Determining the (TCO) or total cost of ownership for a strategic information system investment is a critical part of the leader’s role in using technology in a transforming way.

Determining the (TCO) or total cost of ownership for a strategic information system investment is a critical part of the leader’s role in using technology in a transforming way. The return on investment Analysis depends upon reliable estimates of both the capital outlay and ongoing operational costs associated with the initiative over a period of time. This Assignment focuses on outlining both the capital and ongoing operational costs associated with a typical technology investment. You will outline the costs and, as importantly, the assumptions that you used in deriving these financial estimates.

To prepare:
Review the Pro Forma Explanation Material and HIT Program Pro forma Template in the Learning Resources.
The assignment:
Write a 2 page APA style paper, addressing the following elements for the scenario that you chose in week 3. This will also be the scenario used to complete your Final Project. For this assignment, address the financial element of the project Charter used to plan the acquisition of and HIT solution for the setting of choice. The financial analysis has two parts:
Using the HIT Pro Forma Template provided in your learning Resources, complete the anticipated capital and operating costs of the HIT solution that you are proposing in the Week 3 Assignment.
Justify the assumptions that you used in your proforma.

NOTE: Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources to show your conclusion and recommendations

Internal Analysis of Stericycle Inc.

Internal Analysis of Stericycle Inc.
This project is the second of three projects. Students will perform an internal environmental analysis using the tools and concepts learned in the course to date. You will also draw from previous business courses to develop an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard and sustain its position in a competitive market.
Students also have the opportunity to review an organization’s objectives and goals and the key functional areas within the organization. Performing an internal environment analysis helps assess a firm’s internal resources and capabilities and plays a critical role in formulating strategy by identifying a firm’s strengths to capitalize on so that it can effectively overcome weaknesses.
Skill Building:
In this project, you are building many different skills including research, critical thinking, writing and developing analytical skills related to various financial analysis tools and strategy tools used in business.

Outcomes Met With This Project:
• utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically;
• integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including, accounting, finance, market, business and human resource management;
• Analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies in order to revise a current plan or write a new plan and present a strategic plan.

Step 1: Research
In completing the report, students will use the chapters in the eBook as a guide and perform research on the company from Project 1 so that they can answer the required elements below in narrative form following the steps.
Step 2: Library Resources
You will be using scholarly material and Mergent Online to research privately held companies.
Step 3: Preparation for the Project
Before you begin writing the report, you will read the following requirements that will help you meet the writing and APA requirements.
• You will be doing an analysis on the selected company (STERICYCLE INC.) When doing an analysis you are not merely making statements that may be cited. Instead, you will be supporting the statements made. “Support” is the process of explaining, discussing and analyzing “why” and “how,” which is a higher level critical analytical skill that is required. Support is needed to do well on this project.
• Read the grading rubric for the project. Use the grading rubric while writing the report to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
Step 4: Introduction
Create an introductory paragraph. The Introduction should clearly and concisely convey the main points of the project’s requirements. Review the following website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:
Step 5: How to Set Up the Report
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document using 12-point font. The final product cannot be longer than 16 pages in length, which includes all tables and matrices but excludes the title page and reference page(s). Those items identified in the technical analysis should appear under the appropriate heading in the paper. Do no use an Appendix.
Follow the following format using these topics as headings:
o Title page with title, your name, the course number, the instructor’s name;
o Introduction
o Company Background Analysis
o Internal Environmental Analysis
o Strategy Analysis
o Conclusion
o Reference page
Step 5: Required Elements for the Report
Under the appropriate heading listed above, include the following:
• Background analysis including vision and mission statements and objectives
• Internal Environmental Analysis
• Corporate Level Strategy
• Business Unit Level Strategy
• Functional Level Strategy
o Explain how these strategies align with the company’s vision and mission statements;
o Assess the company’s interactions with its stakeholders, the organizational structure, the organizational culture, and communication/decision making among managers within human resources, marketing production, operations, finance and accounting, R&D, and computer information systems, which can be accomplished by viewing the company’s website, interviews, and surveys.
• Financial Analysis for the last reported fiscal year
Use the company’s income statement and balance sheet to calculate no less than a total of ten(10) key financial ratios to the business. There must be a mix of four different key categories inclusive of the leverage, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratios so that the ratios do not all come from the same category. The specific ratios selection must come from the following categories.
o Leverage Ratios (Long term debt ratio, Total debt ratio, Debt-to-equity ratio, Times interest earned ratio, and Cash coverage ratio).
o Liquidity Ratios (Net working capital to total assets ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio)
o Efficiency Ratios (Asset turnover ratio, Average collection period, Inventory turnover ratio, and Days sales outstanding)
o Profitability Ratios (Net profit margin, Return on assets, and Return on equity)
• Technique Analysis
o Develop and explain SW from partial SWOT analysis, IFE matrix, BCG matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, and QSPM. The expectation is not to copy from the Internet but to develop one’s own. If copied from the Internet, a zero will be assigned. The various tools are to appear in the appropriate area of the paper and not in one section of the paper. When placing any table or figure in a table, it must be explained in detail.
• Strategy Analysis
o Identify and explain company strengths and weaknesses. Discuss success factors and explain what the company must do to perform successfully in the industry. Discuss what strategies would allow the company to capitalize on its major strengths. Discuss strategies that would allow the company to improve upon its major weaknesses
Step 6: Conclusion
Create a concluding paragraph. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. Review the following website to learn how to write a concluding paragraph:

