select, one technology system to evaluate. The technology system has to be useful an aspect of nursing task or role.

select, one technology system to evaluate. The technology system has to be useful an aspect of nursing task or role. The evaluation must have a cover sheet and be at least 4 pages in length and in APA format. No abstract is needed. A reference page is required. Evaluation questions for computer programs are 1 through 4.

1. Describe a technology that facilitate clinical care of interest.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the selected technology?

3. What challenges do you foresee in implementing this technology?

4. How would you evaluate the use of this technology?

RUBRIC: Technology Proposal: (30% of course grade)

1. (2%) Introduction
2. (5%) Describe a technology that facilitate clinical care of interest.
3. (5%) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the selected technology?
4. (5%) What challenges do you foresee in implementing this technology?
5. (5%) How would you evaluate the use of this technology?
6. (3%) Conclusion
7. (5%) Support your views with at least three current, peer-reviewed articles within the last five years. Full APA format. Minimal of 4 pages (does not include title/reference page).

Pick a product and/or service that is somewhat mediocre, but has an amazing marketing presence. Do research on that product, the company that makes or provide the service. Share any valuable information you can about how they discovered, developed, and launched their product/service. What has been most successful for them and why do you think the public loves it so much? Why do you think others dislike it so much?

Include the following in your draft:

Cover Page
Introduction to paper
Outline the remaining parts (titles and subtitles, content if you have some)
Don’t forget the format criteria.

Directions for the research paper include:

Pick a product and/or service that is somewhat mediocre, but has an amazing marketing presence. Do research on that product, the company that makes or provide the service. Share any valuable information you can about how they discovered, developed, and launched their product/service. What has been most successful for them and why do you think the public loves it so much? Why do you think others dislike it so much?

In 5 to 7 pages, be sure to use APA format, Times Roman, 12 pt font. (do not forget the cover page) Give clear and concise details, but please do not put alot of ‘FLUFF’. Be sure to properly cite your sources within the paper, as well as provide a reference page. Include your methodology: how did you go about finding the information?

Situation Analysis Paper: Duluth Trading

Detailed Instructions for Preparing your Situation Analysis Paper

Open the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) sample paper in APA style,

The sample paper not only shows the proper formatting but it also describes each style element. This should help you in learning and remembering the style.

Guidelines for using the sample paper as a reference:
1. A cover page is required. You do not have to include an author note. The cover page in the sample paper explains the “running head” and how it is used. On the cover, the phrase “Running head” precedes the name of your paper, which is in all caps. On the second and remaining pages only the name of your paper is required in the header. (You may want to contact the Writing Lab for instructions on how to do this formatting.)
2. The first-level headings are centered and bolded. Your first heading following the title of your paper will be “Introduction.” First-level headings separate main sections of the paper. Second- through fifth-level headings organize the detail in each main section. This structure is similar to creating an outline for your paper. This link will open the APA heading format page on the Purdue OWL site:
3. Notice that the page number is in the upper right corner of each page, including the cover. (The number on each page should be aligned with the page 1 placement.)

Structure of your Situation Analysis Paper
Cover page formatted per page 1 of the sample paper. Enter the date you are handing in your paper under “Metro State University”. Your paper does not require an Author Note.
Page 2 formatted per Page 3 in the sample paper as follows:

The title of your paper: Situation Analysis of <the company you are writing about> (centered)

Introduction (heading centered)

Sections of the paper
Introduction (no more than one-half page)
Company Description APA format Level 1 headings
Strategic Focus and Plan
Level 2 headings Goals
Core Competency (What does this company do better than its competitors?) and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (How can they remain competitive?)
Situation Analysis Level 1
SWOT Analysis (including table)
Industry Analysis
Competitor Analysis Level 2
Company Analysis
Customer Analysis
Level 1 Recommendations
Summary – no more than one-half page.
References – separate page (see page 9 of the Purdue sample paper for proper formatting of the References page).

