Islamic theologians relied both on revelation and tradition (Qur’an and Hadith) and on human reason to determine what they considered to be proper Islamic religious belief.

1) Discuss at least one difficult theological issue the theologians encountered, where revelation/tradition and reason seemed to contradict one another. 2) Explain: a) the different approaches taken by rationalist and traditionalist theologians to this issue; b) which approach you find most persuasive; and c) why.

I have attached all you need to write the essay. I attached the Essay Structure as well PLEASE FOLLOW ESSAY STRUCTURE FROM THE ATTACHMENT.

You don’t have to cite ALL of the attachments but you have to at least cite 4 from your choice, and one of them MUST BE (use a quote) from the images of the pages that I sent you, that is from a book called Islamic Theology Traditionalism and Rationalism by Binyamin Abrahamov.

-Discuss one issue
-4 pages double spaced 12 font Times New Roman
-no work cited or bibliography
-Please write about a considered conclusion rather than an opinion
-When citing in the texts please cite like this (LAST NAME, PAGE NUMBER)
-Why is this an issue, Where did revelation % reason conflict each other?
-How did traditionalists attempt to solve it? How did rationalists attempt to solve it? What do you think??
-Please mainly gain the information from the attachments I have given, you can use outside sources to gain more insight on the topic but please dont use that for the citations.

Strategy: When you think you’ve picked your topic (most people pick a particular technology in the internet of things arena, like smartwatches or fitness trackers, for example), write out the topic and some synonyms. The example we talked about in class was “Driverless car*” or “autonomous vehicle*” or “self-driving car”, etc.

Paper layout
1-inch margins all around.
A standard, readable font (such as Arial, Calibri, or Times Roman)
Font size 11 for the body of the paper
No extra lines or spacing between paragraphs.
Indent the first line of each paragraph ½ inch.
Cited works page
The last page of your paper will list all of the works you have cited in your paper.
Do not include any sources not cited in the paper.
The cited works page does not count toward the page count requirement.
Running header
All pages except the cover page should include a running header with the following information:Left-aligned: Short title (an abbreviated version of the full title)
Centered: Date of this version
Right-aligned: Page number (OK to use the Auto Insert option “Page X of Y”)

Step 1: Strategy: When you think you’ve picked your topic (most people pick a particular technology in the internet of things arena, like smartwatches or fitness trackers, for example), write out the topic and some synonyms. The example we talked about in class was “Driverless car*” or “autonomous vehicle*” or “self-driving car”, etc. See a sample strategy on the home page here:
Step 2: Background reading: Background reading can help you get to know the topic a little better before you work on the research. See sources on the same guide linked above. These are not sources you’ll use in your paper – they’re just for your background knowledge.
Step 3: First steps in research: Use the main “Start your research” box on the library’s homepage ( to conduct your first search. Use the limiter tools on the left-side of the results page to limit to “Academic Journals” so that you aren’t getting popular materials, and check out the other limiters as well that can help – like year published, subject, etc.
Step 4: Save your articles: Once you’re in the article itself, you’ll see tools to save it on the right-side of the page. Use “Permalink” button to get the URL to the article (the one at the top of the page doesn’t work). Use “Cite” button to get a sample citation that you can adapt later to IEEE style.
Step 5: More specific research: To get into more specific resources, check out the subject-specific databases linked on this page of your class guide:
Step 6: Citations: Lastly – when you’re writing your paper, use the sample citations available on your class guide to make sure you include all the important information about the articles you used:

citation style is IEEE (rememeber).For attached Word documents, the paper must include a cover page and running header
as described here:

Why do you write a reflective essay?

Why do you write a reflective essay?
Reflective practice is part of the national competency standards for the registered nurse (Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA] 2006, p. 2), which state:
Critical thinking and analysis…Relates to self-appraisal, professional development and the value of evidence and research for practice. Reflecting on practice, feelings and beliefs and the consequences of these for individuals/groups is an important professional bench-mark.

