Compute the mean and median. Compute the first and third quartiles. Compute the range and interquartile range. Compute the variance and standard deviation. The skewness measure for these data is 0.34. Comment on the shape of the distribution. Is it the shape you would expect? Why or why not? Do the data contain outliers?

The Average number of times Americans dine out in a week fell from 1.0 in 2008 to 3.8 in 2012 (, April 2012). The number of times a sample of 20 families dined out last week provides the following data.

6    1    5    3    7    3    0    3    1    3

4    1    2    4    1    0    5    6    3     1


  1. Compute the mean and median.
  2. Compute the first and third quartiles.
  3. Compute the range and interquartile range.
  4. Compute the variance and standard deviation.
  5. The skewness measure for these data is 0.34. Comment on the shape of the distribution. Is it the shape you would expect? Why or why not?
  6. Do the data contain outliers?

Consider again the Pleasure Machine mentioned in the reading questions from Week One. Would you get in the machine? Carefully explain why or why not.

Consider again the Pleasure Machine mentioned in the reading questions from Week One. Would you get in the machine? Carefully explain why or why not.
Utilitarianism is a deceptively simple moral theory that has quite a bit of intuitive appeal. But it also has its share of problems. How plausible do you find this account of the right making feature of acts? Clearly and carefully explain your answer.
J.S. Mill’s view is that there is no sense of good beyond what people think is good. Whatever anyone thinks is good for its own sake, Mill calls that “happiness.” Therefore, only happiness, i.e., whatever we think is good for its own sake, is good for its own sake. Do you think this is true? Carefully explain why or why not.

Informative speech on historic landmark

Your Informative Speech must be on a historical site in Georgia. This means your
annotated bibliography and outline would be on the SAME topic. I shared a link to
historic landmarks only to share ideas. However, you may select the Georgia
landmark of your choice even if it is not one of the ones I shared. There is a
penalty of 20 points for not selecting a landmark for this assignment.
A bibliography is a list of the resources used by an author or speaker to prepare a paper
or speech. In an annotated bibliography each resource on the list is followed by a
summary of the resource. The Annotated Bibliography should be formatted in
accordance with APA or MLA style. The style guide is available in the library or you can
use the internet to research.
The Assignment
Annotate at least three of the scholarly resources you used to explore your
informative speech topic. Prepare an annotated bibliography. Each bibliographic
citation should include the title of the resource, the author’s name, the publisher, the date
of publication, and the location of the publisher or where you found it. Each summary of a
resource must be completed in one paragraph of five to seven sentences, and one of the
5-7 sentences should be a thesis statement.
Check the style guide for an acceptable format for the annotated bibliography. Use the
Perimeter College library. The library also has online resources – please make certain to
use them.
Send the annotated bibliography to me through this assignment drop box. Do not post in
the discussion area. Keep a copy of all assignments submitted until you receive your
Note: If you cannot find scholarly sources on your landmark, use the most credible
sources you can find via the internet. Thank you!
Outline Your Speech Ideas – The Preparation Outline
Remember, you are using a Georgia landmark for your topic. Thus, your annotated
bibliography, outline, and the Informative Speech (the informative speech is due
the week after the bibliography and the outline) are done with the same topic.
Please see your weekly course schedule for required readings.
Then submit a full sentence outline for the informative speech. The etext shares
examples. However, there are times I ask for more or less main point
development/support. Please pay attention to detail and don’t just plan to copy the
You are to fully develop four main ideas (in addition to introduction and conclusion),
three levels (supporting ideas) deep.
Pay special attention to the visual framework of the outline. Use the standard
outline symbols discussed.
Label the main ideas with capital roman numerals. Note: you may see an example
that doesn’t use roman numerals as a former student indicated they had never
seen a roman numeral.
Indent supporting ideas to help the reader visualize their relationship to the main
ideas they support.
Alternate between numbers and letters as you arrange ideas to support more
superior ideas.
Align coordinate ideas.
Outlines should be processed in Microsoft Word and not pasted in this assignment
dropbox. Why? Formatting will be lost.
There is a 7 point penalty for outlines that do not meet format requirements.
There is a 20 point penalty for not submitting your outline.