A. Imagine yourself as the judge presiding over this case. Clearly and accurately evaluate the constitutional parameters that emerged from the Miranda decision. How has this case influenced the practice of law enforcement? B. Describe your ruling for the bank robbery case, citing the Miranda case. How did Miranda influence your decision‐making process?

A uniformed police officer is dispatched to a bank robbery. Upon arrival, John Smith is already under arrest by the detectives for committing the robbery and shooting the guard. He is placed in the back of the officer’s cruiser. During the drive back to the station, Smith yells out, “I am so sorry I shot him!” One month later, the officer is called to testify about Smith’s statement. Smith’s defense attorney argues that the officer failed to read him his Miranda rights.
Consider if his statements are admissible given the fact he was not read his Miranda Rights prior to making them.
A. Imagine yourself as the judge presiding over this case. Clearly and accurately evaluate the constitutional parameters that emerged from the Miranda decision. How has this case influenced the practice of law enforcement?
B. Describe your ruling for the bank robbery case, citing the Miranda case. How did Miranda influence your decision‐making process?

Identify three main concepts, themes or ideas coming out of the book that inform you of what it might have been like for your family or others in their migration experience. These concepts should be connected to the course content, although there may be a new idea or theme that is equally important that you would like to acknowledge.

For this assignment you will select a book (either fiction or nonfiction but preferably a life story rather than facts) that you believe will inform you in some way of the experience your family (or others) had in their migration, and what you will explore in your migration snapshot assignment. You may wish to select a book based on nationality, although other cultural characteristics might also be considered.  A search for “books on (Irish) immigration” usually yields a good selection.


Please provide 5-7 double spaced pages (12 pt font) and a proper reference for the book. You will be graded on your ability to connect themes and ideas from the course from the book, and identify how it might inform your own migration and/or your migration snapshot assignment.


First, provide a brief summary of the book (in your own words).  This should be no more than one page.


Continue with a 3-2-1 format for this book review…


  1. Identify three main concepts, themes or ideas coming out of the book that inform you of what it might have been like for your family or others in their migration experience. These concepts should be connected to the course content, although there may be a new idea or theme that is equally important that you would like to acknowledge.


  1. Identify two ideas or experiences that struck you as you read the book (positive or negative). What troubled or enlightened you about the experiences portrayed, or how the author captured this experience? What did you personally find challenging or liberating as you read?  Was there content that you found upsetting or enlightening?  Identify these and explain, connecting these ideas and experiences to the course content wherever possible.


  1. Identify one question that the book brings to mind with regard to your migration snapshot.


Also include a statement about the critical value of the book to the course.  Is this a book you would to other students?  Does it illuminate the migration experience in a meaningful way?  Does it “bring home” for you the physically and emotionally challenging nature of migration?  Does it support the concepts that we cover in the course. Did you enjoy it?


Please see examples from  for  inspiration.


Contact with any questions.


A 14 Years old boy, he presents to us with history of gradual low vision since 2 years. It is associated with itching, photosensitivity and difficulty in breathing. He denies any eye problem when he was young. He had previous history of hydrocephalus that was treated with VP shunt at age of 4 months. There is no history of bone fracture, deafness, dental abnormality or any significant family history. general examination reveals facial asymmetry, skin elastic and joint hypermobile.

Key words that will help writing introduction
Talk about these three diseases and link them together