Models of reflective practice
Beam, O’Brien and Neal (2010, p. 131) describe reflective practice:
… as a cyclical process involving a series of phases in which an individual describes a salient event, attends to his/her positive and negative feelings about the event and ultimately re-examines the experience in an effort to understand and to plan how he or she would act in a similar situation in the future.
Models of reflection
Several models used to guide reflective practice exist. One example, is the Gibbs reflective cycle, illustrated in figure 1. The initial experience is described without judgement or conclusion. Thereafter, an exploration of feelings at the time of event, is required. Value judgement is drawn by evaluating both the positive and challenging aspects of the experience. To make sense of the situation, the analytical phase considers ideas from outside the realm of standard practice. Conclusions and action plans are formulated, based upon newly acquired knowledge (Levitt 2010, p. 48).

How do you write a reflective paper?
Before you start ask your subject coordinator if it is acceptable to use headings in this assessment item.
Steps to write a reflective essay
1. Read the question thoroughly. Refer to you SIAB and ask your tutor or subject coordinator for clarification
2. Source the appropriate competency standards to align your practice to (if required)
3. Identify and research the steps of the reflective model you are going to use. Most reflective essays will ask you to use Gibbs Model as outlined earlier
4. Research your experience. Ask your subject coordinator how many references you would need for your specific assessment
5. Brainstorm your ideas
6. Plan your reflective essay by using the stages of your reflection
7. Work out how many words should be in the introduction, body and conclusion. As a rule the introduction should be 10%, body 80% and conclusion 10%
8. Write section by section of your reflective model
9. Write the introduction and conclusion last
The introduction needs to include:

 the broader concept of reflective practice
 the reflective model being used
 an outline of your essay and how it will flow.
The conclusion needs to include:

 a logical end to your reflection
 the action phase of your reflection/suggestions for future practice.
10. Review and edit before you submit your assignment.

Part Three is a Strategy Recommendation. Please make recommendations to your company’s business level strategy or corporate level strategy.

1. Part Three is a Strategy Recommendation. Please make recommendations to your company’s business level strategy or corporate level strategy.

2. NO executive summary is required for this part.

3. The first section is to analyze your company’s business level strategy. You need to: 1) identify your company’s business level strategy, i.e. whether it is cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, focused differentiation or a combination. Please explain why you think this is your company’s business level strategy. 2) Analyze how this business level strategy is achieved through your company’s value chain activities.

4. The second section is to analyze your company’s corporate level strategy. You need to: 1) Identify one of your company’s corporate level strategies. Please choose one from the following: horizontal integration, vertical integration, outsourcing, related diversification, and unrelated diversification. Please explain why you think this is your company’s primary corporate level strategy. It is possible they participate in more than one of these, try to find the one that has the greatest apparent focus. You may discuss the others briefly as well and how they relate, but try to focus on the primary one you identify. 2) Discuss how your company implements this corporate level strategy, whether through merger and acquisition, strategic alliance, joint venture, internal development, or through other means.
5. For the first and second sections, you can prioritize your writing on either one, based on your company’s strategy preference. If you company mainly uses business level strategy to achieve its goals, then you may want to discuss more on the first section. Similarly, if your company mainly uses corporate level strategy to create values, then you may want to elaborate on the second section. You can also allocate your writing equally on these two sections, if you find your company does not have a specific focus on either of these two strategies.
6. The third section is to make recommendations to your company’s business level or corporate level strategy. In your Part one and Part two analyses, you have identified the opportunities and threats in your company’s industry, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages that your company has. How can your company improve its business level strategy or corporate level strategy in order to either strengthen its competitive advantages, or overcome its competitive disadvantages, to utilize the industry’s opportunities or mitigate the industry’s threats? Please explain the rationale of your strategy recommendations. (You need to spend at least one page on this section.)
7. Please write in full sentences, not in bullet points.
8. Other requirements include: 1) minimum of 3 pages, maximum of 5 pages plus references. 2) double spaced, font size 12, 1-inch standard margin. 3) at least two references provided, including our library source. In order to do a good job, you may need to have more than two references. 4) Please provide correct and complete references. Formatting of them doesn’t matter – just make sure it’s good enough that I can find it based on what info you give me. Do NOT just copy and paste a library URL (unless you check it yourself and it works).
9. Bottom line: NO PLAGARIASM IS ALLOWED! This means if you use block quotes, make sure to quote and cite the source. Also, a vast majority of your paper should be your own, regardless of quotes. Only quote information that is unusually perfect in its current form, where paraphrasing would hurt the meaning. Your paper should be yours, not a copy and paste of several sources, regardless of whether you cite them or not.