Discussion: Cost Savings and Revenue Enhancement

This Discussion offers you the opportunity to apply return on investment (ROI) concepts in a real case scenario. As is often the case, technology offerings involve costs that must be justified by virtue of expense reductions for revenue increases in the organization. There are creative opportunities in the Discussion for leaders to facilitate the development of the revenues into the organization and operational changes that reduce expenses.
Scenario: Dynamic Health System is a 3-hospital, 500-bed system in the Midwest United States. This system employs 100 physicians, both primary care and specialists, in 12 physician practices. Dynamic also runs a center of excellence in orthopedic care for the large geriatric population in the area, including an outpatient rehabilitation facility that is currently profitable. Dynamic offers a full spectrum of medical and surgical services to their population with an emphasis on programs of excellence in orthopedic surgery, diabetes, and women’s care.
Dynamic’s typical patient mix is over 45% Medicare with another 35% private pay patients covered by three large insurance companies. Their Medicaid population is approximately 12%, with the reminder of patients self-pay.
Due to market forces, the three private payers have begun to implement a program of bundled payments for their members in the following areas: hip replacements, knee replacements, and lower back surgeries. In these models, Dynamic hospitals and employed physicians will be paid a fixed amount for an entire episode of care from pre- surgery evaluation, through surgery and post-surgery, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. Medicare is likewise proposing a pilot study for a population of hip replacement beneficiaries to assess the outcomes of care as opposed to procedure costs as a result of Dynamic’s petition to receive increased payments for beneficiaries due to age demographics and for being the only orthopedic geriatric center in 200 miles.
As a result of these factors and the aging HIT infrastructure, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Dynamic are proposing the purchase of a monolithic Electronic Health Record (EMR) solution that will provide complete online documentation, orders, pharmacy, labs, and patient portal for all hospitals and employed physician offices. Because the (1) physician offices are currently using Epic Corporation’s back office billing system with an outstanding record of accurate coding and short “days in Accounts Receivable” and (2) Epic’s EMR has a high ranking in industry HIT assessments, the executive team is proposing the purchase of Epic’s clinical EMR (documentation, ancillaries, orders, and patient portal).
The CFO is supportive but skeptical, as the Epic bid is approximately $1.5 M to implement the clinical software with a continued $300K per year in software maintenance and support. Current clinical technologies information systems are fragmented, disjointed, and don’t meet HITECH Meaningful Use requirements, and it will cost Dynamic about $200K per year to maintain the software and servers needed to run the system.
The local competitive landscape may be changing. Dynamic’s CFO is hearing rumors that an established academic system which is centered 300 miles away is possibly considering buying three local stand-alone surgery centers and hiring orthopedic surgeons. This academic center has published best practices in outcomes for surgery care in a recent CMS Medicare study that implies that they are delivering high quality and cost effective orthopedic care.
To prepare:
• Carefully read the scenario and the Pro Forma Explanation Material in this week’s Learning Resources.
• Develop a return on investment (ROI) strategy for the acquisition of a strategic HIT solution in which you consider 2–3 cost saving and/or revenue generating opportunities that you feel apply to Dynamic’s scenario.
By Day 3
A strategy for how Dynamic can pay for the newly proposed Epic system. Explain how the organization will save in operational expense in order to handle the extra 100K per year needed to maintain this solution. Provide a recommendation for how the hospital can use HIT solutions to generate new revenue. Also consider that if Dynamic issues a bond to pay for the $1.5 million implementation costs, likely the local rating agencies will want to see a documented 5–10% additional reduction in “hard line” operating expenses to assure Dynamic’s ability to pay off the debt. Given that over 60% of the operating budget is staff and physician salaries, explain what kinds of savings the best in class EHR offer will assure investors.

Chris Sowell Research paper topic or main Idea: How did classic rock influence a generation of people. Looking at the sex drugs and rock and roll mantra and how events such as Woodstock played a part in shaping young adults. Genre: Classic Rock

choose a musical repertoire or genre and prepare a class presentation accompanied by a written background paper. How does the repertoire chosen relate to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity? Bear in mind that while lyrics and performance are important, musical issues must be addressed as well.

In addition to the Research Paper, students will also be creating a presentation, with your playlist, for fellow classmates to read and hear. In the Module 8 Discussion Board, post a brief description of your project and attach the Research Paper and Presentation (including music sample). Then, read at least two classmates’ presentations, listen to the music samples, and post comments.

Not Evident Beginning Developing Competent
Purpose Clearly identifies main issue(s), problem(s), or intention(s). 0 6 8 10
Perspective Investigates point(s) of view and assumptions. 0 6 8 10


Evidence Supports purpose with relevant, sufficient evidence and defines concepts. 0 6 8 10
Analysis Analyzes the consequences and implications of reasoning. 0 6 8 10
Core Values Addresses core value(s) specifically and demonstrates their relevance. 0 6 8 10
Decision Making States the various options of decision making and chooses a solution. 0 6 8 10
Grammar and Organization Uses good grammar and organizes the paper in a consistent and logical way. 0 6 8 10
Choice of appropriate topic Chooses a topic that can be examined in a scholarly way that goes beyond a basic biography or playlist. 0 6 8 10
Uses appropriate sources and cites them correctly Uses a minimum of three scholarly sources and cites them within the paper using MLA or APA style. 0 6 8 10
Class Presentation Presents the topic using engaging visuals, appropriate musical examples, and relevant information. 0 6 8 10




Research paper topic or main Idea: How did classic rock influence a generation of people. Looking at the sex drugs and rock and roll mantra and how events such as Woodstock played a part in shaping young adults.


Genre: Classic Rock




Here is an outline of the research paper:


Paragraph 1)


The main purpose of this paper is___________

Clearly identifies main issue(s), problem(s), or intention(s)

What am I trying to accomplish?  What is my central aim?  What is my purpose?


Paragraph 2)


Investigates point(s) of view and assumptions.


Paragraph 3)


Supports purpose with relevant, sufficient evidence and defines/supports concepts of purpose.


Paragraph 4)


Analyses the consequences and implications of reasoning.


Paragraph 5)


Addresses core value(s) of integrity, personal development, and/or excellence specifically and

demonstrates their relevance.


Paragraph 6) – closing paragraph


States the various options of decision making and chooses a solution.  This is the conclusion to your paper where you sum up your own decision on a possible solution to your purpose based on your research.

















_____Am I able to find at least three scholarly articles about my topic?

_____Do my six chosen songs for my playlist have lyrics that support the purpose and body of my paper?

My six songs are:







_____Do I quote lyrics that support my statements and critical thinking elements?

_____How can I make the purpose of my paper a topic of discussion and deep thought?

Ex.  Lyrics from the songs of the 80’s are degrading to women…….the playlist

would contain songs with suggestive lyrics, etc.


Are lyrics from the genre _____a bad/good influence on teensculture/race/gender?  What six songs

support this in the lyrics?

_____What are my three scholarly articles that contain research that also supports my topic?

Examples of scholarly articles are credible resources that end with either .gov or .edu, etc. and have

dates, quite often reviewed by peers and have been thoroughly examined to determine the outcome of

the subject.  Wikipedia is not a credible source and should not be used.

_____Have I narrowed my topic down to be able to include everything in 4-6 page.

One good source is ask a librarian.  You ask a question and within a day she/he sends you a

wealth of sources you can choose as your three scholarly articles.

Western Civilization

Write a 2 – 3-page, double-spaced paper on the subject you pick from the list below. It is due on September 23 by 9:00. Late papers will lose 50%. I will not accept any paper more than 24 hours old. Please provide your references in APA style. Do not use Wikipedia, and you should use at least two references. This paper needs to be submitted through Safe Assignment. The paper should be 12 point Times New Roman with one inch margins. The closer you get to 3 pages of solid work the higher your grade will be on this paper. If you at 2 pages you will not earn a high grade, and less than 2 pages you will be in danger of flunking this assignment. After you turn in your paper into Safe Assignment if your originality score is higher than 75% there will be an adverse effect on your grade. The originality score is a score that shows me how much your paper is copied from another source. I also reserve the right to make you do your paper over if the score is too high.
To figure out APA do not hesitate to look at the Library Research link.
Pick one of the following topics:
Alexander the Great
The Pyramids
The Torah

Honesty: Ethical Marketing Techniques/ Lying About Products and Services.

select an approved topic  and prepare an eight page research paper (not counting cover sheet and bibliography). The research paper should contain a major premise that is supported by evidence and contain all of the essential elements of critical thinking. I am interested in what you think not your ability to cut and paste from sources as reported by Turnitin. All sources must be properly cited using MLA formatting. You will need to prepare a first draft for submission and grading and a final draft. You will receive feedback on both your drafts of your paper. You must uses a minimum of ten sources, two of which must be Biblical or spiritual based texts or commentary.

Your Bibliography should contain a 10 credible academic sources you have selected from your research to base your paper. Two of these sources should be in support of a biblical foundation for your premise. Each source should be listed and at least a one paragraph description of the content and how you will use it. Use the Bible and a book from Ellen White as the two biblical sources.



An ‘A’ paper demonstrates an excellent understanding of the material and contextualizes it well.
The introduction draws the reader in while clearly and appropriately framing the essay as a
The author shows facility in the handling of ideas, theories, concepts and data and
communicates his or her argument clearly and effectively. The author shows insight and
perceptiveness, a well-developed critical faculty and good judgment. An ‘A’ paper reflects
extensive and relevant reading, perhaps including articles or books beyond those assigned by the
professor, and an excellent comprehension of the arguments presented in those readings. At the
same time, though, an ‘A’ paper goes beyond summarizing other authors to make a fresh and
original, unusual or substantial contribution to the debate.
The ‘A’ paper is lively, well paced, and interesting. It is tightly and appropriately structured with
everything in it seeming to fit the thesis exactly. There are no irrelevant examples, unfinished
thoughts or unsubstantiated statements. Examples are clearly described and shown to relate to the
author’s argument. The conclusion summarizes the overall argument, ties together the threads of the
argument, and leaves no question as to what the writer wants the reader to think or learn from
reading the paper. An ‘A’ paper is well-structured and well-written with no grammatical or technical
mistakes in the text or in the bibliography. The essay convinces the reader that the writer cares for
his or her ideas and about the language that expresses them. It demonstrates excellent work in all
relevant respects, with no major weaknesses.

Evaluate the corporate governance structures and mechanisms in place for your chosen listed company as disclosed in the company’s most recent annual report.

Question 1 (10 marks)

Evaluate the corporate governance structures and mechanisms in place for your chosen listed company as disclosed in the company’s most recent annual report.

Ensure that you:
(i) Analyse the strengths of the structures and mechanisms;
(ii) Identify any weaknesses in governance; and
(iii) Comment on the extent of compliance with the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations with 2014 amendments.

Question 2 (10 marks)

Examine the most recent sustainability report from your chosen company.

Describe and evaluate the following elements in this report:
(i) Evidence that sustainability is a critical part of the company’s mission, and motivations for issuing a sustainability report.
(ii) The scope of the sustainability report.
(iii) Attempts to address the GRI content and quality principles, if applicable.
(iv) Key achievements in sustainability initiatives.
(v) Main findings in the assurance or review of the sustainability report by external committees, accounting firms or consultants.
(vi) Conclude with an overall evaluation of the report.

you will be searching secondary data sets for specific information, as well as looking for items of interest to you. This assignment is formatted for you to submit your answers to each question.

you will be searching secondary data sets for specific information, as well as looking for items of interest to you. This assignment is formatted for you to submit your answers to each question.

Question 1 5pts
Use the interactive map at to find something interesting. What did you find?

Question 2 5pts
Where does Columbus, Ohio rank in terms of population in the United States? Use the data from

Question 3 5pts
Look through
What is the percent of children (ages 0-17) living below the poverty line?

Question 4 5pts
Still on what else did you find that was interesting?
Question 5 5pts
Go to and search for a health topic of interest to you. What information is available on that topic? Dig down and see what you can find.
Question 6 1 pts
Keep looking through What ODH program were you surprised to find? Why?
Question 7 1 pts
Find a job at ODH Are you qualified?
Question 8 1 pts
Go to
In fall of 2015, what percentage of college undergraduate students reported no moderate-intensity exercise during the prior seven days?

Question 9 5pts
What is one other cool thing that you found on
Question 10 12 pts
For this one, find a website with secondary data that is of interest to you. Include the URL, and tell me why this information caught your attention.

write a paper that shows your plan for managing this change. You must use Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Change, and you must address each of the 8 steps in your paper.

You are the floor supervisor for the day shift at Stanley Sprocket Co. Your manager, Mr. Smith, has decided that employees of Stanley Sprocket Co. will switch from working five 8-hour days to four 10-hour days and has tasked you with managing the change and “selling” it to the people on your shift. You know that some people will be very happy with the change and others will not.

Using Microsoft Word, write a paper that shows your plan for managing this change. You must use Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Change, and you must address each of the 8 steps in your paper. For some steps you may need to make-up names of coworkers or other details about the company, use your imagination for these details. It is more important that you understand how each step is applied than that the figures, names, etc. are realistic.

Submission Format

Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title. Any sources used should be properly cited in MLA format.


The 8-Step Process for Leading Change