1. Megacornea
2. Keratoglobus
3. Heart disease (pulmonary artery stenosis)
(please use the articles that I have attached as a reference) I need you to use 2 of them only, choose what it is good for the introduction. thank you
Nothing to do with the case presentation, it is here just to be familiar with the topic

case presentation
A 14 Years old boy, he presents to us with history of gradual low vision since 2 years. It is associated with itching, photosensitivity and difficulty in breathing. He denies any eye problem when he was young. He had previous history of hydrocephalus that was treated with VP shunt at age of 4 months. There is no history of bone fracture, deafness, dental abnormality or any significant family history. general examination reveals facial asymmetry, skin elastic and joint hypermobile. on ophthalmic examination, limitation of upward movement OD OU ??, keratoglobus with very thin inferior cornea, megalocornea (corneal diameter OD with caliper 15.5 OS 13.5), Sclera normal OU not blue lens clear and central OU Axial length OU . Anterior chamber quite OU, IOP normal OU. OU lens clear and discs show deep cup (large discs) but heathy rim. No RD IMP: keratoglobus but flatter ks. B scan OU flat with posterior staphyloma. no orbital pathology photo.
cardiac evaluation reveal left pulmonary artery stenosis
Sph cyl axis VA-Dt
OD -2.00 -4.25 20 20/60
OS -2.25 -2.00 170 20/40

Wearing glasses 3 year
Tall high but k/o joint, bone or skin problems

Megalophthalmus ehlar danlos ? suggest get a referral from
His local hospital to a big hospital for cardiac and orthopedic appointment
Protective glasses lubs r 3m

Using the examples of two Stephen Jay Gould’s essays and your own experience, write an essay about why it is important to value diversity both in society and in the natural world.

Using the examples of two Stephen Jay Gould’s essays and your own experience, write an essay about why it is important to value diversity both in society and in the natural world. Your essay must summarize two different Stephen Jay Gould’s essays and tell a story from your own life. You should also include your general comments and opinions on the subject.
There are two key concepts from rhetoric and argumentation for this essay. The first is to develop your argument in a dialogue with counterarguments, what we’ve called “denying the contrary” in class. Try, in other words, to begin your arguments and interpretations by refuting the opposing point of view. The second key concept is using extreme or odd examples to illustrate an argument. Gould is a good model for this. You should try to think of an unusual and unique example of diversity in your own life that you can use for your essay.
The in-class reflective writing we will do should provide a basis for your essay’s narrative and structure. Further research will corroborate and refine your thinking about the subject. We will discuss and perform research in class.

You are required to supply OW with a solution which addresses the integration and configuration of their Active Directory updates.  Cost is not a significant concern – OW wishes to implement the “right” solution to address their acquisition of a new company and its Active Directory forest which is comprised of a single domain.  More specifically, OW is based out of Houston, TX and they have a Windows Server 2016 domain that is operating at the Windows Server 2016 functional level.  They recently acquired Media Guru Group which is based out of Richmond, VA, which has a domain running Windows Server 2012 domain controllers.

create a detailed, organized, unified technical solution given the scenario described below. The submission will be in a written format, with at least one diagram, and may include additional diagrams, charts or tables. The assignment is meant for students to enhance their mastery of the material and to provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge from this course.



Opening Windows. (referred to as “OW”) has hired you as an IT consultant for their Windows network services infrastructure. OW is a new advertising firm, and they have hired staff, are established in two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT services configured. They have an IT staff, but they do not have the in-house expertise to address their current infrastructure needs.


You are required to supply OW with a solution which addresses the integration and configuration of their Active Directory updates.  Cost is not a significant concern – OW wishes to implement the “right” solution to address their acquisition of a new company and its Active Directory forest which is comprised of a single domain.  More specifically, OW is based out of Houston, TX and they have a Windows Server 2016 domain that is operating at the Windows Server 2016 functional level.  They recently acquired Media Guru Group which is based out of Richmond, VA, which has a domain running Windows Server 2012 domain controllers.