I am 16 years old and i honestly don’t care what you write it about. If you made it about me and a dog everyone would believe it as I am a huge animal lover. I simply dont have time to write a paper for a creative writing class when I am writing papers for 4 AP classes.

two page double spaced memoir. I am 16 years old and i honestly don’t care what you write it about. If you made it about me and a dog everyone would believe it as I am a huge animal lover. I simply dont have time to write a paper for a creative writing class when I am writing papers for 4 AP classes.
This is the list of questions on the rubic.
Are you showing rather than telling?
Is your setting clear?
Did you maintain a consistent point of view?
Did you format your dialogue effectively and correctly?
Did you use “showing” words to communicate your tone clearly?
Did you communicate your theme clearly?
Did you spell-check and proofread aloud—or perhaps have someone read your memoir aloud to you?
Is your presentation correct?

The Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis assignment completed in Topic 4 helped you identify a strategic goal within your sphere of influence. This assignment asks you to visually represent the cause-and-effect relationship among goals, operations, and stakeholders. In addition, this assignment seeks to examine the impact on various operational processes within the selected organization

Details: Company again : Lapels Dry cleaning

The Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis assignment completed in Topic 4 helped you identify a strategic goal within your sphere of influence. This assignment asks you to visually represent the cause-and-effect relationship among goals, operations, and stakeholders. In addition, this assignment seeks to examine the impact on various operational processes within the selected organization
According to your Management textbook, a strategy map “is a visual representation of the key drivers of an organization’s success, showing the cause-and-effect relationship among goals and plans.” Refer to Exhibit 7.4 in the textbook. A strategy map seeks to align organizational goals into strategy and provide clear direction for the organization.
Review the mission statement of your selected organization. Prior to creating a strategy map, identify your stakeholders. Complete a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize the various stakeholders. Refer to the “Stakeholder Analysis” resource from Mindtools and complete all steps.
Based on your strategic goal, create a strategy map using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, or other software. Include only the required perspectives (financial, customer, internal, and learning and growth) that pertain to the strategic goal in your map. The cause-and-effect relationships are described by connecting arrows.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Write a 3-6 page business report that describes a needed change or innovation, explains the value of the change or innovation for the organization, proposes methods for leading and managing the innovation and change process, and proposes strategies for engaging employees in the innovation and change process. Explain how the concept of whole person leadership and personal leadership strengths can help with this effort.

• Write a 3-6 page business report that describes a needed change or innovation, explains the value of the change or innovation for the organization, proposes methods for leading and managing the innovation and change process, and proposes strategies for engaging employees in the innovation and change process. Explain how the concept of whole person leadership and personal leadership strengths can help with this effort.
This portfolio work project will help you integrate the concept of whole person leadership into the innovation and change process.
The organization you work for has enjoyed success with a product or service, but customer expectations are changing, and leadership knows that they must rethink how customer expectations are met.
Your Role
You are a member of a committee tasked with looking at possible innovations for the organization and for determining how to communicate and manage the changes necessary within the company.
For this assessment, you will need to base your work on an organization you worked for in the past, the one you work for now, or one you aspire to work for in the future. The organization you choose should be one where you know that a change is necessary and imminent. For example, you might choose a cable company and know that the spread of Internet television is forcing them to rethink how they serve their customers. Find an industry and topic that are both pertinent for you and can be readily researched.
Write a business report based on the organization and change (or innovation) you have selected. Within the business report, include the following:
• Briefly describe the innovation or change that is on the horizon.
• Explain the value of the innovation or change in terms of:
o Why the innovation or change is necessary.
o The benefits for the future of the organization.
• Propose methods for leading and managing the innovation and change process.
o What steps will be needed to prepare for and implement the change?
o Does the organization follow Kotter’s 8-step process? If not, how can you convince leadership of the benefits of using the process?
o What steps can be taken to mitigate possible issues in the innovation and change process?
• Propose strategies for engaging employees in the innovation and change process.
o How should the innovation and change be communicated to the organization?
o How will you handle resistance and opposition to the innovation and change?
• How will the concepts of whole person leadership, help you succeed in this effort?

