reason.

Question 3
“We can’t talk because he is like all men; he avoids all of the problems and says he is busy when he doesn’t want to talk about our problems.” Explain your reason.

Question 4
“She would be a better mother if she made those little kids behave better and had them stop riding bicycles on my front sidewalk.” Explain your reason.

For the essay, first briefly summarize White’s essay (use pages 33-39 in the NFG for reference). What’s going on here? Begin the summary by naming White’s name and essay title in the first sentence.

First, read the essay “Once More to the Lake” handed out in class. The link above is the annotated version, so you can click on the gray areas and an explanation appears on the right. For example, modern readers might not immediately recognize “Ponds Extract” from the first paragraph. By reading the annotation, we learn that it was used as a cure-all for lots of ailments (the list is kind of funny). Now annotate your own copy of the essay, flagging descriptions you find compelling, words you don’t understand, etc.

As you likely know, literature can often be categorized according to various themes. Common themes include Man vs. Himself, Man vs. Nature, etc. You are going to analyze critically White’s essay based on your theme of choice. You will use both internal evidence from the essay and external evidence from an outside source.

For the essay, first briefly summarize White’s essay (use pages 33-39 in the NFG for reference). What’s going on here? Begin the summary by naming White’s name and essay title in the first sentence. For the bulk of the writing, analyze your theme, citing evidence from the essay as well as an outside source (some are listed for you on a separate page). Consider this as looking at the essay from a literal and analytical level. Discuss how White wrestles with your theme. For example, what evidence does he offer for the Man vs. Himself theme? Or the Man vs. Technology theme?

While exploring the theme you’ve selected, offer evidence from the essay to support your ideas. So you might say White’s struggle with the outboard motor suggests the theme of Man vs. Technology, and then offer a quote from your source to support your claim. There are no right or wrong answers here. What I really want to see is how you dive into the essay and offer your own interpretation on the various themes.

The last page of the essay must be a Works Cited page listing the outside source you used. We’ll look at examples from the NFG in class.

The final product must be 600 words typed, titled, and double-spaced–not including the WC page.

In this essay, you are to write a summary of formation of the doctrine of the Trinity, taking into account the following: · The formation of the doctrine of the Trinity including the formation of the Nicene Creed · The role of the roman political system and Constantine in this formation along with both political and theological motivations for this doctrine · Definition of the Trinity (Use of at least 3 different sources

In this essay, you are to write a summary of formation of the doctrine of the Trinity, taking into account the following:
· The formation of the doctrine of the Trinity including the formation of the Nicene Creed
· The role of the roman political system and Constantine in this formation along with both political and theological motivations for this doctrine
· Definition of the Trinity (Use of at least 3 different sources)
· The major theologians of this time period and an explanation of the controversy (in other words what were the issues; representing BOTH sides/parties)
· Include information about Arius, Athanasius, Constantine and others.
· You are required to write a paper that has references, proper situation, uses at least 3 academic sources (not a blog, wiki, or webpage, but an academic source)
Your essay needs to include opposing ideas on both sides of the theological issue. You will also need to set the political stage of a theology within the Roman Empire under the leadership of Constantine.
Paper Style: You have been hired by a university to publish an article in a student world religious journal that will be distributed across campus for all students, faculty and staff… even to the president! You will need to use your best academic skills to communicate the formation of the doctrine of the Trinity and the Nicene Creed. The title of your essay will be: “The Formation of the Doctrine of the Trinity: Creating Creeds in the Midst of Theological Chaos”. This paper should be written for an academic audience in 5 pages. You will research the topic by reading and using 3 peer reviewed sources from the library. This way, you are confirming your descriptions with scholarship and giving respect to the academy.
This is not a personal reflection in your own life or thoughts about religion or Christianity or the doctrine.

Place yourself in the role of a manager at a company undergoing a merger or acquisition. Explain your customer’s expectations during the merger with at least three examples and describe what role IT would play in meeting those expectations.

Read the Real World Case 3, Cogent Communications, Intel, and Others: Mergers Go More Smoothly When Your Data Are Ready (pp. 213-214).

In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title page and reference pages), respond to the following:

Place yourself in the role of a manager at a company undergoing a merger or acquisition. Explain your customer’s expectations during the merger with at least three examples and describe what role IT would play in meeting those expectations.

Focus on what Andi Mann in the case calls “tribal knowledge.” Explain what you think is meant by that, and why it is important to the process.
Provide at least one strategy you would suggest for companies that are faced with the extensive presence of this issue in an acquired organization.

Most of the discussion on the case focused on hardware and software issues. However, these are essentially enablers for underlying business processes developed by each of the companies involved. Analyze the different alternatives that companies have for merging their business processes, and discuss the role IT would play in supporting those activities. Be sure to address data management and governance issues.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and it must include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources.



REQUIREMENT: A good post will be about two paragraphs and will include evidence (facts and citations) to support your assertions. A good comment on a post will be about one paragraph and engage the other student on the idea or argument that they presented. Discussion boards are not graded merely on the basis of completion, but on the quality of the work submitted.


The Texas Compassionate Use Act legalized the use of cannabis oil for a small group of people in Texas. Explain what is happening in Texas relating to medical marijuana. Do you support this act? Do you feel like Texas should go further with legalizing cannabis, or do you think they should keep restricting it? How does Texas’s position compare to other states?


Use the link below to find out who represents you. In your post tell me who is your 1) U.S. Congressmember 2) Texas Senator (state level, not U.S. level) and 3) Texas House Member, including their party affiliation. Then tell me at least one thing that your U.S. Congressmember has done lately. Did you agree with their decision (vote ect) or did you disagree? Explain why.

ohn Cornyn is the senior U.S. Senator from the state of Texas, yet many Texans don’t know much about him. He isn’t typically as flashy and not in the news as often as the junior U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. In this post explain a little about John Cornyn. What committees does he serve on in the Senate? What is his leadership role? On the political ideological spectrum where would you place him?

Critical Evaluation of a Strategic Management Concept

How do we (or your text) define the Concept? Please, note that using random Internet sources for the purpose of this initial task can potentially lead you to a very wrong track, so avoid doing this. Instead, use the seminal literature on this topic to clarify and expand on the meaning of the concept. Seminal literature consists of books or academic articles published some time ago, in high quality journals. These seminal publications have proposed and outlined the concept for a first time. For example, The Theory of the 5 Forces Analysis was proposed by Michael Porter in his article “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, March/April 1979.
3. If unsure about the seminal literature related to the Concept, please consult with your Tutor. You need to locate and read these seminal articles and to present a more augmented, and thorough view of the Concept in your paper. This will involves some literature search. While reading the seminal literature, make sure you understand why the concept is an important part of SM and how it is related to the SM process, where does it fit within this process? To which other important SM concepts does the Concept relate and how? (600-700 words)

4. After clarifying the exact meaning and the origin of the Concept, search the electronic databases in ACU Electronic library (e.g. Business Source Complete, Emerald, ProQuest ABI/Inform, etc.) using your Concept as a search term. This will provide you with a large number of entries (articles). Choose several of these using the following selection criteria:

a. Quality of the journal that published the article. Only the best journals should be used, please check the list of recommended journals in your Unit Outline;

b. Date of publication: the article has to have been published in the last 4-5 years; if there are no suitable articles published recently (ie in the last 4-5 years), search literature published up to 8-9-12 years ago.

c. The articles should be peer-reviewed, this means that low quality sources, such as trade journals, are totally unsuitable for the purposes of this assignment;

d. The nature of the article – use your judgement of whether or not the article is helpful in providing recent thinking and new insight about the concept, criticism of the concept, new linkages with other SM concepts, new views about its usefulness, or its new applications in SM.

All you need is 5-8 carefully selected articles of this type, to provide you with material, which you will then analyse, in order to identify how it relates to your concept and you will then synthesise the new insight on the concept, derived from these articles. If you aim to obtain a D/HD, then more articles (6-10) should be analysed and discussed.

5. Finally, you need to write your essay incorporating the new knowledge derived from your research. That is, you need to show how the original concept has evolved over time and to indicate clearly in what ways it has evolved, what new extensions, developments, applications and criticism of the concept have been proposed recently, synthesising all this into a very carefully composed essay. This will take you some time, as you will need to write a couple of drafts before you end up with a clear, interesting, insightful and useful discussion about the new developments in the Concept. (1100 -1200 words).

6. To finish the paper, please provide a conclusion, which needs to summarise the main findings of your research and outline why the content of the paper is important for scholars of SM. (100 -150 words).

7. Structure of the assignment:

a. Introduction
b. Body of the essay
i. Clarify the meaning and origin of the concept (discerned from the seminal literature)
ii. Provide a discussion of recent developments in academic thought related to your chosen Concept.
c. Conclusion
d. Type the wordcount
e. Ref. list, arranging the references in alphabetical order; using Harvard referencing style
f. Appendix: Electronic copies of the 3 most main articles you have used to write the essay, saved in PDF format

Benchmark – Servant Leadership and the Greater Good

Research a servant leadership organization of your choice or one of the organizations listed on the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials. Selections do not need to be limited to businesses. Entities such as hospitals or educational institutions are also acceptable. In a 750-1000 word paper, address the following.
Provide a summary of how the organization implements the principles of servant leadership in the way it interacts with or provide service to customers, hires and manages employees, and models its operations and policies.
Discuss specific commitments the organization makes to stakeholders and how implementing servant leadership affects not only the organization, but also the community and the common good.
Knowing that most organizations do not function with the principles of servant leadership as part of their operations, discuss how the concepts and behaviors associated with servant leadership might be a source of conflict or might create operational challenges within the organization. Provide examples to support your ideas and discuss specific ways the organization’s leader has addressed these challenges.
What do you see as the greatest benefits for organizations that adopt the principles of servant leadership as their operational model? Provide specific examples to justify your opinions.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center

The equity allocation approach to future investment returns

The equity allocation approach to future investment returns

For a different perspective on stock market valuation, read the following posts from Philosophical Economics:

The Single Greatest Predictor of Future Stock Market Returns

Valuation and Stock Market Returns: Adventures in Curve Fitting

a) According to the first post, what factors are responsible for the total investment returns from buying a stock? 3 marks
b) Explain the relationship between equity asset supply and future investment returns. 3 marks
c) According to the second post, why is the valuation approach to estimating future investment returns flawed? 3 marks

6. Putting it all together
Based on your readings from this assignment, evaluate the different approaches to stock market valuation. What do you conclude? 10 marks