There are several details about OW which will have an impact on your proposal:

  • OW has restructured their organization they have a total of 110 employees in their Houston and Richmond sites. Each location the following departments:
  • OW will have two sites, one in Houston, TX, and one in Richmond, VA.
  • Executives (9 total with 5 in Houston, 4 in Richmond) – manage and run the company
  • Accounts and Sales Department (30 employees with 15 in Houston and 15 in Richmond) – perform market research and maintain accounts
  • Creative, Media and Production Department (49 employees in Houston) – advertising
  • Human Resources and Finances (12 employees in Houston) – perform HR and financial duties
  • IT (10 employees with 5 in Houston and 5 in Richmond) – manage IT for the company
  • Networking equipment is already in place for both sites, which are separate Active Directory Domains.
  • Security mechanisms (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection) will be handled separately, and there is no need to describe them.
  • Some departments will want their data to remain private from other departments (e.g., Finances personnel will not want Production staff to see the company’s financial details). Your team may make assumptions about how data should be shared or kept private.
  • Assumptions can be made regarding any information not included here; all assumptions should be identified, however.



Assignment Requirements

There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 8 pages’ worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 12 pages’ worth of student-supplied text. (With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up being more than 12 pages in length.) It must be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required.

  • At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the minimum length described above); this could be a diagram describing Active Directory components, DHCP/DNS design, or anything else that is worth displaying graphically to enhance the reader’s understanding of the proposal. Additional diagrams, images, or tables are welcome.
  • The submission must cover all of the major topics outlined in the Topics to Cover section. Each choice should be explained with technical and business reasoning. The solution should be reasonably detailed. Additional topics may be covered as desired.
  • The structure of the final submission is flexible; however, it should be organized logically and represent a single, unified solution. It is likely that the format will include separate sections for each of the topics required, as well as a summary.
  • At least two non-textbook, non-LabSim, non-Wikipedia reference is required; preferably, this would be a “best practice” guide or sOWlar content from Microsoft or an experienced provider of Microsoft solutions.
  • Be sure to properly quote or cite any sources used. APA format is required for in-text citations and the list of works cited at the end. It is expected that you are already familiar with UMUC’s “Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.” It is available in the Academic Policies section of the Syllabus; there are also links in the Webliography. In its simplest form, if you are using text from a source, you must cite and/or quote it. If plagiarism is found, then there will be a penalty to the grade.


Topics to Cover

Your document should cover the content presented in the course. The outline below contains recommended points to cover. You are free to add other related information.


Describe the technical and business reasons for each choice, citing other resources as appropriate.  The Windows Server 2016 operating system should be used for all aspects of the solution.


The topics include:

Active Directory Infrastructure

  • Describe features of Windows Server 2016 that will allow OW to integrate the newly acquired company’s domain into their existing forest.
  • How will Forest Functional Levels be implemented?
  • How will cross-forest trusts be implemented?
  • How will replication be handled?

Research Paper: One of the primary assessments for this course are two Research Papers. They must be 3-5 pages long and in 12 point Times New Roman with double-spacing. The topic of this research paper is Xenophon’s Anabasis. Xenophon’s text can be found in toto in the following places:

Research Paper: One of the primary assessments for this course are two Research Papers. They must be 3-5 pages long and in 12 point Times New Roman with double-spacing. The topic of this research paper is Xenophon’s Anabasis. Xenophon’s text can be found in toto in the following places:



Your research paper must be your own work. Review the Dean’s policy on Academic Dishonesty found here: (


1. Read at least 3 books of Xenophon’s Anabasis

Format and Grading Criteria: Your paper should contain these parts:

Format (5 points): Your research paper must be 3-5 pages long (you can exceed the 5-page limit) and in 12 point Times New Roman with double-spacing with pagination.

An Informative title and title page (10 points): Your title should be short, sweet, and informative and your title page should include your title, your name, course and section, date, and my name.

Introduction (35 points): Your introductory material should set up the topic for your audience (me). Briefly summarize your topic to orient your reader. Your thesis statement should come at the end of your introduction. State your thesis in the form of a sentence or two. It should not be in the form of a question. Your thesis should be a brief statement, in your own words, that highlights the major issues about this topic that you discovered in your research. If you cannot articulate in a sentence or two what your main point is then you will not have a good idea of what you will be writing about.

Body of Paper (45 points): In the first paragraphs of this section describe Xenophon and summarize the content of the books you chose to read.

Interpretation (35 points): Using the content from the above section, comment upon an interesting theme or event you read about. Analyze this theme or event using your knowledge of the period and book. Be creative here. Could this event or theme have taken place? What’s the point? Why is it interesting to you? You have creative freedom here.

Conclusion (10 points): Your conclusion should make some “wrap up” statements about what you learned about this topic and the possible impact of your findings on people and perhaps society in general. Also, address any issues that may still not be resolved. Do not be reluctant to address any issues that are not easily resolved or have negative or ambiguous outcomes. I am not necessarily looking for a neatly wrapped up conclusion with no loose ends. I am looking for a conscientious, thoughtful look at some topic in your field, sharing of the major significance of this issue, and any unanswered questions, if any, you are still dealing with.

Personal Reflection (10 points) (DOES NOT contribute towards the overall page count): Each author is responsible for providing a personal source assessment. These will be individual to each author and consist of at least 1 paragraph. The personal reflection will comment on The Anabasis as a historical source. Issues to be address may include: Is this a primary or secondary source? What are the author’s sources? What is its historical value? Is this an accurate portrayal of ancient Greece and Persia?


Audience: Your paper should be understood by a broader audience than scholars in your field. Assume I know nothing. You will have to explain concepts and not expect your audience to understand in-house jargon.

I prefer the APA (American Psychological Association) style. You can find a simplified version here: If you want to use another one, this is fine…just be consistent.

Length - 3 to 5 double spaced pages of text (not including graphics, cover page, appendices, or reference page). Six “rambling” pages are not better than 3 clear, fully developed pages.
Margins – 1 inch top, bottom, left, right

Pagination: Put page numbers in top right hand corner of each page, including the cover page. Also include your last name and abbreviated title: Smith – Internet 2

Use parenthetical citations (citation information in text between parenthesis) for information that is someone’s opinion and is not common knowledge. Give parenthetical citation information for quotations and paraphrases. Include page number for direct quotes. APA requires the date be included in in-text citations:
As Smith (1993) stated, “magazines for the general public generally have less reliable evidence than scholarly or professional journals” (p. 2).


As Smith said, “magazines for the general public generally have less reliable information than scholarly or professional journals” (1993, p. 2).

Paraphrased version: Magazines written for a lay audience tend to have less objective information than that found in scholarly publications (Smith, 1993). NOTE: There are no quotation marks or page number for a paraphrase. Paraphrasing means restating in your own words the original author’s EXACT meaning - not just rearranging words in the author’s original text. You can embed a short quote of a key phrase in paraphrased material and give the page number of the quote.

Use quotes judiciously. Use them only when paraphrasing will make the statement unclear or a kernel of an idea is so perfectly stated that trying to paraphrase in your own words will ruin the impact of the statement.

While watching Mr. Crumpton’s speech and the questions he answered afterwards, I really felt that I was observing someone who had accomplished monstrously large tasks all in the employment of the United State government. I thought that his experience recruiting sources provides two key aspects sources in relation to Human Intelligence (HUMINT). The first being what information can the source provide?

Review the video on Crumpton. Read your classmates response and acknowledge if you agree with their view or not. Tell why you agree or don’t agree with them.

Classmate Discussion 1 (JF)
While watching Mr. Crumpton’s speech and the questions he answered afterwards, I really felt that I was observing someone who had accomplished monstrously large tasks all in the employment of the United State government. I thought that his experience recruiting sources provides two key aspects sources in relation to Human Intelligence (HUMINT). The first being what information can the source provide? Mr. Crumpton said a source must provide information that is “…true, relevant, relevant, and actionable. That’s what intelligence is.” (Crumpton, 2012). Every facet that he described contributes to what can possibly drive future strategies as well as operations. In my opinion the most important aspect of information from a source would be actionable. Mr. Crompton even expressed, what I perceived to be, frustration when General Franks informed him that it would not be possible to send forces in to the mountains of Tora Bora. While the in reality the failure lies on the military, I feel that the HUMINT provided was valuable because it was actionable to have possibly accomplished a task.
The other aspect that Mr. Crumpton discussed was the morality of espionage. While it is established that espionage is illegal in all countries, I thought it was interesting to focus on what could be a challenge when recruiting a source (Clark, 2014, p. 51). Mr. Crumpton says that “…if we do not have human sources then we are not serving our nation; and that requires some judgements, not just operationally, but morally.” (Crumpton, 2012). I struggle to imagine how difficult it must be to find a person who might be willing to risk their life for the benefit of another country, or possibly only for personal financial gain (Clark, 2014, p. 53).

Classmate Discussion 2 (JT)

One point that I found particularly salient while watching Mr. Crumpton speak was when he said, “The lifeblood of espionage is the recruitment of human sources.” I definitely agree with this statement. Time and time again in our readings the point has been hammered home that a source must be reliable and credible. Flimsy sources lead to flimsy intelligence. When defining source credibility recruiters are the first line of defense. Ultimately it is up to them to find good, credible candidates who are willing to spy, have reasonable access to the information that is sought after, are trusted by their peers, and can handle the psychological toll that espionage can take on a person (Clark, 2014). Unlike other sources of intelligence where a source is readily available, like Imagery Intelligence (IMGINT) or Communication Intelligence (COMINT), the sources used in Human Intelligence (HUMINT) must be spotted, assessed, recruited, and vetted (Clark, 2014). Understandably, finding a good source and developing a working relationship with that source can take a considerable amount of time and resources, but once one is found the information that they provide can be invaluable. For example, during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy was provided intelligence by a Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB that the nuclear arsenal held by the Soviet Union was much smaller than originally believed. With this valuable intelligence President Kennedy was able to make his foreign policy more aggressive, ending in the naval quarantine of Cuba (Clark, 2014). No other form of intelligence (especially during this time period) could have provided this kind of information to the Intelligence Community (IC).

Classmate Discussion 3 (KF)
The first point that struck me was that Mr. Crumpton only wound up in the position he did and was able to have as much of an impact on the ground in Afghanistan as he did was his tenacity in championing a point of view that at the time wasn’t necessarily popular. Prior to entering Afghanistan, during his two years working at the Counter Terrorism Center he advocated having a stronger collection activity, more covert action, and greater overt military presence. This wasn’t a “hunch” or a “gut feeling”, this was the application of almost two decades of experience to a developing situation. He not only stuck to his guns, but put in the work, research, and analysis so that when the time came he was prepared to do the work. His response was “I’m ready”, not “I told you so.”
The second thing that struck me was his candor when speaking about spy recruitment. The moniker “spy” is colloquially applied to a broad spectrum of personnel across the IC, but when used in its truest sense, our spies are the foreign nationals that for whatever reason have decided to put everything on the line to offer us timely actionable intelligence. Basically, clandestine collection involves case officers (who are employees of a clandestine service) conducting espionage by recruiting and running agents (who are not employees). (Clark, 2014). It’s hard for us to imagine the duress it might take to turn on one’s lifelong allegiances, harder still to imagine recruiting someone else to do so. To put it in perspective, I imagine it going the other direction. Remember, to us criminals like Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen were traitors, but to the KGB and the like they were valuable, cultivated HUMINT assets.
The effort it must take to bridge cultural, lingual, and ideological boundaries in order to align another person or group to one’s own goals must be all encompassing. The ethics must be over-arching. The relationships Mr. Crumpton built with his Afghani counterparts were built on a type of trust that can’t be bought. It was built on following through on promises to give timely, relevant, actionable assistance that in turn garnered timely, relevant, actionable intelligence and cooperation.