Part Two is a company analysis. You will analyze the company you chose for your project.

Here are the requirements on the Part Two of your Project.

  1. Part Two is a company analysis. You will analyze the company you chose for your project.


  1. The first paragraph is an executive summary; you need to indicate: 1) which company you analyze in your paper. 2) what competitive advantages and disadvantages the company has in its value chain activities. 3) what competitive advantages and disadvantages your company has based on your financial ratio analysis of your company and its competitors. Again it may be easier to write this paragraph last.


  1. The first part of your paper is the value chain analysis. You need to: 1) Describe your company’s main products / services. 2) Identify the products’ / services’ suppliers, end users and if there is any distributors or retailers in between your company and the end users. 3) Identify the primary value chain activities of your company and describe what these activities consists of. 4) Indicate in which value chain activities your company has competitive advantages and explain why. 5) Indicate in which value chain activities your company has competitive disadvantages and explain why. When you talk about advantages and disadvantages, this should be relative to competitors you identify.


  1. The second part of your paper is the financial ratio analysis of your company and its competitor. You need to: Identify a competitor of your company and download the financial ratios of both your company and the competitor from our library’s database: Mergent Online. For each company, please download the financial ratios of the recent three years.  To download ratios:    Go to  2.  Log in with your library login.  3.  Enter your company name in the search box – sometimes multiple entities will show up – click the one that is your primary parent company.  4.  Click the “Company Financials” tab. 5. Click “Ratios” underneath the tabs.  6.  Finally, download the ratios using the excel link in the upper right.  Do this again for the other company.  THE TICKER FOR HP IS NOW “HPQ”.  Use this when searching for HP in Mergent.


  1. Discuss these ratios: Quick ratio, current ratio, inventory turnover, receivables turnover, total asset turnover, return on assets, and return on equity.  Remember our discussion about viewing changes over time and so forth.  Ideally for each ratio you should have a chart showing both companies, and then an explanation below it talking about what the ratio means, how it is changing over time, etc.  Compare and interpret the differences in the ratios of the two companies. Conclude what competitive advantages your company has over its competitor and what competitive disadvantages your company has over its competitor based on those ratios.


  1. Please write in full sentences, not in bullet points. USE SECTION HEADINGS.


  1. Other requirements include: 1) minimum of 5 pages, maximum of 8 pages plus references 2) double spaced, font size 12, 1-inch standard margin. 3) at least two references provided, including our library source. In order to do a good job, you may need to have more than two references. 4) Please provide correct and complete references.


  1. Remember our conversations about plagiarism. Feel free to discuss your issues with classmates, but write in your own voice, and come to your own conclusions.

Current events in biology or releating to biology

You will write a 500-1000 word report discussing a current news topic in
Biology. You can look in newspapers, news websites/apps, scientific journals etc for articles.
It should be from a credible source (i.e. i.e.,,,,, etc). The article MUST be cited and included as a reference in the report.
Follow the directions and guidelines below.
Basic Report Guidelines
The report should be typed, 12 point font and double spaced.
Spelling and grammar count and points will be taken off.
Make sure you cite all your references
and do not copy and paste from the
NO WIKIPEDIA!!!! Only credible websites may be used. If you are unsure, ASK
YOUR Instructor BEFORE you start writing your report.
Add pages numbers to the main body of the report.
Include your word count on the Title page.
the title page as first page. The title page
should include the title, your name, date, word count and course number.
Report Instructions
Title Page (5 pts)
Develop a title for the report
Name, date, course # and word count
Main Narrative (50 pts)
Briefly discuss the topic you picked and how it applies to Biology.
This should be 1-2 paragraphs
Make sure you cite the article and any other references you used!
Discussion (30 pts)
In this section, discuss your analysis and opinion on the topic
You may write in 1
person in this section.
It should be at least 1 paragraph
References (15 pts)
References should be on their own, individual page separate from the rest of the
You will need to include the original article and any other sources you used
You may only use credible sources (i.e.,,, journals, etc)
You may use any citation style you like (MLA, etc) – just be consistent throughout the

Do you ever use the term hypochondriac or do people ever call you a hypochondriac? How is it used differently in day to day lives versus as a clinical disorder? How do you think people get to the point of it being a severe disorder?