In addition, use the following resource as you complete your assessment. These resources address the relationship between leadership and innovation and change:
• Kotter International. (n.d.). The 8-step process for leading change. Retrieved from
• Wylson, A., & Chesley, J. A. (2016). The benefits of mindfulness in leading transformational change. Graziadio Business Review, 19(1), 1–8.
• Immelt, J. R. (2017). How I remade GE and what I learned along the way. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), 42–51.
• Tedx Talks. (2009). Simon Sinek: Start with why – how great leaders inspire action [Video]. | Transcript Retrieved from
• Kotter, J. P. (2007). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 85(1), 96–103.
• HBS Executive Education. (2016). Leading innovation is the art of creating “collective genius.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
• Trisk, A. (2016). Three huge industries facing death because they won’t embrace radical ideas. Retrieved from
• Harvard Business Review, HBR Video. (2014). How Gap, Inc. innovates [Video]. Retrieved from

Miami Story

The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible, and begin to tell your Miami story. For this essay, keep in mind all of the rhetorical devices. For example, how do the authors create mental images in our minds that our so meaningful and impactful.

Directions for ESSAY
Descriptive (1-2 page, typed, double spaced)

Tell a story of significance to your family. Tell it in scene.
Essay writing/scene can be any of the following:

First time in Miami
What it is like to live in Miami (Describe a memorable moment that took place in Miami) For example, first time at the beach, sporting event, authentic dinning experience, family gatherings etc…) Select one key moment in your life that you would like to magnify and share with others. Start simple and then build up.

For Miami Stories Event:

Theme — Tell us your story:

o “My first time in Miami. . .”
Give us a scene that you remember from when you first arrived to Miami. If you settled in Miami, describe where you (and/or your family) settled: address, physical description of the place where you lived, neighbors, landscape, streets. Give sounds, colors, names of places and people. How old were you? What was the year? The season? The weather? Give us a specific account of one moment in your life then and your impressions of the place. Include dialogue, setting, gestures.
o “What it’s like to live in Miami. . .”
Give us a scene about living in Miami now. Give sounds, colors, names of place and people. Give us the year, the season, the weather. Include dialogue, setting, gestures
The story you tell could be one that you witnessed or one that was told to you. Do not state the story’s significance. It must emerge from the details or actions narrated.
Tell the story as it comes to you, but tell it in scene, moment to moment. It could be a memory or a story of when you were a child or a story told about a relative or sibling or a parent.
Be sure to have:
1. setting/ location
2. time of day,
3. year,
4. season,
5. gestures (people sit, stand, move),
6. dialogue (one line per speaker, tags ‘he/she said’)
7. Incorporate figurative language (See descriptive power-point for examples)
Use past or present tense but be consistent.

Remember that your stories need to be in scene. Create a movie in the mind of the reader, moment to moment

NOTE: The following paragraph was my introduction on my first English Composition Class, so in order to be consistent on the Essay, this is all you should know:
My name is Adriana Pena. I am 18 years old but I will turn 19 soon (September, 26th). I am from Cuba (a beautiful Caribbean Island), and I have been here in Miami for almost two years. I came here on December 26th, 2016. At the very beginning I had a hard time with the language, and it’s has been really complicated dealing with a completely different language. However, studying at Miami Dade College (Kendall Campus) has helped me a lot, and on top of that I have met amazing people from all over the world. This is my first online course, so I’m pretty much a novice in Virtual College. I like watching Netflix, riding bicycles and meeting new people. I’m a pursuing a major in biology because I want to be a doctor or maybe a dentist. I hope this to be a great semester with you guys and I wish you all to do your best.

Critique of Research Manuscript

Details of task: Short report outlining a critique of a research manuscript submitted to a journal including
a recommendation for disposition of the manuscript.
An important component of the assessment in this course is a critique of a piece of climate or weather
research within the broader context of the field of climatology covered in the course. You will be provided
with a manuscript reporting original research results covering a topic discussed in this course that has been
submitted to a scientific journal. Your task is to critique it in terms of what you have learned in this course.
Your report must be presented in the style of a scientific critique as would be submitted by a manuscript
reviewer to the editor of a journal. Make sure that you follow the instructions and format your report
accordingly as outlined below. The report must include the following:
• Summary of the manuscript: a structured summary of the manuscript relevant to your critique. You
need to summarise the introduction, methods and results as well as key conclusions (10 marks –
around 375-500 words).
• Critique (total 25 marks – around 935-1250 words):
o an overall analysis of the appropriateness, degree of originality, and relevance of the
manuscript including knowledge expressed of the topic, (5 marks).
o critique of the methodology used, data quality and data analysis (5 marks);
o critique of data interpretation (5 marks).
o comment on the validity of the conclusions and how these relate to what is known and other
literature that you may want to cite in your critique to support your arguments (5 marks).
o comment on the relevance of the manuscript’s reference list including references that have
been ignored (5 marks).
• Conclusions – your conclusions about the scientific rigor and relevance of the manuscript and
whether or not you consider the manuscript to be a relevant, original contribution to the field and
should therefore be published (3 marks – around 110-150 words). Include a sentence with your
specific recommendation for publishing: publish without revision; publish with minor revision; publish
with major revision; do not publish.
• List of references – include all references that you have used to support your arguments. You are
encouraged to find at least 3-5 papers not cited in the manuscript that support your critique (2 marks
– around 75-100 words).
Your critique is expected to incorporate additional material from the scientific literature
(journals, textbooks and reference works) to support your arguments, and all references must
be properly cited in the text and listed in the reference list at the end of the critique. Peer reviewed
material is preferred but you may also cite other selected sources of information (e.g.
reports, websites, etc)