1) Do you ever use the term hypochondriac or do people ever call you a hypochondriac? How is it used differently in day to day lives versus as a clinical disorder? How do you think people get to the point of it being a severe disorder?
2)What did you learn about multiple personalities (now called Dissociative Identity Disorder) that you didn’t know before? Do you think it’s a real disorder or faked? Would knowing it was real or faked change the way you think a person should be treated for it? Think of a movie or story about it, how was it portrayed and how was that different than a clinical definition?

Bus Radio Theft Investigation

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions from the point of view of the investigator.
What documents, interviews, direct observations, and additional tactics would you use to conduct the investigation?
What is your authority in obtaining statements from employees who are on your interview list?
What would be your approach in interviewing a person you suspect of having been involved or responsible for the thefts?
How would you deal with issues of confidentiality in the interviewing of witnesses?
What technological tools might be helpful in this investigation?
Where might you find additional information?
What questions would you ask and of whom?
What information is essential in the documentation of the final report?
Write your analysis of what was revealed in your investigation of these thefts
In your conclusion state your assessment of your opinion about who was responsible for the thefts
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

your task is to determine what you consider to be news, particularly in relation to your day-to-day existence in a 4-5 page essay drawing from at least two outside sources, using proper citation methods (either MLA or APA).

In this assignment your task is to determine what you consider to be news, particularly in relation to your day-to-day existence in a 4-5 page essay drawing from at least two outside sources, using proper citation methods (either MLA or APA). In this essay look at what your information needs are, and what the concept of “news” means as it relates to your personal needs. You will need a Works Cited Page as well, which for the purposes of saving paper can be relegated to a space on the last page of your essay since you’re dealing with limited sources. The paper should have standard one-inch margins, 12 point font (preferably Times or similar) and must be double spaced.

If Amy has no idea which of the three mileage assumptions is most appropriate, what is the recommended decision (leasing option) using the optimistic, conservative, and minimax regret approaches?

Amy Lloyd is interested in leasing a new Honda and has contacted three automobile dealers for pricing information. Each dealer offered Ay a closed-end 36-month lease with no down payment due at the time of signing. Each lease includes a monthly charge and a mileage allowance. Additional miles receive a surcharge on a per-mile basis. The monthly lease cost, the mileage allowance, and the cost for additional miles follow:

Dealer                         Monthly Cost             Mileage Allowance    Cost per Additional Mile

Hepburn Honda          $299                            36,000                         $0.15

Midtown Motors         $310                            45,000                         $0.20

Hopkins Automotive   $325                           54,000                         $0.15

Amy decided to choose the lease option that will maximize her total 36-month cost. The difficulty is that Amy is not sure how many miles she will drive over the next three years. For purposes of this decision, she believes it is reasonable to assume that she will drive 12,000 miles per year, 15,000 miles per year, or 18,000 miles per year. With this assumption, Amy estimated her total costs for the three lease options. For example, she figures that the Hepburn Honda lease will cost her $10,764 if she drives 12,000 miles per year, $12,114 if she drives 15,000 miles per year, or $13,464 if she drives 18,000 miles per year.

  1. What is the decision, and what is the chance event?


  1. Construct a payoff table for Amy’s problem.


  1. If Amy has no idea which of the three mileage assumptions is most appropriate, what is the recommended decision (leasing option) using the optimistic, conservative, and minimax regret approaches?



  1. Suppose that the probabilities that Amy drives 12,000, 15,000, and 18,000 miles per year are 0.5, 0.4, and 0.1, respectively. What option should Amy choose using the expected value approach?


  1. Develop a risk profile for the decision selected in part (d). What is the most likely cost, and what is its probability?


  1. Suppose that after further consideration Amy concludes that that probabilities that she will drive 12,000, 15,000, and 18,000 miles per year are 0.3, 0.4, and 0.3, respectively. What decision should Amy make using the expected value approach?