Narrative Therapy

Your outline should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

For the annotated bibliography, you will prepare a brief annotated bibliography related to your selected model of MFT.


An annotated bibliography is a very effective way to explore the literature and have the effort produce a very useful document for writing papers, conducting research, or creating a reference tool for use in an MFT practice.


Be sure your articles are from peer-reviewed journals and were published within the past 5 years. Submit an annotated bibliography that includes these five entries. Choose articles that, taken together, will assist you in writing the paper you are outlining this week and that is due next week.


Note that each annotated entry must concisely summarize key aspects of the article (study, literature review, secondary analysis, etc.) — e.g., participants, purpose, research design and methods, data analysis, key findings — and include a thoughtful evaluation of the significance of the study’s findings and conclusions as they relate to the Classic or Postmodern Model about which you will be writing. To write quality entries, you must understand each study—what the researchers did, why they did it, and what they found and concluded.  Be sure you paraphrase all content, following Northcentral Academic Integrity guidelines to ensure that your work is your own.


External Environment Analysis

External Environment Analysis
Step 1: Research
In completing the report, you will use the chapters in the eBook as a guide and perform research on the company and answer the required elements below in narrative form following the steps provided.
in a partial SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, PESTEL, EFE, and CPM.
Step 3: Specific Company for All Three Projects
You will be specifically assigned by your instructor to write your independent report on one focal company. The assigned company must be used for all three projects in this course. You are not allowed to write the report on any other company different from the company specifically assigned by your instructor. If a company other than that assigned to you is used, a zero will be assigned.
The companies that your instructor has assigned to each of you are listed in List of Companies.
Step 4: Introduction
Create an introductory paragraph. The Introduction should clearly and concisely convey the main points of the project’s requirements. Review the following website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:
Step 5: How to Set Up the Report
In the past weeks, you have learned new concepts and techniques to assess the business environment. You will use these techniques (tools), concepts and information from your own research to perform the external analysis of the selected company’s environment. You are not lifting from other sources but performing your own analysis.
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document using 12-point font. The final product cannot be longer than 16 pages in length, which includes all tables and matrices but excludes the title page and reference page. Those items identified in the technical analysis should appear under the appropriate heading in the paper. Do no use an Appendix.
Follow the following format using these topics as headings:
• Title page with title, your name, the course number, the instructor’s name
• Company overview
• Industry analysis
• Competitive analysis: [Use the company’s closest competitors (3) plus the selected company.]
• Techniques Analysis: PESTEL, Five Forces, OT from partial SWOT, EFE, and CPM.
• Trends: Discuss trends significant to the industry and company and discuss key areas of uncertainty related to trends or events that potentially could impact the company’s strategy.
• Conclusion of the external analysis
• Reference page.

Step 6: Conclusion
Create a concluding paragraph. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. Review the following website to learn how to write a concluding paragraph:
Step 7: Submit the Report in the Assignment Folder
Submitting the project to the Assignment Folder is considered the student’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the Project is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor.
Report Requirements to Follow
In writing the report,
• Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
• Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).
• Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
• No direct quotes except for mission statement and vision statement. For all other source material used in the analysis, you will not use direct quotation marks but will instead paraphrase. What this means is that you will put the ideas of an author or article into your own words rather than lifting directly from a source document. You may not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, as doing so would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.
• Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.
• You may not use books in completing this project.
• Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented.